Read Blood Rites Page 25

  "Sorry, there was, um, some blood." She let her words trail off.

  Fane chuckled as he wiped away the evidence of her tears. "You don't have to be embarrassed, Luna. You can run your tongue across my neck anytime. I assure you I will never object." He laughed as she swatted at him, but was glad he had gotten a smile out of her.

  "How are you feeling now? Has the pain lessened?" he asked in a much more serious tone.

  Jacque took a deep breath and let it out slow. She closed her eyes, concentrating on her body. She could still feel a dull ache but it was even better than after the first time he had given her his blood.

  "I feel much better," she told him honestly. Her brow furrowed when she asked, "Fane, will this affect the Blood Rites since I've taken your blood?"

  "No, Luna. Because I have not taken your blood, the Rites are not complete yet."

  Jacque nodded her understanding. She rolled onto her back and for the first time looked around at her surroundings. She realized they were in a small but luxurious room. There was soft overhead lighting along the edge of the room. They were lying on a queen sized bed that almost completely filled the space.

  "Is this the back of the plane?" she asked him.

  Fane nodded. "This is the only cabin on the plane. I came back here when we first boarded to make sure it was ready should I need to give you blood again."

  Jacque's face once again took on the rosy red coloring. "I suppose they," she indicated with a nod in the direction of the front of the plane, "all know why we came back here."

  "Well, I'm sure they are assuming it's because you needed my blood, but we could give them a reason to believe it was for something else," Fane teased as he started tickling her and she couldn't hold back the soft laughter that came pouring out of her.

  Jen and Sally sat tensely in their seats as the wondered if Jacque was okay. She had been so pale when Fane had carried her off. Alina kept trying to reassure them that Fane would take care of her. Still, they couldn't help worrying. About the time the plane hit cruising altitude they all heard a gentle giggling from the direction Fane had carried Jacque. Jen rolled her eyes as she unclipped her seatbelt.

  "Oh, for crying out loud," she said as she stood up. "If Jacque gets to get her freak on at 80,000 feet, I'm at least going to get my game on." She turned to look at the other wolves. "Skender, Sorin, Boain," but was interrupted before she could finish.

  Decebel stood up, nearly ripping the seatbelt before he remembered to unbuckle it. "Jennifer," his voice was deathly soft, "what the bloody hell do you mean to get your game on with three of my pack mates?"

  Jen had to slap Sally on the back as she started coughing at Decebel's words.

  "Well, when you put it like that it does sound pretty bad. But those were your words, Sparky, not mine." She turned to Alina, ignoring the daggers that Decebel was glaring at her. "Do you have a deck of cards on this ride?"

  Alina's eyes crinkled as she smiled. "I bet we could find some." She unbuckled her seat belt and started going through various compartments that didn't look like compartments until she started hitting buttons that made them open. Finally, after a few moments Alina held up a deck of cards triumphantly. "We're in business," she said, smiling at Jen.

  Jen took the deck as she looked at Sally. "You in?"


  "Okay, boys. Let's see what you got," Jen taunted as she sat down on the bench seat across from the others.

  The three wolves looked tentatively at Decebel.

  "Oh, for crying out loud, Dec. Tell them you won't beat them if they play cards with the two humans." Jen glared at him.

  Decebel had not taken his eyes off of Jen since she had declared she wanted to get her game on. Finally he relented and turned to his pack mates, who all cringed under his scrutiny.

  "No touching," he said,as he sat back rigidly, angled so he could watch every move of the game.

  The three wolves joined Jen and Sally. Uncertain of where to sit they all sat right on the floor in front of the bench seat Jen and Sally occupied.

  "So are we playing hold 'em?" Skender asked Jen.

  Sally snorted as Jen continued to deal the cards. "Hold 'em's for sissies," Jen teased with a wink. "We're playing something a little less civilized."

  "What would that be…exactly?" Sorin asked his eyebrows raised and his lips slightly down cast.

  "Strip poker, of course," Jen said innocently while all three wolves coughed into their hands. "But remember," she added with a wicked look directed at the brooding wolf sitting behind the other wolves, "no touching."

  The low sound that rumbled from Decebel's chest had the other wolves cringing. "Jennifer,” Decebel growled in warning.

  "Fine. Strip poker is out, go fish is in." Jen glared at Decebel. "Who invited you to this party, anyways? Can't your invitation be revoked?"

  "That only works with vampires, Jennifer." His eyes narrowed.

  "Well, it would be a little more convenient if some things were universal in the supernatural world," she snapped.

  "Some things are universal. For instance, there isn't a being in existence that couldn't possibly want to take a bite out of your mouthy hide." Decebel winked at her as she sat in mid-shuffle, her mouth dropped open. Sally reached over and pushed Jen's chin up, effectively snapping her mouth closed.

  "Jen, how 'bout I just take over the shuffling, k?" Sally cautiously took the deck of cards from her while Jen continued to glare at Decebel.

  Fane lay next to a sleeping Jacquelyn as the quiet hum of the plane engine hummed like a lullaby and noticed how much she seemed to have improved after taking his blood twice. The bruise on her cheek had faded to the soft green color they get just before they disappear. He hadn't looked at her back again to see if the claw marks had begun to heal. Fane didn't know if she would have scars or not since she was only half Canis Lupis.

  She looked beautiful lying next to him. He gently picked up a lock of her hair and brought it to his face. The soft strands against his skin were like silk and the scent he breathed in from them was like little piece of heaven to him. He couldn't begin to express his thankfulness and joy at having her back with him.

  The plane gave a jerk as it ran into turbulence, the disturbance causing Jacquelyn to stir. Fane watched as her eyes fluttered open and then collided with his own. His breath was drawn from his lungs at the softness and love that he saw reflected in Jacquelyn's beautiful emerald eyes. He saw her eyebrows draw together as a questioned formed on her pink lips.

  "Why did your parents only have one child?" she asked him.

  Fane took a deep breath as he thought about her question. "They tried to have more but my mother kept losing the pregnancies."

  "Oh, Fane, I'm sorry. That must have been hard for her." Jacquelyn took his hand and brought it to her lips as she gently kissed his palm.

  "You should know, just in case in the future you want to try, it is difficult for our kind to conceive. We don't know why, but it's not common for mates to have more than one or two children."

  "Maybe Cynthia could help," she told him as her eyes brightened.

  Fane smiled at her forever optimism, but then his eyes narrowed. "Cynthia has a lot to answer for."

  "Oh, Fane." Fane watched as Jacquelyn's face softened. "I know what she did was wrong but I understand that she was hurt and angry. She got me out of there and she could have died fighting Logan so that I could get away. Please don't hurt her."

  He tilted her chin up so he could look into her eyes. "You really forgive her, even after all you endured?"

  Jacquelyn nodded as she searched his face."I forgive her," she said simply.

  Fane closed his eyes briefly and pressed his lips gently to hers. "I will discuss it with my father."

  He watched her lips turn up and her eyes lighten. "Thank you, wolf-man."

  He inclined his head to her, never taking his eyes from hers.

  "Jacquelyn, how did things go with your father? I didn't listen in on your conversation
with him when you parted ways." Fane's eyes softened and his mouth turned up in a reassuring smile.

  "It was okay. He really felt like he needed to get home and talk to his mate about everything. Apparently she doesn't know a thing about me. I'm glad I got to meet him. I'm glad that I know he cares about me but he isn't who I need right now. The time for me to have a father has passed, Fane, and Dillon understands that. He is happy for us and that means a lot to me, but it's my mate that I need now."

  Fane leaned forward and kissed her forehead gently as her words seeped into his heart.

  "Can I ask you a question?" she asked when he pulled back.

  "I could deny you nothing, Luna. Perhaps you will allow me to look at the marks on your back to see if they are healing as quickly as the bruise on your face while you satisfy your curiosity," he bartered.

  She rolled onto her stomach and let him pull her shirt up so he could examine her skin.

  "Do you ever wonder if the Canis Lupis want a king or Alpha? Do you think that they have ever wanted to be, like, a democracy?"

  Fane chuckled as he ran his fingers lightly across the claw marks that were now red slashes, the skin already closed.

  "Where did this question come from?" he asked as he pulled her shirt back down.

  She rolled back onto her side, her eyes down cast sheepishly. "I'm just really scared that your pack isn't going to want me as their female Alpha. What if they would rather be a democracy than have a half-breed as a leader?"

  "There are flaws in your logic, my love." Fane relaxed on his back, his arms folded behind his head. "First, Canis Lupis, like our cousins the natural wolves, thrive under the leadership of an Alpha. Because of our violent and dominating nature we need the leadership and direction of one that is stronger and more in control than each of us. Without an Alpha there would be chaos and anarchy. We aren't human, Jacquelyn, not even you. We would not survive if we tried to live as humans do. The pack will respect you and follow your leadership. You are strong and that is what they look for in a leader. This also explains why a democracy wouldn't work, why Canis Lupis could not elect a leader. Wolves only follow the strong; the leader has to prove he can lead. His strength cannot be based on others' opinions. He has to be able to demonstrate that he is the most dominant and most capable to care for the pack. The female Alpha, by nature's design, comes into this position naturally because she is mated to the Alpha. You were chosen by fate to be my Luna and because of that it proves you are strong enough to lead, strong enough to take control when others would try to bring disarray into the pack."

  Jacque was quiet for a few minutes after Fane had finished talking. She thought about what she had gone through since meeting Fane and wondered if it was fate's way of showing her that she was indeed strong enough to lead, to take control. After all, she had survived two psychotic Alphas and although she hadn't walked away unscathed, she remained whole. She was still Fane's mate, she was still strong. She looked down at Fane who was patiently waiting for her response. His eyes softened as they met hers and she couldn't help but let her eyes wander on his beautiful face. They traced over the markings that flowed across his neck and disappeared under his shirt and then met his eyes once again.

  "I can do this. I'm not saying that I'm not scared, but I got this. As long as you are by my side, wolf-man, I'm game."

  Jacque curled up next to Fane, content to be in his arms and continued to think about her future, about their future. She wasn't going to worry, she was going to trust Fane and herself and she would give it her all and be the best mate and Alpha female when her time came.

  "You will be amazing, Luna, never doubt that." She heard Fane's voice and the love he poured into his words in her mind.

  "I wouldn't dare," she replied confidently. His response was a gentle squeeze and low chuckle under his breath.

  Chapter 35

  Jacque stood in the room that she was sharing with Jen and Sally in the mansion where Fane and his family lived. It had been a week since they landed in Romania and the whirlwind of preparing for the bonding ceremony had begun. Tonight, in a matter of less than an hour, those preparations would finally bear the fruit of their purpose. Tonight Jacque would tie herself to Fane for all eternity. Needless to say she was a little anxious, and it would be a lie if she didn't admit that she was a bit jumpy feeling that at any moment some crazy wolf would jump out of the woodwork to steal her away in some freakish attempt to make her his mate. Okay, if she took a minute to really think about those fears she just might break down into hysterical laughter knowing that three months ago she didn't even know werewolves existed. She looked in the mirror at the simple, green gown adorned with embroidered flowers stitched in a darker green thread, with gold thread mingled in working its way up from the hem of the dress up and growing sparser the higher up the dress it went. It was cut low in the front but had a high back that would cover her markings. Alina chose this dress as the replacement for the original one ruined in the accident. The green accented her eyes and complimented her red hair and although it wasn't the first dress, it was still just as stunning in its own way.

  Today was not only the Blood Rites ceremony, it was also her eighteenth birthday. Who would have thought that on her eighteenth birthday she would be in Romania getting ready to bond with a werewolf? Ya, her either.

  "How you doing of there, wolf princess?" Jacque heard Jen ask from the bed she was lounging on while Sally finished painting her toenails.

  Jacque turned to face her two best friends, thankful beyond words that they were here to support her and if nothing else, give her sarcastic remarks to help keep her nerves under control.

  "I'm nervous, but honestly I'm so beyond ready to be bonded to Fane."

  "Well, believe us when we say we wish you would hurry up already because the whole 'crazy Alphas knocking down your door to get in your pants' is getting old," Jen told her dryly.

  "Classy, Jen, real classy." Sally rolled her eyes.

  "Well, better Jac than me, that's all I've got to say."

  "Wait a minute," Sally began. "If I do recall, inebriated Jen was all about some wolf to be her man. What happened?"

  Jen rolled her eyes, her mouth going tight. "We all know that's never going to happen. Besides, I'm beginning to think I wouldn't look good in fur anyways." Jen snorted at her own comment. "Get it? Fur? Wouldn't look good in fur? No, no takers, huh? Ok then, tough crowd."

  Jacque walked over to Jen and knelt down in front of her, her eyebrows raised. "Jen, um, about that. I need to tell-" Just then the door to their room opened and Decebel stepped in.

  Jen jumped up off the bed, causing Sally to fling nail polish all over. "Decebel, how good of you to join us in our private room, where we could be naked at any given moment. I was just saying to my two friends here how badly I wished that a grumpy, cocky, condescending, conceited werewolf would barge in uninvited. So thanks for that. Really, thanks."

  Decebel just stared at Jen amd his eyes took her in from head to toe. Jen felt heat rise in her face under his scrutiny. "What, have you never seen a girl in a dress?" she snapped.

  Decebel growled low. "Not a dress like that. Is it missing a jacket or some material?"

  Jen's jaw dropped open, her eyes going wide. Sally coughed into her hand and Jacque just flat slapped her hand over her mouth.

  Jen looked Decebel straight in the eyes as she pulled her already low cut dress just a tad lower, daring him with her lethal glare to make another comment.

  Decebel walked over to her, standing directly in front of her. Jen had to lean her head back to look up at his towering form. "This conversation isn't over, Jennifer, and you aren't leaving this room until you put on a sweater or robe, or a parka for all I care. But you are not going out there like that." He then turned to Jacque. "It's time. He is waiting for you. Once Jennifer adds some material to her body I am to lead you and your friends to the gathering hall." Without another word he turned and walked back into the hall, waiting for them to follow.

/>   Sally was already pulling out a soft cream short waist sweater that would go with Jen's navy blue dress. "Just put this on and lets go. It's Jacque's day, okay?" Sally whispered to her fuming friend.

  Jen snatched the sweater from Sally and jerked it on, never taking her eyes from Decebel's stiff form. Finally she wrenched her eyes away and looked at Jacque. Her face immediately softened. "Okay Jac, let's do this. I've got your speech thingy so we're good. And you look amazing!"

  Jacque beamed at the compliment. She nodded her head, taking a deep breath, and turned to follow Decebel out to where Fane waited for her.

  As they approached the gathering room Jen and Sally both gave Jacque a hug. Neither spoke as they had already said all that needed to be said. Jen handed Jacque the sheet of paper that had her vows and gave her a quick wink. Decebel escorted Jen and Sally into their places in the hall, leaving Jacque standing there alone.

  As Jacque stepped up to the entryway and looked into the hall, she saw that it was dark. As she continued to watch, one by one small lights lit up on the floor. She realized it was candles being lit and they created a circle. All around the circle were people. She could see the first couple of rows but then the rest of the faces faded into the darkness that the light of the candles didn't reach. She also saw that in the center of the circle was a chair, a basin of water, and towels. But the most important thing standing amidst the soft candle light was Fane.

  He was wearing relaxed jeans and a white button down shirt untucked, the long sleeves rolled up, showing off his strong forearms. And he was barefoot. She could see his tattoos like a vine crawling up from beneath the collar of the shirt, hugging his neck and face in a loving caress. Jacque took a deep breath and then walked into the hall. With every step she took a candle was lit on either side of her on the floor, creating a lighted path. It was quiet, unlike a wedding there was no music for her to enter in to. But that didn't matter because all she could hear was her heartbeat getting harder and harder until she was standing in front of Fane. She looked at his handsome face and a big grin broke across it. Jacque giggled, remembering how he had told her he would be the one with the big goofy grin. Only he didn’t look goofy, he was breathtaking.