Read Blue Jackets: The Log of the Teaser Page 11



  "Oh, if I only dared hooray!" I said to myself; and then a flush ofpride rose to my cheeks, for the captain gave me a smart clap on theshoulder.

  "Bravo, Herrick!" he said in quite a whisper. "I thought you wereright, my lad, or I shouldn't have done all this. Mr Reardon and Iwill make a fine officer of you before we have done."

  "Shall I pass the word down for the men to be on the _qui vive_?" saidthe lieutenant.

  The captain laughed, and nodded his head in the direction of thehatches, which were black with peeping heads.

  "No need, Mr Reardon; there is not a soul on board who does not know.It is no time for making fresh arrangements. We'll keep exactly to ourplans. Don't let a man show on deck, for depend upon it they will havea look-out aloft ready to give warning of danger, and we must not givethem an excuse for signalling to their confederates to sheer off."

  "Keep steadily on, then, sir?"

  "Yes, steadily and stupidly. Let the men go on as before up aloft, andlet the rest of the men show their white heads and pigtails at thebulwarks as if they were wondering who the strangers were. Goodpressure of steam below?"

  "Yes, sir, almost too much," said the lieutenant, after communicationwith the engine-room.

  "Not a bit," said the captain, rubbing his hands. "We shall want itsoon."

  My heart began to beat as they passed on, and I wondered what would bethe first steps taken. But I did not forget my promise. My duties wereabout nil, and as soon as I had seen the men staring over the bulwarks,and noted that the sham repairs to the rigging were steadily going on, Iran down the companion-way, and breathlessly told Barkins and Smith.

  "Then there are four of them, Smithy," cried Barkins. "Look here, Gnat;he stuck out that there were only three. But well done, old chap, youare a good one to come and tell us. Here, don't go yet; I want to--"

  I never heard what he wanted to, for there was too much excitingattraction on the deck, to which, being as it were licensed, I at oncereturned.

  The captain and Mr Reardon were on the quarter-deck, conscious thatsavages as the Chinese or Formosan pirates were, they probably did notdespise the barbarian instruments known as telescopes, and that mostlikely every movement on board the _Teaser_ was being watched. Anysuspicious act would be quite sufficient to make them sheer off, andconsequently the strictest orders were given to the men to play theirparts carefully, and make no movement that was not required.

  Dressed as I was in flannels, my appearance was thoroughly in keepingwith the assumed peaceful character of the ship, and hence I heard andsaw nearly everything.

  Just as I went on the quarter-deck the captain was saying to the firstlieutenant--

  "Don't be so excitable, man. When I ask you a question, or give anorder, take it deliberately, and dawdle off to see it done."

  "Right through, sir?" said Mr Reardon petulantly.

  "No," said the captain quietly. "When I give the order, `Full speedahead,' then you can act. Till then you are mate or passenger,whichever you like, of this dirty-looking trader. Ah, those three lowjunks, or whatever they are, can creep through the water prettyquickly."

  "Yes; and the big junk too," said Mr Reardon, using his glass. "It isastonishing how rapidly those great heavily-sailed craft can go. She'sfull of men, sir," he continued; "I can see more and more beginning toshow themselves. Not much appearance of dishipline, though."

  "So much the better for us," muttered Captain Thwaites, turning in hiscane arm-chair, and looking in the direction of the islands again, fromwhich the three smaller vessels were coming on rapidly. "Yes,"--hesaid, as if to himself, "a head keeps showing here and there; they arefull of men too."

  I was not experienced, of course, that only being my third voyage, but Iknew enough of navigating tactics to grasp the fact that the fourvessels were carefully timing themselves so as to reach us together, andthis evidently was their customary mode of procedure, and no doubtaccounted for ship after ship being taken and plundered. I feltstartled, too, as I realised the strength of the crews, and what asimultaneous attempt to board might mean. With an ordinary merchantman,even with a strong crew, undoubtedly death and destruction, while evenwith our well-armed men and guns I began to have doubts. A slip in themanoeuvres, ever so slight a mistake on Captain Thwaites' part, or ablunder in the carrying out of his orders, might give one vessel thechance to make fast, and while we were arresting their onslaught therewould be time for the others to get close in and throw their scores ofbloodthirsty savages upon our decks.

  Mr Reardon had strolled forward, and returned just as the captain saidto me--

  "You may as well fetch me my sword and cap from the cabin, Mr Herrick."

  "Yes, sir," I said quickly, and I was off, but he stopped me.

  "Not now, boy," he cried impatiently; "when the first gun is fired willbe time enough. Well, Reardon, men all ready?"

  "Ready, sir? they want wiring down. I'm only afraid of one thing."

  "What is that?"

  "That they will jam one another in the hatches in their excitement."

  "Give fresh stringent orders, sir," said the captain sternly; "every manis to go quickly and silently to his post, as if on an ordinary drill.By George! they are coming on quickly; we shall have it all over bydaylight."

  "And they'll plunder the ship by lamplight, eh?" said Mr Reardon drily.

  "Of course. I think there is no need to feel any doubt now as to thesebeing the men we want?"

  "I don't know, sir," said the lieutenant quietly; "but there is no doubtabout their meaning to try and take this peaceful merchantman. Look,they feel sure of us, sir, and are showing themselves. Why, they swarmwith men."

  "Poor wretches!" said the captain gravely. "I don't like sheddingblood, but we must do it now, to the last drop."

  The enemy were now less than a mile away, and coming on rapidly, thesmaller vessels helping their progress with long, heavy sweeps; and as Istood behind the captain's chair, and looked round the deck from thewheel, where one of our sham Chinamen stood, with another seated underthe bulwarks apparently asleep, but ready to spring up and join hismessmate at a word; round by the bulwarks where four or five stoodstupidly looking over the side; and then up aloft to the men makingbelieve to work very hard at the damaged spar--all looked peacefulenough to tempt the wretches, without counting the most prominent figureof all, Ching, as he sat high up, smoking placidly, and looking as calmand contemplative as a figure of Buddha.

  "The men ought to be called up now, and the guns set to work," I said tomyself, as every pulse throbbed with excitement, and in imagination Isaw, from the captain's neglect or dilatoriness, our deck running withblood.

  But I had to master these thoughts.

  "They know better than I do when to begin," I said to myself, and, aftera sharp glance at the coming vessels, I began to pity my two messmateswho were cooped up below, and I thought of how excited they must be.Then I thought of Mr Brooke, and hoped he would not be hurt; andshuddered a little as I remembered the doctor, who would be all readybelow, waiting to attend upon the first wounded man.

  "See that, sir?" said Mr Reardon quickly.

  "What?" said Captain Thwaites in the most unmoved way.

  "That smoke on board two of them."

  "On board all," said the captain. "I noticed it a minute ago. They aregetting the stinkpots ready for us, I suppose."

  "Yes, that's it, sir. Do you think it necessary to have the hose readyin case of fire?"

  "No; if any come on board, the firemen can be called up from thestokehole with their shovels. I think we'll go now upon the bridge.You can come too, Mr Herrick. I may want you to take an order or two."

  And as he walked quietly towards the bridge, where the speaking-tubesand signals joined with the engine-room were, he was as calm anddeliberate as if there was not the slightest danger menacing the_Teaser_; while for my part I could not help feeling that the positionthere upon the bridge
was a highly-exposed one, and that I should havebeen much safer in the shelter of the bulwarks, or down below.

  All this time we were gently forging ahead, and the junk was quietlymanoeuvring so that we should pass her so close that she could justavoid our prow, and then close and grapple with us, for they were busyon her starboard quarter, and through my glass I could make out greathooks.

  "Won't they think we are taking it too coolly, and grow suspicious,sir?" whispered Mr Reardon excitedly.

  "I hope not," said the captain. "Perhaps one might show fight now, butI am trusting to their believing that we are stupid, for I want to getthem all, Reardon, if I can. Now, silence, if you please."

  Mr Reardon drew back a step or two and waited during those terribleminutes which followed, and I gave quite a start, for the enemy suddenlythrew off all reserve as a yell came from the junk, which was answeredfrom the other vessels, and, with their decks crowded withsavage-looking desperadoes, they swept down upon us literally from bothsides, bow and stern.

  But still the captain did not make a sign; and, in the midst of thehorrible silence on board, I saw the dressed-up men turning their headsto gaze at us anxiously, as if the suspense was greater than they couldbear, and their eyes implored their commander to give the word beforethe wretches began swarming on board.

  I glanced at Mr Reardon, whose face was white, and the great drops ofperspiration stood upon his cheeks, while his eyes, which were fixedupon the captain between us, looked full of agony; for the great junkwith its wild crew was apparently only a hundred yards ahead, and theothers not much farther, coming rapidly on.

  "It's all over," I thought, in my horror, "he will be too late;" andthat I was not alone in my thoughts obtained confirmation, for, thoughthe crew to a man stood fast, I saw Ching suddenly drop from his perchand look round for a place of retreat.

  At the same moment the captain moved his hand; there was a sharp tingingof the gong in the engine-room, which meant full speed ahead; and, asthe vibration rapidly increased, he then gave a sharp order or two, andin an instant almost the men came pouring up from the various hatchesupon deck, but so quickly and quietly that the transformation was almostmagical.

  I don't think my eyes are peculiarly made, but I saw the various crewsmuster round the guns, and the marines range up, and the men with theirrifles at their various posts, with each officer in his place, althoughall the time I was standing with my gaze fixed upon the great junk.

  I saw, too, my twenty pigtailed men come sliding down the ropes fromabove, and snatch up the cutlasses and rifles laid ready beneath atarpaulin; but all the time I was seeing, in obedience to orders, twoparties of the crew going forward at the double, and I knew that thecaptain was communicating with the two men at the wheel.

  Quick as lightning there was another order as we began to leave thethree low vessels behind, and I involuntarily grasped the rail before meas all the men on board lay down--crews of the guns, marines, and thosewho had doubled forward under the command of Mr Brooke.

  Hardly was the evolution performed, when there, right before us, werethe lowering mat-sails of the great junk, and then, crash! there was awild despairing yell, and we were into her amidships, the ponderousgunboat literally cutting her down and going right over her; while at asecond command every man sprang up again, and for the next minute or twobayonet and cutlass were flashing in the evening sunlight as thewretches who climbed on board were driven back.

  While this was going on, the bell in the engine-room rang out again andagain, and we began to move astern to meet the three low junks, which,undismayed by the fate of their comrade, came at us with their crewsyelling savagely.

  Then there was a deep roar as the first gun belched forth its flame andsmoke, with the huge shell hurtling through the air, dipping once in thecalm sea, and crashing through one of the junks, to explode with areport like the echo of the first, far beyond.

  Captain Thwaites turned quietly and looked at me.

  "Yes, sir?" I stammered.

  "I said when the first gun was fired you could fetch my cap and sword,Mr Herrick," he said quietly, and I ran down just as the second big gunbellowed, but I did not see with what result. I heard the sharp, shortorder, though, and another gun roared, and another, and another, as thejunks came well into sight; for each gun I heard the crash of the shellhitting too, and the fierce yells of the men, as I dashed into thecabin, seized cap and sword, and then ran back to the bridge, eager tosee the fight, and in my excitement forgetting to feel afraid.

  But a heavy smoke was gathering over us and the junks,--two wereindistinct, though they were close aboard of us. Then, as the _Teaser_glided astern, I saw that the third was smoking, while crash, crash, theothers struck our sides, and their crews grappled, hurled theirstinkpots on board, and began to swarm over the bulwarks.

  But the guns were being steadily served with terrible effect; the fewpoor wretches who reached the deck were bayoneted, and in how long orhow short a time I cannot tell, for everything seemed to be swept awayin the excitement; we steamed away out of the smoke into the ruddysunset, and there I saw in one place a mass of tangled bamboo andmatting, with men clustering upon it, and crowding one over the otherlike bees in a swarm. There was another mass about a quarter of a mileaway, and I looked in vain for the third junk; but a number of her crewclinging to bamboos, sweeps, spars, and what looked to be wicker crates,showed where she had been. The last of the four, with her greatmatting-sails hauled up to the fullest extent, was sailing away towardthe nearest island, and on either side they had sweeps over with two orthree men to each, tugging away with all their might to help theirvessel along.

  "The brutes!" I thought to myself, as I watched the glint of the ruddysun upon their shiny heads and faces, with their pig tails swingingbehind, as they hung back straining at the great oars. For their soleidea seemed to be escape, and not the slightest effort was made to pickup any of their comrades struggling in the water.

  It was wonderful how quickly they went, and I began to think that thejunk would escape. Three miles would be enough to place her all amongstthe reefs and shoals, where the gunboat dare not follow; and I wasthinking, as we glided rapidly in her wake, that the _Teaser_ wouldchase her swiftly for about half the distance, and then lower the boatsto continue the pursuit, but I was wrong; I saw that the captain gaveMr Reardon some order, then the gong rang in the engine-room, the wayof the _Teaser_ was checked, a turn of the wheel made her describe acurve, and she slowly came to a standstill broadside on to the flyingjunk.

  The next minute the crews were piped away to the boats with theircomplement of marines to each; and as they were lowered down a steadyfire was maintained with shell upon the junk.

  I stood watching the shots, and saw the first of the broadside from oneheavy and three smaller guns strike the water close to the junk's hull,fly up, dip again, and then burst over the cliffs.

  The second went wide to the left, while the third also missed; and I sawthe captain stamp impatiently as the fourth went right over her.

  "She'll get away," I thought; and it seemed a pity for this junk toescape and form a nucleus for another strong pirate gang.

  The firing continued, another broadside being directed at the flyingpirates, who seemed to be certain now of escape, for the junk was end-onto us, and moving rapidly, forming a very difficult object for ourmarksmen; the gunboat, of course, rising and falling all the time uponthe heaving sea.

  In the intervals between the shots I had caught a glimpse of Barkins andSmith climbing into two of the boats, but it was only a glimpse; andthen I was watching the effects of the fire again, as the boats pushedoff to go to the help of the floating men.

  Shot after shot had been fired most ineffectively, and I heardexpostulations and angry words used to the captains of the guns; whileat every ineffective shell that burst far away a derisive yell rose fromthe crowded junk--the shouts increasing each time.

  "Another broadside, Reardon," cried the captain; "and then we must runin
as far as we dare. Pick out half-a-dozen of the best men with therifle to place on the bows to pick off the steersman."

  "Ay, ay, sir," cried Mr Reardon; then directly, "All gone in the boats,sir."

  Just then, as I was thinking that the junk must escape, one of our bigguns was fired with a crash which made the deck vibrate. There was atremendous puff of smoke, which was drawn toward us so that I could notsee the effect, but the shell seemed to burst almost directly with apeculiar dull crash, and another yell arose from the distant vessel.Only it was not a derisive cry like the last, but a faint startlingchorus of long-continued shrieks, despairing and wild.

  "That's got her, sir," cried Mr Reardon; and we waited impatiently forthe smoke to float by. But it still shut out the junk from where westood, while it passed away from the men forward at the gun, and theygave us the first endorsement of Mr Reardon's words by bursting outinto a hearty cheer, which was taken up by the crews of the other guns.Then we were clear of the smoke, looking landward to see a crowd of menstruggling in the water, swimming about to reach planks and pieces ofthe junk, which had been blown almost to pieces by our great shell, andhad sunk at once, while yet quite a mile from the nearest rocks.

  "Ha!" ejaculated the captain, "a good evening's work! Now, Reardon,down with the other two boats, and save every poor wretch you can."

  "Only one left, sir," cried Mr Reardon; and in a few minutes, fullymanned, she was about to be lowered down, when I looked quickly at thecaptain, and he read my meaning.

  "Want to go?" he said, and then nodded sharply.

  I dashed down, climbed upon the bulwark, seized the falls just as theywere about to be cast off, and slid down into the stern to take myplace. Then the oars fell with a splash, and away we went over theruddy sea to try and save all we could of the wretches upon whom soterrible a retribution had come.

  One of the warrant officers was in command; he gave me a grim nod.

  "Want to see the fun?" he said.

  "I want to see the men saved," I replied; "I don't know where the funcomes in."

  "You soon will," he said. "Look out for yourself, my lad; and don't betoo eager to help them."


  "You'll soon see," he said gruffly. Then turning to the four marines inthe stern-sheets--"fix bayonets, and keep a sharp look-out."

  I looked at him wonderingly, for fixed bayonets did not seem verysuitable things for saving drowning men. But I said nothing, onlysheltered my eyes from the level rays of the sun as we rowed swiftly on,and gazed across the water at the despairing wretches fighting for theirlives upon the blood-red surface of the water.

  It was very horrible after a time, for, as I looked with my heartfeeling contracted, I saw a man, who had been swimming hard, suddenlythrow up his hands and sink.

  It was too much for me.

  "Row, my lads, row," I cried; "we may catch him as he comes up."

  "No," said the warrant officer grimly, "we shall never see him again."

  "But try, try!" I cried.

  "Yes, we'll try our best," said the officer sternly; "but it's theirturn now. Many a poor wretch have they seen drown, I know, and laughedat when he cried for help."

  I knew it was true; but all the same there was only one thought besidesin my breast, and that was to save all the poor wretches who wereclinging to the pieces of wreck.

  As we drew nearer, we came upon the first of quite thirty, clinging to asweep which was under his left arm; while, to my horror, I had seenthree more swimming without support go down without a cry, and not onerise again.

  "Easy there," said the officer; "ready there, coxswain; can you reachhim with the hook?"

  The man who was standing in the bows reached out to hook the pirate, butjust then the end of the floating sweep touched our boat, and turnedright off, so that the coxswain missed his stroke, and the result wasthat the pirate glided aft.

  The officer by my side leaned over, reached out, and, to my intensesatisfaction, caught the Chinaman by his left sleeve to draw him to theboat; but in an instant the wretch threw his right arm out of the water,and I saw the flash of a long knife in his fingers, as, with his teethgrinning, he struck at my companion with all his might.

  I was so taken by surprise that I sat as if paralysed; but I wasconscious of a quick movement from behind, something red passed over me,and, all instantaneously, there was the flash of another blade, ahorrible thud--the pirate was driven under water; and I wrenched, as itwere, my eyes round from him to look up over my shoulder at the marine,who with a dexterous twist of his rifle withdrew his bayonet from thesavage's chest.

  "Hurt, sir?" he said.

  "No thankye, marine. Very quick and well done of you. There, MrHerrick; now you see why I told you to look out."

  "The brutes!" I cried excitedly; "they're not worth trying to save."

  "No," he said; "but we must do it. I suppose they don't believe much inthe mercy they'll get from us; so there's no wonder. Look at that!"

  I turned my head in the direction in which he pointed, and saw what hemeant. Five men were clinging to a piece of floating wreck about fiftyyards away, and three more left the plank to which they had beenclinging as we approached, and swam to join them.

  I looked at the first group, fully expecting to see them hold out theirhands to help their comrades; but in place thereof, I saw one wretch,who occupied the best position on the floating mass of wreck, raise aheavy piece of bamboo with both hands, and bring it down with a crashupon the head of the first man who swam up.

  "Yah, you cowardly beggar!" roared one of the boat's crew. "I've markedyou."

  "Nice wild-beasts to save, Mr Herrick," said the warrant officer. "Ifeel as if I should like to open fire on them with my revolver."

  "It's too horrible," I panted. "Look, look, Mr Grey!"

  "I'm looking, my lad," said my companion. "Give way, my boys; let'sstop it somehow."

  For there was a desperate fight going on at the piece of wreck; threemen, knife in hand, were trying to get upon the floating wood, and thoseupon it stabbing at them to keep them off.

  But, in their despair, the swimmers made a dash together, regardless ofthe blows, climbed on, and a terrible struggle began.

  "Starn all!" roared Mr Grey; and the boat's progress was checked. Wewere backed away just in time, for the pirates were all now on one sideof the piece of wreck, thinking of nothing but destroying each other'slives, and heaped together in what looked like a knot, when the sidethey were on slowly sank, the far portion rose up and completely turnedover upon them, forcing them beneath the water, which eddied and boiledas the struggle still went on below the surface.

  "Give way, my lads," said the officer sternly; "let's try and save someof the others."

  "Ay, ay," cried the man who had shouted before. "These here arn't worthsaving."

  The boat swept round in a curve, and we pulled off for another group,kneeling and crouching upon what seemed to be a yard and a mass ofmatting-sail.

  Mr Grey stood up.

  "Now, my lads," he shouted, "surrender."

  For answer they bared their knives and defied us to come on, yelling andstriking at us with them.

  Mr Grey looked round at me half-laughingly.

  "Cheerful sort of prisoners to make. If we go close in, some of us willget knifed."

  "You can't go close," I said.

  "If I don't they'll drown," he cried; "and the captain will ask me whatI've been about."

  "Hadn't you better let the jollies put 'em out of their misery, MrGrey, sir?" cried one of the men. "They arn't fit to live."

  "No," cried another fiercely. "They arn't men; they're tigers."

  "Silence!" said the officer sternly. "There is a man yonder about tosink; give way," he cried.

  This man had left a barrel, to which he had vainly tried to cling, butit kept on turning round; and at last, in his despair, he had left it totry and swim to the nearest rocks.

  His strength was failing, though, and he began to padd
le like a dog, toomuch frightened to try and swim.

  A few strokes of the oar took us within reach, and this time thecoxswain succeeded in hooking his loose cotton jacket, and drawing himto the side.

  Hands seized him directly, and he was hauled in to lie down trembling,and looking wildly from one to the other.

  "Come; he's a quiet one," said the coxswain. "Mind, sir!"

  "Mind! look out!" roared the boatswain.

  But he was too late. One moment the Chinaman crouched, limp andhelpless, in the bottom of the boat forward, with his hands hidden inhis wet sleeves, the next he had made a frog-like leap at the coxswain,driven a sharp knife in the muscles of his back, and leaped overboard.Not into safety, though; for one of the men stood ready, and, as thewretch rose, brought down the blade of his oar with a tremendous chopacross the head, and the pirate went down to rise no more.

  I heard the boatswain utter a low fierce growl as he crept forward, andI followed to try and help, for the injured man had sunk upon his knees,with the boat-hook across the bows, and began to wipe the perspirationfrom his forehead.

  "Much hurt, my lad?" cried Mr Grey.

  "Tidy, sir, tidy; makes one feel a bit sicky-like. Any one like to havethe next turn with the boat-hook? I'm going to miche a bit.--Do itbleed?"

  All thought of saving the pirates was given up till the wound, whichbled sharply, was carefully bandaged, and the man laid down in thebottom of the boat. Then the crew looked at their officer.

  "Hadn't we better polish 'em off, sir?" growled one of the men.

  "The captain's orders were to pick up all the drowning men we could,"said the boatswain sternly.

  "But they won't be picked up, sir."

  "Give way."

  The men rowed to another floating group of four, and I stood up andcalled to them to surrender.

  For answer they sprang into the water, and began to swim to some oftheir comrades on the next piece of wreck.

  "This is a puzzling job, Mr Herrick," said the boatswain. "I'm not abrute; I'd jump overboard to save any of the wretches, but it would belike giving my life, or the lives of any of the crew, to set them thejob. Those wretches will begin upon their mates, you'll see."

  He was quite right, for the possessors of the next floating piece ofwreck yelled to their comrades to keep off, and, as they still swam on,a fresh fight began of the most bloodthirsty nature, and one of our mensaid drily--

  "Take it coolly, sir. If we lay on our oars a bit, there won't be noneto fish up."

  The feeling of horror and pity for the drowning men began to wear off,and I was glad when Mr Grey suddenly ordered the men to row hard, and Isaw him steer shoreward to cut off a little party of four, who, with athick bamboo yard between them, were swimming for the rocks.

  "They must be saved as prisoners or not at all," he said sternly; "not aman of them must land."

  As soon as this last party saw us coming, we noticed that they drewtheir knives to keep us off, but energetic measures were taken thistime. We got between them and the shore; and then a rope was madeready, one of the men stood up and dexterously threw it right over apirate's head, snatched it tightly to him, dragged him from his hold,and he was at last drawn to the side half-drowned, hauled aboard, andhis hands and feet tied.

  This successful plan was followed out with the others, with the resultthat we had four prisoners lying safely in the bottom, and then turnedto capture some more in the same way.

  But we had been so excited and taken up by this work that we had notseen what was going on seaward, where a gun was fired for our recall.

  "Where's the next of them?" said Mr Grey.

  I did not answer, as I stood up looking round to see a few fragments ofwreck floating here and there, but there was not another pirate left tosave.