Read Bloodline (Paranormal Romance, Dark & Twisted) Saving Demons Series Book 1 Page 24

Night was drawing nigh in my own world, as well as it was in the little town of Burling. But it was my world that faded into near nonexistence, as I watched through Luna's eyes. Her world unfurled around her. I curled into myself in the dark corner of the cave, wrapped my wings about my body and shut myself off from my own world.

  I had to stay focused.

  Nothing could distract me now.

  Luna already weakened me greatly. My emotions for her --still so alien to me-- caused me to let down my guard as it was. In this state of weakness, I was incapable of protecting her mind to my fullest potential. For there, guarding her in her thoughts, keeping my brothers from slipping into her mind, was the extent of my protection. I could keep my brothers from slipping inside of her permanently, if only I could focus fully.

  But I couldn't focus fully. My own emotions were my Achilles' Heel. This is why the Hylander was able to put her to sleep with his whisperings.

  I would do the best I could. It was all I could do for now. Though soon, I would do more --far more-- than just this.

  But it was not My Moon who needed my protection this very moment.

  I closed my eyes and slithered along the dark ethereal cord that linked me to the half-breed and I snaked speedily from my world and into his.

  Only to be instantly pained.

  As my eyes focused on what was above me, I felt the pain slice deeply through my center. Quickly, the pain lessened, as I was able to fully settle into the being of the half-breed.

  "Awe, so you have returned, Bane," The Hylander said. He was sitting on top of the half-breed. His arm was raised high above his head in a position to strike again. The dagger was soaked in blood. The blood slid down the Hylander's forearm and dripped from his elbow.

  "I was wondering if you would join us." The Hylander swung the dagger down. With ease, he buried the blade deep into the half-breed's belly. I twisted the half-breed's cry on his tongue and swelled within him, spreading beyond the mere ethereal connection between him and I and I took full possession.

  The half-breed would feel no pain.

  "You are weak, Bane! You have gone soft! How dare you rob me of the very pleasure I've been anticipating for hundreds of years? Get out! I will hear his screams of pain! Get out!" The Hylander swung the dagger down again and then again. Over and over, in a fit of rage, the Hylander buried the dagger deep within the body of the half-breed who lied beneath him.

  I was limited by the vessel in which I possessed. I could do no more for him than what I had already done. I quieted his crying. I cloaked his pain. But I could not undo what had already been done.

  The boy was slipping fast. His own spirit was slithering through its own ethereal cords. Blackness swirled in, filling the spaces his spirit was leaving behind.

  The boy closed his eyes and gave up his ghost.

  With a jolt, I was hurled back to my own world.

  And I knew mourning.

  I did not mourn for the half-breed, nor for the loss of a vessel that allowed me to reside, periodically, next door to My Lady Moon. I mourned for Luna, for her heart was about to be shattered.


  Chapter Twenty-Five
