Read Blood and Snow 1 Page 9

  Interesting, my inner voice said.

  Focusing my attention on Bart, I asked, “Why do I need a fancy dress for my party?”

  He snickered as he pulled an envelope from his back pocket and handed it to me. “You’ve created a monster by allowing Pops to be in charge of your party, and there’s no turning back. Salvatore is taking three hundred of these to the post office as we speak.”

  I took the envelope. Glancing at each of the boys, my emotions spiraled from curious to concerned to downright freaked. “What is it?” I asked, though I figured it was an invitation to my birthday party. My hands shook as I turned the envelope over. Sealed with red wax, SW was stamped in it. “Cool,” I mumbled, breaking the seal and removing the thick white cardstock. Embossed in black and lined with silver were these words:

  You are cordially invited to attend a

  Masquerade Ball

  Honoring the sixteenth birthday


  Snow White


  November 17th

  Beginning at 7:30 pm

  There will be dinner and dancing.

  Formal dress required.

  … and some other stuff. My mind couldn’t get over the words, Masquerade Ball.

  Chapter 2

  See, I didn’t dance. The last time I tried I tripped over my partner’s feet and ended up breaking his wrist. Needless to say we still weren’t speaking, and the not-so-graceful event happened in fifth grade.

  At the idea of dancing in front of a bunch of people, terror caused my upper lip to tremble. “A Ball? What is Professor Pops thinking?”

  They shrugged, grumbling incoherent words that I took to mean they weren’t excited about the party concept either. With petulant faces and irritated glares they shuffled around, getting mugs for the coffee, creamer, and sugar. The kitchen smelled divine—not that I was ever a real big coffee drinker, more of a hot cocoa girl. But the aroma filled me with nostalgic memories of my mom, making me miss her all the more.

  “Here you go,” Heathcliff said, setting a mug of murky liquid in front of me.

  I was about to decline, but got a whiff of it. It wasn’t coffee, but tea. My bloodlust tea.

  “Thanks.” I smiled. Their blood wasn’t a distraction this morning. I wondered if that had something to do with me drinking Chace’s blood last night. Self-consciously I tugged the scarf farther up my neck and caught Dorian watching, his eyes flickering to my neck, the scarf, and my mouth. His examination told me what he thought. A slow tendril of heat started in my belly and worked its way up. I silently prayed he wouldn’t say anything, at least not in front of his brothers.

  “No prob, Snow,” Heathcliff said. He went over and poured himself a cup of coffee.

  Gabe cleared his throat and I turned my attention to him, taking a sip of tea.

  “So you need to pick out a dress in the next couple of days and let Pops know,” he said.

  “If it’s any consolation, we’ll be wearing tuxes,” Heathcliff said, irritated, reading the terrorized look I was sure coated my face.

  I giggled at his agitation, swallowed some tea, and then said, “You’ll look amazing in a tuxedo.” I rotated to include Bart, Dorian, and Gabe. “You all will.” I pulled the book closer and flipped through the pages. All of the dresses were beautiful, airy and light. I couldn’t imagine trying to move around in something so elegant.

  The guys crowded around, each commenting on which one they thought would suit me best. I cringed at wearing any of them and considered speaking to Professor Pops.

  Gatsby jumped onto a chair and onto the counter, rubbing his body along one of my arms.

  “Hey, boy. What do you think of all this?” I set him on the ground. The guys were still occupied with dresses—well, probably the models inside the dresses—and I smiled. “I love you guys,” I blurted. They looked over, their expressions amused. I laughed, embarrassed by my sudden outburst.

  “Love you too, Snow,” Bart and Heathcliff returned.

  Gabe gave me a curious look. Dorian came over and stage whispered as he tugged on my scarf: “Love you too.” I shoved him away, trying to keep my flush from showing. I didn’t want Gabe thinking it was Dorian’s comment that made me redden, and I certainly didn’t want to tell them it was because of what I’d hidden under my scarf. Casually I fixed it so the soft blue scarf better covered my neck. I’d sooner die than explain the bruises they would think were hickeys. And technically they were.

  Dorian added, “Love your shirt, too.” He poked his pointer finger into my chest. I looked down, and he flicked me in the nose.

  “You’re such a…” I paused and watched his eyes dance. “Total tease,” I finished.

  He grinned from ear to ear. “It’s all part of my charm.”

  Bart said, “We’d better get to school.”

  “Right, you need another tardy like you need a punch in the face.” Both guys grunted and started play fighting.

  “Have you finished your tea?” Heathcliff asked.

  I gulped down the last of it and nodded. “Yep,” I answered, then asked, “Who’s training me today?” I hoped Professor Pops had talked to them and they knew what I meant.

  “Me,” Dorian said, rewarding me with a piercing stare.

  My mouth went dry. I’d have to train with these hickeys on my neck. What would Dorian say? Why hadn’t Gabe volunteered? Sneaking a glance at him, my heart sank. There was something bothering him. He wasn’t teasing. Had he already grown tired of me? Not that I could blame him. Even though he didn’t know it, I certainly hadn’t acted like he and I might be a couple, especially last night when I made out with Chace. “Okay,” I said, suppressing a sad sigh.

  “We gotta go,” Heathcliff said, grabbing Dorian by the arm. “See ya later, Snow.” Bart followed them out.

  I waved, giving Gabe a questioning look. “Did you get stuck taking me again?” I turned the pages of the book, but my eyes kept finding Gabe’s.

  “I volunteered,” he answered, picking my hefty backpack off the table and lobbing it onto his shoulder. “Come on.”

  Following Gabe out, I locked the door and shoved the house keys in my pocket.

  When we were buckled in his silver CRX, Gabe said, “I think we should talk.”

  “Sure,” I said, turning toward him. Then I noticed the seriousness on his face, and my stomach clenched.

  “You and I,” he paused. “You know I like you, right, Snow?”

  I gulped. He hadn’t called me Snowflake. “I hope so, Gabe. We’ve been friends a long time. If you’re pretending, then you deserve an Oscar.” I hoped my teasing would lighten his mood.

  He smirked. “You know what I mean.”

  I forced back a sigh. “I do.” This conversation wasn’t going to end well.

  “Since your… bite, and what occurred in your dream, and the note… well, you have a lot going on.”

  I waited for him to finish, my hands clenching into fists in my lap.

  He let out a giant breath. “I think we should put whatever might be happening between us on hold.” His hands gripped the steering wheel until they turned white with blood loss.

  Tears dampened my lashes. Casually, I tried to wipe them away. He was right. I needed to focus on training. Also, I had a… situation with Chace, but wow, hearing Gabe say the words hurt.

  I deliberated whether Gabe somehow knew what I’d been doing last night, if he could tell a vampire Hunter kissed me thoroughly, drank from me multiple times, and I’d liked it. Actually more than liked it, delighted in it. Ugh!

  Pushing my back into the black leather seat, I said, “I agree. We’ll still be friends, right?” The words sounded strained, not like me.

  Gabe didn’t seem to notice. “Right.”

  We rode in silence until we got to school. As soon as he put the car in park, I bolted without saying good-bye. I needed some fresh air and some space.

  Chapter 3

  My body teetered between conflicting emotions: excitement a
nd sadness. Excitement because I’d see Chace in a few minutes. And sadness because I still had feelings for Gabe. He’d promised he wouldn’t leave. Memories of the night he’d stayed with me surfaced, weighing down my heart. I missed that Gabe.

  He hasn’t exactly left, but he doesn’t want you anymore, my inner voice huffed.

  Sighing, I pulled open the front door to Salem High, home to more than sixteen hundred students. I made my way through the overflowing commons and to my burgundy locker. After dialing in the combination I opened it and realized I held my breath so I wouldn’t smell blood. Slowly I blew out and snuck another timid breath. A delicious blood-tinged aroma swirled with sweat and perfume. A symphony of hearts beat all around me, but I didn’t have the slightest twinge of a craving. Something had changed.

  Was it the double dose of bloodlust tea, or drinking Chace’s blood? I’d have to ask him when we had a moment alone, and if I could look him in the eyes without blushing.

  I switched books from my backpack to my locker and ran to chemistry, barely acknowledging the posters announcing the football game Friday or the Halloween dance coming up next month.

  Cindy and Chace were already in their seats, chatting like BFFs. Seeing Cindy being so flirty and Chace responding—well, it annoyed me. I dropped my backpack and slammed my hefty chemistry book on the table in a huff.

  Cindy gave me the eye, one of her perfectly plucked eyebrows rising in irritation. “Hey, Snow. In a mood?” She smacked her bare knee against my thigh.

  “No,” I grumbled, stealing a look at Chace. He’d rolled his chair toward me.

  “Hi, Snow.” He had a tone, one that told me he was thinking about what we had done last night.

  I blushed, the heat burning my cheeks.

  “What’s going on?” Cindy asked, tugging on my scarf.

  That girl was way too intuitive. She could read people from a hundred feet away, through concrete and twenty feet of dirt.

  Sheesh! “Nothing,” I said from behind my book, jerking my scarf from her hands.

  “Hmmm-mmmm,” Cindy responded, and I knew we’d be having an uncomfortable conversation later. I debated what I should tell her, though. It wasn’t like I could say, “Yeah, so last night Chace took me to another realm where we made out and drank each other’s blood for a few hours. It was awesome and so sexy.”

  Chace made a noise that sounded a lot like a groan, which caused my cheeks to burn hotter than a firework on the Fourth of July.

  Before Cindy or Chace said or did anything else, Mr. Wallace came in and saved the day. I’d never been happier to see a teacher.

  That gladness was short-lived.

  “During today’s lab we’ll be determining the relative reactions of copper, magnesium, zinc, and hydrogen. You’ll work with a partner, as usual.” Mr. Wallace glanced in our direction. “Mr. Charming, since you are without a partner, and,” he searched the room, let out a grunt, and continued, “since Sheila is absent today, why don’t you work with Misssssss,” he drew it out, like a snake debating which prey to devour. Cindy sat up straighter in her seat, and I knew she wanted him to pick her. Finally he continued, “White. Mr. Dooley, you and Miss Croswell will partner up. Everyone else, you have your partners, so get busy.”

  Cindy deflated and scowled. “I don’t want to partner with Eddie. He smells like onion rings.”

  “Maybe that’s because he works at Onion Ring Heaven,” I whispered, stifling a nervous giggle. I stood as Eddie looked over, his braces-filled smile taking up most of his freckled face. “Be nice,” I said in her ear.

  Cindy harrumphed. “Merde! This isn’t fair. And you owe me an explanation about what’s going on between you and Charming. Lunchtime!”

  “Okay,” I said, wiggling my eyebrows and moving over to Chace.

  Cindy laughed, and I felt better about leaving her with Onion Ring Eddie.

  I picked up my chair and placed it next to Chace. He already had the droppers and was in the process of organizing the test tubes. “You’ve done this before, haven’t you?”

  He grunted. “Once or twice. Lovely scarf, by the way.”

  I fiddled with it, making sure it still covered my neck, and sat on the stool, watching him. He looked seventeen or eighteen, but I was curious about his real age. I didn’t know much about vampires, but I did know they weren’t supposed to age. At least that was part of the myth. Would I age as a revenant? I wondered. I wanted to ask Chace, but chemistry class wasn’t the place. I supposed I could ask Professor Pops.

  Focusing, I said, “Well, you’d better let me do something.”

  “I can think of several somethings I’d like you to do.” His voice had gone low and was filled with sensual implication.

  I colored. “Seriously, Cindy already smells a story. The girl is like a Bassett Hound on the trail of her favorite bone. She’s probably already figured out we kissed and is planning our wedding, including the cake and my wedding dress.” I moved one of the beakers, put a droplet of iodine in it, and scrawled the results in my notebook.

  He sat on the stool next to me, fixing me with an amused gaze. “Wow, she’s impressive.” I tried to scowl. He didn’t know her the way I did. That was how her mind worked.

  “We haven’t even been on a date,” I whispered.

  “I suppose we can’t consider what we did last night a date?” He wore his signature smirk.

  I blushed the color of currant berries. “No!”

  “Are you embarrassed by me, Snowflake?”

  “Don’t call me that.” I smacked his arm. Only Gabe was allowed to call me that. Besides, what did he think was going on? Were we an item?

  You were kissing him like you were prepared to have his babies, my inner voice clucked, disgustedly.

  “Whatever you command, my Queen,” he inclined his head slightly.

  Self-conscious, I searched the room and caught hold of Cindy’s perceptive glare. She mouthed, “What the hell?”

  I shrugged and turned back to Chace. His words, “my queen,” made me think of another question. I, technically, wouldn’t be his queen; my body would, but it’d still be her… what? Spirit, inside my body. I filed the question in the thickening folder labeled Seriously Wacky Stuff. “You need to stop.”

  He laughed. “Fine. I will. For now.” Then he winked. “Can I call you Frosty?”

  I lifted my brow. “You can call me Frosty when Hell freezes over, M-Kay?” I gave him a sinister look, but laughed to take the edge off.

  “Snow,” he spoke my name like we were lovers. “Want to hang out after school today? We can see what sort of skills you’ve developed.” He gave me a conspiratorial look. “The way we’ve been trading blood I’ve no doubt you’ll be as strong as I am in no time.”

  “Will I?” I nudged his shoulder with mine.

  “You’ll be amazing.”

  I really did want to hang out with him, but I had track practice, revenant training, and then homework. “Hey, you made the track team. You’re going to practice, right?”

  “Yep, and you have to run today. I want to see if you can manage once around the track without tripping.” He laughed.

  “Harsh,” I murmured. But I wanted to see if it were possible, too. “I have…” I paused. Professor Pops wanted me to go over to his house after practice. I’d be learning how to kill different supernatural creatures, including vampire Hunters like him. Did I want to tell Chace? He worked for the Vampire Queen.

  Holy apple butter on toast, he worked for the Vampire Queen! Why hadn’t that hit me before now? I hadn’t asked Professor Pops what would happen if I drank the blood of a Hunter.

  Chace glanced over, his gaze unreadable. “You’re training with Adam Henry after practice.”

  “Yes,” I nodded, unable to say any more. How did he know? So many questions.

  “Didn’t you want to see me again tonight?” His words sounded hollow, sad.

  “Of course,” I said, touching his arm and regretting the maneuver immediately. Professor Pops men
tioned Chace possessed the ability to put me under a spell. Did he have me under one? If he did, did I care? I really wanted to see him alone again—kiss him and taste him.

  Gabe wanted us to be just friends. No reason to feel guilty.

  From deep within a female voice whispered, “Lips red as rubies, hair dark as night. Drink your true love’s blood; become the Vampire, Snow White.”

  I shuddered. My true love? That wasn’t Chace. At least… I hadn’t sincerely thought about my feelings for him. Certainly not love. Lust. Yes. Yes. Yes.

  Clearing my throat, I said, “Want to come over to my house after training, around nine-thirty?” My heart beat faster in anticipation. “In this realm,” I added in a soft voice. We could talk. Watch a movie. Hang out. It’d be fun.

  He smiled and the movement reached his eyes, filling my stomach with a giddy joy.

  “Great idea,” he said.

  “Charming is a name that suits you. Did the queen give you the name?”

  He chuckled. “No, it’s the one I was born with.”

  I searched his face, checking to see if he were joking. It didn’t look like it.

  “Hmmmm,” I said, dropping iodine in another beaker.

  Chapter 4

  Lunchtime finally rolled around and I briefly considered evasive maneuvers, like hiding in the bathroom. I hadn’t decided what to say to Cindy about Chace and me.

  Deny. Deny. Deny, my inner voice shrieked.

  I searched the Commons area for her, but she hadn’t arrived. Shrugging, I grabbed a greyish lunch tray, placed a salad on it along with a juice, paid the cashier, and headed over to our usual table near the windows. The sun shone through them, bright and cheery, and I hesitated.

  Chace was protected from the sun by the Queen’s magic. Supposedly, as a revenant, I shouldn’t need to worry either.

  “You’ll be fine in the sun, Frosty.”

  I jumped, and spun around. The gorgeous blond-haired Hunter towered over me, a playful grin lighting his features.

  “Rude,” I squealed very girlishly.

  Several heads swung in our direction. They were probably stunned that klutzy, boyish Snow White could act girly, or that the handsome Chace Charming chose to grace me with his presence. At those thoughts, my whole body blushed. They had no idea what I’d done with the incredibly hot Hunter.

  Chace’s eyes glowered. “Let’s sit,” he said, walking over to my table.