Read Blood Slave Page 11

Page 11


  “We’ll talk of this later. For the sake of civility, please refrain from abusing your talents. ”

  “Okay. ” I mumbled agreement, feeling like a naughty little bad girl.

  A stab of jealousy hit me right in the heart, and twisted hard. They had such a long-standing connection, so intimate. How could I ever compete? I’d be forever relegated to food status, a third-wheel. I felt sure Lia would hate me with a passion for years to come.

  I tried to focus on the positive. Lia would be leaving soon. I’d have Enrique all to myself. I had a crisp new, sexy wardrobe valued in thousands of dollars, a complete makeup kit, and all the ridiculously expensive hygiene products a girl could ever want. To top it all off Enrique insisted I choose several cocktail dresses and gowns for certain black-tie events in the future.

  That was a good thing right? They planned on keeping me around for a while. I chose to see it that way.

  My pleasant little fantasy bubble of denial popped violently as we arrived at the penthouse. Enrique locked me back in my room with a promise to return in an hour. I’d been looking forward to some more one on one time with him, and I could hardly wait for his return. Then I picked up on a conversation that wasn’t meant for my ears.

  I overheard their weird mind-speak, through Lia’s mind, of course. True to character, she started bitching at Enrique the moment he closed the door to my room.

  “She’s a cheap whore. She’s nothing but trash and you treat her like a princess!” I actually heard her growl-snarl within her mind.

  He snapped back, “You’re the one slumming it with the trash in the ghettos of Spanish Harlem, so don’t complain if you bring the filth home! I am not to blame for your foolishness, but I will clean up the mess when you force me to. You’re stuck with her now. Learn to make the best of a bad situation. ”

  I stifled my gasp, trying to be quiet as I put my head to the wall to close the distance.

  “So how does bribery and bullshit chivalry equate to ‘making the best of a bad situation?’” She mocked him, mind-speaking in a weird tone, a parody of his voice.

  “I’m trying to ease her transition into our household, to take away the sting of these drastic changes in her life. She probably won’t live long anyway. You know this. Is it so horrible to make the time she has left enjoyable?”

  “Oh … is that what you were doing? It looked to me like you were courting the tramp. I thought maybe you were shopping for an engagement ring. ”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. She’s a whore. I’ve no interest in her beyond the need to maintain an atmosphere of congeniality in my home, which you brought her to. She’s nothing more than a bloodslave, but she deserves some respect and care. She doesn’t deserve to be treated poorly. You will be civil with her. Cease these pointless attacks. It’s childish and serves no purpose but to create discord. ”

  “Whatever. ”

  “I want you to start thinking about how she will fit in here with our nightly routine …. ”

  I couldn’t catch anything further. They had walked too far down the hallway. My range was only about twenty feet.

  I had to sit down, my knees wobbled. Lia hadn’t been joking at all. I felt her extreme rancor and jealousy. She actually believed Enrique liked me. Well, he certainly dispelled that notion. You’re the one slumming it with the trash in the ghettos of Spanish Harlem, so don’t complain if you bring the filth home. Don’t think I’ll ever forget those words.

  No mistaking the way he felt about me. Trash. I was nothing but trash in his eyes, a bloodslave whore.

  “You fucking asshole!” I didn’t want to cry. I hate crying. “Damn!”

  The son of a bitch made me cry. I can insulate myself against people when I know who they are, where they’re coming from. Their nastiness doesn’t bother me so much, I just consider the source. But Enrique caught me by total surprise. I had begun to trust him.

  That little exchange pretty much ruined all the romance of an otherwise decent evening. I had an entire hour to brood. I would die soon. Explained why this room was set up with locks on the outside of the door.

  “Who puts locks on the outside of a door? Who does that shit?”

  What was I to them, bloodslave of the month? Honored guest until I died in a few weeks? Obviously Lia didn’t care to maintain the façade. She wanted to get it over with now, minus all the pomp and ceremony. Why pamper a girl who’s going to die tomorrow? She seems practical that way. It’s a waste of time and resources to cater to someone so close to death.

  I wanted to hate Enrique. I wanted to denounce him to his face, tell him I knew all about the ruse. At the same time I wanted him here, touching me, biting me, making love to me. He made me his slave in every sense of the word. In spite of all the reasons I should hate him, I still needed him, which made me hate him even more.

  I’ve never needed anyone like I need Enrique. It’s a dependency.

  “You asshole!”

  The asshole showed up with that sexy confident smile, the one that fit perfectly with his trimmed goatee. What a beautiful man. I hated him for being so appealing. The fucking master of my universe – asshole.

  I forced a smile like I do with all my clients. I don’t have to like someone to give a satisfying performance. He hugged me, kissed me in pretense of affection. I kissed him back with the same pretense.

  “Ah, querida, you do look lovely with nothing but black silk. ” A hungry look in his eyes.

  Though I wanted to hate him, tried hard to hate him, it felt so damn right in his arms. It was all a product of this bloodslave shit, but I couldn’t get past it. I wanted him near, touching me, biting me. All my reasons for hating him became meaningless in his arms. God, I’m such a loser. No matter the fact he saw me as filthy trash, he still held this power over me.

  “I missed you already. I need you. ” I gave into the irresistible desire to be with him. It allowed me to forget all the reasons I should hate him long enough to service both our needs. I untied my robe, and his hands helped remove it. The soft expensive silk flowed off my shoulders like water pooling on the ground at my feet.

  He scooped me up into those powerful arms and carried me to the bed. I gave him exactly what he wanted, my body, my blood, willingly. And he took it.

  “I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but you’re huge. ”

  “Aye querida, and you handle it well. ” He had me so damn wet with anticipation. Just knowing he intended to bite me made me wet. And that big hunk of hard meat just slid right in to the hilt.

  We both grunted together as he sunk all eight inches in me. Talk about ruining a girl, I’d never be satisfied with all those little five inchers anymore. I pulled hard on his ass, taking all of it, wanting it, needing it. He played with me for a while, sliding in and out real slow.

  “Just give it to me already. ” I gripped his ass, trying my best to get up onto all that hard meat. Then he bit me. I lost my mind for about five minutes straight. The asshole could make me come like no other man.

  We made such a mess together. He had me soaking wet, the sheets, all over my thighs. I was so raw and sensitive it hurt, but I couldn’t stop humping his monstrous cock, and he gave it to me hard as ever. It seemed like the sex had gotten better, or maybe I could handle it with less pain.

  I loved it, every second of it. But I hated that he could make my body feel so awesome and my soul so desolate.

  “What’s wrong?” He stared down at me with those intense, piercing eyes that saw everything yet revealed nothing.

  My pretense of affection faltered. I rolled over and tried to ignore him, the man who had just fucked me stupid. He waited. When I continued to ignore him he rolled me back over, his face inches from mine.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” It sounded like a question, but his face looked demanding.

  “What’s to talk about?” Not too subtle.

??s bothering you. ”

  “What could be bothering me? I have a brand new wardrobe. You just screwed me so hard I can’t walk. I’m gonna live happily ever after for a hundred years, right?”

  He nodded his head, still waiting.

  “Why don’t you tell me more about how long I’m supposed to live? All those ‘benefits’ you were talking about. ”

  “I don’t think that’s what you really want to hear. Tell me what’s on your mind. ”

  “That’s exactly what’s on my mind. I want to hear the tone of your voice and see the look in your eyes as you lie to me some more about how long I’m going to live. Maybe I can learn to detect your lies without reading your mind. ”

  “Chingao. ”

  All of a sudden he moved on top of me, pressed up between my legs. It was so damn unfair. I wanted him there, his hands on me. I wanted him to fuck me and bite me all night long, even though I was too sore for it. I wanted him to screw me until I forgot those horrible words.

  “What did you hear? What gave you the idea I lied to you?”

  “I heard it all, or enough of it. I heard your little talk about me outside my door after you locked me in. How much time do I have?” I did good so far, no tears.

  “I’m so sorry, querida. I wish you’d never heard a word of that. And I wish I’d never said those things. I can explain if you’ll listen. ”

  I tried so hard not to cry. God I was sick of crying. I looked away from those intense eyes boring into my soul. I didn’t want him to put me under his spell any further.

  He grabbed my face with strong hands, forcing me to look at him as he lied to me again.

  “I know it sounds disingenuine. But I didn’t mean what I said to Lia. I spoke of you in a very derogatory tone. I was attempting to combat her animosity towards you and our relationship. ”

  “Oh I feel so much better now. ” I couldn’t move my head, but I could still roll my eyes. “So you didn’t mean it when you said I’m nothing but a whore, trash, a bloodslave, and I’m gonna die soon anyway so who gives a shit. ” There was no way to say those words without crying from the hurt, anger, frustration, and sense of impending doom.