Read Blonde Kisses Page 9

  Chapter 9

  High Heels, Jeans, and Simple Things

  Upon waking up, I notice that it's still dark outside. The thunderstorm from last night has largely subsided, but I can hear the tapping of light rain. Misty is still pressed up against me, sleeping soundly. I check my phone to see what time it is, being careful not to wake the angel next to me. As it turns out, it's only 6 AM, so I decide to continue resting for a while longer.

  When I awaken the next time around, it's 8 AM, and Misty is already up and now in the restroom, where she's about to start putting on makeup.

  “Good morning, babe,” she says when she notices that I'm no longer sleeping.

  “Hey, sweet pea. I see you're looking gorgeous, even without any makeup on,” I compliment her whilst leaning myself against the wall next to the bathroom door.

  “Awww, thanks!” she replies. “Oh, hey—my friend Cindy and I are going to Victoria's Secret at the mall. Do you wanna come with us?” Misty offers.

  “With another woman? I'm not so sure about that,” I reply, taking a seat on the edge of the bed that's adjacent to the door.

  “Oh, come on—Cindy is really nice, and I think you two could also be friends.”

  “Maybe so, but wouldn't it be weird going to a place like Victoria's Secret with some strange woman?” I ask.

  “Cindy isn't a stranger to me,” Misty assures me.

  “Well, okay then. I guess I'll come with you two if you think it's a good idea.”

  “I think it'll be lots of fun,” she says.

  Misty has finished applying her makeup and comes over to me. She's wearing sunglasses, shiny black high heels, and tight jeans that perfectly hug the lovely curves of her legs. Her blue T-shirt shows off her inviting midsection, so I put my hands around her slender waist and give her a light squeeze. She moans softly in response and starts slowly swaying her hips from side to side as I continue holding her. Leaning toward me, she plants a kiss on my cheek, marking me as her own with a faint pink lipstick smudge.

  “Does this mean I'll get to help you pick out bras and undies?”

  “Mmm… Yeah, I wanna be your sexy bikini model,” Misty responds seductively.

  “You're sexier than any model I've ever seen,” I reply, pulling her closer to me.

  She places her hands around my face, and we share a passionate kiss.

  “Let's go downstairs and have some breakfast,” Misty suggests after we pull our lips apart with a mwah.

  “Good idea. Do you have cereal of any kind?”

  “Yes, I should have some Honeycombs,” she answers.

  We make our way downstairs to the kitchen, and I take a seat at the table. Misty brings out two bowls, two spoons, the box of Honeycombs cereal, and milk, setting one of the bowls down in front of me. I take one of the spoons and watch as she pours some cereal for herself and then adds some milk. She passes the cereal box to me and I do the same. A few minutes later, we're both finished munching on our cereal, so we wash our bowls in the sink. Misty then puts them and the cereal box back where they were.

  “We're going to Cindy's house to pick her up now,” she explains.

  I change into some fresh clothes, and we're on our way to Cindy's house, whom I'll be seeing for the very first time.

  “I hope Cindy is nice,” I say to Misty.

  “I'm sure you two will get along fine,” she reassures me.


  As it turns out, Cindy doesn't live very far away, so we arrive in a relatively short amount of time. Once we get out of the car, Misty encourages me to come along by motioning to me with her hand. We walk to the front door together, where Misty rings the doorbell. When she does so, I step behind her and “hide.” For about fifteen seconds, we wait, even though it feels like more than that. A strikingly attractive, tall blue-eyed blonde woman answers the door and comes out.

  “Hey, Misty!” Cindy greets her longtime friend.

  The two are a perfectly matching pair; Cindy looks similar to Misty, except Cindy's golden-blonde hair is a little bit longer, and she's wearing bright-red lipstick, along with large circular earrings.

  “Come on in. I'm still getting ready,” she says before looking in my direction, adding, “And who's this?”

  “Come here and say 'hi'—Cindy won't bite you!” Misty coaxes, stepping to the side so that Cindy can get a better look at me.

  “Hello,” I say softly, looking at the ground.

  “Awww, you're sooo adorable! You're not used to meeting attractive women, are you?” Cindy teases, she and Misty both giggling together playfully.

  I feel much more at ease knowing that Cindy is very friendly. The three of us head inside, and Cindy leads Misty and me to the living room so that we can sit on the couch during our brief wait. The hint of citrus-scented air freshener makes the room smell very nice and clean.

  “Take a seat. I'll be back in a few minutes,” Cindy tells us before walking off toward another room.

  Misty and I relax on the black leather couch as we wait for Cindy to finish getting ready. In front of this sectional couch, there's a coffee table sitting atop the carpet flooring. On the ceiling, a large fan spins above us, and I can spot a chandelier in the room across from the one we're in currently. There are several bookcases lining the wall leading to the kitchen, which is itself connected to this room.

  “Cindy has a very nice house,” I comment after a few minutes of looking around.

  “Yeah, it is. You should ask her to show you around sometime,” Misty suggests.

  “Do you think she'd find it weird of me to ask that?”

  “I doubt it. She's very cool!”

  Another minute or so passes before Cindy calls out “I'm ready!” from across the hallway, the tapping sound of her high heels becoming more audible as she approaches us. We all exit through the front door and get into Misty's car.

  “Mind if I turn on some music?” Misty asks along the way.

  “Not at all. Go for it,” I reply, having no objection to it.

  Misty turns on her car's built-in radio to a station playing country music, more specifically, a song called “My Eyes.”

  “Oh, hey—this is a pretty good one. You two listen to country also?” I ask, being a fan of that genre myself.

  “Yeah, I'd say it's one of my favorite kinds of music,” Cindy answers.

  “I like it a lot as well,” Misty chimes in.

  “I'm actually originally from Texas, where this is very popular,” Cindy explains.

  “That's pretty cool,” I say before asking her, “So what do you do for a living?”

  “I'm a substitute English teacher, though I've been away for three years while earning my master's degree.”

  “You have a master's degree? That's pretty impressive,” I reply.

  “Yeah, Cindy is one smart babe!” Misty adds.

  “That definitely appears to be the case!” I say, laughing.

  “Oh, you two are so kind,” Cindy responds, blushing a little and giggling.


  After a while, we arrive at the mall. Misty and I walk with our hands together and our fingers interlocked as the three of us make our way toward the entrance and then further back to the section where all of the various clothing stores are. Although I've never been inside a Victoria's Secret store before, I roughly know what to expect.

  As we walk inside, I look around at the dazzling array of bras and panties, among other items, which are all arranged neatly on hot-pink tables. The smooth, glittery floor is a shade of deep red and resonates with each tap of Misty's and Cindy's high heels as the two begin by viewing bras. Maybe it's crazy, but I'm so lucky to be here with two hotties like this. These are the types of things I like seeing—high heels, jeans, and simple things.

  “I bet these would look perfect on you,” I remark to Misty, referring to a shiny red bra-and-panties set.

  “Hey, I think you could be right! If you like these, I might just have to get them,” she replies, looking at what I'm po
inting to.

  “Mmm… I wanna see you model that sexy shiny red bikini for me later,” I say playfully as I put my arms around Misty and give her a hug from behind.

  “Ooo, baby!” she responds, giggling.

  “You two are so adorable together!” Cindy comments.

  “Can you take a picture of us?” Misty asks her.

  Cindy gets her phone out and opens the camera application on it. Misty faces me, puts her hands on my shoulders, and poses with one of her legs kicked up in the air. I put my arms around her waist, and we stare into each other's eyes.

  “Got it!” Cindy declares after snapping a photo.

  “So cute!” Misty says when she shows us the picture.

  “I can text it to both of you,” Cindy offers us.

  Cindy sends the image to Misty and then requests my phone number so that she can do the same for me as well.

  “I wish I had someone to hold me like that…” Cindy confesses.

  “How's it possible that such a beautiful woman like yourself doesn't have anyone to do that with?” I ask, surprised.

  “To be honest, I guess I don't really know why. But awww, Misty was right—you are so sweet.”

  Misty and Cindy continue looking at some other items while I tag along. I notice Cindy picking up a lacy purple bra.

  “I bet that'd look really hot on you,” I suggest.

  “You have a good eye!” Misty says, turning to also look at the thing in question. “Now let's find some panties to go with that.”

  “How about these?” I ask once I find a matching pair of lacy purple panties.

  “Hmmm…” Cindy thinks about it. “Yeah, I think these will look good together,” she replies.

  The three of us look around the store casually for a little while longer before leaving.

  “Well, now that both of you have found something perfect, why don't we go grab some hot dogs? I think I'm getting kind of hungry,” I announce.

  Misty and Cindy both agree that they'd like to eat something as well, so we exit Victoria's Secret after paying for the items and make our way to the food court. We order three hot dogs with ketchup and mustard on them, one for each of us, and then we find an empty table to sit at. As we're eating, I make casual conversation with Cindy.

  “So… Since you have a master's degree in English, I take it you're really into writing?” I ask her.

  “Of course! I even enjoy writing stories in my spare time,” she responds, making eye contact with me.

  “I do also actually. It's fun being able to imagine doing things that I can't in reality,” I say.

  “Sometimes, I think about what it might be like if we were characters in someone's story,” Cindy wonders.

  “It's really funny to think about that! But yeah, it's pretty cool how both you and Misty like doing creative things—Misty with her drawing skills and you with your writing. You two are very talented, and I admire that a lot.”

  “You know what I don't like? How some people think that blondes aren't smart,” Misty chimes in.

  “Yeah, definitely. It's really, really annoying,” Cindy adds, rolling her eyes.

  “We appreciate that at least you take us seriously, and that's what really counts,” Misty says to me.

  “Any good friend of Misty's is a friend of mine too,” Cindy declares.