Read Blindfold Vol. 5 Page 14

  Relief passed over Cade's face and then he continued his story. “Sammy started getting worked up, so I told him to sit down, that we should have a drink together. I poured us both a drink and then went to the bathroom. When I came back out, he was calmer and I thought things were better.”

  I looked down at my hand. The glass I'd cut my hand on, it had been from a broken glass, something with liquid in it. I had a bad feeling that I knew where this was going.

  “We drank together and then Sammy leaned over. He tried to kiss me. I told him 'no,' but it came out garbled. He said it was okay, that it didn't matter anymore. That we'd be together forever soon enough. Things got really hazy after that. I remember sitting down on the bed. Feeling Sammy sitting behind me. Then...nothing until I woke up here and saw you sleeping.”

  I stood, considered it for a moment, then climbed onto the bed. The nurses would probably have a fit when they came in shortly, but I didn't care. Cade wrapped his arms around me as I curled against him. I rested my head on his chest as my fingers traced patterns over his flat stomach.

  “I am so sorry I put you through that,” he said. He kissed the top of my head.

  “Promise me that you'll never scare me like that again.” I squeezed him.

  “I promise.” He ran his fingers through my hair. “There is one upside to all of this.”

  I looked up at him, confused. What the hell kind of good could come out of all this shit? We hadn't needed this to confess our feelings for each other.

  He smiled at me and traced my lips with the tip of his finger. “Since Sammy destroyed all of those pictures, I get to convince you to pose for me again.”

  I started to roll my eyes, but his mouth came down on mine and I forgot about everything but kissing him.

  Until the nurses came in.

  Chapter 9

  The weather was warm for the middle of May, but I didn't mind. In fact, I was glad that it was warm. It gave me the chance to wear the dress I'd picked out especially for this occasion. It was just the right combination of sexy and appropriate for this kind of event. A deep, rich purple, it showed off cleavage and leg both, getting me admiring looks from men and jealous ones from women. But I didn't care about how everyone else looked at me. There was only one set of eyes I cared about and those were currently looking at me with enough heat to make my panties wet.

  Or would have if I'd been wearing any.

  “What are you thinking?” Cade's voice was low in my ear and a shiver of pleasure went down my spine.

  I smiled over my shoulder at him and pitched my voice at the same volume as his. “I'm thinking how much fun it's going to be to watch you squirm all night.”

  “Oh really?” He raised an eyebrow. His gaze ran over my body. “That dress is amazing, but I think I have more self-control than that.”

  “It's not the dress,” I said softly. “It's what's under it.”

  “And what's that?”

  I took a step towards the gallery door, then looked over my shoulder at him. “Nothing.”


  I chuckled and walked through the double doors into the large, airy space where the exhibit was showing off the city's newest talent.

  An arm slid around my waist, pulling me back against a hard body. “That was naughty.” Cade's voice was rough. “I should punish you.”

  “I'll hold you to that later,” I replied. “For right now, let's just enjoy the show.” Cade made a sound that was suspiciously like a growl and my stomach twisted. I twisted out of his embrace, knowing I wouldn't be able to control myself much longer unless I moved. I reached over and took his hand. I threaded my fingers through his. “Show me my photos.”

  It had taken me weeks to convince Cade to talk to his art gallery owner friend about perhaps taking on a couple portraits. When he'd shown his friend his work, the response had been even better than I'd hoped. Cade had gotten his own show.

  It had taken him almost two months to convince me to pose again. I had no problem posing for Cade. The idea of him photographing me in erotic positions or while we were making love turned me on, but I hadn't been sure I was ready for others to see me like that. But, Cade had been very persuasive and the evidence of that was being displayed at the back of the gallery.

  The front was all paintings since those could be seen through the front windows, but once we made our rounds and greeted those admiring the work there, we stepped around a divide and I saw myself from all angles.

  The photographs were all black and white, though highlights of color had been applied in various places. In some, the elaborate mask covering my face had been given back its rich red velvet. In others, the crimson lingerie. The only things that were never colored were my hair and eyes. While plenty of women had dark brown hair, my eye color was unique enough to identify me. Somehow, I doubted my school would appreciate the artistic value of one of their teachers posing half-naked. And then, of course, there were the ones where Cade and I were making love. He always took full shots and then cropped down to the elegant lines and curves he wanted to show. Never obscene, but definitely erotic.

  He'd titled the series “The Claiming of Her,” though he assured me that, in his mind, I was the one doing the claiming. I wasn't sure who was more nervous about their first reveal to the public, him or me. Sure, it was my body, but when it came to art, that was a matter of soul.

  Still, my skin flushed as I saw on the walls what I'd only seen before in Cade's studio. I reached up with my free hand to self-consciously pat down the up-do I'd managed to wrangle my curls into. I'd started letting my hair grow out again just before I'd done the photoshoot and it was now long enough now to pull back. I'd originally started growing it because Cade had asked if I would, but I had to admit that it helping to disguise me from the woman in the pictures was an additional benefit.

  “Relax,” he murmured as he squeezed my hand.

  I didn't get a chance to respond as Alejandro, the gallery's owner, approached. He was a handsome older gentleman, probably in his mid-sixties, thought I was too polite to ask. He'd also made no bones about the fact that he found both Cade and I extremely attractive. I'd almost been put off by his open comments when we'd first met, but it hadn't taken long for him to put me at ease, and the flirting was just part of the usual banter now.

  “Bree, darling!” He kissed both my cheeks, letting his hands linger on my shoulders until Cade glared at him. “Cade, darling!” He repeated the embrace. “Have you decided to allow me to paint you?”

  Cade rolled his eyes and I laughed. From the moment we'd met, Alejandro had been trying to convince Cade and I to pose nude for him, a process that they both informed me would result in the three of us sleeping together. We'd declined and he'd respected our decision, but he still liked to tease us with it every once in a while.

  “Looks like a great turn out,” I said as I looked around, trying not to think about what all of the people around me were looking at.

  “It is,” Alejandro said, his dark eyes sparkling. “Everyone has been practically breathless with anticipation over this exhibit.”

  “Only because you promised them the most sensual pieces they'd seen in years,” Cade countered.

  My blush deepened and I hoped Alejandro would mistake it for anything other than what it was. Judging by the way his eyes widened ever so slightly, my wish hadn't been answered. He knew. To my surprise, however, he didn't say anything about it, but continued on as if he hadn't just figured out who Cade's model was.

  “I did,” he admitted. “And these are. Everyone admired your paintings and I've already had offers on three separate pieces.”

  “Really?” Cade sounded completely caught off guard.

  Alejandro smiled. “I told you that you're quite good.”

  “See,” I said. “It's not just me who thinks it.” I wrapped my arm around his waist and he put his arm around my shoulders. I leaned against him, enjoying the solid warmth of his body.

  “As for these,” Alejan
dro continued, gesturing to the pictures all around us. “I've been hearing words like 'alluring,' 'seductive' and even 'captivating' being thrown around.” His eyes sparkled. “And more than one person wondering just who these amazing models could be.”

  Cade stiffened slightly. He'd just realized that Alejandro had figured it out.

  “I tell them that the anonymity is what makes them so wonderfully mysterious.”

  My boyfriend relaxed. “Thank you.”

  Alejandro made a dismissive gesture. “Now, there is someone I need for you to meet. Please come with me.”

  Cade and I followed Alejandro across the space, weaving between the small groups that were forming at each of the photographs. I kept my chin up and a smile on my face, willing myself not to blush as I heard men and women alike complimenting my body.

  “Daniel Rickman.” Alejandro stopped next to a short, stocky man with an expensively tailored suit and rings that were too ostentatious to be anything but real. The man turned towards us. “I'd like you to meet the artist, Cade Shepard, and his girlfriend, Aubree Gamble.”

  “Mr. Rickman,” Cade said as he shook the other man's hand.

  “Daniel, please.” He smiled and then turned to me. “Miss Gamble.”

  “Bree,” I said. His handshake was firm, not too clingy but also not too abrupt. This was a man who spent a lot of time shaking hands.

  “Daniel is an art dealer,” Alejandro explained. “Actually, he's the premiere art dealer for the entire east coast, and one of the most well-known dealers in the entire country.”

  I expected some sort of false modesty from Daniel, but he didn't say a word, just accepted the compliment like a fact and moved on.

  “I've been looking for an exciting new piece to display,” he said. “And I think this is it.” He pointed to the picture in front of us.

  Of all the ones Cade had submitted, this was probably the most risqué. The full series of shots had been of me on my hands and knees, coming while he pulled a string of small metal balls out of my ass. He'd managed to find one where my arm covered my nipple, though the curve of my breast was fully visible. He'd then cropped it so that it showed my face half-turned towards him, pleasure contorting my features, the side of my naked body back to my hip, stopping just before revealing what he'd been doing. What really had completed the shot, however, had been the metal balls lying across my hip, just visible enough that people could guess why I looked like I was enjoying myself. I still remembered how nervous he'd been asking me if he could use the picture in the show. It was the one I'd been the most anxious about too, though now I was glad I'd agreed.

  “This is exquisite,” Daniel said. “The way you captured the desire, the pleasure.” He glanced at Cade. “I must ask. Your models, Alejandro said they aren't professionals?”

  Cade shook his head. “No, they're not.”

  “Are they a couple?” Daniel took a step closer to the photograph, his eyes now fixed on the mask.

  “Why do you ask?”

  I tightened my arm around Cade. His voice sounded a bit sharper than was probably a good idea.

  “Her face. Her eyes. I don't just see lust and desire there. I see love. Either they're a couple or she's an amazing actress who should consider modeling or acting as a profession.” His gaze slid down my body and came to rest on the metal balls.

  “They're a couple,” Cade answered. “Who agreed to allow me to photograph them under the condition of anonymity.”

  Daniel nodded. “Understandable, though a pity. They are both quite beautiful.”

  “I thought so as well.” Cade's voice had returned to its usual charming tone. “After all, it's the artist's job to find the beauty in life.”

  Daniel smiled as he turned back towards us. “I wish to purchase this piece. As I didn't see a listed price, I took the liberty of making an offer.” He held out a folded piece of paper.

  I was still trying to process the fact that a man was trying to purchase a picture of me having an orgasm when Cade opened the paper. I glanced down and my eyes widened. I wasn't stupid. I knew how expensive some art could be, and I had a true appreciation for what Cade could do, both with a brush and with a camera, but I'd never considered the photographs could be sellable art.

  “I would also like to take the entire line on a tour of various galleries across the country,” Daniel continued. “And I've no doubt that you'll receive many more offers like this one to purchase other pieces. For a modest fee, I would be happy to broker such deals and arrange for deliveries once the tour is completed.”

  “I...” Cade was speechless.

  “How very generous and unexpected,” I quickly said. “Cade will, of course, need to speak with the models and get their consent for further release of the photographs since he'd originally intended them to be local only.”

  “Of course,” Daniel said. “Here's my card.” He held out a business card. “I'd love to get an answer tonight, but if it takes some time, that's fine.” He gave another wistful look to the photograph. “Now, if you'll excuse me, I do want to take a look at the other pieces.”

  “There's a particularly moving painting I think you might want to keep in mind for your clients,” Alejandro said. “This way.” He left Cade and I alone. Or at least relatively so.

  Cade glanced around, making sure no one else was in earshot, and then spoke, “I'm not selling it.”

  “Why?” I'd seen the number of zeroes on that offer. We weren't hurting for money since Cade had been able to pay off his debts – including the loft – with money he'd had saved over the years, but in the six months since he'd moved into my apartment, we'd been living off of my salary. It was enough to pay the bills, but there wasn't much leeway. That sale would allow us some breathing room.

  “Why?” He gave me an incredulous look. “I would've thought you'd be agreeing with me. I mean, it's one thing to have these pictures hanging up in a small gallery where I know the owner. Maybe a hundred, two hundred people will see them, but this would be national attention.” He took a step towards me until our bodies were almost touching. “Men all over the country staring at your body. Lusting after you.” His eyes blazed. “Wanting you.”

  A thrill went through me at the possessive note in his voice. I loved when he sounded like that. He wasn't the kind of man who kept me from my friends or told me what to do – well, not unless I wanted him to. No, this was pure alpha male sexuality at its hottest.

  I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair. “It's okay. I love your work and this could do wonders for your career. Could you imagine the kind of exposure this could give you?”

  “I'm thinking more about your exposure,” he said darkly. “I don't care about my career. I'll go get a job working retail or something like that. I just care about you.”

  I put my hand on his chest, sliding just under his tux jacket so I could feel his heart beat. “I don't care who sees the photos. They don't know it's me. Besides.” I flexed my fingers so that my nails dug in a little and he sucked in a breath. “Men can look all they want. Women too. But only you get to touch.”

  He put his hand on my hip and I could feel the desire radiating off of him. “Damn right.”

  A smile made my lips twitch. “If anything, I should protest the fact that just as many men and women will be checking out the sexy man in half of the photos.”

  He grinned and echoed my words. “They can look but they can't touch.”

  “No,” I said. “They can't.” I leaned forward, my heels making it so that I barely had to stretch to brush my lips across hers. “Now, why don't you go catch Daniel and tell him you made a call and your models are more than willing to let you decide what to do with the series.” I glanced around. “I'm going to find Adelle and Mindy. You should mingle.”

  He took a reluctant step back. “All right,” he agreed. “But I'm going to be thinking about how I want to ravish you later.”

  I chuckled as a bolt of arousal went through me. I may not have had panties
to get wet, but that didn't stop anything. I had a feeling I was going to be walking around the rest of the night with the insides of my thighs slick. I needed to find a restroom.

  The mischievous light in Cade's eyes told me that he'd known exactly what his his statement would do to me. I glared at him as he walked away and then turned back around to find either my friends or a bathroom, whichever I happened to see first.

  The rest of the night was a whirlwind of meeting new people and hearing everyone gush over how talented my boyfriend was. I could tell from the looks I received from some of the women that they'd been with Cade, but I wasn't jealous. The past was the past and I didn't care what they thought about me. I knew who I was and who he was. I knew who we were to each other and nothing else mattered.

  Adelle and Mindy were great at fielding questions on how Cade and I met, sticking with the true, albeit sanitized, version where Cade had saved me from a bad date, then fate had brought us together again. Adelle and I had really made an effort over the last few months and it seemed that our friendship was back on track. It wasn't like nothing had happened, but rather that we'd both grown enough to move past it. For Mindy, it had been a bit harder for her to accept that I was in love with a former prostitute. I'd finally reminded her how well I'd reacted when she'd told me she was bisexual and that had been it. Things weren't the way they'd once been, but I was okay with that. I wasn't the same either.

  As the hours slipped away, people began to leave until, finally, my friends said good-night as well and Alejandro told us to go ahead and lock up when we were done. The cleaning staff would come in first thing in the morning. We, he said, should take some time to appreciate the art without anyone else around. When Cade took my hand and we walked through the gallery, I thought that was exactly what we were going to do.

  When we reached the back of the gallery where my photos were, he broke the silence.