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Vampire Cravings

  by Angie Blake

  Copyright 2014 Angie Blake

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  The cold, white sky indicated the end of fall season and the winter season had arrived. The brisk cold air sent shivers up and down Kaleb's spine. He glanced up at the sky as the snow dropped, making the land a solid sheet of ice.

  Kaleb stood at the entrance, and peered inside the darkness. The only thing he could see was the shadows of a darkened tunnel.

  He knew this was the place. It had to be. He had followed the instructions exactly.

  He stood alone. The only thing he held was a small lantern to help light his way.

  His insides shook for what he was about to do was one of the scariest things anyone could ever do in their life time. It was against all the rules of the living, but, it didn't matter. He didn't care. It had to be done.

  He entered the tunnel. He figured it must have been at least 200 years old if not older. The decayed walls, the cold damp air, and the spider webs hung from the ceiling, undisturbed told Kaleb that it had been a long, long time since this place had seen any human contact.

  Kaleb felt the freezing, cold ground through his shoes.

  He shuddered. He debated on whether or not to turn back. After all, he was only one person, and how much could one person do to change it all? He’d come so far, though and hated to go back. He was almost there. He’d almost made contact.

  “Who dare enter the crypt of Edgar Thorn?” A loud booming male voice came from out of nowhere.

  Kaleb jumped and spun around shining his light behind him, where he thought the voice came from, but, no one was there.

  “Answer me young man!” The voice boomed again.

  Kaleb cleared his throat.

  “My….my….my name is Kaleb. I’m here to bring you news from the underworld!”

  “Why would we want to hear anything from them?” The voice growled under his breath.

  “Its’ news you need to know! A soul has been born on earth. He is part vampire and part werewolf. The werewolves have decided to raise it as their own.” Kaleb raised his voice to match the invisible voice from inside the crypt. He thought maybe it would give a better effect so that whatever it was he was talking to might listen to him.

  An eerie silence filled the crypt.

  “Why should this interest me?” The voice quietly spoke.

  “The demons are planning to kidnap the child, tonight; when the clock strikes midnight on all Hollow’s eve.”

  Kaleb thought he heard the being gasp.

  The earth trembled under his feet. A wind blew through the crypt with such great force it broke the glass on his lantern. Everything went dark. The temperature changed to freezing cold and Kaleb’s arms were covered in goose bumps.

  He shivered.

  Kaleb’s eyes were trying to focus in the darkness. A large hand broke through the surface of the earth. He stood there with his mouth hanging open. He wanted to run, but his feet were frozen firmly to the ground.

  Kaleb stared. He couldn’t breathe.

  A man in a large black cloak arose from the dirt. He was a stunning piece of work.His sleeked black dark hair and dark green eyes made him look almost charmingly evil. He was a tall, well-built man whose presence not only made Kaleb want to jump for joy, but it also scared him to death.

  “Now young man, what is it you propose we do about this little problem?”

  “I….I….l…..I don’t know,” Kaleb stuttered. “But, you’re going to have to do something!”

  “Why is it we have to do something?”

  “You just don’t get it do you? The world has belittled the vampire! The demons have taken over the underground, and you guys are left in the dirt!”

  “It’s exactly where a vampire should be left, Kaleb! Besides, how do we know we can trust you?”

  Kaleb’s head hung low.

  “I’ve been shunned. I’ve been banned from the underworld by the demons! They think I’m a spy for the vampire side, and refuse to let me on their grounds.”

  “That makes you think that we should trust you?”

  “Either you do trust me, or you don’t trust me. Take your pick. I’ll tell you what, though, it’s going to be hard not to trust me when I’m the only one who knows the way to get to the half vampire child on earth. You can guarantee he will be highly guarded by humans and demons of all kinds. It’s going to be one sorry battle if you don’t bring me along. I’m the only one who has the poison to blow up the demons. Whether you like it or not, I think you might need me. Are you blood thirsty Mr. Edgar Thorn? Do you have a craving for blood so strong you've hidden yourselves in this crypt to save the human race? This battle could feed you for months!”

  Kaleb stood there waiting for the vampire’s answer. He stared into the darkness. The only thing he could really see was the vampire’s eyes. They changed from an emerald green color to glowing orange.

  Kaleb jumped again.

  “You get out of here young man! Wait for us at the edge of the forest! I have to wake the others, and at dusk we fly!”

  Kaleb nodded his head and exited the tunnel.

  He heard the stunning male vampire command the other vampires to rise as he approached the exit of the tunnel. He wondered how in the world he could ever match up to these stunning vampires. After all, there wasn’t anything special about him. He was just a young man with bright red hair, blue eyes, a chubby belly and chubby cheeks to match.

  Kaleb stopped to listen. He listened as Edgar Thorn told his story to the nest of vampires. He heard the outrageous protests from the other vampires.

  “Why should we go? Why should we care what anyone else thinks?”

  “We'll give us all a little Christmas cheer this year! Are you blood thirsty, Lars? This battle we are about to endure could feed us for months!”

  Kaleb smiled.