Read Blood and Snow 1 Page 17

  No longer an in between—part human and part revenant. I was a bloodthirsty fiend with an unquenchable thirst.

  Chapter 2

  I fixed my gaze on the night sky. Inhaling deeply I smelled the air, tasted it, searching for the coppery fragrance I wanted. It was there. Past the rushing wind, through the woodland filled with fir and eucalyptus trees, and down on the sandy shore.

  The distinct smell of the ocean. And blood.


  Pounding strong in the veins of two humans.



  I let out an unearthly scream and sprinted forward.

  Toward my need.

  My drug of choice.

  That which made me what I was.

  When I was only few feet from my prey I slowed down, each silent stride closing the gap. The humans were in the throes of passion. They were on a blanket, kissing and losing themselves in each other. The sight burned my eyes and my heart as memories of Gabe cut through me unbidden. I needed to forget. Drinking the humans’ blood would help, would fill me up in ways nothing else ever could.

  I stepped closer, the edges of my dirty black Converse touching their blanket, while my heels sank into the soft sand.

  The girl opened her eyes and stopped kissing the boy. After a moment she whispered. “Some skanky girl is watching us. What a perv.” She giggled.

  The boy swiveled his head. “Get out of here!” he hollered. To the girl under him he added, “She smells.”

  The girl giggled again, probably grateful the guy on top of her didn’t find me attractive. Recently though, since my change, I discovered I could change a human’s feelings, compel them to come to me, desire me, and even lust after me up to the moment I drained them into unconsciousness. The process was easy.

  I knelt beside them. “Look at me,” I demanded, my voice silky smooth.

  The boy whipped his head around, a sliver of fear shading his brown eyes. He was handsome, lean. His blood smelled slightly like Gabe’s. I swallowed.

  “Get the hell away from us!” He tried to shove me, but I didn’t budge. The fear in his eyes grew.

  “Look into my eyes,” I ordered, enjoying the rush, the adrenaline. Knowing I possessed all the power.

  He did as I said. “You smell divine.” As I spoke his eyes dilated. The change in his demeanor was swift. He got off the girl, who let out an annoyed huff.

  I grabbed her chin. “Do you like the color of my eyes?” I’d discovered with girls, despite whether they sensed danger or not, they couldn’t resist such a simple question. I think it stemmed from our innate need to compare ourselves to others. I caught her glance and held it. “Such a pretty thing.” Even in the moonlight I watched her blush, the crimson of her blood rushing into her plump cheeks.

  “Th-thank you,” she stammered. Her dilated cinnamon eyes were no longer interested in the boy next to her, but totally focused on me.

  “What are your names?”

  As one they spoke.



  My heart pounded faster. The fangs in my mouth fought for release. My mouth watered. “Ashley, lie down and go to sleep.”

  Immediately she obeyed. She closed her eyes and I watched her breathing deepen.

  Kevin still kneeled, his large eyes desperate to please. He had a baby face. Sweet. Probably seduced a lot of girls with that face. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and I absently noticed his chiseled abs, the way his faded jeans rested low on his hips, and his finely manicured hands.

  I swallowed again. The monster in me wanted to pounce, wanted to make him scream. But I resisted. “Kiss me, Kevin.”

  He leaned forward, his swollen lips pressed against mine. At his touch, I closed my eyes and pretended I was in Professor Pops’ basement, once again kissing Gabe. He deepened the kiss, grabbing my shoulders, pulling me on top of him, just like Gabe. My pulse pounded rapidly; my need was strong. I wanted to take this boy’s blood. All of it.

  I straddled Kevin, tilting his chin up with one hand. Kevin whimpered as though he knew what I wanted. Letting out a groan I allowed my fangs to grow and sank them into the tender skin on his neck.

  His blood filled my mouth and I swallowed the coppery warmth hungrily. Professor Pops’ words paraded across my mind. “Promise me you won’t drink for more than ten seconds.” Internally I counted to ten. Eleven. Twelve. I released Kevin. He lay unconscious, his breathing normal.

  But I wasn’t satisfied. I wanted more. I needed to be numb. Quickly I moved to Ashley. I lifted her into my arms and she stirred.

  “Kevin.” Her eyes fluttered open and then widened momentarily.

  “It’s okay, Ashley.” Her pupils dilated, and I knew she was mine to do with as I pleased. “Let me see your neck.”

  She lifted her head, exposing her milky flesh. When my fangs sank into her neck she gasped and grabbed my head, pulling me closer. I drank greedily until her arms went lax.



  I had to push the ten-count limit. It was hard enough to stop at twelve. Releasing Ashley, I laid her on the blanket next to Kevin. They seemed so peaceful. The bite marks would heal quickly, the venom I released with my bite like a liquid cure. All that would remain would be a bruise. Ashley and Kevin wouldn’t remember me either, but I would remember them.

  “You’re very good. Most of the Marked don’t have the strength to pull back before a human dies.”

  Chapter 3

  I backed up at the sound of her voice, all of the newfound power and grace I recently obtained vanished. Did she know what I was? What I’d done? She must. She said I was Marked. That meant she had to know something. Her face was hidden in the shadow of a large hood. Gingerly standing, I wiped sand off my pants and moved in front of the unconscious bodies.

  “Wh-what?” That was all I could eke out. It felt like some of the sand from the beach had been poured down my throat.

  “Don’t be demure, Snow White.” She took a step forward. The moonlight caught her blood red lips. They were curled into a smile.

  In that moment, I knew that before me stood the Vampire Queen. “I’m not. I wasn’t. I mean, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Her laugh was low and creepy. Flicking the hood off her head and exposing her jet-black hair, she sighed. “Of course you do.”

  For some reason, knowing who she was—the Vampire Queen—made me relax, made me feel more human and less of a monster. It was as though a heavy burden lifted from my soul. She wouldn’t judge me. With her I had nothing to fear, at least not right now.

  I felt drawn to her. If anyone understood what I’d done to Gabe and what I’d just done to the humans, it was her. Moving closer, I said, “You’re right. I do.”

  At my words she placed an icy cold hand around my wrist. “Come, I have much to show you.”

  “Okay,” I responded, though I didn’t need to. We were already in her realm. Sharra. Inside the castle, in the room Christopher and I spent the night together. My hand went to my throat, searching aimlessly for the necklace he’d left me. The one I’d tossed away like garbage. The one I was told was meant to destroy the Vampire Queen and restore balance. I shivered, afraid. The room looked exactly the same. The lush, golden bedding, even the magical mirror. Fragrant air filled my lungs.

  This is where I belong, I thought.

  The Vampire Queen released my wrist. “Why don’t you freshen up?” She indicated a bathroom I hadn’t noticed before.

  “Are you leaving?” I’d been alone for several days, maybe even weeks. I wasn’t sure, but it felt like an eternity. Her presence seemed to chase away the memories, the guilt.

  “As soon as you’ve cleaned up I’ll be back. I promise.” She walked to the door and was gone.

  I went into the bathroom, which was as big as my house, and sat on a golden chair in front of a gilded mirror. The reflection staring back was scary, and I flinched. My short, bla
ck hair was tangled and matted. Dirt streaked my face. My clothes were dingy and caked with blood and other things I didn’t want to think about.

  “How long have I been gone?”

  “In Sharra, the Winter Solstice has begun. In the world of humans, it is the fifth day of November.” The voice was deep and resonated within my chest. It seemed to come from the proximity of the mirror. I was too tired to freak out. Leaning forward, I searched for a body to go with the voice.

  “My name is Zenny. I reside in all of the mirrors within the castle.” As he spoke, a funny looking man with lemon yellow hair and skin the color of a copper pot strolled across the middle of the mirror. He wore forest green and navy blue checkered pants, a red shirt, a white vest, and white shoes. I would’ve thought he was a clown, except for the seriousness of his features. Deep grooves etched creases between his eyebrows. His honey eyes were alight with a stern demeanor.

  “Oh. That means it’s been two weeks since I left.” I bit back a sob as memories of all of my loved ones broke through the wall I’d built up against my pain, guilt, and sorrow. Swallowing, I forced the wall back together with my anger and lust for blood, allowing those feelings to reign in the forefront of my mind.

  Zenny sniffed, bringing me out of my reverie. “I would guess three months by the smell of you. Peel off those clothes and throw them into the fire.” The hearth on my right suddenly roared to life. “When you’ve disposed of them, step into the shower and I’ll send Fina and Trina to assist you in scrubbing off all the debris.” He sniffed again.

  “No thank you, Zenny.” I untied my shoelaces. “I can take care of myself. I don’t need Fina and… Treeny.”

  “Trina, dear. And I think you should reconsider.” He walked across my reflection to my left cheek, licked his thumb, and pretended to wipe off a dirt streak.

  “Funny,” I said, sarcastic.

  He wrinkled his nose. “I’m not trying to be funny. Really, you’re a mess.”

  “Fine, I get it. Now can you leave so I can shower in peace?”

  “Humph,” he snorted and walked to the edge of the mirror.

  Before he was gone, I remembered my manners. “Thank you, Zenny.”

  He turned to me, his face ablaze with happiness. “Of course, Snow.” Then he was gone.

  Chapter 4

  I quickly stripped, doing as Zenny commanded, and tossed my clothes into the fire. Stepping into the steaming shower, I grabbed some lemon-scented soap and scrubbed. My invisible wall melted and thoughts of Gabe, Professor Pops, the brothers, Cindy, my dad, stepmother, and Gatsby—hopefully someone fed the poor thing—filled my mind and stung my heart. Had Professor Pops held a funeral for Gabe? Images of Professor Pops and the brothers all dressed in dark suits, white shirts, and ties mocked me. The brothers walked somberly, three on each side of Gabe’s cherry wood casket, toward Professor Pops, and the gravesite where they would lower his cold, dead body into the ground.

  Tears hot with hurt and devastation trickled down my cheeks. “What have I done?” Unable to keep myself standing, I curled into a ball on the shower floor and that’s where I stayed.

  I wondered if my dad looked for me, if he knew what I’d done. Probably not. Did anyone even care? They shouldn’t. I’d committed the ultimate sin. Killed. Murdered an amazing person. I didn’t deserve anyone’s love or support. I deserved to die. That’s what it said in the Bible: an eye for an eye. If anyone was searching for me it was probably to find a way to punish me. I shouldn’t have run. I should’ve stayed and suffered the consequences of my actions.

  I still couldn’t believe it. A part of me wanted to pretend he still lived, that somehow he survived my vicious attack and was only wounded.

  Was it possible?

  How could I find out without returning?

  Should I go back?

  A wave of determination washed over me. I would go home and face the consequences. If that meant death, then so be it. Standing, I quickly washed my hair, stepped out of the shower, and dried myself off. Now that I’d decided, I was in a hurry.

  But how will you get back? my inner voice chided.

  I wrapped myself in a large red bath towel and fell into a golden chair. A pearlized brush with soft white bristles appeared near my right hand. Absently I picked it up and brushed the tangles from my hair.

  How would I get back? In the past when I’d come to Sharra, I went back without trying. Someone or something always pulled me between the two realms.

  “Zenny,” I said quietly.

  I waited.

  He shuffled to the side of the mirror. “What is your wish?”

  I tightened the towel closer around my body. “How do I get back to the human world?”

  He balked. “You can’t leave. The Queen won’t allow it. She brought you here for a reason. You have to stay.”

  I nodded, showing him I understood. Of course he was loyal to her. Gulping down my fear, I said, “That’s fine, I won’t go anywhere until she allows it. But, if the time comes, how do I leave?”

  His eyes grew large and he bowed deeply. “My Queen,” he whispered and scurried out of the mirror.

  I turned. The Queen was at the door, wearing a pair of holey black jeans and a black tee shirt with the words love bites scrawled in red across her chest. She wore no makeup. Her hair hung on either side of her head in braids. On her feet were red Converse. She looked young, my age.

  “Oh,” I said, brushing my bangs off my face. “I’m not ready.”

  “I can see that.” She smiled. It was less cruel than usual, almost innocent. Unclasping her hands, she raised them and spread them in front of her, as though she were greeting someone or offering something. Clothes and a red pair of Converse just like hers appeared on the counter next to the brush. “Put those on. I’ll wait.” She closed the door.

  “Hurry,” Zenny whispered from the edge of the mirror. “The Queen does not like to be kept waiting.”

  “Alright. Disappear first.”

  After he left I tossed the towel on the counter and put on the clothes: a red bra and matching undies, a plain red shirt, black jeans, red socks, and the Converse.

  I hesitantly opened the door. She was next to a large window, seemingly lost in thought. “I’m ready,” I said softly.

  She appraised me with her eyes and then headed to the door leading out of the room. “Excellent. Let’s go.”

  I followed, curious about her plans. Also I was glad for the distraction from my heavy guilt. Besides, the sooner she showed me whatever she wanted to show me, the sooner I could get back.

  Chapter 5

  I trailed on her heels as we passed through a sunroom, down a set of steep stairs, and through a large sitting room filled with extravagant chandeliers, furniture, thick draperies, and a red grand piano. Seated in some of the chairs were… creatures. Vampires, I guessed. All of them were female, dressed in clothing from every century. Some wore dresses with tight bodices and large skirts, others were dressed like the Vampire Queen and me. All of them looked young—perfect skin, perfectly coifed hair, and red, red lips.

  Little pixilettes fluttered around them, serving them something red—blood?—in crystal goblets. The vampires took the offered glasses and then shooed the pixilettes away like they were irritating gnats. The little things seemed worn out, their shoulders hunched, their eyes droopy.

  If you hadn’t lost the necklace you could fix this, change the way things are done, my inner voice scolded. I cringed internally. That wasn’t possible. I couldn’t change anything.

  After we walked through the sitting room, we entered the circular room I remembered from my dream or vision, only this time it was empty of anyone except her and me.

  She went up the steps in front of two high back chairs. Had there been only one the first time I was here? I tried to go back through the dream. I couldn’t remember. The second throne looked like it belonged there.

  The Vampire Queen sat on the chair to the left. “Sit h
ere,” she said, indicating the throne on the right.

  After I sat she waved her hand and the room vanished. We were in the middle of a grass and flower filled meadow. I heard birds chirping happily, smelled the sweet fragrance from the flowers, and felt the cool breeze against my skin.

  The Queen stood and walked into the meadow. I listened to the stiff grass crackle under her shoes. When she reached the edge of the meadow she reached up and plucked a red apple from an apple tree on the fringe.

  My heart began beating fast. In the story of Snow White, the wicked witch gave the girl an apple. She took a bite and fell under a spell. Only true love’s first kiss could wake her.

  Was that the Vampire Queen’s plan? Did she intend to offer me the apple? Poison me and hope my true love would find me and kiss me?

  That’s stupid, my inner voice quipped.

  I snorted. Love didn’t work that way. It was complicated, messy, and took effort. A kiss in real life didn’t have the same power.

  That’s because you haven’t kissed your true love yet, my inner voice huffed.

  Maybe. I couldn’t help but think of Gabe and of Christopher. I’d kissed them both. Nothing happened.

  Another thought occurred to me. Had Christopher left because he accomplished his goal? I’d become a vampire. Wasn’t that all he was required to do? And now that I was a vampire, could a kiss return me to human? Probably not.

  I messed up so badly there was no way the Seal of Gabriel, the beautiful pendant Christopher gave me, would work any longer. I ruined any chance of restoring balance when I became a monster. It was too late for me.

  Maybe I should eat the apple, I thought. Then I wouldn’t be able to harm anyone.

  “Snow,” the Queen barked, interrupting my thoughts.

  “Yes,” I said, moving from the throne and into the meadow. The landscape was beautiful, peaceful. I ran my hands over the tops of the tall grass and the white daisies that grew in clumps.