Read Bloody Little Secrets Page 12

  Chapter 8

  I was up well before Sue knocked on my door. I drank four bags of blood before I stopped in the kitchen to eat some unexciting Cheerios. They tasted nothing like the blood. It had so much more flavor, on so many levels—regular food just could not compare.

  As I drove to Bartlett High School, following Sue, I tried not to think about Drake’s willingness to accept my truth last night. It felt so good to tell him but I didn’t want to get too excited. His thoughts may have changed after a night of sleep. I rubbed my temple with my free hand.

  Before getting out of the car, I double-checked my cooler, making sure it was not sitting in the sun. I’d be in big trouble if I had to run out to the car for an emergency only to find that my blood had gone bad.

  The large brick and stone building overlooked a nature preserve, which at the moment was filled with nothing but bare trees, waving their bony arms in the bitter breeze that stung my face. Students filed in around us, paying no attention to the vampire walking among them with her human aunt. After a few mesmerizing looks to a few of the secretaries, I was officially a Bartlett High School senior.

  Sue and I said a quick goodbye, with a promise to see each other at home for dinner and I wandered into the throng, in the direction the secretary had said I would find my first class. I was happy to note that the scent of food, er, blood, was pretty minimal. I could detect it, but it was in no way overwhelming my senses like I knew it could.

  “Vicky.” A voice shouted from behind me. His voice. So he didn’t hate me after all. I smiled and turned around, heading towards the wall of lockers so he could catch up.

  “Good morning! And welcome to Bartlett High School.” Drake waved his arms with a flourish. Jeans, fitted gray sweater that brought out the blue of his eyes, hair perfectly coiffed. Nice.

  “So, is it everything you dreamed of?” He chuckled as I joined him, walking by his side.

  Yes indeed.

  “What, the school? Yeah, it’ll do.” I handed him my schedule. “So where am I supposed to go?”

  “With me. Looks like we have English together first. Come on, this way.” He wove through another hallway. They all looked the same. It was going to take me forever to figure this place out.

  “Feeling better today?” he asked and threw me a sideways glance as we steered around a large group of students.

  “Much better. Hey, I’m really sorry about last night. Are we cool?” I sported a puppy-dog-pout face, lips stuck out, eyes wide.

  “Don’t flash those sparklers at me. Jeez, they’re really bright in these lights.”

  I pouted some more, looking down at the floor.

  He tapped my shoulder. “I’m just kidding. We’re fine. But seriously, you might want to consider wearing sunglasses or something, because everyone is going to notice.”

  I frowned, frustrated. “Right, like I’m going to be able to get through school everyday wearing sunglasses. I think that’ll draw more attention than my eyes.”

  “You’re the boss.” He raised his hands in surrender. “Here we are.”

  He led me through the door and towards a short woman with dark hair at the front of the room.

  “Hey, Mrs. Evon, This is Vicky, she’s new here.”

  She turned from the computer to face us. She was young, early thirties maybe, and dressed in black pants and a shiny silver top.

  “Welcome to Senior English, Vicky.” She reached out to shake my hand.

  I hesitated a moment, then grabbed it, giving it a generous shake. “Thanks.”

  “Why don’t you have a seat behind Drake?” She pointed to the back of the class. “We’re reading Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Here’s an extra copy for you. Have you read it before?”

  My hand trembled as I reached for the book. Seriously?

  “Nope. Thanks.”

  I hustled to the back of the room and dropped the book on the desk like it was on fire.

  “You could have mentioned you guys were reading this,” I hissed in his ear.

  He tossed a mischievous smile over his shoulder. “I thought you might appreciate it!”

  Mrs. Evon shushed the class and began the day’s lesson. I tuned her out, my eyes roaming through the classroom. Cinderblock walls were covered with lame inspirational posters. I tried not to snort when I read some of them. Success means always trying your best! A good book is a good friend. So lame.

  Scents drifted off of each student, flowing to the back of the room where I sat. Pork chops, fajitas, peanut butter milkshakes, watermelon, apple pie, chicken and dumplings.

  I pulled my head out of the fragrance, not wanting to get too caught up in the smell. It was only first hour. I couldn’t be running for my reserves just yet.

  Mrs. Evon struggled to keep everyone’s attention when the clock neared the end of the period. Students gathered their books as she shouted over the din. “Be sure to read through page 105 for tomorrow. I’ll be checking your text marking!”

  A petite blond in a hot-pink top and dark jeans threw a piece of paper onto Drake’s desk. I didn’t even have to read it to know what she was thinking. The sly look in her eye was easy to see from across the room.

  My heart sank just a little. I’d only known Drake for a few days, but it felt like forever. He was the only one who really knew me at all in this town, in this country, hell, in this entire universe. But he did have a life before a few days ago. It was dumb of me not think that maybe he had someone else, or at least some admirers. What if he got sick of me and my issues? Then I’d really be alone.

  “Ooo, got a note, did you?” I purred as we headed to the door. “Who from?”

  “Oh, that’s just Morgan. Trust me, this isn’t the first note she’s given me.” He laughed and waved it at me. He pulled it open and glanced at it before handing it to me.


  What’s up? Just wanted to see if you’d like to go to Starbucks after school and grab a coffee. I could totally use some help understanding this Dracula book. Call me! 630-555-2734


  Ugh. I really hoped I had never written anything so dull and desperate when I was alive.

  “Not jealous, are you?” He leaned towards me, linked his arm through mine and pulled me close.

  “Do I need to be?” I asked, tilting my face towards his and batting my eyelashes.

  He searched my eyes for a moment.

  “Not in a million years.”