Read Blood Rites Page 2

  “Just make sure you leave me some hair up there, okay?” Jacque said, rolling her eyes.

  Jen walked over to look at Sally’s handy work. “That actually looks pretty great, Sal. I like the little glitter bobby-pins you put in, very fairy tale-ish.”

  “Okay, okay, let me look already,” Jacque said as she stood up and went to the mirror on her dresser. “Wow, Sally, it looks awesome. You made me look so much prettier than I really am. Sweet! Thanks, chickadee.”

  Sally grabbed Jacque by the shoulders and turned her so they were face to face. “You are beautiful, big, wild hair and all. All I did was bring attention to that fact. The way Fane looks at you, you should never doubt your beauty on the inside or out,” Sally told her.

  “Man Sal, why don’t I ever get pep talks like that?” Jen asked.

  “If ever you are in need of a pep talk, Jen, I will gladly deliver. As it is, you are a walking ego, so most of the time you need to be brought down a notch, not up. I say that with all the love in my heart,” Sally teased her.

  “Yeah, you are totally blowing me away with all your quote, unquote love. How ‘bout don’t give me so much love next time, huh?”

  Jacque grabbed her dress and the jacket and began walking to the bathroom. “Ok, while ya’ll work out your love issues, I’m going to get dressed. I expect ya’ll to have kissed and made up by the time I get back.”

  “Brush your teeth before you put that dress on,” Sally told her.

  “Yeah and don’t put perfume on your neck, you know because of the chomp…” Jen started.

  “Chomp, chomp. Yeah I got it, Jen,” Jacque interrupted.

  Jacque closed the door to the bathroom and leaned against it. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “I can do this,” she said out loud. It wasn't that she was scared of bonding with Fane, she wanted to be with him more than anything. No, she was just a big chicken about pain and wasn’t really looking forward to being bitten. Then she remembered what it felt like when she thought he had died. She realized that in comparison to that feeling, a bite would be a piece of cake. On that thought she was able to move forward feeling much lighter.

  “Are you ok, love?” she heard Fane ask in her mind.

  She smiled at the warmth she could feel coming through such a simple question.

  “I am excellent, wolf-man. Although, I am missing you,” Jacque told him.

  “I will see you soon, micul incendiu (little fire).”

  “Fane, stay with me,” Jacque whispered in her thoughts.

  “Always,” was his simple reply.

  True to his word, Jacque could feel him like a shadow in her mind and it calmed her nerves and made her feel cherished.

  Jacque soon stepped out of the bathroom and her two best friends stopped and stared, open mouthed.

  “Well, how do I look?” Jacque asked them, a little unsure.

  “You look amazing! Fane won’t be able to take his eyes off of you,” Jen told her.

  Sally nodded her agreement but didn’t say anything. Jacque looked over to her bed and saw that Sally had retrieved her suitcase and begun putting clothes in it for her.

  “Sally, you don’t have to pack a whole bunch it’s just one night and then I will be back here,” Jacque said.

  Sally’s face fell a tiny bit. “You will be back, but only for a few days. Then you will be packing more than an overnight bag,” she told her, sounding so lost.

  “I really hope you guys are considering coming to Romania for our senior year. Alina looked into the foreign exchange program, and found that it would look really good on college applications, and she has offered to be ya'lls host family. Have either of you talked to your parents about it yet?" Jacque asked.

  “I mentioned it to my parents and once I pointed out that it could give me a leg up in getting into the international business degree programs I just happen to all of a sudden be interested in, they were surprisingly okay with it,” Jen explained. “ I kind of think my mom wants a break from me. You both know that if my mom and I are in the same room for too long it’s like two pissed off cats who have been tossed in cold water and are ready to rip someone’s eyes out. So I was going to surprise you later but now’s as good a time as any. Romania won’t know what hit them when I get done,” Jen teased, although the statement was more true than not.

  Jacque squealed in child like delight and hugged Jen tight. “This is so great!”

  “You do realize that squeal is totally not sexy and if we are in Romania together and you are with me while I’m trying to get my game on that you are not permitted to make such a noise, right?” Jen told her, sounding put out.

  “Oh, shut up and let me be all sentimental for a sec.” Jacque hugged her for a minute more and then backed up, holding her hands in a surrender gesture. “Okay, I’m good, it’s all under control.”

  Jacque turned to Sally, who had been watching the exchange. “So what about you, Sally? Have you talked to your parents?”

  “I did and I told them the same thing Jen told hers, considering we rehearsed it with each other complete with back up guilt trips if the whole college reference didn’t work, and hell must have froze over, pigs must have sprouted wings, and you must be half werewolf…wait, that last part is true, the point is they said yes!”

  This time Sally and Jacque squealed in unison. “Oh come on, surround sound squeals? REALLY?” Jen whined. “You two are not invited when I go hottie hunting,” she growled at them.

  Sally and Jacque relinquished their squeals to turn and look at Jen. “Did you just say hottie hunting?” Sally asked her incredulously

  Jen turned her chin indignantly. “Spot on, Sherlock.”

  “Just checking. I want to be completely clear on what I should say to your new beau when you finally nab him,” Sally teased. “Something along the lines of, 'Hey Don Juan, did Jen tell you about her hottie hunting days back in the day, as in a couple of days ago back in the day?'”

  “My sweet Sally, the point is you just admitted that I will be successful in nabbing a new beau, hence the hottie hunting will undoubtedly work. Ding ding ding, I win,” Jen chimed.

  Jacque rolled her eyes at her two best friends. “I’m thinking your parents aren’t considering it a hardship to have you two go to Romania. I don’t know, just a hunch.”

  Sally glanced at her phone and saw that it was 12:15. “We've got to head if we want to make it on time.”

  Sally and Jen each grabbed a bag and headed for the stairs with Jacque following.

  “Wolf-man, we are heading your way, hope you’re ready for this,” Jacque sent to Fane.

  “I have been ready for you since I laid I eyes on you. Be safe, I will see you shortly.” Fane sent the words with a caress that caused Jacque to shiver.

  As they pulled out of the driveway, Jacque leaned her head back against the head rest, closed her eyes, and pictured Fane’s face, her future.

  Chapter 2

  Across two state lines in Denver, Colorado, Dillon Jacobs paced the floor of his office. The Alpha of the Denver pack was flipping through photos that Logan, his Beta, had taken of the daughter he hadn’t even known existed until recently. He was struck with the fact that life as he knew it was irrevocably changed. Word had traveled fast in the Canis Lupis world that Vasile, one of the strongest Alphas of the Grey Wolves was in the States, not only in the States, but specifically in Coldspring, Texas. Coldspring just happened to be the town where Lilly Pierce lived, the woman whom he would have married had he not been a wolf who could only have one mate, the one nature choose for him. Not that Dillon didn’t love his mate beyond words, but Lilly had been his first love. The loss had faded over the years, but the memories were still there, packed away in the recesses of his mind gathering dust. Until now.

  As soon as he had heard about the Alpha Vasile being there, he had sent Logan to find out what had caused him to travel so far from home. Dillon had been in shock when Logan called to tell him that Lilly had a daughter, and that she was seve
nteen years old. It had been seventeen years since Dillon had last laid eyes on Lilly Pierce. Seventeen years since he had found his mate and packed his bags only leaving Lilly a note to say goodbye. It was the coward's way out, but he hadn’t known how he could face her knowing he was going to rip out both their hearts. He had told Lilly that the day might come when he would have no choice but to leave. That hadn’t make it any easier. The irrevocable proof though, was in the pictures. Lilly’s daughter was the spitting image of himself. Dillon was not a large man, standing at 5’11”, 190lbs. He was broad across the shoulders, as most Canis Lupis are, which was only enhanced by his narrow waist and the snug fitting tee shirts he often favored.

  With auburn hair that had subtle waves in it and the same piercing green eyes as the girl in the photos, he could no more deny her than he could deny his reflection in the mirror. His face was more angular than the girl's, who Logan had said was named Jacquelyn, whose face was softer and rounder. He did see traces of Lilly here and there. Jacque had her mother’s mischievous smile, and though her eye color matched his, they held the humor in them he so often had seen in Lilly. Like her mother she was as striking as she was beautiful. He thought momentarily on the fact that Lilly had named their daughter after Dillon’s grandmother. Though Lilly had never met his grandmother, he had talked of her often, sharing with Lilly what an impact she had in raising him. He couldn’t take credit for his quick wit and often wicked tongue that was all Grandma Jacquelyn.

  “Your daughter is to be bonded to Vasile’s son,” Logan told him, snapping him out of his brief jaunt down memory lane. The dry indifference in his Beta’s voice did not reveal if he cared one way or the other. Dillon turned to look at him, wanting to confirm that his body language matched his words. Logan was as serious and severe looking as ever. At 6’1”, 250lbs of muscle, Logan was an intimidating being. He too was broad across the chest, had a narrow waist, and it was apparent in his snug black fatigues he had muscular legs. His dark brown hair he wore longer than most of Dillon’s wolves, nearly touching his shoulders, but much of the time he had it pulled back. He had high cheek bones, a slightly crooked nose from being broken many times in his long life, and Dillon had heard more than one woman say Logan's lips were made for sin, whatever that meant.

  “She is still a minor, how could Vasile even consider allowing them to mate?” Dillon thought out loud.

  “Fane, the Alpha’s son, had to compete in a challenge against another Alpha who was trying to claim Jacque. Perhaps it is Vasile’s way of keeping his son from having to fight others from claiming your daughter,” Logan offered

  Dillon thought about this. It would make sense, for if Fane was indeed Jacque’s true mate then he would walk through hell itself to keep another from claiming her.

  “I will admit it is impressive that Fane, being as young as he is, was able to defeat such a strong Alpha,” Dillon acknowledged

  “He did have the benefit of his Alpha’s counsel, surely that had an impact on his victory,” Logan responded in his usual indifferent tone.

  Still the idea of his little girl mated at 17 rubbed his fur the wrong way. Although he didn’t really have a right to say what she could or could not do, she didn’t even know who he was. Maybe, he decided, the best thing to do for now is to watch from a distance.

  “Logan, I want you to go back to Coldspring and keep an eye on my daughter. Don’t let yourself be known, just observe from a distance and report back to me. I will let you know if and when I will be coming myself. For now I will wait,” Dillon told his Beta

  “It will be done as you have said, Alpha,” Logan responded in the formal address

  Dillon excused Logan to depart, leaving him alone in his study with his thoughts. He had been keeping these thoughts blocked from his mate. He didn’t know how she would respond to the news that he had a daughter with another female. No, for now he would keep this secret just a little longer.

  Logan was sitting outside of Lilly Pierce’s house when she pulled out of the driveway. He had barely made it back into town to see them off to Jacque’s bonding ceremony. Luckily, he had put his plan in motion before he had reported back to his Alpha. It had been so easy to get information out of the Coldspring pack, considering there were none more dominant then him. Then he just did a little eavesdropping outside Jacque’s window to get all the information he needed on her schedule and timeline for the bonding ceremony. He hated to be insubordinate, he usually prided himself on his faithful obedience to his Alpha, but in this situation he didn’t think his Alpha was taking the appropriate action to protect his pup. Logan had decided it was his duty to step in since he wasn’t emotionally vested in Jacque. He felt he was able to look at the situation more objectively. That was what he kept telling himself, anyway. The truth was Jacque Pierce was unique. She was special, and too new to this world to decide that the first wolf she met was her mate. It was his job as her dad’s Beta to protect her and to show her that there was more than one wolf in the den. Again, that was what he kept telling himself. Shaking off those thoughts, he pulled out into the street to follow Lilly’s vehicle. He knew the direction she would be heading because he had insured her route. All it took was a little money and he had been able to convince one of her employees to help implement his plan. Humans were so easy to sway without any sense of loyalty, they had no problem betraying those who had been kind to them. But that wasn’t his problem, and it had worked to his advantage. Just as Lilly was turning on the street that would take her to her book store he turned off and drove to the spot that he knew they would have to pass once they continued on to Vasile’s home.

  His plan was simple, the best laid ones always were. All he needed to do to insure that Dillon would intervene was show that Fane could not protect his mate. There was nothing more disgraceful than a wolf who could not protect his own. Insuring that Lilly’s tire would not only blow, but also cause a minor accident hadn't been all that difficult. He had placed a military device on the inside of the tire that simultaneously punctured it and wrapped a cable around the axel, pulling it once the tire blew, causing the axel to become unstable and theoretically cause her to lose control of the vehicle. It wouldn’t be a devastating wreck, but it would be enough. The kink in the plan was the bonding ceremony. Logan had to make sure his plan happened before Jacque and Fane were able to complete the bonding and blood rites. Once the blood rite was completed all bets were off. The idea of Fane performing Blood Rites with Jacque made his skin crawl. Fane was just a pup, there was no way he could adequately provide and protect a mate. If Logan had any say, Fane would be leaving Coldspring, Texas empty handed.

  Chapter 3

  Fane had spent the morning doing absolutely nothing other than conversing periodically with Jacquelyn. Verbally sparring with her was one of his favorite things to do. No one would let him help prepare for the ceremony, his father saying that Fane needed to take this time to prepare himself for his Luna, for tonight. In all honesty, Fane was trying to avoid thinking about it, or at least about one part of it: the blood rites. He knew that Jacquelyn was nervous about it and he was as well. He had asked his father what he needed to do and all he had said was that instinct would take over and the magic of the mate bond would help. As nervous as he was about performing the blood rites, his wolf growled low at the thought of their mark on Jacquelyn’s neck for all Canis Lupus to see. He realized his wolf was restless, eager to finish the bond. Fane decided he needed to let the wolf out for a little while, let him run off some of his energy.

  He went out the back door and stood on the porch of the guest house on the property his parents were renting. The whole estate was 85 acres of woods, no prying eyes around. Fane stripped out of his clothes and felt the change pour over his skin, reshaping him inside and out, and within moments where a man had stood was now a large black wolf. Although he was a Grey wolf, his grey undercoat was tipped with black, the effect making him look nearly solid black unless his fur was rubbed the wrong way. The wolf shook his
whole body as if he were wet and trying to expel the water from his coat. He put his nose in the air and, breathing deep, filled his lungs with wild flowers in bloom, fresh cut grass, and damp earth from a recent rain and finally let out a long howl. Fane heard a twig snap to his left and his howl cut off as he snapped his head in the direction of the noise. He saw a rabbit take off and just like that the chase was on. He took off like a bullet, eyes glued to the bouncing prey that wove in and out of bushes, around trees, and over fallen logs. Fane stretched his legs and lengthened his stride, the wolf reveling in the hunt, the air flowing through his fur rippling every strand. As Fane chased after his quarry, he realized that this hunt felt different than others. He felt whole, the emptiness that was every unmated male’s constant companion was being filled. Because of that the wolf was able to focus more thoroughly on the hunt, his thoughts no longer divided between man and wolf. If he felt this good just from finding his mate, how good would he feel once the bond was complete, once their mating was consummated?

  Fane lunged one final time, pushing his long body to its limit with his hind legs and landed jaws first on top of his prey, breaking its back instantly. The wolf enjoyed the spoils of the hunt and once he had his fill he found a sunny spot, the grass warm from the rays and laid down, rolling to his side. Feeling the warm air ruffle his fur, Fane’s mind reached out for Jacquelyn’s without intending to. It was like his soul needed to feel its other half and if he went too long without that contact, he became bereft and restless. He didn’t say anything to her; he just sort of slipped into her thoughts, enjoying being with her even if he couldn’t physically touch her. Once his wolf was content that their mate was safe he got up, shook off the grass and dirt, and began the run back to the guest house. He would need a shower after his run and he still had his vows to write. He was really struggling with what to say to Jacquelyn, he knew what he felt, but he just couldn’t find adequate words to tell her.