Read Blue Jackets: The Log of the Teaser Page 14



  If ever I was active it was at that moment. I struck out with myclenched fists, throwing all the power I possessed into my blows, andfortunately for me--a mere boy in the grasp of a heavily-built man--hewas comparatively, powerless from loss of blood consequent upon hiswounds, so that I was able to wrest myself free, and stand erect.

  At that moment the corporal recovered the lantern, and held it up,showing that fully half the prisoners had left the spots where they werecrouching the minute before, and were making an effort to join in thefray initiated by one of the savages of whom we had been warned.

  It is all very horrible to write of, but I am telling a simple story inthis log of what takes place in warfare, when men of our army and navycontend with the uncivilised enemies of other lands. In this case wewere encountering a gang of bloodthirsty wretches, whose whole careerhad been one of rapine and destruction. The desire seemed to be innateto kill, and this man, a prisoner, who since he had been taken hadreceived nothing but kindness and attention, had been patiently watchingfor the opportunity which came at last. Just as Mr Reardon wasstooping to attend to his fellow-prisoner, he had made a tremendouscat-like bound, driving me sidewise as he alighted on Mr Reardon'sback, making at the same time a would-be deadly stroke with a smallknife he had managed to keep hidden in the folds of his cotton jacket.

  As I rose up I could see the knife sticking in the lieutenant'sshoulder, apparently driven sidewise into his neck, while he wasstanding with his eyes dilated, looking in horror at his assailant, whonow lay back, quivering in the agonies of death, literally pinned downto the deck.

  My brain swam, and for a few moments everything looked misty, but thathorrid sight forced itself upon me, and I felt as if I must stare hardat the pirate, where he lay bayoneted and held down at the end of therifle by the strong arms of the marine sentry, who was pressing with allhis might upon the stock.

  The struggling went on for a few moments, then grew less and lessviolent, while a low hissing sound came from the prisoners around. Thenthe quivering entirely ceased, and the marine gave his bayonet a twist,and dragged it out of the wretch's chest, throwing himself back intoposition to strike again, should it be necessary. But the last breathhad passed the pirate's lips; and, while the sentry drew back to hisplace by one side of the door and stood ready, his comrade fell back tothe other, and the corporal and the fourth man seized the pirate, andrapidly drew him forth through the doorway; we followed, the place wasclosed and fastened, and I stood panting, as if I had been running hard,and could not recover my breath.

  The next moment I was clinging to Mr Reardon, trying to hold him up,but he misinterpreted my action, and seized and gave me a rough shake.

  "Don't, boy," he cried in an angry, excited tone. "Stand up; be a man."

  "Yes, yes," I gasped; "but quick, corporal! never mind--that wretch--run--the doctor--fetch Mr Price."

  "Bah!" cried Mr Reardon roughly, and trying to hide his own agitation,"the man's dead."

  I stared at him in horror.

  "He don't know!" I gasped. "Mr Reardon--sit--lie--lay him down, mylads. Don't you know you are badly hurt?"

  "I! hurt?" he cried. "No; I felt him hit me, but it was nothing."

  I reached up my trembling hand, but he caught it as it touched hisshoulder, and was in the act of snatching it away, when his own came incontact with the handle of the knife.

  "Great heavens!" he ejaculated, as he drew it forth from where it wassticking through the stiff collar of his coat; "right through from sideto side--what a narrow escape!"

  "I--I thought he had killed you," I cried faintly, and a deathlysensation made me feel for the moment as if I must fall.

  "No, not a scratch," he said firmly now. "A little memento," hemuttered, as he took out his handkerchief and wrapped it round the bladebefore thrusting the knife in his breast-pocket. "I must keep that formy private museum, Herrick. Here, my lads, throw something over thatwretch. Sentry, I'll talk to you later on. You saved my life."

  "Officer's orders, sir," said the man, looking uncomfortable and stiffas he drew himself up.

  "What, to save my life?" said Mr Reardon, smiling, and trying to lookas if everything had been part of the ordinary business of life.

  "No, sir; to keep my eye on the Chinees. I had mine on that chap, forhe looked ugly at you, and I see him pull himself together, shuffle inhis blue jacket, and then make a jump at you, just like a cat at a rat."


  "Beg pardon, sir," said the man awkwardly; "I don't mean to say as youlooked like a rat."

  "I hope not, my lad."

  "I meant him jumping like a cat."

  "Yes; and you saw him springing at me?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Well, what then?"

  "Only bayonet practice, sir--point from guard, and he came right on it."


  "Then I held him down, sir."

  I saw Mr Reardon shudder slightly.

  "That will do, sentry," he said shortly. "I will see you another time.Come, Mr Herrick."

  I followed him on deck, and saw him take off his cap and wipe hisforehead, but he turned consciously to see if I was looking.

  "Rather warm below," he said drily. "I'd better have kept to my firstanswer to you, my lad. You see it's dangerous to go into a wild-beasts'cage."

  "Yes, sir, I'm very sorry," I said; then, anxiously, "But you are sureyou are not hurt, sir?"

  "Tut, tut! I told you no, boy. There, there, I don't mean that. Noteven scratched, Mr Herrick. You can go to your messmates now with anadventure to tell them," he added, smiling; "only don't dress it up intoa highly-coloured story, about how your superior officer relaxed thestrict rules of dishipline; do you hear?"

  "Yes, sir, I hear," I said, and I left him going to join the captain,while I went down and told Barkins what had been going on, but I had notbeen talking to him five minutes before I heard a heavy splash as ifsomething had been thrown over the side.

  "What's that?" said Barkins, turning pale.

  I did not answer.

  "Sounds like burying some one," he whispered. "Don't say poor oldBlacksmith has gone?"

  "No no," I said. "I know what it is. Wait till I've told you all Ihave to tell, and then you'll know too."

  He looked at me wonderingly, and I completed my account of the scene inthe black-hole place.

  "Oh, I see," he cried; "it was the Chinaman?"

  I nodded carelessly, but I felt more serious than ever before in mylife, at this horrible sequel to a fearful scene.