Read Bloody Little Secrets Page 16


  After a quick trip to the clinic, I restocked the fridge before Drake arrived. I bounced down the stairs when the car horn honked in the driveway. I gave one last glance to the note I left Sue on the kitchen table.

  “Hiya, Vicky,” Drake said. He pushed the passenger door open for me. The minivan was not much cooler than the jelly bean car, but at least it would fit all of us. It was black as well, with dark, tinted windows. I slid into the front seat and Drake dramatically held up a finger.

  “Wait for it…”

  With his other hand he hit a button and rope lights activated around the ceiling of the van, casting a soft glow through the passenger area.

  “Nice, right? My dad insisted on the mood lighting. Mom hates it, but everyone else thinks it straight up p-i-m-p!”

  “That it is.” I giggled, taking in the pimp-osity. “There isn’t a naked girl painted on the side that I missed or anything, is there?”

  “No, my dad is an accountant, so lights in the minivan are about as pimp as he can handle before his logical brain explodes.” He backed out of the driveway and wound through the neighborhood. Every ten streets or so, the houses changed. As we moved away from our neighborhood, the houses became newer and bigger. We pulled into the driveway of a tidy two-story with a large front porch.

  Two figures burst out the front door and ran to the minivan. Monty and Lauryn piled into the back seat.

  “Hey guys,” said Lauryn cheerily as she slammed the door shut. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing new since school earlier. Oh, Vicky got a new cell phone.” Drake pulled the minivan back onto the street.

  “Oh, you’ll have to give us your number, Vicky.” Lauryn tapped my shoulder.

  “I saved plenty of room for ice cream tonight.” Monty patted his stomach.

  “Kitchen Sink?” Drake threw a glance back at Monty as he pulled down another dark street, where the houses looked similar to the one we’d just stopped at, either Monty’s or Lauryn’s. I’d have to ask later.

  “Aw, yeah baby,” hooted Monty.

  “What is a Kitchen Sink?” I turned around in my seat, looking back at Lauryn and Monty.

  “Oh, you’ll see.” Monty’s grin shined in the mood lights. “The Kitchen Sink cannot be explained, it can only be experienced!”

  “Oh it’s just a big pile of ice cream,” Lauryn said. “They give you a bumper sticker if you can eat a whole one yourself. It’s gross.”

  “I have five bumper stickers,” Monty said proudly.

  “I bet I could eat one,” I said, thinking that if I could eat food without reaction and without feeling full, that maybe I could put away a mountain of ice cream. As far as I could remember, I’d never heard anything about vampires getting fat, even after sucking hundreds of people dry.

  Drake pulled into another driveway, the house ablaze with lights

  “No way.” Monty laughed. “There is no way all that ice cream would fit into a tiny girl like you.”

  The door slid open again and Callie and Ernie climbed in.

  “Hey guys, thanks for picking us up.” Callie squeezed between Lauryn and Monty and slid into the back seat, Ernie right behind.

  “Vicky thinks she can eat a Kitchen Sink.” Monty turned in his seat, looking at the new arrivals.

  “This I gotta see,” said Callie. Drake swung the car back onto the street and made his way through town.

  I reveled in their laughter, not wanting to miss a thing. I missed this too. I used to do the same thing with my friends in Rochelle—hang out, drive around town, go out for ice cream. Just be together. I couldn’t have that with my old friends ever again. I glanced out the window, willing my eyes to suck up the tears that had snuck in there.

  Drake gave me a sideways glance but said nothing. He pulled into the parking lot, a lighted sign indicating that we were arriving at Colonial, Home of the Kitchen Sink. They climbed out of the car and walked toward the entrance. Drake and I straggled behind.

  “You okay?” he whispered, though the others probably wouldn’t have heard over Monty’s loud laughter. He nudged me and I moved closer, feeling his arm slide around my waist and pull me closer.

  “I’m okay. Just thinking about things used to be with my own friends. I miss that.” My shoulders shuddered as the emotions I struggled with attempted to overwhelm me.

  “Aw, it’s okay,” he said looking down into my face.

  I studied his eyes for a moment, wanting to lose myself in those cool blue pools.

  “Are you guys coming? I’ve been holding this door forever.” Monty stood in the entry, door held wide.

  “Yeah man, come on, it’s Sink time!” Drake skipped towards the door, and dragged me with him. I couldn’t help but smile.

  Twenty minutes later, giant ice cream dishes shaped like kitchen sinks, complete with faucets, sat in front of Monty and me. Drake, Lauryn, Ernie, and Callie were poised to dig into their much smaller ice cream dishes.

  “My money is on Vicky.” Ernie pointed at me with his spoon.

  “Dude, I’ve already eaten five of these, in case you don’t remember,” Monty said.

  “She’s new, I’m just being nice,” Ernie said in a mock-stage whisper.

  “Oh, okay!” He cheered instantly. “Ready Vick? Let’s do this!”

  He tossed me a big grin, hoisted his spoon and dug in. We all did the same. Hints of chocolate fudge, rocky road, and cookies and cream slid over my tongue. Six giant scoops of ice cream, topped with hot fudge and a pile of whipped cream, nuts, and a cherry on top. Bite after bite, I matched Monty. The others cleared their sundaes and picked teams. Drake and Lauryn cheered me on, while Ernie and Callie jumped next to Monty.

  “Come on girl, you can do it.” Lauryn slapped my shoulder. I shoveled down the last few bites, well ahead of Monty.

  Monty’s arm moved much slower, with one scoop to go. “I so shouldn’t have eaten a whole pizza for dinner.” He groaned and patted his stomach.

  “I thought you said that you’d saved room.” Drake laughed.

  “Dude, I did. I only ate one pizza, not one and a half like I normally do.” He set down the spoon. “I need to rest for a minute. I might be able to finish it up in a few.”

  “I think we have a new winner.” Callie reached across the table and raised my hand. “Vicky has conquered the Kitchen Sink. The first girl in our group to do so.” Our little group cheered and Monty let out a moan in an attempt to join in.

  “That was impressive, I will admit.” Monty reached a hand across the table and shook mine. “You’re a worthy opponent, Vicky.”

  Monty managed to shovel down the rest of his ice cream.

  Lauryn spoke up. “Dang, it’s already eight forty-five. I told my mom I’d be home by nine because I still have English homework to finish.” She glanced at her phone.

  After paying our bill at the cashier, we dashed out to the minivan and piled in. I ended up in the back next to Ernie, who proceeded to sing every song on the radio, no matter what it was, and added dance moves to his performance. Monty looked half asleep in the front seat next to Drake, and the girls discussed what movie they planned to see this weekend. Ernie enthusiastically performed a number by a female artist known for wearing meat for clothes.

  Drake swung the minivan through the Bartlett neighborhoods, depositing everyone off at home. I climbed up into the front seat after Monty and Lauryn hopped out. They waved and they sprinted across the yard.

  “So?” Drake said, an eyebrow raised.

  “That was really fun. Your friends are cool.” I smiled and leaned back in the seat.

  “I think it’s safe to say they’re your friends too.” He pulled out of the driveway and headed back towards Cedar Lane.

  “You think?” I glanced at him, wondering if he would put his arm around me again. I took a deep breath, his chocolaty scent wafting by my nostri
ls. It was sweet and pleasant instead of overwhelming. I was in complete control.

  “I think your Kitchen Sink performance won them over. Few can go head-to-head with Monty. And who knew you could eat that much?”

  “Yeah, I had no idea. I didn’t get the feeling I was full or anything. I could’ve kept going.”

  “Okay, so tomorrow we’re going to start compiling a list of all the stuff you can do. Eat like a bottomless pit will go on there. That is so hot!” He laughed.

  “Now watch, unlike other vampires, I’ll gain five pounds just from the Sink.”

  Drake pulled into Sue’s driveway.

  “I guess this is my stop.” I grabbed the door handle, and decided a hug wouldn’t hurt. I reached across the gap between the front seats and threw both arms around Drake’s neck. I caught a whiff of his cologne, but his chocolate-scent was SO much better. I was kind of glad I was the only girl at school that could pick up on it. His arms slid around my waist and he pulled me closer. A shot of electricity danced down my spine.

  “Thanks for taking me. Thanks for, well, for everything,” I whispered, my head over his shoulder. “I don’t know how I would have gotten through this on my own.” I leaned back. His eyes were dark blue in the faint light of the minivan’s mood lights.

  His hand rose to my face and brushed my hair back, leaving a trail of tingles in its wake. His mouth moved as if to say something, but no words came out. His face moved closer. His lips finally came to rest squarely on mine. After a tiny initial shock, my hesitation disintegrated and I sunk into his kiss, taking in the softness, the urgency, the utterly perfect taste of chocolate.

  Something in the back of my mind flickered a warning sign, but I pushed it away. This was too good to stop and think about. His scent overwhelmed me. Every brush of his hands along my body or press of his lips on mine released another shot of his chocolaty wonderment. It filled my nostrils, my brain turning fuzzy. I could feel the hunger start in the pit of my stomach, rising along with the passion and flooding through my veins.

  His tongue glided along my teeth and suddenly he pulled back.

  “Your teeth,” he whispered breathlessly.

  I felt with my own tongue, which drew back from the fangs that had slid into place. I hadn’t even noticed this time. My brain was still in a fog and all I could focus on was his neck.

  “I just want a taste,” I breathed.

  “Take it.” His voice drifted through my mind.

  That sounded wrong. Neither of the other humans had given it willingly.

  “But what if I can’t stop?” I said as I brushed the collar of his coat aside. My mind may have had questions, but my body seemed pretty sure it only wanted one thing from Drake.

  “You will. I trust you.” He looked into my eyes and pressed his lips to mine for a moment and then leaned back and exposed his neck to me.

  My hands slid up his chest and snaked around his neck. I pulled myself into his lap and nuzzled him, my nose running along the artery that danced under his skin. He shivered and pulled me closer.

  I had to have some control. I couldn’t go ripping his throat out. I wanted to be able to do this again and again. My body shook as my fangs slid gently into his throat, anticipating what was to come. Drake’s body stiffened at the first prick of the fangs, but then relaxed as he let out a moan.

  The most glorious flavors I’d ever tasted in my entire life, or afterlife, or just ever danced down my throat. My mind wandered, thinking of giant chocolate cakes, rich, creamy chocolates wrapped in golden boxes, thick chocolate fudge. I could never ever get enough of this. I could feel him start to relax too much and go limp under me. It startled me from my delicious thoughts and I pulled back, licking a few stray drops that oozed from his small wound. His head lolled to the side and the fog instantly cleared.

  Oh god, had I killed him?

  “Drake, oh my god, Drake! Can you hear me?” I said, having fully returned to my senses. My hands raised his head up.

  “What is it, are you okay?” I shouted, wanting him to just say something, anything.

  “I’m feeling a little woozy,” he murmured, his voice weak.

  “Oh god, see! I told you I might not be able to stop!” Tears sprang to my eyes. I slid into the passenger seat and pulled his tall body into my lap. I had to do something. I had to make him feel better. I thought back to my first day, how shredded arms had healed so quickly, and after I cut myself with the razor, it left no marks after only moments. Maybe my blood could do the same for him, or at least I could return some of the blood I took from him.

  “Hold on Drake,” I said, looking around for something within reach that was sharp before realizing my fangs were still out. I pulled my sleeve back and bit into my own wrist, tearing the flesh so that the blood ran freely. I held it over his mouth. He choked at first, but I pressed my wrist down on his lips.

  “Just drink it, it might help.” I stroked his hair with my free hand. The feeling of his lips on my wrist was electric. My skin tingled and I nearly moaned aloud. After a few moments his body beneath me felt heavier, stronger. His lips released my wrist.

  “Wow, now that’s more like it.”

  My body rejoiced as I heard the strength in his voice. He was okay.

  I wiped the tears from my eyes as he sat up, returning to his seat.

  “See, I knew you would stop.” He brushed his fingers along his neck. The holes had completely healed, leaving a few spots of dried blood behind.

  “But I almost killed you,” I said, tears running fresh and hot down my cheeks.

  “Don’t cry Vicky, look—I’m totally fine.” He gestured to his body. He leaned towards me again and pulled me into his arms. “I’m better than fine. I feel stronger than I have in my whole life! I guess we’ll have to add the healing quality of your blood to that list tomorrow as well.”

  “What did it feel like? When I bit you, I mean,” I whispered.

  He searched my eyes. “First there was a little prick, like a needle or something, but then, god, I can barely explain it. It was like everything that could feel good, feel awesome, did. I didn’t even think about what you were doing because it just felt so amazing, I didn’t want to stop it. What was it like for you?”

  “Your blood was the most delicious thing I have ever tasted, ever. You taste like the best chocolate that was ever made.” I looked out the window, avoiding his gaze.

  “I can understand why it was hard to stop.” He chuckled and kissed me on the cheek. “I didn’t realize I was so tasty!”

  “What did my blood taste like?” I asked, inspecting my wrist over his shoulder. The skin had fused back together and all that remained was an ugly, jagged white scar that was slowly fading.

  “Like blood, I guess. Definitely not like chocolate. But it was almost like drinking vodka. Once it started to seep into my body, I could feel it burning through my veins and warming me up. And then it was like a shot of the strongest espresso, pulling me out of the fog that my brain had fallen into.”

  We were nose to nose again, staring into each other’s eyes. I noticed his had a little more sparkle than I remembered.

  “That was by far the hottest make-out session I’ve ever had.” He breathed into my ear, tickling it.

  “Despite the fact that I almost killed you?” I asked.

  “That only makes it hotter in my book.” A few stray drops of dried blood lingered on his lips.

  “You’ve got some blood here.” I brushed my thumb along his bottom lip.

  “So do you,” he said and did the same. He pulled me to him again and crushed his lips against mine. The hunger didn’t rise in me like it had before. This time the only hunger I had was for him and not his blood.

  “I guess I should get home. It is a school night.” He pulled back an inch, but didn’t release me from his arms.

  “I don’t want you to go,” I whisp

  “I don’t either, but you know, we could do this every night if you wanted.” He raised his eyebrows.

  “You might just end up dead, or a vampire if we’re not careful.” I giggled.

  “Dead might be a problem, but I could live with being a vampire, if it meant being with you.” He smiled and planted a kiss on my nose. “Could you do me a huge favor?”


  “Could you open the glove box and hand me the Wet Wipes in there? Bob and Judy might have an awful lot of questions if I come home from Colonial covered in dried blood.”

  I laughed and let him go and turned to the glove box.

  “Good point.” I handed him the Wet Wipes after taking one for myself and mopped up my wrist and face. No need to cause Sue any concern.

  “See you tomorrow, then?” Drake leaned close for one final kiss.

  “Of course.” I let myself out of the car and floated to the front door.

  That was just, wow. My mind raced with images of Drake. This had gone so fast. We’d only known each other a week, but it felt like forever. And after tonight, there was no turning back. He was the only one that truly knew me, knew everything about me, and wanted to be with me anyway. I could only imagine that this is what love at first sight had to feel like. I warmed just thinking about him. Anyone else would think I was a complete idiot. How could I know I loved him already? I don’t know how, but I did. And I was pretty sure he felt the same.