Read Blood Slave Page 22

Page 22


  We screwed for what seemed like hours. Everyone got their needs met again and again. Lia just couldn’t stop going at it. The girl was insatiable. She humped me raw while gnawing on my foot, biting me over and over again. It was awesome.

  For the first time ever they slept in my bed, wrapped around my blissfully abused body in a puppy pile of naked limbs. I felt like I had died and gone to heaven, with the exception of all the wonderful aches and pains I’d acquired during our sexual adventures.

  I must’ve slept for a good thirteen hours from sunrise to sunset, snuggled between them both. I felt so safe and secure – loved. I don’t know if I was loved but it sure felt like it.

  Somebody smacked me awake at sunset.

  “Ow! What the hell!” I didn’t want to wake up.

  When I finally did get up I thought I was dying of thirst. I had a horrible taste in my mouth, nauseous, bone dry with thirst. “Get me some water. ” I croaked.

  I tried to stand up to get a drink, but my head exploded with sharp stabbing knives of pain. I hit the floor with vertigo, and I couldn’t get back up. My stomach lurched, the room spun. I broke into a cold sweat.

  “Hope, wake up, Hope, what’s wrong?” Enrique shook me.

  I felt dead tired. All I wanted to do was curl back up into his embrace and sleep. Every time I opened my eyes the room spun, my stomach flopped. He finally let me be, let me sleep.

  “Get me an IV now!” he yelled at somebody.

  I awoke later in bed with the now familiar IV tier standing nearby, a clear bag and a red bag. Enrique and Lia sat beside the bed fully dressed. They had their little silent conversation going.

  “She’s not going to last very long. ”

  Enrique came back at her. “She will be fine if we take better care of her!” I could actually hear the furious growl in his mental voice.

  “Why prolong the inevitable?”

  “Because I like her. I want her to live a long happy life with us. ”

  “You finally admit it?”

  “Yes, the secret’s out. There’s something about her I like, something unique. ”

  “She does give one hell of a blow job. ”

  “Don’t be rude, she’s listening. You have to respect her as a person. ”

  “That was a compliment. ”

  Enrique followed his own advice. He granted me the courtesy of speaking to me instead of about me. “You gave us quite a scare. How are you feeling?”

  The ‘us’ part wasn’t really true. Lia had been quite entertained watching me fall on my face. Enrique was the only one who gave a shit about me.

  “I’m starving. And I could really use a quick bite. What time is it?” I hadn’t been bitten in way too long – withdrawals started to kick in. The clock showed a little after ten, I must’ve been out for three hours. I never waited this late in the evening for my first shot of venom, way overdue.

  “Of course. ” Enrique accommodated me with a light loving nip, always careful when it mattered. After meeting my immediate needs, the gravity of the situation hit me hard.

  “So, you guys trying to kill me?”

  Enrique shook his head, embarrassed. “You know that’s not our intention. But we did get a little carried away last night. I think you’ll be fine with a pint and half of blood and a few hours recovery. ”

  Lia simply stared at me unfazed. She couldn’t care less.

  “But you almost killed me. Is that correct?”

  “I think that’s a bit extreme. You were severely anemic, but you recovered rapidly. Remember I told you one of the benefits of living with us is an ability to heal faster? Remember how quickly you recovered from the incident at the Metropolis? Your shoulder barely has a mark on it. Repeated exposure to our bite has toughened you up quite nicely. ”

  “That’s why you could hardly wake me up, and I couldn’t even get to my feet?”

  “Querida, you were a pint and a half shy. A normal person would have been on their deathbed. You’re well-adjusted to this life. There’s nothing to worry about. We need to exercise a little more caution in our sex life, that’s all. ”

  “You mean she needs to exercise more caution. ” I pointed my finger of accusation at Lia, who simply raised her eyebrows as if to say – who me?

  “Yes … her and I both need to be more careful with you. ” Enrique tried to play down Lia’s role in my near death experience. Sooo uncool.

  “Don’t treat me like I’m stupid! I know who did the majority of the biting. ”

  Enrique looked to Lia then back at me. “She knows she made a mistake, and she apologizes. ”

  I looked at Lia, poised, quiet, and believe it or not, contrite. She spoke to me with one hundred percent sincerity, “I’m sorry Hope. Will you forgive me?”

  I searched her mind. The only thing there was a desire to make amends. I was so pissed. How could she do this and get away with it? Nothing more than I’m sorry?

  “So that’s it? She sucks me dry and gets off with an apology? I’m all better now – no harm – no foul – no big deal?”

  “Would you prefer to have her punished?”

  “Are you serious?” A dumb question.

  I saw clearly through Lia’s mind, the two of them had discussed this. Enrique had mentioned the possibility she should be punished. She imagined it, naked, bent over, Enrique lashing at her back and ass with a leather blackjack. The idea made her wet. Both afraid and turned on by the prospect of it. Her eyes gleamed with excitement, anticipation, and fear.

  I shuddered. “No way am I getting into that freaky shit! No! You’re not going to beat her on my behalf. ”

  “Fine … you accept our sincere apologies?” He watched me quietly. Either pass judgment and draw blood, or let it be.

  “I guess that’s as good as it gets. ” I sighed. It felt so unfair. She gets to suck the life out of me and get away with it.

  They both moved up on me at the same time. Enrique hugged me first. He kissed me on the forehead, then Lia.

  She whispered in my ear as we embraced. “I’ll let you hurt me if you want. I’ll make it up to you. ” She flicked her tongue in my ear playfully. The chick was a total freak.

  “No thanks. I don’t really care for S&M. ” I’d done the whole leather whips thing before, just playing around. Lia wanted it for real. She wanted me to hit her, draw blood, cause real pain, not just a slap on the butt.

  She sat down next to me on the bed, her head filled with S&M fantasies.

  Enrique grabbed my attention as he pet my hair. “I think we should do a little test to demonstrate something. You don’t believe me. So I’m going to prove it to you. Lia, please get me a thirty pound dumbbell. ”

  She returned to the room a moment later. She hefted a big ole thirty pounder, a solid dumbbell with two big hexagonal weights on each side of the handle. A one-handed dumbbell. I spent a little time in the gym, took cardio kickboxing for a month. I didn’t stick with it. The instructor gave the girls one or two pounders for each hand, the guys got tens or fifteens. I’ve never even attempted to pick up a thirty pounder. Lia set it on the bed in front of me, expecting me to actually grab it and do something.

  “I can’t curl that!”

  Enrique smiled. “One minute. ” He unhooked the IVs which had mostly emptied and then gestured to the dumbbell. “Just try it a couple times. ”

  I sat there for a moment as they both stared at me silently, waiting, watching, not blinking. I finally sighed in resignation and gave in. I grabbed the thing, rolled my eyes at the both of them, and grunted as I tried to lift it. It was heavy, no doubt about that, but I could lift it off the bed one-handed. And then I started to curl it.

  Much to my surprise, I had this tight little ball of muscle popping out of my bicep with each of the 15 curls I did. By the time I finished it had swollen up even larger. “Que loco!” I backslid into Spanish in my excitement.

>   “I told you so. You’re much stronger now. If I had to gauge it, I’d say you’re about as strong as a professional female athlete. It’s only been two months. Give it a little more time and you’ll be as strong as a man. Haven’t you noticed how healthy your appetite is lately? Muscle burns a lot of calories. ”

  I realized he was right, I’d been eating everything in sight since I moved into the penthouse. “Oh God, I must be getting fat!”

  I dropped the dumbbell and opened up the front of my silk bathrobe to check out my usually trim belly. Still fit and trim, same as it was last time I saw myself in the mirror. But now I noticed something else. I had begun to catch a six pack of ab muscles. He was right!

  “Bet I could really kick ass on the elliptical trainer!”

  Enrique seized onto my positive attitude and ran with it. “See, there’s nothing to worry about. You’re much healthier now, much stronger. You’ve already recovered from last night’s excitement. As you put it so eloquently, no harm, no foul. ”

  Oh he was so damn smooth. He used my own words to flip it around on me. Sneaky little bastard wasn’t playing fair. But what could I do? Nothing.

  Truth is, I wanted them to do it again. I hope to repeat the adventure. If I wasn’t a sex addict before, I most certainly was now. I don’t think there’s anything that could top last night’s ménage apart from doing it again. I was hooked – really bad.

  Enrique remained in caution mode. “Here, eat as much as you can. Drink both of these. ”

  He handed me a huge bowl of chicken noodle soup and two cans of Ensure. I did as commanded. The whole time I ate, I kept thinking. What I really wanted was for him and Lia to fuck and bite me all night long. I understood what Enrique meant when he tried explaining how there are risks involved in being a bloodslave. The main risk was my own desire to be used and abused – in a good way. In the span of a few minutes I’d gone from accusing them of trying to kill me to wishing they’d try it again. That’s a hard-core addiction if I ever heard of one. But I had no denial. I knew I was fucked up.