Read Blood Rose Tales Box Set Page 14

  She nodded, unable to believe it was true, but a second orgasm, so unlike her, was right there.

  He kissed her. “I want you to come again. Come with me.”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  He increased the speed of his thrusts and she trembled again. She was feeling overcome and tears began to leak from her eyes. “What’s happening to us? This is so magical. Unbelievable.”

  “I know, but I don’t know.” He smiled and leaned down to kiss her. “Just great sex.”

  She savored his lips and the taste of what he’d been taking from her throat. Come for me, Willem. I want to feel you release into me.

  He drew back. He’d never looked so fierce or so serious as he began to push heavily now. At the same time, he released an answering vibration of his own, one that came from the core of who he was. She shouted her pleasure at the sensation.

  Her own vibration began to mingle with his. He moved faster. She writhed beneath him, panting. A new wave of pleasure flowed deep inside until she was screaming.

  She heard his own shouts through the din of her cries, through the immense pleasure that engulfed her. She rode the crest of the wave and kept crying out. He slammed into her now, and the ecstasy rolled like an endless wave, her body taking and taking as he gave of his essence.

  She’d never felt a more powerful, more satisfying orgasm in her life. Her entire body tingled as finally she came down from the heights and Willem settled down on top of her.

  She surrounded him with her arms and caressed the nape of his neck. Peace came in many forms, but this was the most incredible sensation she'd ever known. She felt one with Willem and with his world, as though the shared vibrations had joined her to him somehow.

  Then she suddenly knew that’s exactly what had happened and she panicked. “Willem?”

  “What? What’s wrong? Sweet Goddess, I can suddenly feel how frightened you are? What’s going on?”

  “We’re connected.”

  He lifted up and glanced down the length of her body and smiled. “I know. We’re joined.”

  “That’s not what I meant. The vibrations. They did something to us. The ones we shared. Can’t you feel it?”

  He drew his brows together in a tight line. “Holy shit.” He met her gaze. “Charlotte, what the fuck is this?” Slowly, he eased out of her, but he looked really upset.

  “What do you mean?”

  Leaning back on his knees he stared at her. “What are you that you could do this to me? We’re bound and it could damn well be permanent. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear you’d seduced me.”

  She shook her head, horrified. “No. Never. But could you at least tell me what this is?” Though she felt panicky at the same time, the vibration that connected her to Willem felt amazing.

  “It’s a sexual bonding, the kind that only occurs when a man and woman, both realm¸ have agreed to join like this.”

  She worked once more at getting calm. “Okay, we’ll have to figure this out. Clearly, this happened by accident but why are you so angry?”

  “Because I didn’t ask for this and it’s not right. This should never have happened. I would never have agreed to bind myself to you if asked.”

  Now she was getting a little pissed. “Dammit, Willem, this isn’t my fault. You’re realm and I’m not. You’re the one who should have headed this off. I told you I was feeling a vibration and you felt it yourself. In fact, you really liked it.”

  “Just because I liked it—” He broke off, closing his eyes and taking a couple of deep breaths. “Sorry, Charlotte, I’m not handling this very well.”

  “Neither am I.”

  He turned away, slid off the bed and headed to the bathroom. He soon came back and handed her a washcloth that she tucked between her legs.

  But he didn’t return to lie beside her. Instead, he sat on the side of the bed with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands.

  In any other circumstance, she would have been offended but the same bond that now caused them both so much distress, also helped her to feel what he was feeling. Mostly, she felt a strange layer of shame beneath a layer of anger.

  And her every instinct told her that what happened in the next few minutes would determine her entire future.


  Chapter Four

  Pain moved within Willem’s heart like a wild animal trapped and trying to get out.

  The shame he felt went so deep he could hardly bear it and all that shame poured over Charlotte now because he’d bonded with her. She was right. He was a man of Grochaire Realm and she was just a human. Of the two, he should have known better, should have figured out that the unbelievable sensation of his mating vibration moving over hers had meant he’d been close to bonding with her. Yet somehow, he’d been so caught up in the experience he hadn’t truly understood what had been happening.

  He remained sitting on the edge of the bed, his thumbs pressed into his forehead as though trying to push the thoughts out of his mind. He’d never wanted to be this close to anyone. After what had happened to him, he’d long since accepted that he’d never be truly worthy of love in any form.

  The only person in the Nine Realms who knew what he’d endured was Davido the Wise, a troll of ancient lineage and unknown age who had counseled him for two years a few decades ago. Willem had gone to him because at the time, nightmares had swamped him, threatening his sanity.

  Davido had been able to relieve him of that burden but he hadn’t been able to cure Willem of the ever-present shame, the very thing that had kept him from long-term relationships all this time. He’d never been able to connect well with the good women who’d moved in and out of his life through the decades. He didn’t blame them; this dysfunction was solely on his head.

  His suffering was also the source of his obsession with serial perpetrators. He wanted to find the man who had kidnapped, raped and tortured him, leaving him feeling worthless for most of his life.

  He sat up a little, sliding his fingers over the band of leather on his wrist, turning it slightly. And for a moment fell into the memories of what he’d endured. He could even hear his own screams, smell his burning flesh.

  Charlotte’s soft hand on his shoulder whipped him away from the terrible images, reminding him of the unwanted bond. He just didn’t know what to do. But somehow he had to find a way to sever the connection to her. She deserved so much better.

  “I know you’re troubled, Willem, but I think we need help.”

  He finally turned to meet her gaze. “What?”

  “Willem, I know you’re hurting. I can feel it, but something’s going on with me and I’m scared.” She held the bed sheet clutched to her chest, her eyes wide. “I think I’m changing into something I don’t understand. I keep seeing you with this golden aura around your entire body and I don’t know what to do with all that’s happened, with what keeps happening.” Tears fell down her cheeks. “And now we have this bond.”

  Nothing else could have pulled him from the pain he experienced except Charlotte’s distress. She was frightened and he was responsible.

  She was clearly showing signs of becoming a realm person, maybe even fae.

  He took hold of her hand. “You’re exactly right. We need Davido and his wife, Vojalie. She’s a powerful fae and will be able to tell us what’s going on. This is way beyond my experience and I’m sorry for not being more understanding.”

  She nodded several time, swiping at her cheeks.

  He released her hand, then left the room to search for his Realm-to-Realm iPhone. He found it in his leather jacket in the foyer. The whole situation, including the fact that he could feel the bond deep within his body, had his skin on fire. Before punching in the numbers, he threw the front door wide. The cool, ocean breeze soothed him, calming him enough to force a few deep breaths.

  He made the call.

  Davido answered, “And good eventide, my fellow realm traveler. Your handsome troll speaking and how may I serve you this
resplendent night?” The troll’s voice and his ancient, absurd way of speaking, eased Willem.

  He released a deep breath; Davido could help. He returned the greeting. “Good eventide. And how are you, my friend?” He wondered if Davido would recognize his voice.

  “Willem! Well, isn’t this a tremendous surprise. I’ve not heard your voice in several long years. How are you, my dear vampire?”

  “In most respects, I’m good. But right now, I have a situation.”

  “And I am not surprised. My most beloved wife told me that I’d be receiving a call, though she did not say from whom. She’s changing into some kind of loose beach wear and told me not five minutes ago we’d see the ocean soon. Are you perchance at your Maris Sol house in Grochaire, the one on the bluff?”

  For a long moment, Willem didn’t speak. He couldn’t frame even one sentence for how dumbfounded he felt. If he’d had any doubt that he was caught in a powerful realm event, the fact that Vojalie had sensed that she’d be traveling soon to the ocean, removed the last trace of it. She was one of the most extraordinary, gifted fae in the Nine Realms.

  “Yes, but I have a woman with me, a human, Charlotte Vail of Tennessee. She’s been in Grochaire for years now, studying at the university.”

  “That would follow. My most beloved one said that she saw a lovely auburn beauty in her vision. Would your dear Charlotte happen to be a fetching redhead?”

  “Very fetching.” Willem felt a profound sense of relief. The one thing Davido had taught him was that he wasn’t alone and this moment proved Davido’s conviction yet again. “When can I expect you both?”

  “In fifteen minutes, if that will serve?”

  “Fifteen will be fine. Perfect, actually.” Just enough time for both of them to shower and become presentable.

  When he returned to the bedroom, sure enough his bed had an empty, desolate look and his shower droned in the bathroom beyond.

  Yet, because of the bond, he could feel how distressed Charlotte was, but not less so than himself.

  While she showered, he slipped on a robe, straightened the bed, laid her clothes out on the blue silk comforter, and generally tried to put a harness on his nerves. But what disturbed him the most, was that he liked the bond he had with the woman he barely knew. It felt comfortable and right, even though it was all wrong.

  When she emerged wrapped up in one of his oversized, black towels and looking sexy as hell with her read curls dangling around her shoulders, he held her gaze for a moment. He wanted to drag her back into his arms and kiss her again, but settled on moving close and saying, “They’ll be here in about ten minutes.” He waved a hand behind him. “I set your clothes on the bed.”

  She caught his arm. “It’ll be all right, Willem. You’ll see.”

  He almost laughed at the absurdity of ‘the human’ making an effort to comfort him, when it should have been the other way around. Charlotte was generous.

  He felt overcome with her concern, her sweetness and that she smelled like summer flowers. Once again, his desire for her ignited, which of course forced his feet in motion as he headed for his turn in the shower. He might even take a cold one to set his head straight.

  * * * * * * * * *

  Charlotte had never met the Nine Realm’s most famous couple before, but she felt as though she stood in the presence of royalty. She’d seen pictures of both Davido and Vojalie, of course, having spent a lot of time on the Realm Internet. Vojalie was one of the most beautiful women she’d ever seen.

  She stood in Willem’s living room, near his couch, while Willem remained near Davido.

  The room, however, belonged to Vojalie.

  She was tall like Charlotte, but Davido couldn’t have been more than five-three. Vojalie’s hair was a rich dark brown and hung in beautiful waves to her waist. A headband with three small ceramic starfish held back her curls. Her brows were arched, and long lashes surrounded soft, compassionate brown eyes. Her nose was narrow and straight, her lips small, her chin tapered to a beautiful fae point, and her pronounced cheekbones appeared regal.

  “I am so happy to meet you, Charlotte Vail of Tennessee.” She drifted toward Charlotte, extending her hands, which Charlotte took. Vojalie gave each a gentle squeeze.

  Charlotte wanted to say something, to offer her own formal greeting, but no words would come. Instead, she felt dizzy and strange.

  As Vojalie’s eyes turned a stunning silver, Charlotte’s mind became steadily more and more unfocused. She didn’t exactly faint, but her consciousness dimmed. She had a strange sense that Vojalie was searching her soul, yet how long this went on she couldn’t tell. She felt wrapped up in the most peaceful sensation.

  “Beautiful,” Vojalie whispered at last.

  Gradually, Charlotte’s ability to think returned. “I beg your pardon?” She wasn’t sure if Vojalie had said something or not.

  But Vojalie smiled. “Forgive me, but I took a moment to enthrall you. I needed to know exactly what I’m dealing with. You have a lovely soul, my dear. And I know this may sound like an odd request, but may I inspect your ears?”

  Perhaps the same sense of enthrallment still hung over Charlotte, because nothing about the request bothered her in the least. “Of course you may.” She pushed her hair off her shoulders, letting it dangle down her back.

  Vojalie drew close and took turns inspecting Charlotte’s ears. “Have you had any particular sensitivity at the tips lately?”

  The memory of Willem so recently sucking that exact spot and almost making her come, brought a warmth to her cheeks, a reaction she quickly repressed. Taking a deep breath, she responded simply, “Yes, very sensitive.”

  “And what other phenomena have you been experiencing?”

  Charlotte turned to meet Willem’s gaze. “Sometimes when I look at Mastyr Willem, I see a golden aura around him.”

  Vojalie’s brows rose. “Indeed?”

  Charlotte nodded. “And I’ve felt this vibration coming from the very center of my being.” She placed a hand on her stomach.

  “You are much farther along than I imagined. You have all the indicators of becoming a human-fae hybrid. In addition, I can tell that you have tremendous potential and I believe that in time, you will rival some of our most renowned fae in ability and power. Of course, this will mean study and commitment, but I have to say, you seem very willing.”

  Charlotte’s lips moved but no words followed. She finally sank onto the couch behind her and stared through the window at the night sky beyond. The landscape was still lit up in a soft glow, a very realm ability all in itself.

  Even though she had all these peculiar, fae-like symptoms, she still couldn’t believe what Vojalie was telling her. She could become a powerful fae in this world? She, a human, from Lebanon, Tennessee?

  She felt as though she was being given her heart’s desire without ever having known that this was what she’d wanted all along. She’d lived in Grochaire Realm for years, studying at Grochaire U. Charlotte dated and slept with realm men quite happily. She realized that she felt comfortable here as she never had in her human life in Tennessee. Her best friend was a troll.

  But it had never occurred to her that her sense of ease in the Nine Realms might have meant that all this time she could actually belong in this world, that living here had brought to life a latent part of her. “Then, I must have realm DNA.” She shifted her gaze back to Vojalie.

  The woman nodded. “And apparently, a lot of it. It’s possible that one of your human forebears, years ago, mated with a person of realm lineage without ever knowing it. Some of our people were known to have left the Nine Realms and never returned. They were always accounted dead, but in more recent years I’ve come to believe they discovered your Earth’s access point and chose to live out their days hidden within your culture.”

  “I suppose that would explain a lot but I’m still in shock.”

  Vojalie sat down in a chair adjacent to Charlotte. “Can you tell me about your family?”

/>   Charlotte blinked back sudden unexpected tears and for a moment couldn’t speak.

  But Willem, perhaps sensing her emotions the way she could sense his, drew close to sit down beside her. He even took her hand. “Charlotte is essentially orphaned in her world. She lost her mother and father and a younger brother in a boating accident several years ago.”

  Charlotte nodded. These events had happened over eight years ago, yet hearing them spoken aloud brought them rushing forward as though they’d taken place the day before. She trembled at the memories.

  Willem released her hand to slip an arm around her shoulders, kissing her temple.

  After a long moment, when her throat had unknotted itself, she said, “Sorry, but for some reason my emotions are all on the surface right now.”

  Vojalie adjusted her long, flowing skirt. “That’s to be expected. You’re going through an extraordinary transformation tonight.” But Vojalie suddenly narrowed her eyes. “Wait a minute. There’s something here, something I’ve missed. Dear sweet Goddess, are the two of you bonded? But that’s not possible. I mean, not unless…”

  She turned toward Davido, who until this moment had remained in the background. He moved quickly to stand next to her chair, and she took his hand. “You’re not going to believe this, my love.”

  Davido covered their joined hands with his right palm. “And what is that, my sweet? What will I not believe?”

  “Do you not see it?” Vojalie glanced between Charlotte and Willem several times.

  “Ah, but alas, seeing is your astounding gift, my darling. Tell me what I’m missing?”

  “That Charlotte is a blood rose, of course.”

  “A blood rose?” Charlotte’s voice was little more than a stunned whisper.

  The three ridges of Davido’s forehead rippled. “By all the elf lords, that’s impossible!”

  Vojalie swept an arc with her free arm. “But it explains the bond. Now tell me, Charlotte of Lebanon, how do you feel right now, for I must presume that you’ve recently fed Mastyr Willem? Describe the state of your heart and not your metaphorical one, but what exists protected within the cradle of your chest.”