Read Bob Hunt in Canada Page 13



  Because of the experience that Bob and Bill had had, Mr. Watermanthought it best to stick around Lac Parent and take it easy for a fewdays. This they did. They found the trout fishing very good andconcluded that after all there was nothing like fly fishing for thespeckled beauties. Fishing for salmon was a change but they all feltthat if they were to fish for a summer they would much prefer thesmaller fish. There seemed to be no lessening of the supply. OnWednesday they all went into Escoumains. They went by the trail,carrying their canoes through the first two lakes so that they had onlyabout six or seven miles of walking. They did this because they made thetrip more for the sake of a change than because they had to go to thevillage for supplies. Sandy MacPherson still talked of the German spy.

  "I have to admire both his nerve and his cleverness," said Sandy.

  "To come here for that purpose and to do so for several years simplyproves the excellence of the German spy system, considered by far thegreatest and most far-reaching of any nation's in the world," said Mr.Waterman.

  "Sure," said Sandy, "that's the point. Field has been here for the lastfive years so when he came in early this spring we thought nothing ofit. The way he got me--me, the representative of the law, to help him inwith those wireless instruments four years ago was the height ofaudacity. How did he know that I knew nothing about wireless?"

  "He had probably talked to you about it," said Mr. Anderson.

  "Well, I bear him no ill-will," concluded Sandy, "especially as theGerman submarines did not get a single troop ship that left eitherHalifax or Quebec."

  "Did those revenue officers question you about us?" asked Mr. Waterman.

  "I should think they did," replied Sandy. "I got mad at last and askedthem if they suspected me of being disloyal. That shut them up. I guessthe thing is over for good."

  They all went back to the camp via the short route with the exception ofMr. Waterman, who went back via the road with a load of provisions. Ashe left, he stated that he would camp at the ford that night and wouldexpect them all over there very early in the morning to help him withthe stuff. The party separated and the next morning even beforedaybreak, they all left the home camp and headed for the ford. The factthat the boys were quite willing to go along and would really have feltslighted had they been left behind showed how much they had developedsince coming up to the camp. They not only thought nothing of getting upbefore daybreak and going off over two lakes but they knew that whenthey got there, they would merely load themselves down with grub andcome back. What would have seemed to them a big day's work only a fewweeks before, they were now eager to do before breakfast.

  Such is the way of the wilderness. Men get to see that every one must dohis share and a little discomfort is scoffed at. The boys enjoyed theearly morning paddle through the two lakes, while the portaging of thecanoes was by this time mere child's play to them. They really thoughtnothing about it and took their turn when traveling light just as amatter of course. The improvement in Pud was the most noticeable. He hadlost weight and was quicker on his feet and handled himself much better.They arrived at the ford to find Mr. Waterman busy getting everythingready to move out. He had things in good shape and in ten minutes theywere on the back trail. There were so many of them that the weightassigned each was comparatively light and they walked away at a rapidpace. Before seven o'clock, they were back on Lac Parent and withappetites that would have been the delight of an epicure.

  Jack was the only one that had remained behind and as soon as theydisembarked, he called them. They all came running. He had salmonsteaks, hot biscuits, porridge with milk and apricots. They certainlyenjoyed the meal, went fishing as usual. Coming back about eleveno'clock, they went in for a swim and got a lot of enjoyment out of this.In spite of the northern clime in which they were, the shallowness ofthe lakes permitted the water to get pretty well heated by the hot Julyand August sun, and swimming was a real pleasure. It was only now andthen when they struck a lake fed mainly by springs that they found thewater too cold for swimming.

  The next day, Pud suggested that they should go over to the cabin in thegulch, called by all the German spy's hut, and explore.

  "That's a good suggestion," said Mr. Waterman.

  "We can easily do it in a day," said Pud.

  "Possibly not," said Mr. Waterman. "We'll take sufficient grub for aweek for we do not know just where our search may lead us. We may comeout on the Portneuf River, fifty or sixty miles away."

  "I didn't think of that," said Pud.

  They were soon ready. Mr. Waterman and Pierre brought along their guns.The party was made up of the three boys, the two leaders just mentionedand Mr. Anderson. They were soon over in to the second lake. There theystopped to fish, except Mr. Waterman, who went off to one end of thelake as he thought that he was pretty sure to bag a duck or two there.He was right, as his gun was heard occasionally during the next twohours. The fishing was fine and when Mr. Waterman returned with six fineyoung ducks, the boys knew that they were going to have a big supperagain. They had lunch and then went on to the cabin. They determined tostay there all night and just explore the gulch.

  "I have often been up on the sides of this gulch but I have never beendown here to see what was here," said Mr. Anderson.

  Behind the cabin they found an excellent spring with a little streamleading away from it.

  "I guess we'll make no mistake if we take this spring for a startingpoint to-morrow. This stream will surely lead us out of the gulch, asit must have an outlet," said Mr. Waterman.

  "There is sure to be an outlet because there is no lake here," said Bob.

  The stream led them further down the gulch and they found themselvesgoing down even further. When they had reached a point about a half milefrom the cabin, they found that the path they had been following stoppedand turned up the hill. This was not the path they had previously notedas leading to the top of the mountain.

  "Let's follow this path," said Bill.

  "All right," said Pud.

  They turned off and they had not gone far before they came to whatseemed like a mine. The boys were very excited as it seemed to them thatthey had discovered the reason why Field and his friends had made theirsummer home in this gulch rather than in some other that would have beenjust as suitable from the wireless standpoint.

  "This looks like a mine to me," said Bob.

  "It certainly does look that way," replied Bill.

  "He has a lot of quartz over here," said Bob as he went over to a littlepile that had been made to one side.

  "It looks as if this were a recent discovery," said Bill.

  "It certainly does," said Pud.

  They examined the quartz but it did not look like anything they had everseen.

  "Let's take some of it back with us," said Bob. "Mr. Waterman is quitean expert on metals, rocks, etc., and he will probably know what itis."

  "That's a good idea," said Bill. "He told us the first time we climbedthe mountain to the west of this gulch that it looked as if there shouldbe some kind of minerals down here. From above, this gulch certainlylooks like many a mining camp site in Colorado."

  "I remember his saying that," said Pud.

  The boys hurried back to the cabin and they had hard time restrainingtheir impatience until Mr. Waterman returned. Bob handed him the quartzwithout any comment. Mr. Waterman took it and after a short examination,he said,

  "Where did you find this, boys?"

  "We found it off the little stream," said Bob. "Evidently Field hasrecently discovered a mine of some sort and he has just started to workit, for not very much work has been done yet."

  "You have made a valuable discovery," said Mr. Waterman. "If I am notmistaken, this quartz has streaks of platinum and you know, platinum ismore valuable than gold."

  "What!" yelled Pud. "We've discovered a mine that is better than a goldmine."

  "Now don't get excited," said Mr. Waterman. "It is most probable thatF
ield has had this place regularly staked out and claimed by some friendover here."

  "How can we find out?" asked Bill.

  "We'll have to look it up at Tadousac, where the records are kept," saidMr. Waterman. "Lead me to your platinum mine," concluded he.

  They all went over to the hole in the ground and Mr. Waterman lookedover the quartz that had been taken out. "I have no doubt that this isplatinum," said he at last. "I may be mistaken, but I hardly think so."

  "Let's hustle back and get out of Tadousac right away and put in aclaim," said Bill.

  "Now, don't hurry. It will keep, no doubt," said Mr. Waterman. "In anycase, it will not be necessary for all of us to go to Tadousac. I wouldsuggest that Mr. Anderson and Bill take the back trail and get out toTadousac in due time and put in a claim for the mine in the name of Pud,Bill and Bob."

  "Not on your life," said Bob. "You and Mr. Anderson are in on this as wewould never have come had it not been for you. In addition, you wouldhave been sure to discover the mine yourself before the afternoon isover."

  Bob spoke with such sincerity and he was backed up by the two other boysso earnestly that at last Mr. Anderson and Mr. Waterman gave in andconsented to be given a share in the mine.

  "Now don't go building any great castles in the air," said Mr. Anderson."We may be mistaken and this quartz practically worthless."

  "I'll wager that that German knew what he was doing," said Bob. "Mr.Waterman thought that he was from the west by the way he knew the woodsand woodcraft and I bet he did not dig that big hole himself withoutfeeling that he had something worth while."

  "You are probably right," said Mr. Waterman. "But here is anotherthought. If we put in a claim for this gulch, we may have a hundredmining sharks down here right away and that would spoil the whole thing,especially if there is more of the stuff."

  "Well, let's lay claim to the whole gulch," said Mr. Anderson. "I'llgive them the impression that we are buying this gulch because it is sopicturesque and centrally located."

  "You may be able to get away with it if you go about it carefully," saidMr. Waterman.

  "Don't you think that those revenue officers noticed that mine?" askedMr. Anderson suddenly.

  "They probably did but thought nothing of it as they were so intent oncatching Field and finding out what he had been doing," said Mr.Waterman.

  "We can't be sure of that," said Mr. Anderson. "I think it would be bestfor Bill and me to get out as fast as we can without attractingattention and put in a claim for this gulch at once."

  "You'll have to put in a mining claim for this to be any good," said Mr.Waterman.

  "I'll fix that," was the reply. "I'll put in a full claim, which meansthat if any minerals are found on the land, they belong to the owner ofthe land if found by him and half the same if discovered by any otherperson."

  "Do you think that we can get to Lac Parent to-night?" asked Bill.

  "If we start right away," said Mr. Anderson.

  Everything was full of excitement until the two had departed on the backtrail. We shall not follow them but merely mention that in due course oftime, Mr. Anderson filed a claim for the gulch, the same to be paid forat the regular settler's rates. It seemed that the big timber companieshad had men down into the gulch and because of the difficulties ingetting out the lumber they had not bought the timber on this particularpart of the country. This was very fortunate, for Mr. Anderson was thusable to buy the land outright, to be paid for after it had beenregularly surveyed. The preliminary papers were signed and the two thenheaved a sigh of relief as they now knew that they were secure in theirdiscovery.

  We shall thus leave them and return to the others. These latter spentthe rest of the afternoon exploring the sides of the gulch. Mr. Watermansaw further evidences of mineral wealth and grew very enthusiastic overthe prospects. They slept in the spy's cabin that night and were verycozy around the open fireplace that had been built at one side of theroom.

  "This is some cabin," said Mr. Waterman the next morning. "Field wasvery comfortable here, I'll bet."

  "It must have been lonely," said Bob.

  "It probably was after the revenue officers had rounded up his mates,but prior to that time, I have no doubt that they had a very fine time.They could get out to the north and go fishing, leaving one man tolisten to the wireless, and they probably had their share of game. Well,let's be going," finally said Mr. Waterman.

  They determined that the best way to travel would be to go right downthe stream. Pierre was detailed to go ahead and clear a trail wherenecessary. Pud carried one canoe and Bob the other. They also carriedtheir packs, while Mr. Waterman carried the pack and a big load ofgrub. Pierre carried only his little pack, which left him free to swingthe ax. They made fair progress, though it was rough going. They foundthat the gulch was not so deep as it looked. In other words, the streamled them down and down. Under other circumstances they would have foundthe scenery very beautiful. It is one thing to find a beautiful bridalveil falls fifty or sixty feet high when you have nothing to do butadmire it. It is another thing altogether to come upon such a fall andto have to pick a way down the precipice carrying a canoe and otherload. There seemed no end to the trail on which they were. Down theywent, and Pierre was heard more than once to exclaim "Sacre! Mon Dieu!"and a few other favorite expressions with him when he was exasperated.They went along at least five miles in this way and there seemed no endto the trail.

  "I take it back," said Mr. Waterman. "Field and his pals did not comeout this way to fish. That is sure. There is no sign of a trail."

  "It's a good thing we brought that grub along," said Bob. "This trail ishard enough coming down, but it would take us all day to get back to thecabin."

  "You're right," said Pud. "I'm getting into good shape but this trail isgetting my goat."

  "Don't worry," said Mr. Waterman. "I've been within a few miles of thisplace, and it can't be very long before we hit either the Portneuf Riveror some lake that drains into it. I'll wager that the Portneuf is withintwelve miles of here."

  "Twelve miles!" said Pud, with a sigh.

  "That's nothing," said Mr. Waterman. "I think, though, that we'll soonhit a lake, for I have never had to portage more than six miles in thiscountry without striking some lake or river."

  "Oh, let it be soon," said Pud. "Not that I care. But simply so that Bobwon't play out."

  "Don't worry about me," said Bob. "You haven't heard me kicking, haveyou?"

  They stopped for lunch at the base of a forty-foot fall.

  There was a deep pool, flecked with foam, as was to be expected. Mr.Waterman got out his line and in fifteen minutes he had six fine troutout of the water. Pierre soon had them cleaned and they had them forlunch. On they went again, but they traveled more than another fivemiles before they came to a small lake. Mr. Waterman looked at hiscompass and decided that the lake must flow into the Portneuf River.They went to the far end of the lake, where a little stream flowed out.

  "I'll wager that we'll hit the Portneuf River in less than an hourto-morrow," said Mr. Waterman.

  "To-morrow?" queried Pud.

  "Yes, I think that we have done enough for to-day. Here is a fine placeto camp and I think that the best thing for us to do is to fish for acouple of hours and then have a good dinner."

  This they did, and when they returned to the camping place they foundthat Pierre had the ducks steaming in the pot and that supper waspractically ready. They enjoyed that supper most heartily, for they hadhad a very hard day. They sat around the camp fire that night until alittle later than usual for it was a wonderful night. The stars seemedright above them. One big planet stood right over the top of a distantmountain and it looked exactly like a big incandescent light hung thereto light the travelers on their way.

  Pierre was more talkative than usual. He told them that he had been onthis lake and that he now recognized that he had been half way back tothe gulch. He told of killing a big bear nearby one summer. He pointedoff to a distant mountain and said t
hat it had occurred over there. Hehad seen the bear while scouting for timber for one of the big lumbercompanies. The bear, when he saw him, was about two miles away on amountain opposite to him. He determined to get him if possible. Hecrossed over to the other ridge and had great trouble in locating thebear again. Finally he did so. He worked around to the other side of thebear so that the wind would not carry his scent to the bear. Finally hegot within one hundred yards of the bear. The latter then showed signsof uneasiness, and as there were some thick woods near Pierre thoughtthat he had better not take a further chance.

  He gave the bear one shot, which hit him in the shoulder. The bear, in afrenzy, rushed straight at him. He had only an old-fashioned rifle andbefore he could break his gun and put in another cartridge the bear wasonly a few feet away. Taking hasty aim at the glaring eye of the bear,he pulled the trigger. The bullet hit the bear plump in the eye and hedropped dead in his tracks.

  "Gosh!" said Pud. "I don't know what I'd do if I saw a wounded bearcoming right at me. I guess I'd drop my gun and run."

  "That would be the worst thing you could do, for in spite of their size,bears are remarkably active, and they go through the woods like astreak," said Mr. Waterman.

  "I bet that you'd stand your ground, all right," said Bob. "You've lotsof nerve, Pud, and that's all that's necessary in a pinch."

  "I suppose I would, but at the same time, I am not aching for theexperience," answered Pud.

  "Men are generally braver than they think," said Mr. Waterman. "I'veknown pretty poor sort of fellows that would stand up in a pinch andfight like sin, either against some animal like the bear, or evenagainst their fellows."

  "I think that that's so," said Bob. "You know that in time of war,practically everybody enlists."

  "Yes," said Pud, "but some of them are really forced to do it by publicopinion."

  "That's very true," replied Bob, "but even the fellows that do not careto enlist are just as brave as the others when a battle comes."

  The conversation drifted on until at last Mr. Waterman looked at hiswatch and piled them all off to their blankets. They were up early thefollowing morning. After a hearty breakfast they set out down thestream. This proved so small that they were compelled to get out oftheir canoes and portage. A half hour later they came into another lake,which both Pierre and Mr. Waterman recognized at once.

  "I've been here before," said Mr. Waterman. "The outlet of this lakeleads directly north, so that we shall hit the Portneuf River someseventy miles from its mouth. They journeyed on, and by that night theyhad reached the river.

  "We'll have some fast water that we had not counted on when we left,"said Mr. Waterman.

  "Very fast rapide," assented Pierre.

  "Can we make them?" asked Pud.

  "Can a duck swim?" replied Mr. Waterman, with a merry twinkle in his eyethat betokened that he was ready for the fun ahead.

  "Are these the rapids you told me of?" asked Bob.

  "You bet," said Mr. Waterman. "There are some dangerous spots, but we'llmanage them all right."

  Once more they carefully packed their bags and the grub. Practically allof the duffle was put into Mr. Waterman's canoe and it was all tied tothe thwarts, so that if an upset occurred things would not be lost. Bobwent, with Mr. Waterman, while Pud was with Pierre.

  "I like this," said Pud, with a frowning glance.

  "Never mind. Pierre and you will manage all right," said Mr. Waterman."You'll find that the paddling will be easy. It is more a matter ofsteering. We'll hit some water this morning that will make that fastwater in the Escoumains look like a mill pond."

  "Lead me to it," said Bob. "Come on, Pud! Don't stand there."

  They set off, and for some time they paddled along on a smoothly runningcurrent. It then began to get faster, and soon they were into the thickof it. Bob and Mr. Waterman went through the first rapids just likeducks. It was most exhilarating sport. They waited at the foot of thedescent for the other canoe, and they soon saw it shooting towards them.

  "That looks pretty dangerous," said Bob, as he saw the canoe dashthrough a foam-flecked bit of water with sharp rocks on both sides.

  "It's a game for small children," replied Mr. Waterman. "In the hands ofexperts there is really not much danger in this water."

  "Is there worse water ahead?" asked Bob.

  "Sure thing," said Mr. Waterman. "This was a pretty good one, but you'llknow what real fast water is when we have passed through the Devil'sCauldron."

  "Some sport," said Pud, as their canoe swung alongside. "I'm trying todo my share, but I have full confidence in Pierre, so why worry."

  "You're right," answered Bob.

  "That had the Escoumains Rapids beaten hollow," continued Pud.

  "Mr. Waterman says that there's some real sport ahead," said Bob.

  "Go ahead. I'm game," said Pud.

  They went on and they came to a long series of rapids. Down they went atrailroad speed. Bob was kept busy doing as directed by Mr. Waterman.Several times they burst right through between rocks when Bob could seenothing but a wall of mist before him. Then at last they came to thefamous Devil's Cauldron. Here the river seemed to rise almost betweencliffs, and the water boiled up on all sides. They rushed down what waspractically a cascade, broken here and there by jagged rocks. Mr.Waterman steered the canoe most skillfully and they emerged at last onthe smoother reaches below. Once more they turned around and Bob couldhardly believe that he had come through such a swirl of waters in theirfrail canoe. Just then the other came into view. It was most exciting towatch it dart from wave to wave, shooting now like an arrow and thenstopping in its course as if held back by invisible hands. Pierre sat inthe stern and wielded the paddle just as calmly and nonchalantly as ifthey were paddling across a pond. His hand seemed sure, and the canoecame through like a swallow on the wing.

  "Some sport," yelled Pud, as they drifted past.

  "You bet my life," said Pierre. "Dat is ze grand sport. 'Dat is zelife,' as my fren, Monsieur Waterman, sing."

  "That was the most exciting time I have ever had," laughed Bob, as theyranged alongside and paddled on together.

  "That is the worst we'll find on the river," said Mr. Waterman.

  "We'll hit two or three more short stretches that will keep us busy."

  On they went and before the sun was low in the sky they had gone overfifty miles.

  "It's hard to believe that we have gone so far to-day," said Bob.

  "The water is fairly high now," said Mr. Waterman. "That makes the riverrun fast, and it is easy to cover distance under such circumstances."

  "It's been the best day that I have ever spent," declared Bob, as theystepped out of the canoe on a fine sandy beach, where they were going tospend the night.

  "I've enjoyed every minute of it," said Mr. Waterman. "Fast water makesvery fascinating sport. It's the danger, I suppose."

  "It's dangerous, all right," said Bob. "If we had been tipped over goingdown that Devil's Cauldron, it would have been five to one against ourever getting out."

  "It would have been a hundred to one," replied Mr. Waterman. "At thesame time, if no accident occurs, one should come through all right ifone knows how to handle a canoe. I have been tipped over three or fourtimes in all my life, and generally the accident was due to my owncarelessness."

  They spent another happy night around the fire, with Pierre telling themmore of his experiences.

  "It is only on small trips like this that one can get Pierre to talk,"said Mr. Waterman. "When a bunch is along he either feels that he has noright around the fire with the others or he is too busy to get into thehumor."

  "He has certainly had some experiences," said Bob.

  They determined, before they sought their blankets, that the next daythey would go down to the mouth of the Portneuf River and then get theSt. Lawrence steamer up to Escoumains. They decided to do this so thatthey would save time, as Bob and his party had to leave the woods in avery few days. Then again, they were all eager to
find out what luckBill and Mr. Anderson had had in getting in a claim on the gulch.Nothing exciting occurred the next day, as it was smooth sailing, orrather canoeing, until they hit the St. Lawrence. At this place the St.Lawrence is about forty miles wide. There was a southerly wind, so theykept to their original plan and took the river boat to Escoumains,arriving there about four o'clock in the afternoon. Mr. Waterman hustledaround and soon had a pair of little Canadian horses. These hustled awaywith them and the two canoes, and by dark they were at the ford oncemore.

  The next morning they were up early, and by seven o'clock they were backon Lac Parent. Jerry's cheery halloo proved to them that they had beenexpected. They found Bill and Mr. Anderson already back, and Mr.Waterman was very much pleased with the way they had gotten results.

  "The gulch is ours, then," said Mr. Waterman. "We can easily raise themoney, as land is cheap down here."

  "We won't have to pay the money until it is regularly surveyed, and thatwill not be until next summer, I expect," said Mr. Anderson.

  "I hope that it will keep, for I want to have three or four days' goodfishing before I go," said Bob.

  "I'd like to go over to the cabin again and get some more samples ofthat ore, so that we can have it examined in Philadelphia when we gethome," said Bill.

  "We'll do that too," said Mr. Anderson.

  The next four days were quietly spent. Fishing and a side expeditionover the gulch furnished only moderate excitement, but everybody enjoyedhimself. Then one morning our three boys awoke to the fact that they hadto leave the woods where they had had such a good time and in which theyhad learned so much and had such exciting experiences. As usual, theygot up early. It really was not a happy party that left Lac Parent thatmorning. They went into Escoumains over the old trail. The fact thatthey portaged the canoes through two lakes and then carried their dufflebags the rest of the way, showed in what excellent condition they nowwere. Pud was as hard as nails. He walked along at the head of theparty, with no more signs of being winded than Bob or even Mr. Waterman.The latter was with them, and he was going to accompany them as far asQuebec to get the samples of ore into the hands of some expert assayist.

  After reaching Escoumains it was with sincere feelings of regret thatthe boys had to get into their civilized garments again. Nothing ofimportance or special interest occurred on their way to Quebec. Theyonce more went up to the Frontenac Hotel and waited there for Mr.Waterman, who had gone at once to the assayist. In less than two hourshe came back smiling.

  "What luck?" asked Bob.

  "Come up to the room," was the reply.

  When they got up there they all fired questions at him.

  "Not all at once," he said. "I saw the assayist or geologist, and at thefirst glance he told me that the samples of ore were genuine and veryvaluable. He tried to find out where I had gotten them so I had to dosome tall lying to lead him off the scent. When I left his office I wascareful, and I looked around several times. I thought that I was beingfollowed, so I went into stores and out again, and I think he will havehis troubles finding out where the mine is."

  "If we really have made such a valuable discovery," said Bob, "we mustbe careful not to say anything about it. When we have once gotten fulltitle to the gulch we can then let others know where the mine is."

  "You're right," said Mr. Waterman. "According to the statement of theexpert, we really have a big thing on our hands, and with carefulhandling, we can get rich through it."

  That evening the boys, with Mr. Waterman, went to visit the St. Ann deBeaupre cathedral. The boys, as well as Mr. Waterman, were deeplyimpressed with the solemn dignity and massive beauty of the church'sinterior. They also noticed the look of deep, sincere devotion on thefaces of the worshippers as they paid homage to the blessed saint.

  It was hard to say good-by to their pleasant companions, but finally Mr.Waterman saw them off on the train the next morning, and the followingevening they were back in Philadelphia. Here Bob had to leave hisfriends, as he lived farther south. On shaking hands with them theypromised to meet again the next summer and go north to develop theirmine. They each declared that they had enjoyed the summer in the woodsmost heartily, and they swore eternal friendship to one another as youngmen of their age are apt to do.

  * * * * *

  Transcriber's Notes

  1. Punctuation has been changed to conform to contemporary standards.2. The Table of Contents was not provided in the original text.

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