Read Bloodlines 02: Torment Page 29

  “I don't suppose you can tell me who is the one starting this.”

  “I’m sorry, my dear, not a clue.”

  “No, it’s OK. Nobody does.”

  I looked over at Eligos just as the window behind him smashed, and watched in horror as an unseen force sucked him outside. Everyone ran over to the windows while I flew out the front door. Eligos was picking himself up off the floor.

  “So you think you can take me, do you?” he said, dusting the bits of glass off his top. “Come on then, you bastard, come and try.”

  He turned around; his eyes were blazing red. Hecate, Danny, Lily and Jake were now standing just behind me, and I could hear the others coming out. I went to walk over to Eligos, but he raised his hand and an invisible wall stopped me in my tracks.

  “This is my fight!” he said, lowering his arm.

  I pounded against the wall. If any normal person had seen me they would have thought I was mental, banging my fists against thin air.

  “Keira, he’ll be OK,” Hecate assured me.

  “You know that for certain, do you?”

  “You’ve never seen him fight properly,” Unsere said. “You’ve only seen him torture a creature that was no match for him, and slice a few demons in half.”

  “Actually I have. He fought me when that demon played a trick on us.”

  “Keira, that was nothing,” Hecate told me.

  “I’m going to enjoy this,” Danny said, glaring in Eligos’s direction.

  “Show yourself, you pathetic excuse for a demon,” Eligos shouted, looking around him.

  A moment later a man started to appear a few feet in front of him. He was taller than Eligos by at least a foot, his red hair was cropped, his face was pale and he wore what looked like black jeans and a black T-shirt. He was the one who was standing on one side of Eligos, while Brad was on the other, the night he brought the army. He stood still with a horrible smirk on his face.

  “Eligos, how nice to see you,” he said sarcastically.

  “How long?”

  “A while.”

  “How long?” Eligos repeated. “How long have you been a traitor?”

  “Since before you met your little woman over there,” he said, looking at me for a moment. I threw him a look of disgust and he laughed a little before looking at Eligos again. “I must say, it was awfully nice of you to have brought me that night. You know, show me where she lived, what her friends looked like…”

  “You make me sick.”

  “I’ll tell you something else too. I sent two spirits to shoot her and her friends. Of course, I didn’t know she was Lilith’s daughter back then. Shame really. But still, it scared them, and one of her friends died, even if it was only temporary. I remember the looks on all of their faces; it was fantastic.”

  “Bastard!” I shouted, banging my fists against the invisible wall again.

  “Well, I hope you enjoyed yourself, because you’ll never get close to her or any of them again,” Eligos told him. “In fact, after tonight, you won’t get close to anyone ever again.”

  “Is that a fact?” Carlos laughed. “We’ll see about that.”

  Carlos quickly bombarded him with yellow-colored energy balls, throwing them constantly from both hands. Eligos moved so fast that I couldn’t keep up with him; he dodged every one of them. Then he disappeared and reappeared, right in front of Carlos. He punched him with his true demon strength and sent him flying across the driveway. Carlos hastily gathered himself. Eligos moved quickly and in a split second was no more than two feet away from Carlos. He threw what looked like an orb of energy at him and sent him crashing to the ground again.

  “Looks like you’re not as tough as you thought,” Eligos taunted. “I knew killing you would be easy, but come on, at least try.”

  This seemed to really annoy Carlos. He jumped to his feet and held his hands out on either side of him. A long thin-bladed sword appeared in each hand, glowing green. Eligos grinned at him and then his large, fiery blades appeared. Carlos went at him. I jumped a little as their swords met. They were both so strong and the noise from the blades crashing against each other was so loud my ears were ringing. I watched while covering my ears as they fought on the driveway.

  Not only did Eligos use his sword, at one point after attacking Carlos so hard he stumbled backwards, he held his arms out to the side as a blast of purple energy seemed to burst out of his chest. It slammed into Carlos, causing him to scream out in pain and drop one of his swords. One of Eligos’s swords disappeared and he reached out to the one on the floor. It flew into his hand, now he had one of his own and Carlos’s.

  “Hmmm, it would be terrible to die by your own sword, wouldn't it?” he said, smirking at a livid Carlos.

  Eligos went for him. He attacked harder still, and Carlos fought hard to defend himself, throwing energy at Eligos and, at one point, even forcing him to back off a little. He shrugged it off and threw kinetic energy back along with a shockwave. Much to his disgust Carlos managed to dodge both and lunged at him. But it did him no good; Eligos was too fast for him. Their swords clashed again and again, until Eligos lost one of his swords and finally Carlos lost his other one. He was on the ground – beaten, bloody, but still looking angry. Eligos moved over to him quickly, the green-bladed sword still in his hand. Carlos rose from the ground, unable to move his arms and legs.

  “Goodbye, you bag of shit!” Eligos said.

  Carlos’s eyes went wide as he watched his own sword swing towards him. It decapitated him in one swift blow.

  All the swords disappeared, followed by the invisible wall and Carlos.

  “That was awesome!” Danny said as Eligos walked over to us.

  “That was boring,” he answered. “Far too easy. I thought after all these years he would have learned to fight properly, I’m disappointed,” he said as he came over to me. “I’m sorry I blocked you, Keira, but…”

  “It’s OK, I understand; you don't need to apologize,” I told him.

  “I’m glad he’s dead,” Oroan said. He walked over and shook Eligos’s hand. “I can finally go home now.”

  “Enjoy!” I said.

  “Thank you, all of you,” he said, looking at us all. “And remember, if you need me, just let me know.”

  We all nodded and smiled, then he disappeared.

  “What a nice guy!” Jake said.

  We all agreed and headed inside.

  “Well, what an eventful few hours,” Beth said. “It’s not even 3p.m. yet, what’s next?”

  “Food!” Tyler answered. “Lots of it.”

  “I agree,” Jake, Marley and Danny said.

  “I’m not cooking,” Lily said matter-of-factly.

  “I’m not ordering pizza,” I said as I fixed the living room window.

  “Why don't we go out?” Beth suggested.

  “I need to get home,” Unsere said. “I have a husband waiting for me.”

  “OK, thank you, Unsere,” I said.

  “See you soon, guys,” she said as she faded away.

  “Where should we go? There’s a lot of us; not many places can cater for so many,” Jake asked.

  “The Chinese restaurant on the main street can. It’s massive, and it’s open now,” Lucian told us.

  “Let’s go!” Lily and Beth said.

  “I don't fancy Chinese,” I said.

  “No, I don't,” Eligos said.

  Danny and Hecate didn't either, so we decided to part ways. They would all go for a meal together and us four decided to go to the Italian restaurant near the harbor.

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Possible Replacements

  We ordered our food and waited for the waiter to leave before talking. We were sitting in a quiet corner away from everyone so that we could talk properly. Once again Eligos had cast his spell so his scar disappeared and nobody would stare at me, and once again I was a little annoyed that he couldn’t be his natural self.

  “Well, now the fun really starts,” Eligos
said. “I’ve got to find a replacement or promote someone.”

  “Why don't you ask Unsere’s husband?” I suggested.

  “I would but he’s gonna be busy enough soon.”

  “Why?” Hecate asked.

  “I know nothing,” he said, grinning.

  “Oh I hate it when you do that.”

  “Sorry, but it’s secret. Anyway, there’s nobody in my army who I think would be up for the job. They’re all amazing fighters but they haven’t got what I’m looking for. They all do their job, and then they switch off and go home. I need someone else like Brad and myself – always ready, tough, with a strong power in them, someone who is eager to learn and be the best they can be.”

  “How about Carver?” Hecate grinned.

  “No way.”

  “OK, well…I don't know then.”

  “I don't know many people so I can’t help I’m afraid…Well, actually, I suppose I could do it…” I suggested.

  “You’re not allowed,” Hecate told me.

  “Why not?”

  “Because you’re a Royal. You will have enough to do when you’re back permanently,” she continued. “Lilith will want you with her, keeping an eye on things, liaising with the Courts, the Dukes and Lords. Helping to decide suitable punishments for new arrivals. Believe me, when your day is through, you will just want to go home. I help Lilith now; I’m beat when I get home. It will be nice to have some extra help with it all.”

  “I’ll do it!” Danny blurted out. “You know I want to learn, and I said when we were out the other week, I want to be the best I can be.”

  “Yeah but, Danny mate…”

  “I’d learn, watch and observe, be ready at any time, follow orders…”

  “That's all very well and good but…”

  “I would never turn on my own people, I…”

  “Danny!” Eligos said. “That's great, and I know all this already. The problem is you’re not dead.”

  “So kill me then.”

  “You’re a good guy. You would go to Heaven, not Hell.”

  “Fine, I’ll kill myself, then I will,” he said seriously.

  “And what about your family?”

  “They would have to understand, this is what I want. They should be happy for me. I’d never grow old, I’d never die, so to speak, and I would be happy.”

  “Danny, Eligos’s job isn’t glamorous you know. He has to kill people, torture people for answers, fight in wars,” Hecate told him.

  “People fear you. It’s hard to be friendly with people when you do a job like that. People are so scared of pissing you off that they stay away from you just in case,” Eligos added.

  “I’ve already got all the friends I need,” Danny answered.

  We all went quiet for a moment while the waiter served our meals.

  “Plus, think on this, you will have to watch all your family grow old and die. You can never have children; you’ll watch everything you once knew disappear,” Eligos told him.

  “I know all that, but I still want you to consider me.”

  “Danny I would hire you, without interview, but I don't want you to ruin your life. You’re still young; enjoy yourself.”

  “I would enjoy myself.”

  “Danny…” I went to say.

  “No, I’m serious, so don't try and talk me out of it. It doesn’t matter what you say…My mind is made up.”

  “Talk to your parents first, and your friends, then come back to me,” Eligos told him.

  “I will talk to my parents when we’re finished here. As for Tyler and the others, I love ’em, but it’s not for them to decide,” Danny said before turning his attention to his food.

  I could understand Danny wanting the job, but surely he didn't want to kill himself. Hecate seemed to get a sparkle in her eye when he said he was serious and that he really wanted it. I knew it was because she could have more time with him; he wouldn't grow old and want to get married on Earth and have a family. She could keep him, for as long as they were both happy together; maybe even spend eternity together like Unsere and Eaven would. I was worried about what his parents would say, though, if they said they didn't want him to go ahead with it. I don't think he would listen to them. Tyler would definitely vote against it. I think the others might too, and again I could understand that. As much as I was worried about it all, though, I hoped he would do it. It would be nice, once this was all over and I returned to Hell, to have one of my friends there too.

  As soon as we’d finished at the restaurant Danny headed home. He said as soon as he had spoken to his parents he would be back round. Hecate went back to Hell. Danny’s parents knew they were a couple and they liked her, but she didn't want to get in the way while he was talking to them about something so serious. Eligos and I went home. We flopped down on the sofa in the living room, we were alone and it was lovely; everyone else was still out eating.

  “Are you OK?” I asked him.

  “Yes why?”

  “Well, you know, you’ve had a weird day, killed one of the top men…”

  “I’m fine, Keira. I never liked the little prick anyway.”

  “Why hire him then?” I asked.

  “I didn't, Brad did, and he regretted it soon after. But he always did his job. It was just his attitude that pissed everyone off.”

  “What did Hecate mean before when she said he shouldn’t have been given such a duty and that?”

  “Hecate hates him”, he explained, “with a passion. He was always cocky with her and Unsere, and when Unsere first came to Hell, he really irritated her. Hecate loves Unsere like a daughter as you know, so that added to her dislike for him. Unsere just ignored him though and that really annoyed him. I put him in his place in the end, and he never did it again. But Hecate never liked him afterwards. Ask her, she’ll tell you what he used to say. Just make sure you’re on your guard though.”


  “Because she gets so pissed about it that sometimes she loses control. She won’t attack you, but a few things may smash and your electrics may mess up.”

  “Fair enough. He sounds like a complete idiot to me.”

  “He was. No one will miss him and it’s his own doing.”

  “I don't want to ever end up like that, pissing everyone off all the time.”

  “I doubt you would,” he said, smiling.

  “I hope not. Anyway, we have the place to ourselves, soooo…” I said, moving so I was sitting on his knee, “…what do you fancy doing?”

  He didn't answer me; he just grinned.

  “How did I know you’d think that?” I asked, grinning myself.

  A second later we were in my bedroom; he had teleported us both on to the bed.

  A couple of hours later we heard everyone come in. Eligos reluctantly agreed to us getting dressed again and going downstairs. They were all very full and looked tired. We piled into the chill-out room and put a DVD on. Halfway through the film Danny came in.

  “Eligos, Keira, can I talk to you outside, please?” he said.

  We both walked outside and stood near the cars.

  “You were gone a while. I take it you got a lot of earache off your parents,” I said.

  “Actually I didn't really,” Danny told us.

  “You mean they’re OK with it?”

  “Hmmm, they’re not thrilled, but they know they can’t stop me. They tried to talk me out of it, but I wouldn't listen. My mom’s a bit upset, but she knows I can still come and see her.”

  “So your mind is definitely made up then,” Eligos confirmed.

  “Yes it most certainly is,” he said, reaching into his jacket pocket. “I even got this.”

  He pulled a gun out of his pocket, followed by one bullet.

  “Danny, where the hell did you get that?” I asked.

  “I know a guy who knows a guy…” he said, shrugging his shoulders. “This is why I was gone a while; I had to go and meet him.”

  “Don't you think you should wa
rn the guys first?” I asked, unable to take my eyes of the gun.


  “Danny they will wonder where you are.”

  “How long does it take for me to wake up in Hell?”

  “About seven to ten Earth hours, then you’ll have to meet with Lucifer or Lilith to get your power and be changed from a spirit into a demon. That’s all saying Lilith allows this to happen; it’s her I’m going to speak to,” Eligos explained.

  “Why wouldn't she?”

  “Suicides normally get punished.”

  “But you didn't,” I said.

  “I need to speak to her first, make sure you will be saved from the Pits. Do not, I mean it, do not do anything until I say so!” he told Danny. “I’ll be back soon,” he said just before disappearing.

  Danny and I stayed outside.

  “You’d be missing in total about twelve to fourteen hours, I reckon,” I told him, more to break the silence than actually inform him.

  “Do you think she will allow it?”

  “I don't see why she wouldn't.”

  “Keep your fingers crossed for me.”

  “I will.”

  “How long will he be gone?”

  “I don't know, maybe just a few minutes as far as we’re concerned.”

  “Yeah, yeah, time difference, yeah,” he said as he started pacing.

  “Danny, relax. Lilith adores Eligos, and she trusts him more than anyone…well, except her hubby and maybe me. I can’t see why she wouldn't let him hire you; she listened to him with Unsere. She stopped her going to the Pits.”

  “Yeah, Hecate told me about what happened with Unsere,” he said, leaning against my car. “Now do you see why I admire Eligos so much? He helps everyone he can; he’s not afraid of anything.”

  “Actually he is.”

  “I know he’s frightened when he’s not with you, you know after what happened with Crystal. He’s scared to death of someone or something taking you away from him. But other than that, it’s like he’s immune to fear.”