Read Blue Moon Page 1

Blue moon


  Revo is a 27th century failed technology that anticipates speed based on impulses and delivers accurately. The reason why this technology failed however is because impulses drove the drivers of this technology into oblivion. In another century of blue moon, the technology is infused with another which leads to the death of many. The potential of this technology is however rediscovered in the 31st century and channeled properly. Gazelles was the word used to describe the chaos which captivated the drivers and the world at large when the technology was first sold.

  Intergalactic concept in blue moon is different. In this century only humans exist in the entire universe, surprisingly.

  Suits won in the blue moon centuries are both organic and engineered.

  K D auto is a canvass that defies gravity and has an unlimited number of green energy even enough to power-on a city in a kick. 79 is the more user friendly of the auto series.

  Hitler hill is just like the K D auto. At default it can leap 9 meters from any platform without green energy. Its energy is however limited. The super Hitler can float even ten times higher at default mode.

  The Prestige watch is a century changing technology that was first discovered in the 27th century. The 4000 was the first to literarily work in real time. Whoever wears this watch can accomplish more distance and physical activity than someone without. Its operating system is able to compress your to do lists into5 times less and/or more. It’s the first watch to physically interact with time in a location and both interpret and drive the owner accurately. It is one of the most valuable technologies in blue moon.

  Axis is used to define the dimensions of the world by which activities are carried out. People don’t travel long distances physically in the blue moon century and so there are different technologies for each dimension. Some aren’t compatible with others. A 2d axis is strictly visible, limited in space and mechanics in the blue moon centuries.

  Banks are primarily used to collect license in order to access the four other dimensions in the Blue moon centuries.

  Ekwuolbia city is on three Planes. In-between the planes are expresses for intradimensional and interdimensional trips. Express lifts are sort of tubes that protect individuals crossing planes from accidents. Because of the speed of trips, the only visible thing in express is light. A busy city would be full of lights in its express.

  31st Century in Ekwulobia

  Those once in a blue moon experiences that we have: the ones that can keep us thinking for a light year. In fact we get boom moments when the thoughts jump out our heads like revo powered gazelles.

  You’re in a conversation and for a second you hear their voice. You’re watching an intergalactic match in space and in a flash there’s a glitch and it’s their face. They are not those moments you can repair or easily delete. They are those moments you easily remember their name. That moment they first called you.

  That moment they got your name right but you wouldn’t turn. You try shrugging it off but then they call your name again.

  Now you pretend and still act like you are not sure when you turn back. But they give you a smile like they never knew you heard the first time and the second time too. They give you a long smile till it dawns on you that they put a lot of effort calling out your name. Panting, you know they probably ran some good distance to pat you at the shoulder.

  Chico? They ask. And you realize your name sounds different the only way it can sound in their mouth. This time you begin to admire them and you don’t realize when you give a smile in return.

  Few steps and you already feel like she would go a mile with you from that spot. But it’s late so you think maybe she would give up the chase early, but even then, she trips you on her first impression.

  ‘Did I get your name right’ she asks.

  While you are about to reply, she does something with her nails like some salon ritual she invented herself and you almost get carried away too. But then she jumps back to play like the referee and reminds you that your name is Chico and it probably meant you were the new guy around.

  So I’m like ‘Uhun! I am the new guy around!’

  The next thing she did definitely put all the drama in a curve and oh I forgot to add that at this time we were stuck floating in the middle of an express lift". I was on a K.D auto canvass; she was on a super hitler hill. She held my hands and asked that I keep her floating till the traffic relaxed and the lights freezed. She drew closer and kicked my K.D auto 79 and asked me to kindly power it. I said ”Yes”. I kicked back and we were on. Her suit’s design was one that easily collapsed into the skin on contact. This time my hands collapsed into hers. I asked if she wanted her sonic suit to be powered on. She said “I’m not sure”. She kicked again. “That will do”, she added.

  Now she slips back and says ‘me and you over gravity, ha-ha! By the way I’m Bunke and I am definitely going to have five minutes of your time this night, Chico’ with a smile.

  Her hand stretched, we shook, this time slowly floating off the middle of the frozen lights.

  I guess my big eye balls were wide open for a while. She noticed. I guess that’s why she asked,

  ‘I hope you’re not planning to keep my hand hanging all night, Chico’.

  ‘No’, I replied.

  ‘Yeah right, a gentle man shouldn’t do that’, she added.

  So we shook: her ebony hands soft like a cats pad crushing a coconut for no less than 5 seconds. She let go.

  I for one never seen a girl dressed like this for a while, I whispered.

  Her seamless body suit was a monochrome of colors that easily sunk into the lights in the streets and yet magically hid and revealed her skin’s radiance like an ultra iris. It was jet black but she turned into a stream of oceanic grey and orange brown streaming in fine patterns which carefully filled into her feminine frame. The tinted silver highlights also tilted the way of her figure one second at a time like a designed rainfall, mindfully mapping her brilliant architecture in the exact moment. She also had on a mildly glowing brown gold jacket with an orange rose print which transposed into a sort of creamy red soup as it dripped down the rims of her temples, the edges of her hips, over and against her vibrant brown skin and into my palms. She was design. But it wasn’t just the tech. her voice was so organic that you wondered how it yet mixed with the air around to deliver a fresh water screeching through a rock in a such a rush sound and how her lips were yet bold and jovial at it. You’d be thrilled. I was.

  ‘I promise to be a gentle man for the next five minutes’, I said. She laughed this time and just enough to let out the door in her teeth.

  ‘And afterwards you would be what, the hulk?’ She giggled again letting me notice the little dimple on her left chick.

  ‘No. The Guardian’ I replied.

  And so she laughed again as she looked straight in my face and said ‘I’m already beginning to know you’.

  ‘And we’ve not gone past a minute’, I replied.

  We both smiled and laughed this time and then looked somewhere else for a start. She sunk her hands somewhere while I tried to steady the gush of lights from almost every corner in express.

  ‘Blue lights, red lights, yellow lights: Every one of them is just so bright’, I said.

  ‘Well, probably that’s why we call it our rich and colorful city’, she replied.

  'Ekwulobia is so busy and alive! The streets don't just end on transverse bridges. ..'

  'It actually starts there!'

  'It is one big vast screen full of colors in so many details and everybody really acts like they care about you.'

  'I do'.

  'That's the part that hits you. In fast trips and even on blink teleports. Someone knows me here, someone thinks I'm the first
fair guy who's really fair, then someone thinks its really nice meeting me, and it would even mean more to their little clan to see me. They talk about me all day. I shouldn't be shy. I would love the green spot like home. Then suddenly the green creme is really what I've been missing from my table. It's definitely better for my skin. I should really buy it.'


  'You think.'


  'And suddenly I don't really look smart without a mechanic watch. I'm all 31st century tech, no personality.'


  'So I finally decide to buy in on the prestige 42000. I'm telling the time from 3 perspectives. I'm meeting a person twice at the same time. Infact I bought the watch with a glass strap once and a sand reader all in one real moment. I'm like, this is dope. Its my first.'

  It's really dope.

  'Nothing classy about it right? Till I tried it on a teleport room.'


  'Yeah! I never knew it was stuck on a mutual drive and a 2D axis.'

  'It is.'

  'I never knew!'

  'Thats why its classic!'

  'There's nothing mutual about the Prestige.'

  'It is dear'

  'Among who.'

  'Anambra's centinarians. Haha!'

  'Ah! I was so clueless. I really thought the whole ad thing was really for everyone. I thought I could speak to the governor and a chief engineer separately and at four separate meetings just in 36 hours. I was so embarrassed when four minutes into the conversation, the deputy governor