Read Bloodlines 02: Torment Page 6

  “Yeah I wanted to ask that, too,” Danny said, walking in the room and sitting down.

  “I took Argyle to the Palace and handed him over to Lucifer. Then they both disappeared,” I told them. “And then Lilith told me it was time to come here. She put life back inside me and sent me back. I arrived just outside of the church.”

  “I bet she was sad to see you leave,” Lily said.

  “She was a little, yes, but it’s not like I’m never going to see her again, is it?”

  “I bet Eligos will miss you too,” Danny smirked.

  “Why do you say that?” I asked, raising one of my eyebrows.

  “You’ve spent a lot of time together lately; he’s bound to miss you.”

  “I doubt it.”

  “I don't.”

  “Change the subject,” I told him plainly.

  He sat there smirking at me for a moment, and then left the room. Me and Lily decided to have a relaxation day and do absolutely nothing.

  Chapter Ten

  A Difficult Position

  I had now been back with the guys for three days. They hadn't questioned me about my time away since I’d told them about seeing them the night Argyle attacked. They said they wanted me to enjoy being around them again, not dread it, and so there would be no more question times. I told them I would tell them bits in general conversation, or maybe when we were sitting together having a meal. They were all happy with that and just wanted things to go back to how they used to be. I tried to be as normal as I could, but I found it very hard to hug or be close to Tyler. I knew it was upsetting him; all the guys told me so, but I couldn’t help it. Jake and Lily were back at the music store full time and the guys had moved their things back to their parents’ houses. I hadn't seen or heard from Eligos since the altercation. I’d called out to him every night, but he never came.

  One day Danny was working with his dad, Lucian was going with his mom and dad to visit his aunt, Jake and Lily were working and I hadn't heard from Tyler. I made myself a cup of coffee and walked outside. I stood on the porch for a moment and looked down at the ground; all I could see was Tyler laying there, his lifeless eyes staring straight at me. I got pains in my chest every time I thought about it. My eyes started tearing up.

  “Hey,” I heard someone say. “Err hello, Earth to Keira!”

  I lifted my head to see Tyler standing in front of me.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked when he saw the tears in my eyes.

  “Nothing,” I said, turning from him. “I’ve got something in my eyes. I think I’ve had grease or something on my fingers and rubbed them or…”


  He stood in front of me and cupped my face, lifting my head so I had to look at him.

  “Tyler, don't,” I told him.

  He ignored me and went to wrap his arms around me. I put my hand against the top of his chest and pushed him away. He looked so hurt. I walked over to him and put my hand on his chest again, frowning. I knew I’d felt something. I saw a silver chain around his neck; it was quite long so it disappeared under his shirt. I pulled it out and froze on the spot. Attached to it was the bullet that had killed him, the same bullet I used to kill the ones who shot him.

  “It was in your hand after you’d…so I kept it,” he struggled to say.

  I couldn’t say anything, tears rolled down my face as I stared at the bullet. He wrapped his arms around me again and pulled me close to him. This time I didn’t push him away. I let go of the bullet, buried my head in his chest and hugged him back tightly. I broke down in tears.

  “Hey, what’s all this?” he asked softly.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “What for?”

  “I should have stopped it. Eligos told me not to let my guard down, and that night I did it again. If I’d have been on guard all this might never have happened.”

  “Keira, it’s not your fault, it was nobody’s fault. Besides we’re all OK now, aren’t we?” he said, tightening his grip on me. “Please don't blame yourself.”

  “Every time I closed my eyes for weeks after, all I could see was you lying on the porch, dead, staring up at me.”

  “And all I could see was the last smile you gave me, before I turned around and saw you on the ground,” he said, moving so he could look at me. “I don't ever want to feel the way I did that night ever again.”

  “I know.”

  “Is this why you’ve been so distant with me?”

  “Yeah,” I nodded, wiping the tears from my eyes. “Every time I looked at you, all I could see was you on this porch; it was your eyes more than anything.”

  “Well, look at them now,” he said, turning my head so he could look into my eyes. “They’re looking at you now, they’re full of life, and it’s you that put life back in them. The person they are a part of worships the ground you walk on. He always has and he always will.”

  “I’m sorry I’ve been so cold with you.”

  “It’s OK; just promise me, you won’t be like that anymore.”

  “I promise.”

  “Good, because I have something else to show you, but you need to understand something. I thought you were dead and gone forever. I needed something to help me deal with that.”

  He took me inside the house and closed the door. He took his shirt off and turned his back on me. There on his shoulder blade was a tattoo of an angel, with long black hair, green eyes, purple-and-red wings, and dressed in black and red. Underneath it, written in Old English style text was my name. I reached up and ran my fingers over it, causing him to get goose bumps.

  “Tyler, it’s beautiful.”

  “You’re my guardian angel,” he said, turning to face me. “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you.”

  Once again my eyes welled up. I wiped them quickly and was about to say something, but before I got chance to, his lips were on mine. Part of me wanted to push him away, but not because I didn’t like him; instead, I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back. My head was screaming at me the whole time I was kissing him; he didn’t know how different I was, and how I would never be able to be with him. How could I tell him? He would blame himself; I knew he would. I couldn’t do that to him, not now, not after everything that had happened.

  When the kiss ended he kept his face close to mine.

  “I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” he breathed.

  “Tyler, I don't think I can do this.”


  “Because you’re human; I’m not.”

  “I don't care,” he said before kissing my cheek.

  “You don't know how different I am now.”

  “I don't care, Keira. I wouldn’t care if you were a zombie; I’d still want you.”

  “Tyler, I…”

  I didn’t get to finish my sentence; he kissed me again, this time backing me up against the wall. He was an amazing kisser. His lips were soft and warm against mine and he held me so close to him, I could feel the warmth of his skin through my top. I realized he hadn't put his shirt back on yet. Even though I’d had my arms around him, I hadn't realized until that point. I ended the kiss and looked at him.

  “Tyler, put your shirt on.”

  “Why? Is it bothering you?” he said, putting his arms out so his hands were against the wall either side of me.

  “Yeah, but not in a bad way; that's…that’s the bad thing.”

  “Why bad?”

  “Because I can’t be with you” I whispered, ducking under his arm and moving away.

  “Is it because of Lucian?”

  “No, it’s nothing to do with Lucian,” I told him.

  “It’s Eligos, isn’t it? You want him, don't you?” he asked, putting his shirt on.

  “I like him, yes, but it’s not him that’s…”

  “What’s stopping us then?”

  “I am, Tyler. You’re not ready to hear how I’m different yet, not after everything you’ve just been through.”

  “Try me,” he
said seriously.

  “No, not yet; I’m not ready to tell you either.”

  “What can be so bad? I’ve told you already, nothing would stop me wanting to be with you.”

  “It may not stop you wanting, but it will make you understand why we can’t be together,” I told him. “Tyler, I like you a lot, I always have, and I think after recent events you know how much I care about you. But I can’t do this, no matter how much I may want to. I can’t be with any of you, please, just…just try to understand.”

  “How can I understand when you haven’t told me why?” he asked.

  “You always said you trusted me, well trust me now.”

  “Will it ever change?”

  “I don't know, I don't think so,” I told him. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed you.”

  “Don’t be! I don't regret anything that just happened. I just don't want to give you false hope.”

  “Can we still be friends, as close we used to be? I couldn’t cope not having you close to me at all.”

  “Of course,” I said, walking up to him and hugging him. “I’ll always be your friend, always.”

  “Promise me if anything changes you’ll tell me.”

  “I promise.”

  When we let go of each other we walked into the kitchen and I made us both coffee. He looked sad but not heartbroken. I think it was the not knowing why we couldn’t be together that was bothering him, more than us not actually being together. We spent the afternoon together, sprawled out on one of the sofas in the chill-out room watching horror films. The curtains in there were really thick and blocked out most of the light, so it was nice and dark in there. We took loads of snacks in with us and in the end we opened a bottle of wine too. It was nice spending time on our own; I’d missed it a lot. I always felt comfortable around Tyler; he never judged me or argued with me, well, not unless we both wanted to watch different films, but then I would just attack him with cushions until he let me have my own way.

  Jake and Lily came back just after six and found us both still watching films. I told her not to cook and that we were ordering out for dinner; they had had a really busy day so she was more than happy to stay away from the kitchen. Lucian and Danny arrived just before we were about to order and decided they wanted a pizza too, even though they hadn't long since eaten with their parents. We all spent the rest of the night watching horror films, getting drunk and eating more than we needed to. At 11p.m. the guys headed home. They were drunk, but the power in them would keep them safe and they could collect their cars tomorrow. When they had gone I took Lily into the living room and told her what had happened with me and Tyler.

  “Why can’t you two be together? Tell me the truth, Keira. It’s Eligos, isn’t it?”


  “I knew it!” she said, not realizing I’d not told her the other part of the reason. “Have you called out to him?”

  “Yes, every night since the fight.”

  “And he hasn’t come?” she frowned.

  “No, I haven’t heard anything from him at all.”

  “Maybe he’s still upset with you.”

  “Or maybe it’s like I said to you, he’s not helping me anymore.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “What can I do?” I asked sadly. “I don't know how else to contact him. Besides, I think he’s made it pretty clear that he doesn’t want to speak to me.”

  “Then forget him and be with Tyler; he would treat you like a queen and you know it.”

  “I know, but I can’t.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The Man

  Just over two weeks had now passed. Tyler had been OK with me and hadn't made another move on me. Lucian had been trying to get close but luckily I didn’t have to fend him off; every time he went to make a move or say something to me, Tyler interrupted. He said there was no way Lucian was having me if he couldn’t. After about the ninth attempt Lucian finally seemed to give up and just concentrated on having a giggle with me. I still hadn't heard from Eligos and about a week ago I stopped calling out to him. I missed him a lot and thinking about him upset me a great deal.

  We had just celebrated Jake’s twenty-fourth birthday. We’d all gone out to Heaven and Hell on the Saturday and had a fantastic night. He had loads of presents and went mad at us all for spending our money on him. On the Sunday, Lily cooked a big meal and all the guys’ parents came around, so we had a really nice weekend.

  I woke up this morning to the sun shining through my windows. It was a Tuesday, so Lily and Jake were at the shop, and I had told the rest of the guys last night that I wanted some time to myself. I went into town and bought a few tops and a new pair of light-blue jeans, then I went to the hairdressers for a trim before driving back home. I had the windows down and was enjoying the warm breeze when I saw him. He was standing in the field next to the road staring at me. I slammed my breaks on and screeched to a stop. It was the man from the church again. I got out of the car and stood as still as a statue, staring back at him. This time he had something in his hand, but I couldn’t quite make out what it was at this distance. He started walking towards me. I made my way towards him very slowly, but after I’d taken a few steps forward he faded away. I looked around me but there was no sign of him. I thought he was taunting me until I felt a searing pain in my back.

  I hit the ground instantly, crying out in pain. I managed to roll over on to my side, now I could see what he had in his hand, and what had just hit me. It was a mace, and a large one at that. The spiked ball was bigger than my head. I didn’t have time to heal myself. He stood over me and went to strike me again, but something hit him and sent him crashing into the side of my car. As soon as he tried to stand he was bombarded by energy balls, then a lightning bolt struck him, before a blaze of fire soared a few feet above me, scolding him, burning through his flesh. He screamed out in pain. I couldn’t see who was attacking him; I couldn’t move to look around.

  The man managed to escape the blaze and started walking forward, swinging his mace out to the side of him. He looked down at me and went to strike me again, but a blade engulfed in flames blocked it; the chain that the ball was attached to wrapped itself around the blade a couple of times. The man looked horrified. At first I thought it was because something had stopped him. When I saw another blade appear, I realized it was because he knew he was about to die. The blade sliced through his torso like he was made of jelly. Before his body hit the ground he had dissolved into the air. The mace fell to the ground beside me and the fiery blade seemed to evaporate. I started to feel a tingling sensation in my spine and then pins and needles. I could move again. I turned around to see Eligos standing in front of me. His red eyes changed back to the sapphire blue as he held his hand out towards me to help me up.

  I stood in front of him staring at him for a minute, before I jumped up and wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and hugged him. He took hold of my arms and pulled them from around his neck, then pushed me away from him.

  “I’m only here because your new protector hasn’t been chosen yet, and Lilith was worried about you,” he told me. “When one has been chosen he or she will come and introduce themselves.”

  “What?” I said gasped.

  “You heard me. Goodbye, Keira,” he said, backing away from me and half disappearing.

  “No, wait” I pleaded.

  He didn’t pay any attention to me and disappeared completely.

  “I don't want anyone else,” I shouted. “I only want you.”

  The ground started shaking as I got more and more upset and annoyed.

  “Send who you want!” I almost screamed. “I’ll send them back to you in pieces.”

  I felt my eyes turn and the vines appeared on my skin. The sky turned black and deafening thunder roared through the air. I turned to face my car and bombarded it with energy balls. I made lightning strike it over and over again. I threw my hands out in front of me
and sent flames at it. Then someone grabbed me from behind and turned me away from the car; their strong arms were over mine, restraining me.

  “Calm down!” Eligos ordered. “Calm down…now!”

  “Get off me!”

  “Calm down and I’ll let go of you”

  “If you don't get off me I’ll blast you off.”

  “If you do that I will make sure I never see you again,” he told me. “And since this is all about me leaving, I’m guessing you don't want that, so what’s it going to be, Keira? It’s your call.”

  He was right; I didn’t want him to leave. I stopped the thunder and lightning and made the clouds disappear. My eyes and skin returned to normal.

  “That’s better,” he said as he let go of me.

  I turned around to face him.

  “You have quite a temper and it doesn’t take much to trigger it at the moment,” he told me.

  “Why are you quitting on me?” I asked.

  “I’m not,” he said, turning to look at my car. He walked over to it, holding his hand out towards it. The car was fixed within a split second. He leaned against the door and looked over at me. “Believe me I wanted to, but I can’t.”

  “Why, is there nobody to take your place?” I asked coldly.

  “There are plenty of others who would take on a job like this.”

  “Then why aren’t you leaving me?”

  “A moment ago you said you didn’t want me to leave you; now it sounds like you do.”

  “I don't want you to, but one minute you say someone is replacing you and the next you’re saying you can’t quit on me,” I said plainly. “So I want to know why.”

  “Because I don't trust anyone else with you that’s why,” he almost shouted at me. “If any of them let any harm come to you I would hunt them down and kill them.”

  I walked over and stood about a foot in front of him. He constantly fixed me with his eyes.

  “I called out to you for more than a week, not once did you answer me,” I said. “Why?”

  “Because I was trying my best to stay away from you.”

  “Why though, did I piss you that much?”