Read Bloodlines 02: Torment Page 31

  Me and Eligos arrived in my hall, while Hecate and Danny arrived outside. Everyone was at the house; none of them had gone home last night.

  “Keira, have you seen Danny?” Tyler asked. “I’ve tried calling him but his phone is off. His mom said he didn't go home last night.”

  “Relax; he’s on his way here with Hecate.”

  “Oh thank God.”

  “Hey, guys,” Danny said, walking through the door.

  “Where the hell have you been?” Tyler asked.

  “Out, why?”

  “We were worried.”

  “Sorry, I took Hecate to a little hotel for the night instead of just going home.”

  “Oh really, well next time, check in,” Tyler almost shouted.

  “Sorry, Dad.”

  Hecate giggled.

  “What are you giggling at?” Tyler said nastily.

  “Don't start with me, Tyler,” she said, letting her eyes glow red for a moment. “We both know who’ll come off worse.”

  “Walk away, Tyler. Now!” Danny said, moving closer to him.

  “Whatever, man,” he muttered, walking into the living room.

  “Woo,” I said, “check out, hard man Dan.”

  “Shut up!” he laughed.

  “Hey, guys,” Lily said, walking over to us. “Wow, Danny, you look pale. Are you OK, honey?”

  “Yeah, not had much sleep, that's all.”

  “Oh really now,” she grinned.

  “Not because of that,” he said, smirking. “You and your dirty mind.”

  She gave him a big smile before walking into the kitchen.

  “Good saves,” I said to Danny.

  “Yeah, not bad. Just said the first thing that popped into my head.”

  “Now listen, mate,” Eligos said, walking over to him. “Physically you are twenty, thirty times stronger than you were yesterday. Remember that.”

  “I know, don't worry.”

  “I’m not, but I know you’re worried.”

  “Maybe just a little,” he admitted.

  “Maybe you should just tell them,” Hecate told him.

  “No, not yet, not yet,” he said, shaking his head.

  “Why are you so scared of telling them?” I asked him.

  “I remember how I felt the night Tyler died, when you’d killed those guys and turned around to walk to your car. All those vine markings on you, the look on your face, it frightened me. I don't want to frighten them.”

  “When you saw me as a demon, a full demon in that church, were you scared then?”

  “A little, but I knew you would never hurt us.”

  “Exactly, and they know you would never hurt them.”

  “Not yet! Let me get used to it myself first,” he said, “and speaking of markings, will I get them?”

  “No,” Eligos answered. “Keira gets them because she’s a Royal, and because all her powers make her so strong, it shows itself. It’s a side effect of having so much power.”

  “Can too much power kill you?” I asked.

  “I don't think so, no, but you can become unstable, not able to control it,” Hecate explained. “You could go to reach for something and end up sending an energy ball at it instead, even though you didn't mean to. If someone startled you, the power would defend you and attack them, even if you didn't want it to. You would have to have so much strength to keep them at bay. I don't know if I could handle what you have in you.”

  “I can handle it, or at least I have up until now.”

  “You have a very, very strong mind then,” Eligos said, “the same as me.”

  We were interrupted by Marley screaming. We flew into the small living room. Jake and Beth were with her. Marley was lying on the floor, her eyes closed.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “We don't know. She passed out,” Jake said.

  A minute later everyone was in the room.

  “What was she doing?” Eligos asked.

  “She was trying to see if she could get us a clue. She’s been trying daily since you mentioned it to her. This time, I think she may have seen something,” Beth told us.

  Jake picked Marley up and laid her on the sofa, then Beth started trying to bring her around.

  “Come on, she doesn’t need an audience,” Lily said, pushing Lucian, Tyler, Danny and Hecate out of the room.

  Eligos and I waited until she was awake.

  “What did you see?” Beth asked her.


  “I don't understand.”

  “Blue eyes, they were glowing,” she said. “They were beautiful, cobalt blue.”

  “So why did you scream?” Jake asked.

  “Something else came, a creature. He glared at me with his red eyes, and then snarled at me. His teeth were huge. He scared me; it’s like he knew I was watching him.”

  “They shouldn’t know,” Eligos told her. “Maybe he wasn’t snarling at you, maybe at someone standing somewhere from the way you were looking. If that makes any sense.”

  “Maybe, I don't know.”

  “Let’s go back to the blue eyes.”

  “They were so beautiful.”

  “How did you feel when you saw them?”

  “Safe, warm, loved… She was powerful; I could feel it, like the power was pouring out of her. She was so strong.”

  “You saw this woman?” I asked.

  “No, but I know it was a woman. God, she was so powerful. It was overwhelming even for me, and I wasn’t even standing near her. It was just a vision and I felt it. I can’t imagine how it would feel actually being near her.”

  “What was she?” I asked Eligos.

  “I’m not sure. I don't know any demons that have blue eyes.”

  “What else could she be?”

  “I don't know.”

  All of us went quiet for a moment.

  We were all startled when we heard the sound of pots and glasses smashing. Then we heard Lily screaming Lucian’s name. We ran out into the hallway, just in time to see Lucian get thrown out of the kitchen and straight against a wall. We ran into the kitchen. I’d never seen anything like the two creatures that were standing in front of us. They were walking on all fours, snarling, showing their huge teeth, their eyes a fiery red. They looked like a cross between a large bear and a wolf, with massive claws.

  “That’s the creature I saw,” Marley said in a frightened voice. “They’ve come for me.”

  “They can’t have you!” I said at the same time as Beth.

  I felt my eyes change and I turned to look at the others. Everyone’s eyes had changed, including Danny’s, not to black, but to red.

  “Here’s your first fight, partner,” Eligos said, obviously to Danny.

  “Protect Marley!” I ordered Beth and Jake.

  Lily was backed up against the wall, frightened to death. Tyler was on the floor, his head dripping blood, but conscious. Lucian was back on his feet. Hecate healed him quickly so he could fight.

  “Keira, they didn't attack us first,” Lucian told me. “They just snarled at us; they only attacked when we went for them. They are stupidly strong.”

  “They are one of the strongest creatures you can ever hope not to meet,” Eligos warned. “This will not be easy.”

  “Should we attack them then?”

  “No, don't risk it!” Marley cried. “They just want me. Let them do away with me, then you’ll all be safe.”

  “No chance!” Danny said. “We don't sacrifice our friends to save our own asses.”

  He turned to look at her then realized his mistake. She saw his eyes, as did Jake, Beth and Lucian. All of them glared at him. He turned back to face the creatures quickly.

  “What do we do then?” I asked.

  “Demons, attack! Non-demons hide and protect Marley,” Hecate shouted.

  Lily and Tyler heard and nodded, then looked straight at Danny.

  “Get over it!” I shouted to them both. “We have bigger issues.”

As I shouted one of the creatures snarled at me. That really pissed Eligos off and he went for it. Danny, Hecate and I followed. Before we got to them a figure appeared in front of us, blocking our path. The creatures cowered and started edging backwards. It was Lilith. She threw black orbs at both of them; they howled in agony then fell to the floor before dissolving into the air. She turned to look at me.

  “I hate those things,” she smiled at me.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “You’re welcome…Well, must dash. See you soon.”

  The next minute she was gone.

  “Who was that?” Tyler and Lily asked.

  “That was my mother,” I told them.

  “Lilith!” everyone said.


  “I thought she couldn’t come to Earth.”

  “She can’t for long; no more than about five minutes,” Eligos told them all.

  “Wow!” Lucian, Jake and Tyler said in awe. “She was amazing, did you see how frightened those things were,” Lucian continued.

  “That’s because they knew she was going to destroy them,” Hecate said.

  “Keira, you’re the double of her,” Lily told me.

  “Not quite, but we’re very alike. I noticed that the first time I saw her.”

  “Wow!” Tyler said again.

  For a moment I thought, “Great, they’ve met Lilith and forgot about Danny.” But I couldn’t have been more wrong. We started to walk out of the room.

  “Hey, where do you think you’re going?” Lucian asked, looking straight at Danny.

  “You’ve got some explaining to do,” Beth said.

  “Hey, don't you tell him what he has to do,” Hecate told her, jumping to Danny’s defense. “He hasn’t known you two minutes; he doesn’t have to tell you anything, In fact, he doesn’t have to explain himself to any of you; you’re his friends not his keepers.”

  “Hecate, it’s OK,” Danny assured her. “Thanks, but it’s OK.”

  She scowled at Beth before walking out of the room.

  “I’m a demon, simple as that. Can’t change it – wouldn't change it. This is what I wanted, I did what I had to do, and now I am what I am,” he said, looking at them all in turn.

  “You weren’t at a hotel last night, were you?” Tyler asked.

  “No, I was dead.”

  “What!” Lily said in shock.

  “Yeah,” Danny nodded. “I woke up in Hell.”

  “I don't understand,” Lily and Lucian said.

  “Danny, why don't you sit them all down and start from the beginning?” I suggested.

  Everyone sat in the living room, listening to Danny explain about the conversation in the restaurant. About talking with his family, killing himself and everything that followed.

  “So this is your fault actually then,” Tyler said, looking at Eligos.

  “I’ll put it to you like this,” Eligos told him calmly, “I’ve knocked you out before; I have no problem with doing it again.”

  “I’m stronger now; you wouldn't take me so easily.”


  “Try me!” Tyler said, walking over to him, but Eligos didn't move a muscle.

  Lucian and Jake quickly stood up, eyes turning black. Then the three of them were thrown across the room and pinned against the wall. I turned around to see a very pissed off, red-eyed Danny with his hand out in front of him.

  “You listen to me! I wanted this...I practically begged for it,” he told them. “You want to attack someone, then attack me. All Eligos did was allow me the chance to do something with myself, something I felt strongly about. If you don't understand that, that's fine, but get over it.”

  Eligos still hadn't moved an inch and just watched them all as Danny lowered his hand and they were released.

  “Guys, I understand it’s a lot to take in,” I said to them all. “But he’s happy.”

  “I can’t believe you let this happen,” Beth snapped.

  “Beth, firstly, Hecate was right, we don't owe you an explanation. Secondly, what do you want more than anything in the world?”

  “My parents back.”

  “OK, and say you had to make a deal with the Devil for that to happen. Would you do it?”

  “Without a second thought.”

  “But what if Marley didn't like the deal?”

  “She would have to…she would have to understand,” she admitted.

  “There you go then. Danny really wanted this. As soon as he knew Eligos needed to replace Carlos he was there. Jesus, he killed himself for it. Doesn’t that tell you how much he wanted it?”

  “Why didn't you kill him?” Marley asked.

  “Because he would have gone to Heaven,” Eligos told her. “He didn't want that, and suicide is a sin…That way, he would go to Hell.”

  “So you’re part of Eligos’s army?” Lily said calmly. She was the only one who actually looked genuinely happy for him.

  “Yeah, I am,” Danny told her. “I’m one of his Captains.”

  “Congratulations!” she said, walking over to him and hugging him.

  “Thank you, Lily.”

  The others looked at her, well, in disgust really, but she didn't care; as long as he was happy, she was happy for him.

  Everyone went quiet and Danny walked out of the room. I sat there for a moment staring out in front of me. I could feel them all looking at me but I wasn’t going to say anything. It would have only caused an argument. A minute later Tyler walked out, and I heard him slam one of the doors off the hallway.

  “He’s jealous,” Lucian said.

  “Of what?” Lily asked.

  “A few things.”

  “Care to elaborate?” Marley said.

  “It started off the four of us – me, him, Jake and Danny. Then, Keira and Lily came, which we were all really pleased about. Tyler and Keira were close, always laughing together and messing around. Then Eligos turns up. At first he didn't mind him being there; in fact he was glad. He saved Keira’s life. Then…Keira died. It broke his heart. When she came back…I can’t tell you how he felt. How we all felt. But he had feelings for her, quite strong ones too. Then he learns that Eligos is going to be around a lot; he saw the way they looked at each other, and he knew what they felt for one another. So he got jealous. Then his friend, one of his best, befriends Eligos, which Tyler could have done if he hadn't been such a jackass.”

  “You mean Danny,” Beth said.

  “Yes, they got along from the word go. Then Keira and Eligos got together. He found out what she was; now Danny is the same. Nothing’s changed for him. We’re all in relationships, well, apart from you, Marley,” he said, looking at her, “but that's by choice. Tyler says he doesn’t want a relationship. But he does and he has for a long time, and he thought that maybe he could have had Keira. It’s hard holding down a relationship with normal people when you have to constantly lie and keep things from them. With Keira, he didn't have to do that. Anyway, because he’s been a jerk, they aren’t as close as they used to be. Nowhere near, and it upsets him. He knows he’s a jerk; he just can’t control his mouth.”

  “I don't know what to do with him,” I sighed. “I really don't.”

  “Why not spend a bit of time with him, rebuild your friendship?” Lily suggested. “Would you have a problem with that Eligos?”

  “Not if he kept his hands and lips to himself, no,” he told her.

  “We’ll see what happens. Let him get this about Danny in his head first,” I said.

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  What I want

  It had been a couple of days now since Danny had become a demon. He had spent time in Hell with Eligos, learning about the army and meeting some people. When he wasn’t there, he was with the guys or Hecate. All of them seemed to have come to terms with things now, even Tyler. They all saw that Danny was still the same guy they all knew and loved. Even his parents were OK with it, a bit freaked out, but OK.

  Last night Danny had stayed with He
cate in Hell, and Eligos went to meet them in this morning. I went food shopping with Lily and Beth, and then decided to take Lily’s advice and try and spend some time with Tyler. I left it until the afternoon in case he wanted to stay in bed for a while. I called him but there was no answer. Jake was around and told me he might have gone out. His parents were away for a few days visiting family, telling them what was happening and what to do if they were attacked. They didn't have power, but they could hide. Plus while they were there, they were going to cast some spells on their houses to try and help protect them. Just in case. I called him and called him but got no answer. After a couple of hours I started to get worried and drove over to his house. His car was in the drive, but there was no answer. Nothing was out of place, so I knew nothing serious was going on. I went back home and watched a movie with Marley, still trying Tyler every twenty minutes or so, and still not getting hold of him.

  Just as the movie was ending Danny appeared.

  “OK, Miss Jameson, hand him over. You can’t have him to yourself all the time,” he said, smirking.

  “Hand who over?”

  “You know who.”

  “You mean Eligos?” I asked, confused.

  “Who else? Now where is he? He’s already missed the meetings; he’s not in Lilith’s good books, I can tell you.”

  “Danny,” I said, standing up, “he left me hours ago. He said he had a meeting with you and Brad, then one with you and the High Court members, and then one straight after with Lucifer and Lilith.”

  “He did come first thing this morning, Earth time that is, but not long after he got this little grin on his face and said he was being summoned. I thought he meant you were calling for him.”

  “I didn't call for him; I knew he was busy,” I panicked.

  “He hasn’t been back since – in Hell hours he’s been gone nearly half a day.”

  “Jesus, how long are the meetings?” Marley asked.

  “Not long, they were over hours ago. I just mean that’s how long it’s been since I last spoke to him.”

  “That’s three Earth hours,” I said. “And he said he was being summoned?”


  “And he grinned.”

  “Yeah, I thought…Well, dirty mind and all that, but maybe it was something else.”

  I suddenly got a really bad feeling and ran into the dining room. I rummaged quickly through all the drawers and cupboards.