Read Blood Awakening Page 30

  Marquis bent to the magnificent offering, his fangs etching soft lines into her milky skin as he drew them up and down the length of her jugular, and then he made a tiny pin-prick with the tip of a canine and tasted the blood on his tongue.

  A deep moan of ecstasy escaped his throat, and he seized her by the shoulders and quickly spun her around. Clutching her waist with one arm, he pulled her hips away from the tiles and bent her slightly forward, using his free hand to place her arms high above her head, against the shower walls. Gently kicking her legs to the sides, he splayed her spread eagle. Ah, yes. Her arms and legs were exactly where he wanted them.

  His erection was too large to take her with force, so he took the thickness in his hand and slowly eased the head against her, opening and caressing while testing her readiness at the same time. When she moaned and pushed back against him, he let go, gripped her hips, and slowly surged forward, filling her just beyond her perimeter in one smooth stroke. He rocked slowly back and forth against her, thrusting carefully, easily, as her body stretched impossibly to try and accommodate him.

  Even though she had taken him before, Ciopori stiffened with hesitation. “Marquis,” she whispered, “I don’t know what...what’s different this time, but I can’t—you’re too big like this. It’s too—”

  Marquis bent over and suckled her neck, kissing his way up her ear then down her jaw, before reaching to turn her head back so he could kiss her. All the while, he continued to work his shaft in and out, slowly pushing deeper and deeper.

  She gasped when he pulled his mouth away, panting, and there was a tinge of desperation in her voice. “Dear gods, I...I—”

  “Relax, my love,” he murmured, kissing the back of her neck. “Let your body stretch for me.”

  “I’m trying,” she panted, pushing back against him with pleasure despite her protests.

  Marquis held her hips down so that his body went even deeper on the next stroke, and then he held himself still, growing thicker inside her.

  Ciopori whimpered.

  “Ciopori,” he coaxed, “relax your thighs; relax your stomach; just fall back against me and trust.” Ciopori’s body went lax, and like liquid butter, he felt her inner core mold and give way, making space that had never been there before as it adjusted to his size. He moaned. “That’s it, baby. Oh yeah, that’s exactly it.”

  The water washed over them both, and she looked so amazingly sexy as she laid her head to the side against the cool shower tiles, her long, thick hair falling forward, water cascading from her back. Her breasts jutted out like mounds of perfection, tantalizing his eyes as her body rocked to his rhythm, and she took all he could give her with complete surrender.

  Marquis swept Ciopori’s hair aside. His fangs brushed over the smooth skin where her shoulder met her neck, and he gently sank them into her flesh, forming a tight seal over the bite and locking his jaw in order to hold her in place. The whimpers that followed were crises of pure satisfaction as her body instantly splintered into another powerful orgasm.

  Marquis moved faster and more deeply then, thrusting into her orgasms as she lay against the shower wall, weeping with pleasure. His own arousal grew to the point of ecstasy, and then he went over the edge with her in a cosmic explosion. He trembled, riding it out, loving her more in that moment than he had ever loved anything or anyone in his life. As he withdrew his fangs, he knew that he would kill for her, die for her.

  Live for her.

  And follow her to the Valley of Spirit and Light if ever she should be taken from him.

  “I was dead before you came,” he whispered in a deep, raspy voice, still breathing heavily. “And I was resigned to existing for all of eternity that way with Kristina.” His voice grew hoarse with emotion. “I may have sired her body, but you have sired my soul. You have given me life again, Ciopori.”

  Ciopori reached back with one arm to encircle his neck. She turned her head to the side in order to capture his mouth. Her kiss told him all she couldn’t say. When she finally pulled away, she turned to face him and gazed into his eyes. “You are my world as well, Marquis. In Romania, we lived in such fear, only shadows of our former selves. As a woman, my fate placed me in the ground, alone, with only my sister and the hope of some day finding salvation through awakening.” Her smile was dripping with love. “You were that salvation, and the thought of not having you with me, beside me...inside of me...for the rest of my life…” She let the words trail off. “There is nothing I would not do for you, nothing I would not give you. Nothing that could ever repay you for what you have given me.”

  Marquis wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. After all the centuries, the wars, the losses, living so painfully alone—after a millennium, learning to shut down his heart and emotions, forcing himself into continued existence, and truly believing the gods had scorned him—he had finally been given a gift equal to his sacrifice. The restoration was greater than the loss.

  Balance had come full circle.

  Granted, it had taken fifteen centuries, but oh-how-sweet-it-was now that he could finally taste it. He nuzzled her hair, meditating on her words: He would never be a soft man. He would never have the easy humor, style, or wit of Nathaniel or the laid-back nature of Nachari. He would never have the gentleness of Kagen, and there would always be hard, rough edges around him—a quick fuse beneath a domineering personality—simply because of who he was and all he had been through. But somehow, this woman saw through it all. She saw the soul that he was unable to reveal. And she loved him.

  She would give him anything.

  To repay him?

  Didn’t she know that he had gotten the very best of this deal? Didn’t she realize that now that he had her, he had everything? What else could a male possibly want?

  And then the brutally obvious came back to him.

  Of course there was something that he needed.


  And the fact that he could have forgotten, for even a moment, spoke volumes about the peace his destiny had brought into his life.

  Marquis Silivasi needed a son.

  He needed a sacrifice of atonement for the sins of his ancestors—to be free, once and for all, from the shadow of the Blood Curse.

  Gazing down into the eyes of his beautiful mate, he took her face in his hands and locked his gaze with hers. He turned his head to view the small digital clock on the bathroom sink and made note of the time: three a.m.

  “Ciopori,” he whispered, pausing to brush a soft kiss against her lips, “I would have you conceive now.”


  There was a light knock on Marquis’s master bedroom door, and Ciopori turned her head and smiled. “Come in,” she called, unable to shift her massive weight into a more comfortable position on the bed.

  The door slowly opened and a tussled head of red hair peeked through a narrow breach. “You guys wanted to see me?” Kristina called meekly.

  Marquis stirred and turned toward the hesitant female. “Kristina, come inside,” he ordered, as if he were still her boss.

  Ciopori placed a gentle hand on his forearm, willing him her softness—or at least hoping for a little tact. “Be gentle, my love.” She flashed an endearing, welcoming smile at the female who had almost become her soul mate’s partner. “Yes, please; come in, Kristina.”

  Kristina looked down at the floor. “Are you sure?”

  “Of course,” Ciopori assured, motioning the young female toward the bed.

  Kristina walked in hesitantly, gazing around Marquis’s bedroom as if it were the first time she had really seen it. Even though Ciopori knew Kristina and Marquis had never made love—thank the benevolence of the gods—it was still a relief to see how uncomfortable she was in his bedroom. “Have a seat,” she insisted, patting the mattress beside her.

  Kristina looked up then and almost recoiled at the sight of the enormous belly protruding from Ciopori’s middle. “Holy shhhiiit—I mean, wow.”

  Ciopori didn’t hav
e to use her new mind-reading powers—which would have been an inexcusable slight to another vampire anyway—to read Kristina’s mind: That could have been me. She laughed and rubbed her belly. “Marquis assures me this is perfectly natural and will go away the moment the babies are born.” She rolled her eyes and took in a slow, deep breath. “I can only hope.”

  Kristina offered a disingenuous smile and fidgeted with her hands. “So, uh—why’d you guys wanna see me?”

  If Ciopori didn’t know better, she would have sworn she detected a hint of resentment, and maybe even jealousy, in the young girl’s voice. Odd, considering how deeply Kristina had detested Marquis. But then again, he had told her that things became quite…intimate...beside the river, just before Nachari had stopped them from going past the point of no return. Oh, how she loved her new brother. Just the same, Marquis had refused any other details out of respect for the young female he had believed to be his wife, and by the looks on both of their faces, it was a lot deeper than he had revealed. Ciopori swallowed hard and briefly shut her eyes; this was a difficult situation for all of them. She needed to act with grace, not jealousy, over a female Marquis had been forced to embrace.

  She reached out for Kristina’s hand, but the female quickly tucked it behind her back, pretending not to notice the gesture. She sat down on the bed, as close to the edge as possible, and then she stared ahead at the wall, refusing to look at either Ciopori or Marquis, who was still protectively nestled beside his mate on the other side of the bed, holding her hand in order to block all uncomfortable sensations from her body.

  “Thank you for coming,” Ciopori whispered.

  Kristina shrugged. “Yeah, sure. So what’s up?”

  Marquis appraised the petite redhead carefully then, and Ciopori knew he was reading whatever was beyond the surface quite clearly. He sighed heavily and looked directly at her, his magnificent dark eyes boring into hers. “Kristina, we felt it was important to discuss your circumstances as soon as possible. There are several things—”

  “Oh yeah, well…thanks but no thanks. I’m good. I’m cool, ya know. Assuming you let me have my job back at the casino.” She forced an insincere laugh. “And now that Dirk—now that the apartment is free and clear, I should be fine over there. So, like I said, thanks, but I should really be going.” She shot up from the bed and rushed to the door, leaving Ciopori momentarily speechless.

  Staring at her mate, Ciopori raised her eyebrows. She’s hurt, Marquis. Her newfound psychic voice revealed her compassion.

  Her pride is hurt, my love, Marquis responded. And she is scared.

  You have to go after her.

  Marquis nodded. “Kristina,” he called, just as she reached for the polished crystal doorknob, “wait for me in the hall. We really do need to discuss a few things.”

  Ciopori shut her eyes. She felt like such an ogre. How absolutely stupid and insensitive of her to think that Kristina would want to have such a personal conversation with her there. Whether or not she hated Marquis, he had irrevocably changed her life, sired her into the Vampyr race, and promised her a world far more beautiful than the one she had come from. Considering her low self-esteem, the loss had to be devastating—not to mention, humiliating. Love him or hate him, she had been cast aside for another woman.

  Ciopori held her tongue out of respect.

  Nothing she could say would be wanted.

  Kristina nodded and quickly shuffled out the door, leaving the two of them in uncomfortable silence.

  Marquis turned to face his new wife. “Do not concern yourself with Kristina right now.” He patted her belly. “This is to be your only concern.” The ancient male appeared to be concentrating, perhaps speaking telepathically, but if he was, it was on a bandwidth Ciopori was not familiar with.

  When Nathaniel Silivasi materialized inside of their bedroom, she knew exactly who Marquis had been talking to.

  “Yes, brother?” Nathaniel spoke in a smooth, satin drawl, his blue-black hair swaying gently as he sauntered across the room toward Marquis, the epitome of power and grace.

  Ciopori hid her appreciation.

  She knew the territorial instincts of Vampyr males, but hell’s bells, she was only human, after all. Well, actually, she wasn’t human anymore, was she? No matter. She was still female, and Nathaniel Silivasi was a sight to behold: Like a black panther stalking through a jungle, the male was all raw power, coiled and peacefully restrained, wrapped in a sensuous package that just screamed danger...and sex. What a family she had married into.

  A low growl emanated from Marquis’s throat. His lips twitched, and he turned his head to glare at her. Ciopori’s eyes grew wide, and she quickly sent him a vivid image of what she intended to do with him later, once their son was safely sleeping in his bassinette. Unfortunately, Marquis didn’t seem all that impressed. Instead of smiling at the decadent olive branch she had offered him, he flashed his fangs in warning. Respectfully, Nathaniel pretended not to notice any of it.

  “What do you need?” Nathaniel pressed on, his arms crossed over his sculpted chest.

  Marquis’s eyes flashed red and he snarled at Ciopori, “Would you rather I call Braden to assist you, woman?”

  Ciopori blinked. And then she laughed.

  Marquis rolled his eyes and turned to regard Nathaniel. “I must deal with Kristina for a moment, but I don’t want to leave Ciopori alone.” He glared at her—again—his jaw set with a hint of genuine irritation.

  Oh my, she teased, feigning fear—as if he were really going to do something to a hugely pregnant woman, one who happened to be carrying his sons. Not likely.

  Marquis ignored the quip and kept his aggravated eyes on Nathaniel. “Since you have already been through this with Jocelyn, can you contain Ciopori’s discomfort for me—keep an eye on her while I step out?”

  Nathaniel smiled a relaxed, easy grin and lightly bowed his head. “It would be an honor, my brother.”

  Marquis stood and placed his hand on Nathaniel’s shoulder, and a strong surge of energy passed between them.

  What was that? Ciopori asked Marquis. What are the two of you doing?

  I am transferring my knowledge of your physiology to him, and yielding him my...authority...over your body. Temporarily! Do not disgrace me, woman!

  Ciopori laughed aloud. Oh, Marquis. You are so funny. I hardly think Nathaniel has eyes for anyone other than Jocelyn: I have seen her beauty, you know. And if our time in the shower did not convince you of my devotion to you—and if this enormous belly blowing up right before your eyes can’t convince you—then I don’t know what will.

  Then keep your eyes to yourself, he grumbled. Must I remind you that vampires are animals—not humans—Ciopori. Territory is territory. Do not make me hurt my own brother.

  Marquis released Nathaniel’s shoulder and stalked toward the door. “I’ll be back shortly,” he called, without turning around.

  Ciopori looked up. “Wow. Did you catch any of that?”

  The corner of Nathaniel’s mouth turned up in a smile, but he didn’t respond.

  “Will he always be that intense?” she persisted. “Maybe it’s just all the stress, but that was a bit much, don’t you think?”

  Nathaniel shrugged his shoulders.

  “You don’t agree?” Ciopori asked, noting the stark intelligence and cunning just beneath the surface of Nathaniel’s eyes.

  “You are his, Ciopori. You belong to him now. Just as Jocelyn belongs to me. He is only doing what is natural for a male of our species. In all truth, you must be careful; you almost got me bitten.”

  Ciopori looked away both surprised and embarrassed. “Bitten? How? You’re kidding me! What would he have done?” Despite her embarrassment, her curiosity was piqued. Marquis loved his family more than his own life. These were some powerful instincts, indeed, if he could be provoked to go after one of his own brothers.

  Nathaniel sighed. “He would not have tried to kill me, Ciopori.” Then he smiled a wickedly male smile. “Ra
w power, coiled and peacefully restrained? Thank you.” He laughed. “However, wrapped in a sensuous package that just screams danger...and sex?” He raised his eyebrows. “One more thought like that and Marquis would have leapt across the room and tried to take a pint of my blood just to show his dominance—which I am not conceding by the way.”

  Ciopori wilted, certain she was turning pale. “You read my thoughts?” She was positively mortified. “But I...I thought vampires were not allowed to do such a thing to each other—it’s against custom, if not law!” Humiliation fueled her indignation.

  Nathaniel looked at her then, like a father appraising a wayward child, far too sure of himself and far too aware of her for her comfort. “It is rude, and among warriors, it may even violate law. But I did not invade your mind; you were broadcasting your thoughts quite clearly for all to hear.”

  “I…I…” She didn’t know what to say. Dear gods, she had a lot to learn—and quickly. “Well, you must know I wasn’t serious: I didn’t mean anything improper.” She looked away, humiliated. “I certainly wasn’t trying to flirt with you or anything.”

  “Of course you weren’t, little sister,” Nathaniel drawled. He reached for her hand and took it firmly in his own.

  Immediately, Ciopori felt a surge of new male energy flow through her body. Whoa, he was powerful. As soon as the thought came, unbidden, she quickly clasped her free hand over her mouth, as if that might somehow shield her thoughts from his awareness. Dear gods, what was wrong with her? She was madly in love with Marquis! About to have his children, for heaven’s sake. And she had absolutely no intention of continuing to humor her already confident enough brother-in-law.

  “But that, of course, is not the point,” Nathaniel said aloud.

  “What is not the point?”

  “Whether or not you intend to flirt with me…or humor me…is not the point. And of course you have eyes only for Marquis. You’re his true destiny. For you, as long as he is alive, truly desiring another male is not even possible.” The slight twitch of his nose was almost imperceptible. “Especially now that he has marked you the way that he has.”