Read Bloodlines Page 3

  “Thanks,” I smiled.


  We made our way back to our room.

  “Did you notice their surnames?” Lily asked.

  “Yes, none of them match.”

  “So they’re not the ones you’re looking for?”

  “It would seem that way.”

  “So aren’t you glad you didn’t do anything stupid?” she said, making it sound more like a fact than a question.

  “No, Lucian said their families were some of the first to settle here, which would mean they were around during the trials, and yet that girl just told us that they didn’t settle until the early 1700s, by which time the trials were over. So one of them is lying. Plus I know for a fact I’m looking for males and they…”

  “How do you know that?” she interrupted, frowning.

  “Sit down, Lily. I’ll make us some coffee…I’ve got something to tell you.”

  I went into the kitchen and put on the kettle. Then I sat beside her and passed her one of the two steaming mugs.

  “I haven’t been completely honest with you,” I told her.


  “When I said the only reason I hadn’t tracked them down before now was because I didn’t have the means too…”


  “Well, I lied. I never wanted to track them down because I didn’t know about them. I thought it was just my family that were affected and that was that. I never asked questions and so I never found anything out. I was told until the time came that I wanted to know the history I could do as I pleased. And that suited me. But then about four months ago I started having dreams.”

  “About what?”

  “Other people like me, all male.”

  “So all this started because of a few dreams,” she said, raising an eyebrow.

  “Over a few weeks the dreams became more and more intense. I would remember them sometimes and not others. Some nights I would actually wake up screaming.”

  “Why? What was happening?”

  “I had to watch helplessly while they were being killed. They would scream at me to help them. I would try to get to them, but no matter how fast I ran I never got any closer to any of them. Then other things started to happen to me. I would hear someone calling my name when I was alone. It was a voice I didn’t recognize and it happened more and more often. It seemed like the more intense the dream was, the more I would hear the voices the following day. I thought I was losing my mind and I didn’t know where to turn, so for about three months I suffered in silence. Then it got to be too much, I was scared of going to sleep at night and I walked around with my headphones in all day, as loud as I could stand it. But it was no good; I could still hear the voices and the lack of sleep started to make me ill. That’s when I told you I had the flu. D’you remember…?

  “So in the end I went and spoke to my granddad about it. I obviously couldn’t talk to my father and my mother…well, she never wanted to know anything about it. As you know, once my dad died she ignored me and avoided me as much as possible. I think she was afraid of what I was. My granddad was very poorly as you also know, and I didn’t really want to worry him but I didn’t know where else to turn. I got to him not long before he died and that’s when he gave me all the papers I showed you. That was when I learned about the other families and knew we weren’t alone. He said he knew one day the families would have to be reunited, and that the reason I was hearing voices and having the dreams was because they were trying to call out to me. To see if I actually existed. For all they knew the Putnam family could have died with Edward.”


  “I’m sorry I lied to you. I thought if I told you I wanted to find them because I was hearing voices and having weird dreams…”

  “I’d call you crazy?” she interrupted.


  “You don’t have to lie to me. Jesus, I’m the only one outside of your family that knows about this. And I’ve coped well, so I think I could have handled that.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No more lies?”

  “I promise,” I nodded.

  “So the voices you heard, did they sound like theirs?”

  “No, the voices were, shall we say, not human. They would echo around in my head.”

  “Why do the families need you all of a sudden?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t get much time with my granddad.”

  “Didn’t he say anything else before he passed away?” she asked softly.

  “I was with him when he died, and just before he closed his eyes he said, ‘I always knew you were the one with the strongest and purest power. Something extra runs through your veins. I knew it from the moment you were born.’ Then he tried to smile at me, but then it faded…He was gone,” I said as a tear rolled down my cheek.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, taking my hand. “I didn’t know you were with him when it happened.”

  “I couldn’t talk about it. I loved my granddad very much and it was painful.”

  “I understand,” she said in a broken voice. She was getting upset herself now.

  “So then I spent a couple of weeks going through everything.”

  “I wonder what your granddad meant by “Strongest and purest” and “Something extra?”

  “I have no idea. What he said plays on my mind all the time. Maybe if the other families are here they can tell me.”

  “Well, we know for a fact they exist if they’ve called out to you. You just need to have patience.”

  “That’s harder than you think,” I sighed.


  It was now four o’clock and hunger was starting to strike. We drove back into town and stopped at a local supermarket to pick a few things up. It was easier to cook at the motel than eat out all the time. But by the time we’d paid for everything our stomachs were rumbling and Lily was convinced she would pass out if she didn’t eat soon. So we still ate out. This time we went to a restaurant and sat in a little booth next to the window watching the townspeople passing by. We were chatting, just light-hearted conversation, when I saw a glow out of the corner of my eye. It was coming from a little ally across the road. I ignored it and carried on chatting. Then it happened again, and again.

  “What’s wrong?” Lily asked, before turning to face the direction I was staring.

  “Nothing. Sorry, you were saying?”

  As soon as she started talking, it happened again.

  “What is that?” I interrupted.

  “What’s what?” she asked, looking again.

  “I’ll be back in a minute.”


  “Just wait here for me, OK.”

  I walked out on to the street and headed for the alley. It was getting darker now and the street was empty apart from a few parked cars. When I got to the alley there was no one there. I walked down it for a few seconds. It was a little darker due to the tall buildings blocking out the light, and then they came into view. All four in their robes again, with their hoods up hiding their faces. They looked like four grim reapers but without the scythes.

  “Oh, what now?” I asked impatiently.

  “Who are you?” the tall one demanded.

  “Cinderella. Who are you?”

  “I expect the truth.”

  “Oh really, well do you want to know what I expect!” I snapped, walking closer to him. “To be able to visit a town and not get harassed by four idiots who think it’s Halloween. To be able to enjoy a meal with my best friend and not be distracted. Oh yes, and to be spoken to with a bit of respect.” I was now about two feet away from him. “How about you do that for me, then maybe, just maybe, I will be a little friendlier and answer you honestly.”

  “For your sake, I advise you to answer now,” he said, taking a step forward.

  “Look, you tried to take me down last night and you failed. Miserably, may I add. If you want to attack me that’s fine, but I’m not fighting you. If it turns you on hurting
a woman, then go ahead; I won’t even fight back. Now I’m going to finish my meal with my friend, then I’m going back to my motel, getting in the shower, maybe watch a little TV and then I’m going to bed, OK.”

  I turned around and walked towards the street again. I’d got about fifteen feet away from him when an energy ball hit the wall beside me. I didn’t even flinch, I just carried on walking. He threw two more but must have realized he wasn’t going to get a reaction and left me alone. I went back into the restaurant and told Lily what had happened.

  “I think they might be testing you,” she said.


  “Hey, do I look like I’ve got all the answers?” she said, pulling a funny face.

  “Sorry,” I laughed.

  “Maybe they want to make sure you’re…you know.”

  “Whatever. Let’s just get back to the motel; I’m craving a shower.”

  Chapter 4


  We were a mile from the motel when the car made a strange noise and slowly came to a stop. I turned the key but it wouldn’t start again.

  “Oh great!” Lily moaned, throwing her hands up, “It’s dark, people are after you, we’re on a deserted side road and the car breaks down. You know if we were in a horror movie we would get slaughtered about now.”

  “Nice to know my best friend has such a positive outlook on things,” I sniggered. “I’ll go take a look.”

  “Can’t you just do your thing and get us moving.”

  “Sometimes I do like to do things the normal way, you know.”

  She sat back in her seat and folded her arms, huffing. I laughed and got out of the car. I popped the hood but I couldn’t see any reason why it had just given up. The car was virtually brand new so I couldn’t understand it. I closed the hood and looked at Lily but she was gone.

  “Lily!” I shouted, but there was no reply. “Answer me, Lily, it’s not funny!” She was gone. I tried calling her mobile but the ring came from in the car; it was on the floor. “LILY!” I shouted again and again – still nothing. “SHIT!” I shouted even louder while kicking one of the wheels on the car. “Show yourselves, you bastards. I know you’re here. I swear if you touch her, I’ll kill you!”

  “I thought you weren’t going to fight,” the male voice from before said sarcastically.

  I turned to face him. “Where is she?” I asked sternly

  “She’s safe…for now.”


  He pointed towards the trees. She was floating vertically between two of them.

  “You put a spell on an innocent human being to get to me?”

  “There are questions you need to answer.”

  “Let her go!”

  “I will once you answer the questions.”

  “Piss off!” I started to walk towards Lily.

  “You can’t break my spell,” he laughed. “Not without finding the right one.”

  When I got close to her I saw the other three standing close by. I was hoping and praying I could free her.

  “Time to go home,” I said, looking up at her.

  She slowly came back down to earth, and when I touched her forehead she opened her eyes as if leaving a trance.

  “What happened?” she asked, a look of fear and confusion creeping over her face as she realized she was no longer in the car.

  “I’ll explain later.”

  “How did…?” the leader asked as I walked past him.

  “I’ve told you, you won’t beat me.”

  I got Lily into the car and shut her in. The four figures stood in front of the car to block my path.

  “Look, I don’t know what the hell I’ve done to piss you off, if anything. I don’t know who you are and I don’t think I want to after all this. Now if you want to start with me that’s up to you, but don’t start with her; she isn’t like you or me. She’s just a normal kind-hearted girl, so leave her alone,” I said calmly. “She’s no threat to you.” I opened my door but one of them made it slam shut again. “Why do you want me to fight you?” I asked

  “We don’t want to fight you; we just want to know who you are.”

  “I’m Keira Jameson. There, happy now?”

  “I didn’t ask your name. I asked who you were.”

  “What?” I asked confused.

  “Why did you come here?”

  “I’m a student, I study History and I’m doing a paper on the Salem witch-hunt. So I came here hoping to get some info...”


  “Look you asked your question and I answered it; I can’t do more than that.”

  The bronze shine went across my eyes and the car was fixed. I went to open the door but he slammed it again. This time I lost my temper.

  “Fine,” I said, my eyes going white. “If this is how it has to be!”

  I sent three shockwaves at them one after another; they all dodged it last time so I took out insurance by sending more than one. It was the final one that hit them all and sent them flying backwards. I jumped in the car and sped off.

  When we got back to the motel I was fuming. So much so my eyes wouldn’t return to normal and I was interfering with the electricity. The lights were flickering on and off, along with the TV and the radio. Lily stayed out of my way but you could see she was worried about me.

  “I’m going out,” I told her.


  “To find them.”

  She knew by my tone that I wouldn’t be persuaded to stay put. I grabbed the book from under the bed.

  “No doubt they will be watching, so if they see me take this they will have no reason to come here,” I told her.

  “What about you?”

  “Do I look like I’m in the mood to take shit?”

  The door flew open and I walked out, then it slammed itself shut behind me. I got in the car and sped off back to where I’d just left them. I’d never been so angry in my life. When I pulled up I got out of the car with the book in my hand, but they were nowhere to be seen.

  “Come on then, this is what you want, isn’t it?” I shouted, holding the book in the air. “What are you waiting for?”

  Still there was no sign of them. Instead of gradually calming down I seemed to get more and more annoyed. I could hardly control myself. The ground started trembling beneath my feet; I threw the book back in the car then looked up at the clouds. A sudden bolt of lightning struck the ground and a stand of trees burst into flames. Deafening thunder roared through the skies. Then I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around quickly catching a reflection of myself in the car window. My eyes were shining brighter than they ever had before. I saw the four of them standing there.

  “You need to stop,” the tall one said.

  I turned my attention to him. He rose up and was thrown against one of the trees. He hit the ground again hard.

  “Keira!” a familiar voice said. “You have to stop. You will expose us all.”

  For some reason his voice made me start to relax and the ground stopped shaking. That was the first time this one had spoken.

  “And the rest,” he said, pointing to the sky.

  A couple of seconds later, the skies were calm again, but my eyes wouldn’t go back to normal. The tall guy was back on his feet and started walking towards us. Again the ground started to shake.

  “Stay away from her!” another familiar voice told him. “It’s you that’s making her angry.”

  He stopped dead in his tracks and the ground returned to normal once more.

  “Leave me and my friend alone,” I told them.

  “Leave this town,” the one who had said “Get the book!” he said. “We don’t want your kind here. You’re not welcome!”

  “My kind?”

  “Return to whichever coven you’re from and do not return. You’re reckless and you risk exposing those with real power,” he said, now almost shouting his words.

  “I’m not in a coven,” I said confused.

  “I suppose you?
??re going to try and tell us you’ve had these powers since you were born.”

  “Since I was ten actually.”

  “How did you get them? What did you mess with?” he demanded to know.

  “Hey hang on, I didn’t mess with anything. I didn’t ask for these powers. I wish I had made the decision to have this thing inside me, but I wasn’t so lucky. I have never exposed my power and I never would. Maybe if you had taken the time to get to know me, instead of attacking me and just assuming things, you would have realized that.”

  None of them spoke.

  “Now just leave us alone!” I told them, my eyes returning to normal.

  I opened the car door and got in. I looked at the book for a moment and decided not to pass it over. Why should I give them something that I was obviously meant to have? Instead I just drove back to the motel.

  When I walked in I found Lily sitting in the chair waiting for me. I put the book down and told her everything that was said and about the spell that had been put on her.

  “If we meet them again I want revenge,” she seethed, pacing up and down. “I mean it, Keira. I don’t ask you for much. Who the hell do they think they are? I haven’t done anything to them, neither have you, but you can defend yourself against them, what chance do I have?”

  I laughed at her earnestness. “OK, I promise we’ll get revenge. Looks like I don’t have the choice.”

  Lily grinned. “Good. But how did you find the right spell so quickly?”

  “I didn’t.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Neither do I,” I said, shaking my head. “I wanted you down and awake and that’s what happened.”

  “Is that normal?” she frowned

  “No. Look, I don’t know how it happened but I’m glad it did.”

  “So am I.”

  “Lily, I swear it was Lucian’s voice I heard. He only said two sentences, probably because he knew I would recognize him. I could have sworn I heard Jake’s voice too.”

  That got her attention a little more.

  “But we know they’re not the ones you’re looking for,” she said.