Read Blonde Kisses Page 5

  Chapter 5

  On the Beach

  “Wake up, sweetie,” a soft voice calls to me as I begin to open my eyes. I look to see that it's Misty, who lightly nudges my side.

  “Good morning. What time is it?” I ask in a tired voice.

  “Hey there, sleepy head! It’s 8 o'clock in the morning,” she informs me.

  This is far earlier than I normally wake up when I don't have anything particular in mind that I want to do. I smell a sweet scent and can detect that something is cooking downstairs in the kitchen.

  “Mmm… I can tell you’re making breakfast,” I comment.

  “Yep, I’m making pancakes and waffles with syrup. Come have some!”

  “I’ll be down soon. Just give me a few minutes.”

  “Alright, I’m still finishing cooking it anyway,” she replies before walking out the door, which is still open from when she entered the room.

  I take a look out the window over to my left, noting that the sun is shining brightly onto the grass, the sidewalk, and everything around them. After about three minutes, I lift the covers off of myself, get out of bed, and proceed to ready myself. Once I'm done, I go downstairs to join Misty for our morning meal. I don't usually eat anything for breakfast, but I can tell this is certainly not going to be an ordinary day.

  “Hey, you’re just in time!” Misty says when I arrive at the kitchen table and see that there's a place being set for me.

  She puts a plate on my spot of the most delicious-looking pancakes and waffles covered in syrup I've ever seen. We then both sit down, and I take my fork, getting my first pancake onto it.

  “Well, how are they?” Misty asks me shortly after I take a bite of it.

  “These are just as delicious as they look. You did such a good job making them. They're so soft, moist, and sweet,” I compliment her fantastic cooking.

  “Thanks! I'm glad you think so,” she says, smiling at my kind response. “Pancakes have to be one of my favorite breakfast foods. They're the best,” Misty declares when she tries one herself.

  “The waffles are very tasty as well. They’re perfectly crunchy, and the syrup on them just makes it even better,” I comment after trying one of the waffles on my plate shortly after finishing my first pancake.

  Misty then also tries one of her own waffles and agrees that they came out tasting very good. While we're eating, she stares into my eyes, and I stare back into hers; we're talking to each other without any words again. This has definitely got to be the best breakfast I've ever had.

  “I checked the weather this morning, and it says it'll be sunny all day today, so I was thinking… Would you like to go to the beach with me?” Misty suddenly asks in an even more excited voice than usual once we're both nearly finished with our meal.

  “Sure! That sounds like fun actually. I’ve never been to a beach before,” I answer her without needing to think for very long before deciding.

  When we both finish eating, Misty picks up her plate and walks over to me, asking if I'm finished with mine. I tell her that I am indeed done and offer to help out by cleaning it. We go to the kitchen sink to wash them, and she puts the now-clean plates neatly onto the rack next to the sink. Misty then goes back to her room to retrieve a few things.

  “Are you ready? Let’s go!” she says to me energetically when she returns with her purse, a towel, and her bikini.

  I confirm that I have everything I need, so we both head for the door.


  We begin to approach the beach after about a thirty-minute drive. Usually, I'd fall asleep from such a lengthy car ride, especially being that I woke up early today, but of course, talking to Misty is always enough to keep me alert. To our surprise, we find that there aren't as many people here as we expected. We reckon there will be more later on in the day, but there must not be very many now because of how early in the day it still is. We're both fine with that because it means that the two of us, more or less, have the beach to ourselves and can easily relax.

  We park beside a tree, where there's plenty of shade so that the car does not become overly hot when we return. Shortly after I step out into the sunlight, Misty gets out of her car and approaches me as I stand, admiring its rays.

  “You were right. It is really nice outside today.”

  “It really is beautiful out here, isn’t it?” she replies as she gives me a smile that's just as warm as the sun above us. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to change into my bikini,” Misty says when we approach the restrooms after walking for a little bit.

  I can't wait to see what she looks like in that bikini. Although I knew she'd look hot, nothing could've prepared me for how sexy she is when I actually see her come out. The bra and panties are both bright pink and look great together with her narrow waist in the middle. The perfection that is her figure would be difficult to accurately describe with words.

  “Wow, I see you’re a sexy beach-ready babe,” I can't help but say as Misty approaches me.

  “Awww, thanks, hon. You’re too kind.”

  We return briefly to Misty's car so that she can leave her regular clothes there. She puts on a pair of sunglasses, making her look like an exquisite, gorgeous model that I might see on the cover of a magazine, only she isn't exactly like those models—she's so much better.

  Misty takes my hand and holds it in hers when we start walking toward the ocean on the sand. The deep blue and brilliant tan both shimmer in the light, just like Misty’s beautiful blonde hair does. I'm very fortunate to be here and experience this day with her.

  We choose a spot at random that isn't too far from the ocean but far enough that the waves won't disturb us. After we both apply sunscreen, I watch Misty unroll the towel and place it down onto the warm sand below. I join her in lying down on it, and we both enjoy sunbathing in the summer light. Whenever I look over to Misty, I see her lying there, so relaxed in her mesmerizing beauty.

  An idea hits me while I scan the area around us and see the way the rays of sunlight beat down on the sand. I reach over to pick a handful of it up and let it run through my fingers.

  “Hey, we could build a sandcastle,” I suggest, looking over at Misty.

  “That sounds like fun actually! I think I may have some buckets and shovels in my car. I’ll go check and see what I have,” she says before standing up.

  It's not that long of a walk, so there ends up being no issue with returning and getting stuff if needed. When Misty comes back shortly afterward, she's carrying a green plastic bucket with her.

  “I found this bucket, but I haven't got any shovels,” she announces as she approaches, showing me the item she retrieved.

  “That’s alright, since we can just dig with our hands. But if you don’t want to ruin your nails, you can leave the digging to me,” I somewhat subtly compliment her shiny, glittery pink fingernails that have a lovely sparkle in this outdoor light.

  “Nah, it’s alright. I’ll be fine.”

  We relocate ourselves and our things to a spot several feet away, where the sand is moist and thus able to stick together better. Misty then sets the bucket down, and we begin filling it. As we're performing this task, Misty’s hands and mine often touch; I like the sensation of her sand-covered hands touching me as well as the occasional accidental pokes from her fingernails. Once we fill it to the top, I turn the bucket over swiftly and then carefully lift it up to reveal a freshly made, basic sand tower.

  “That's pretty good,” I say, admiring the structure, which is holding its shape nicely.

  “Let’s make another one here right next to it,” Misty suggests, pointing to a spot near the object we just made.

  We repeat this process four times, creating a square, with the upside-down bucket-shaped structures acting as the vertices.

  “Maybe we can carefully make some cylinders on top of these,” I suggest after considering for a moment what we can add next.

  “Yeah, we can try that. Hopefully, the whole thing will still stay up.”
  We make the cylinders short to ensure that they will not collapse and ruin the rest of the sand castle with their added weight. Once that's finished, Misty and I decide to also place a small sphere on top of each of the four cylinders and some more all around the entire structure for further decoration. Using a few sticks, we then carefully carve out some designs into the four main bucket-shaped towers. I like watching the gentle movement of Misty’s hand as she carefully works on those. Now we've finished and are very pleased with what we've made.

  “This came out looking really cool,” I comment as we sit back, admiring the sand castle.

  “That was some great teamwork!” Misty replies as she moves closer to me. A moment later, she asks, “Do you wanna go for a walk now?”

  “Good idea. I need to move around after all that sitting.”

  We stand up, leaving our creation and other things behind for the time being. We probably don't have to worry too much about having our stuff taken or the sand castle being ruined, since there's hardly anyone around. Even though I have my shoes off, I still decide that I'm more comfortable leaving my shirt on the entire time. Misty and I hold hands but don't speak for a few minutes, simply enjoying the sunlight, the cooling breeze, and the view of the ocean that extends out as far as the eye can see. The sounds of seagulls and of tides rolling and tumbling beside us are also very therapeutic.

  “Mmm… I love the salty air; it makes my skin so soft,” Misty breaks the silence.

  “Yeah, I can even detect the saltiness by smell. This is what I like the most about California—the sun and the beaches.”

  I reach out to touch Misty's waist to see just how soft she really is. I gently run my hand along her side, sending shivers of pleasure down her spine. Her skin is incredibly smooth and, indeed, does feel slightly damp to the touch from the moisture content in the air.

  “Ooo!” she moans lightly.

  “You weren’t kidding when you said that you're soft!” I tell her, looking her in the eyes.

  “You’re flattering me, babe!” she replies, giggling.

  She puts her arms around me, kissing me on my cheek. We stare into each other’s eyes for a moment before we continue walking along. After twenty-five minutes, we decide to head back to our previous location.

  “I just remembered that I have a beach ball. Let's play something!” Misty says joyfully as we near our spot.

  I've always thought that beach balls are cool because of just how colorful they are. Whenever I see one, it always reminds me of summer and makes me want to go to the beach or swimming pool. Misty retrieves the deflated ball from her car and comes back, inflating it and tossing it to me. It's very large, so I have to use both of my hands when I catch it and toss it right back to her. We play a little game in which we hit the ball back and forth to each other, seeing how long we're able to keep it up in the air. Not only is it very fun, but it's also perhaps the best exercise I've gotten in a long time, and luckily, it's still early enough in the day that it isn't too hot to prevent any physical activity.

  After a while, we become tired and decide to lie down for a little while to rest before heading out and going back to Misty's place. It's the middle of the afternoon when we leave, and right before we do, we decide to knock down our sandcastle just for fun, since someone or something else is going to eventually anyway. When we arrive at her house, we both plop down onto the beige couch together and reminisce about our exciting day.

  “That was so much fun! I’m really glad we went to the beach today,” Misty says to me.

  “I really enjoyed myself too. That was definitely something special,” I reply.

  “Do you wanna go out somewhere for dinner tonight?” she turns to me and asks a few minutes later.

  She twirls a few strands of her hair in her fingers, staring at me with her lovely dark-brown eyes as she awaits my response.

  “Hmmm… I would like to go to a restaurant, but I get nervous eating around other people,” I tell her anxiously, looking down to the floor.

  “Awww,” Misty says, comforting me by rubbing my back with circular motions. “Well, if you come with me, I’ll make sure that we sit in a quiet corner, where no one will bother us,” she reassures me.

  “Alright, I guess I'll do it. I should probably learn not to be scared of eating out anyway,” I reply, unable to resist the gentle, soothing motion of her hand on my back. “That feels really good—the way you’re rubbing my back like that,” I add.

  “I’m glad you like it. You’ve earned it for spending so much time with me today.”

  She makes me so relaxed that I realize I'm getting a little bit drowsy. It must be a combination of waking up earlier than I'm used to, the activity at the beach, and Misty’s relaxing back massage.

  “I’m a little bit sleepy now actually. I think I should take a nap and then you can wake me up so we can go to dinner,” I suggest.

  And with that, I enter the guest bedroom, which is beginning to feel almost like my own room, and lie down. Shortly after closing my eyes, Misty surprises me by sitting down next to me on the bed and gently rubbing my back again to relax me, helping me fall asleep especially comfortably. She now knows how much I like it when she does that.

  “Sleep tight, sweetie,” Misty whispers, leaning over to me and giving me a light kiss on the cheek.

  This is the most wonderful way to fall asleep I could possibly imagine.