Read Blood Pact Page 2

  Chapter 2

  “Riley Spencer, wake up!”

  I could hear my mother calling me. Opening my eyes, I saw the familiar lavender walls of my bedroom come into focus. I glanced over at the window to the right of my bed, and the sun was already shining brightly outside. I was shocked that I was still alive. The last thing I remembered was the giant vampire choking me, and I had no idea how I’d gotten home. The only thing I could think was that maybe my mother knew what had happened or that my teammates would tell me at school. Maybe it was all a dream. It wouldn’t have been the first time that I had dreams that involved fighting vampires and being nearly killed.

  Climbing out of bed, I looked at the mirror on the closet door. I was still dressed in the same clothing I had been wearing the night before. So much for it all just being a dream. Looking over my neck, I was relieved to find that there were no bruises or marks even though my body hurt all over. My hair though was going to need some work.

  “Riley?” Mom called again from downstairs.

  “I’m up,” I called back down. “Just going to take a shower before I get ready and come down.”

  “Okay, well hurry or you will be late to school,” she shouted back as I entered the bathroom door. I groaned at the thought of school. I just wanted to climb back into bed and sleep all day.

  To my exhausted eyes, the brightness of the nearly all white bathroom was blinding. As I turned on the water, I decided that I would talk to Sam or Taylor first to find out what had happened and why they were so late getting to the meeting spot. If they hadn’t shown up when they did though, I would be lying in the morgue this morning. Lucky for me they were there when it counted.

  The hot water was invigorating as it massaged my body and woke me up fully. After scrubbing my hair and body, I decided that showers the morning after nearly getting killed were the best showers ever.

  Leaving the bathroom, I sat at my dressing table and worked on my hair and makeup for school. Since it was a Friday, I simply pulled my hair back into a classic ponytail and applied light mascara and lip gloss. I dressed in a faded jean miniskirt, black t-shirt, and my black converse sneakers. After putting on a few bracelets, I was ready for the dreaded school day.

  Walking down the stairs, I could hear my mother making noise in the kitchen, and this made me smile because my mother cannot cook; in our house the kitchen, is the place where take out is served and stored. So that meant that coffee and pop tarts were for breakfast.

  “Finally,” she said as I walked through the door into the kitchen. “I thought I was going to have to drag you down the stairs.” I laughed at this. I love my mother more than anyone in the world. Most people think we are sisters because of the fact she is only thirty-four, but does not look a day older than twenty-five. It does not help that we are around the same height and build. We also have the same dark brown hair. Some of the members of the organization say my facial features favor my father. I couldn’t say whether or not it was true though, since I had never met him. I do know that I have his eyes; my mother had told me several times. Her eyes are blue while mine are green.

  My father disappeared or was mostly likely killed around the time I was born. No one would tell me anything about him. He and my mom were only eighteen when I was born. Multiple times I had tried to find out about him from the archives of the organization, but I had never found anything. It was like everything about him was erased. Everyone was so tightlipped about him. Even my mom kept quiet other than a passing comment here and there. When I was a kid, I wanted to know everything about him. Now I just wanted to know what the damn secret is.

  My mother and I ate our pop tarts and drank our coffee. I had to get to school, and she had to go into her “job” at the organization. Even though she had not actively hunted in years, she went in to train the younger members and read over our hunting reports that we have to submit to those in charge. The cover for the organization is that of an investment firm. Because of need, relatives and cousins spread out to build new offices over the years. Now there are branches of the organization spread across the southern United States. . The main office is here in Houston, Texas and is led by my grandfather who oversees everything. There are other groups much like our own who hunt vampires all over the country. All of these groups like ours are extremely secretive; we just happen to run into each other from time to time.

  “You must have come in late last night,” my mom said, interrupting my thoughts. “I didn’t hear you come in.” I am surprised she says this because it means that no one had told my mother about the incident with the three vampires.

  “Yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t let you know,” I replied not wanting to upset her. “I just went straight to bed when I got home.” Which I don’t even remember happening.

  She smiled. “Be sure to let me know next time.” I took a sip of my coffee and nodded.

  “I may have to have a talk with your grandfather about having you out so late.”

  “It’s okay. I’m used to it and I am doing great in school,” I said, trying to calm her fears.

  “Promise?” she asked as she stood up and gave me a kiss on the forehead. “I will, I promise.” I nodded to her as she grabbed her keys and purse.

  “Alright then have a great day at school, and I will see you tonight at the game. Oh, and Riley,” she stopped at the door and gave me one last glance, “behave at school today.”

  I laughed and threw a dish towel at the door as it closed behind her. After she left, I gathered my belongings for school and found my car keys on my bedside table.

  I looked around my room for my cellphone so that I could send my best friend and teammate, Taylor, a text. My phone was nowhere to be found. As I was about to start cursing, I remembered that it was probably still in my car. After giving up my search, I grabbed my keys and backpack and walked out the front door. Relief hit me when I went outside, and found that my car was in the driveway.