Read Bob Hunt in Canada Page 3



  No sooner had they landed than Jean announced that breakfast was ready.

  "Let's get something into our stomachs before we think of anythingelse," said Mr. Waterman.

  "That suits me," said Pud, and all the others joined in so that themotion was carried unanimously.

  The party went across a little stream and sat down at a table made oflogs that had been split fairly in two. The middle sides of the logswere up, thus making a smooth surface, but this was really made a factby big strips of birch bark that covered the top. A long seat at eachside of the table was also made out of a split log, while a sawed-offstump made a special seat for Mr. Waterman at the head of the table.This table was under a big tent fly. Jean had set the table with tinplates and cups and a goodly portion of prunes was on each plate. Theyset to at once and after the prunes, some good oatmeal was brought on.To the surprise of the boys, they had milk.

  "Where do you get milk up here?" asked Bill.

  "Oh, we get it from the mountain goats," said Mr. Anderson, with a winkto Mr. Waterman.

  "We're lucky," said the latter. "We now have four mountain goats thatare getting real tame, though it takes some time to round them up eachmorning."

  "Why this tastes like real milk to me," said Pud.

  "Of course," said Mr. Anderson. "Very few people can tell the differencebetween goat's milk and the ordinary cow's milk."

  "I'll have to watch you milk them," said Pud. "It must be interesting."

  "It is interesting," said Mr. Waterman. "I really think that we'll soonhave another goat around here."

  At this, Mr. Anderson laughed heartily, and Pud saw that the laugh wason him.

  "I'm easy," said Pud; "I know I'm easy. But seriously speaking, where doyou get this milk? It's a little thin but otherwise it's O.K."

  "It's evaporated milk," said Mr. Waterman. "It comes in cans and is easyto make, as it requires only the proper quantity of water to make itfairly good. You'll get a lot of it this summer for that's the only kindone can have in the woods."

  "We're having ham and eggs this morning," said Mr. Anderson. "We'regoing to let you have the pleasure of getting your own fish for dinner."

  "Oh, Heavens," said Pud. "I'm afraid that I'll go hungry, for I've nevercast a line in my life."

  "Well, the lake is full of them, and even a very poor fisherman is sureto catch a few," said Mr. Waterman.

  "That's good news," said Bill. "I'm a novice at the game, but Icertainly am anxious to see what I can do and to try my hand."

  "That's the spirit," said Mr. Anderson. "It won't take long for you boysto learn. As soon as we get things settled a bit here, we'll go afterthe shiny beauties."

  After their breakfast, the boys had a chance to look around. They weredelighted with the site of the camp. It was on a level spot at the shoreand the camp was divided by a little stream. On the far side of thestream was the tent for the guides, the cook tent, and the dining tent,which consisted of the table described before with the big tent fly overit. Looking across the little stream, the layout was not only verypicturesque, but it also served to divide the camp very well from whatmight be called the social standpoint. The guides had put quite alittle time on clearing up the shore so that there was a very nicelycleared spot in front of the five shelter tents, all of which faced thelake. They made a very fine appearance. The view from the front of thetents was very good. The lake opened out, and right opposite there was abig bluff that shot straight down into the lake from a height of atleast three hundred feet. The whole camp, including the tents for theguides, stretched along the water front for about one hundred yards.

  There was one other feature of the camp which proved especiallyinteresting to the boys. The guides had broadened this stream whichdivided the camp into a sort of pool near the edge of the lake, with alittle log bridge at each end of the pool. Into this pool, they had putany unusually fine trout they had caught, and already there were nearlya hundred speckled beauties swimming around in the clear water. Each endof the pool had been fixed with crossed willow wands so that the fishcould not get out. This pond had proved a never-ending source ofpleasure to the boys, for it must be remembered, that they hadpractically never seen a trout before.

  "When do you expect Jack back?" Mr. Waterman inquired of Mr. Anderson.

  "He said he'd be back some time to-day," replied the latter.

  "Who's Jack?" asked Pud.

  "He's one of the guides," said Mr. Waterman. "He's a corker. He's beenup in through to Lac Corbeau trimming up some of the portages."

  "You'll find Jack the best fellow in the world," said Mr. Anderson. "Heknows the woods like a book and he can cook very well. We won't knowwhat real grub is until he gets back."

  "Can he talk English?" asked Bill.

  "Sure," said Mr. Waterman. "He's a Yankee. I brought him up here thefirst year so I would be sure to have one dependable guide."

  "Well, let's go fishing," said Pud, as if that was all there was aboutit.

  "All right," said Mr. Waterman, "but first of all, you'll have to beinitiated into the ABC's of fishing, namely, getting your rods and linesready."

  "What's hard about that?" asked Pud.

  "Oh, nothing much if you know how, but quite a little if you have neverset up a rod and line," said Mr. Waterman.

  "Get your tackle and come over to the table," said Mr. Anderson.

  They were all soon there and under the skillful tutelage of Mr. Watermanand Mr. Anderson, the boys soon had their rods in readiness. Pud wasmuch surprised at the care taken by Mr. Waterman in seeing thateverything was ship-shape before he would pass the tackle as perfect.Pud learned more about reels, lines, leaders and flies than he had everheard tell of before. At last they were all ready.

  "I'll paddle, Bob. You, Mr. Anderson, take Bill and I'll have Joe lookafter Pud," said Mr. Waterman.

  "What's the idea?" asked Bill.

  "Fishing in this lake, two generally go together, one paddling and theother casting," said Mr. Waterman.

  "That would be the best way to-day in any case," said Mr. Anderson. "Wecan each show the boys how to cast and, in fact, give them a lesson inthe art of trout fishing. When you see Joe here, or Jack or Mr. Watermancasting, boys, you will agree with me that real trout fishing is anart."

  "We'll need the instruction," said Bob.

  They were soon out on the water.

  "Let's have your rod a minute, Bob," said Mr. Waterman. Bob handed itover and his tutor showed him how to cast. Bob was awkward at first buthe was soon casting very nicely. Bob was so interested trying to get theknack of casting that he wholly forgot that he was on a lake full oftrout. He was therefore very much surprised to feel his fly snatchedaway like an arrow.

  "You've got one," called Mr. Waterman.

  Bob pulled in quickly and his rod bent almost double.

  "Give him line, give him line," cried Mr. Waterman.

  Bob let out his line and all at once the tension ceased.

  "I believe he's got away," said Bob.

  "Reel in, reel in!" cried Mr. Waterman.

  Bob did so, and the fish made another rush. This time Bob let out hisline and when the trout stopped he began to reel in. He soon saw thetrout near the canoe and tried to pull him out of the water into thecanoe with a motion as fast as he had often done when fishing forcatfish on the banks of a river. He got the trout out of the water, butwith a mighty wiggle, the trout hopped off the hook and disappeared likea silver streak in the water.

  "I didn't think you were going to do that," said Mr. Waterman. "I wasn'tlooking, as I was just getting the net ready. The next time, pull himeasily to the side of the canoe and I'll get him with the landing net."

  "I'm sorry," said Bob.

  "That's all right," said Mr. Waterman. "It was really my fault. Thenovice does just what you did nine times out of ten, and I should haveremembered that and warned you."

  "I'll remember the next time," said Bob, emphatically.<
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  "I wonder how the others are getting on," said Bob, as he looked around.Bill was down the lake casting in good fashion. Pud was close by, andlooked very awkward.

  "Watch out," said Joe to him, "or you will catch me in the eye."

  "Don't worry," replied Pud, "I'm much more likely to take off one of myown ears."

  "Do it like you crack de whip," suggested Joe.

  "All right," said Pud.

  He gave the line a mighty heave but the fly flew too low and caught himin the back. It must have stuck in a little, for Pud gave a lurchforward and, in spite of Joe's frantic efforts with his paddle, overwent the canoe.

  "Hold on to your rod," yelled Mr. Waterman, when he saw Pud go sprawlinginto the water. That was the last thing Pud thought of for he cast therod away and turned to the canoe. Joe was already there. With an experttwirl, he righted the canoe with but little water in it. In anothermoment he was in the back seat, giving Pud directions how to climb inwithout upsetting the canoe. Three different times Pud upset the canoebefore he got in. As they started to row back to the camp Pud feltsomething sticking him in the back. He felt and it was the fly which hadremained fastened to him.

  "Stay quiet, Pud," yelled Bob. "We'll come over and see if we can't saveyour rod."

  Pud stopped paddling and they soon fished up his rod from the bottom ofthe lake.

  "You're lucky," said Mr. Waterman. "Remember that rods do not grow onbushes up here. If you're tipped over again, hold on to your rod. Pastethat right in your hat and remember it."

  "I won't forget it," said Pud. "I'll be back again when I get some dryclothes on. I'm going to catch a fish this morning if I have to dive forone."

  "You dive enough already," said Joe in his serious way.

  Bob and Mr. Waterman paddled off and it was not long before Bob hadlanded his first trout. It was a beauty, about eighteen inches long andweighing about two pounds. In another hour he had seven in his basketand was getting more skillful each time.

  "Suppose you paddle and let me fish for a while," said Mr. Waterman atlast.

  "Good," said Bob. "I'll be glad to see you do it."

  "You won't see anything extraordinary," said Mr. Waterman. "I just wantto show you a few things though. We've kept out in open water. Well, thebest place for trout is near the shore, under overhanging branches, nearrocks or trees that have fallen into the lake. If I had brought you tosuch places at first you would probably have lost half your tackle. But,to be a good fisherman, you must not only know how to cast, but you mustbe able to cast accurately."

  Bob then followed Mr. Waterman's directions and paddled close to theshore. With unerring aim, Mr. Waterman cast the fly almost to thedesired inch. It seemed uncanny to Bob, but trout after trout was hookedand played with a master hand. Only one got away, due to no fault of Mr.Waterman.

  "We've caught plenty," said Mr. Waterman at last. "I guess we won'tstarve for a couple of days."

  "I should think not," said Bob, as he looked in his basket and saw themass of speckled beauties.

  Their fishing had brought them down to the far end of the lake.

  "That's quite a mountain there," said Bob, pointing to the far shore.

  "Yes, the whole country here is filled with just such mountains withlakes on at least three sides. It is a curious formation, but this makesit very fine for hunting and fishing."

  The paddle back to camp was soon over. They found Bill and Pud also justgetting out of their canoes.

  "That's some sport," said Bill. "I have nearly two dozen fine trout. Ihope to be able to cast well before long and then I'll do better."

  "How did you get along, Pud?" asked Bob.

  "Oh, pretty well. It took me some time to get the knack of it, but Joeat last said that I was improving. I knew I was, because after a whilehe stopped dodging every time I cast."

  The boys got out of the canoes and made for their tents.

  "Wait a minute, wait a minute," said Mr. Anderson. "We all clean our ownfish at this camp, so come along."

  The boys followed him, and under his direction they soon got so theycould clean a trout in no time at all. They then made for their tents,got stripped and had a good swim.

  Mr. Waterman and Mr. Anderson watched the boys from the shore.

  "Well, it's fine to have the boys with us again, isn't it?" said Mr.Waterman.

  "You bet," said Mr. Anderson. "They are a fine trio. I only hope thatthose who come later will be as agreeable."

  "I like that Bob Hunt," said Mr. Waterman. "He's very keen. He took tocasting in no time. He'll be an expert in a month."

  "Williams is a fine boy and Pud is awkward, but I'm no judge ofcharacter if he isn't as big-hearted as they make them," said Mr.Anderson.

  "He's a card. It certainly was funny to see him casting. Every time hecast Joe would duck, and at last he caught himself in the back so hardthat he tipped over the canoe."

  "Is that so?" said Mr. Anderson.

  Mr. Waterman then had to tell him about the upset and they laughedheartily.

  "He's a good swimmer, so there wasn't any danger," said Mr. Waterman inconclusion.

  "He's good and strong and should make a good man for the carries,"remarked Mr. Anderson, as he noted Pud's bulky form as he came out ofthe water.

  "Yes, some good portaging will take off about ten pounds of fat and makehim as hard as nails," said Mr. Waterman.

  "What's that you say?" asked Pud, as he turned towards them.

  "I was just saying," said Mr. Waterman, "that some good portaging wouldtake ten pounds or so off you and make you as hard as nails."

  "Lead me to it. I'm game," replied Pud. "I came up here not only tolearn how to fish, but mainly to get hardened up for football in thefall."

  "Don't worry then," said Mr. Anderson. "Anybody that charges you nextOctober will think that he has run into a stone wall."

  "How long before dinner?" asked Pud, as he looked longingly across thelittle stream where Jean was busily engaged around the fire.

  "Not very long," said Mr. Waterman. "Let's go over and see if we canhurry things along."

  "All right," said Pud. "Just give me a minute to slip into my clothes."

  Mr. Waterman went over to the fire and he was joined there in a fewminutes by all three boys. They were set at peeling potatoes and onions,for Joe had three partridges the previous day and they were going tohave a stew. The boys' task was soon through and it was not long untilthe smell of the partridge stew and the fresh trout on the fire fairlymade the boys' mouths water. They soon set the table and then went offto try and get a look at a woodpecker they heard hammering away in thewoods. They had just gotten under the big old tree on which thewoodpecker was busy and were watching his diligent operations when theyheard a welcome call and they broke for the camp. They arrived with Pudbringing up the rear, puffing and blowing. They then sat down to whatall the boys afterwards stated seemed to them the best meal they hadever tasted. Partridge stew, fresh trout, hot bread cooked in an oventhat stood before the fire and caught the heat in that way, plenty oftea and a dessert of stewed apricots formed the menu. It was indeed amerry party that sat around the table with Mr. Waterman at the head.The guides were the waiters and they were kept busy bringing the trouthot and sizzling from the fire to the table.

  "I take it all back," said Bill Williams, "I said I didn't like fish. Imeant the kind we get in the city. But--this trout is fit for the gods.It is certainly good."

  "You're right," said Pud. "I didn't think that any fish could taste sogood."

  "My sentiments, too," said Bob, "and as for this partridge stew, there'sonly one thing the matter with it and that there isn't enough of it."

  "That's something we don't have every day, but we have the fish alwaysand we never get tired of it," said Mr. Anderson.

  At last, filled to repletion, they leaned back and began a generalconversation.

  "I know one thing," said Pud, with a sigh.

  "What's that?" asked Bill.

  "I'll never take off
any weight here. I've just eaten enough to feed afamily."

  "Don't worry," said Mr. Waterman. "You'll need all the food you get whenyou're carrying a canoe across some of the portages we'll be on thissummer."

  "We'll take it easy for an hour, and then let us all get busy and getout balsam boughs for our beds. Mr. Waterman and I have a pretty goodlot already, but a little more will help. We've left you the privilegeof making your own beds as all good campers insist on doing."

  "That's a good idea," said Mr. Waterman. "That will take some time.There's a lot of cleaning up to do along the shore front also, so thatwe'll put in a little time each day on that. We'll kill two birds withone stone, as we'll get out a lot of firewood at the same time. Thatwill leave the guides free to make us a landing."

  "Where will you get the boards?" asked Bill.

  "Leave it to Joe," said Mr. Anderson. "He'll have as nice a landing outthere in a day or two as you would care to see, and there won't be anail in it and it will be made entirely with his axe."

  "I'll watch them do it," said Pud, with an air of unbelief.

  They all then went to their tents and for an hour they lounged around,dozing and talking. Mr. Anderson then roused them out. They got theirshort axes and went into the woods. Each had a big bag and it was notvery long until they returned laden with the fragrant tips. More thanone trip was necessary, but at last all had downy balsam beds on whichto lay their blankets. They made up their blankets for the night and didvarious other things around the tents.

  "Let's go for a paddle," at last said Bob.

  This was agreed to eagerly, and they all got into a canoe and went on anexploring expedition. First they went opposite and started to climb thebluff. They found it a harder task than they had supposed, as finallythey had to go back some distance before they could get to the top. Atlast they came out on the edge and brought Mr. Waterman and Mr. Andersondown to the edge of the opposite shore by their shouts. They waved tothe boys and then slowly disappeared in the trees.

  "This is some little mountain, isn't it?" said Bob.

  "It certainly is," said Bill.

  "Let's roll down one of these big bowlders and see what happens," saidPud.

  The front of the bluff was rather crumbly, with big rocks near the edgelooking as if they had been left there by the frost, or rather as if thefrost had pried away their brothers to let them crash down into thelake. They soon found a big rock that looked as if it would move easily.Pud found a small tree that had fallen down, and with this as a leverthey loosened the rock and it started down the cliff. It moved slowly atfirst and the boys drew close to the edge to watch its course. Down itdashed, gathering momentum and finally taking along with it into thewater a small tree that grew out from the mountain about half way down.In their eagerness to see the splash they went too near to the edge, andthe ground began to give way beneath them. Bob, as usual, was the firstto act. He bumped Bill back with his shoulder and then caught Pud's coatjust as it was disappearing. Bill, quick-witted also, rushed to hisassistance, and between them they hauled Pud back, though all three wereon the ground and nearly over the edge before the two could stop theheavy Pud. A yell from the opposite shore told them that Mr. Watermanand Mr. Anderson had seen their predicament. Bob and Bill held on andslowly pulled Pud up to them. When all three at last arose, probablyonly a minute later, they were bathed in perspiration, as they had allbeen under a terrible physical strain.

  "That was a close shave," said Pud, as he walked over to the edge tolook down.

  "Come back, you crazy Indian. Don't you know that it was your weightthat caused the trouble before, and there you are, trying to tempt fateagain," said Bob.

  "You're right, fellows. I'm some ungrateful cuss. I've not even thankedyou for saving my precious neck."

  "Don't thank me. Thank Bob," said Bill. "He pushed me back and thencaught you just as you were preparing to take a high dive that wouldhave made Steve Brodie look like a piker. Thank Bob. He's always therewith the presence of mind stuff when it's needed."

  "Not a bit of it, Pud," said Bob. "Bill is too modest. If he hadn'tcaught me in time, you would have pulled me over the edge, so you see weboth owe our lives to him."

  "I guess it's up to me to do all the thanking, for if you had notgrabbed my coat, you would not have been in any danger yourself."

  "Well, let's forget it, fellows," said Bob.

  Just then they heard a voice from the water, and they looked down to seetheir two leaders in a canoe.

  "We're all right," yelled Pud.

  "Don't go near the edge," yelled Mr. Waterman. "It's dangerous."

  "All right," yelled Bob. "We're coming right down, so don't worry."

  They found the two men waiting for them when they reached their canoe atthe bottom of the cliff. Explanations were in order.

  "We saw it all," said Mr. Waterman, "for when that rock started downthat cliff it made such a racket that we rushed down to the shore. Wefelt like yelling at you to get back, but just as the thought occurredto us, we saw the rock under your feet giving way. Then Bob knocked Billback and caught Pud's coat. We thought it was all over with the two ofyou, but Bill recovered his balance just in time to grab Bob and, I tellyou, we sweat some while you were tugging to get Pud back, for it was awonder that the rock under you did not give way and let you all down."

  "You're a plucky lot of boys," said Mr. Anderson. "You will have toremember not to go too near to the edge of these cliffs up here, for thefrost has made the face of some of them very brittle."

  "We certainly won't forget it," said Bill.

  "We've had enough excitement for one day," said Bob. "Let's go back tocamp and take it easy for the rest of the afternoon."

  "I'll take it back. I'll take it back," said Pud, as he held up hishands in mock terror.

  "What's that you'll take back?" asked Bob.

  "That I was bound to put on flesh up here. To get thrown out of a canoein the morning and to come within an ace of making a three hundred footdive in the afternoon is just about enough excitement to make any onelose weight. I bet I lost five pounds in that minute and a half when Bobhad me by the coat, and I was wondering whether he could hold on to myelephantine form; whether the rock would not give way, and whether Icould get back to safety. I sweat like a bull."

  "It certainly made me sweat too," said Bob.

  "That was because you were under terrific physical and nervous tension.A minute or even half a minute under such conditions will exhaust onemore than half a day's hard work," said Mr. Waterman.

  "Gee, I don't dare write home my full experiences of my first day atcamp," said Pud. "That mamma of mine would be up here taking me home."

  "Yes, I guess we had both better let this story wait until we are home,for it would only worry them," said Bob.

  "That's the sensible thing to do, for it is very unlikely that you willbe exposed to such danger a second time," said Mr. Anderson.

  The two canoes started across the lake. They noticed the small treedislodged by the bowlder. It was floating near the base of the cliff andhad been snapped off like a pipe stem.

  In spite of the excitement of the day, the boys had a good appetite fortheir supper. Afterwards they sat around the camp fire that had beenmade in front of Mr. Waterman's tent and talked of many things. Theguides could be seen lying back on their balsam boughs before the fire,talking and gesticulating.

  "We'll have to go over and talk to the guides some time," said Bob."They seem to have a lot to tell each other."

  "Yes, they are talkative to-night. Generally they have not much to sayunless you get them telling some of their experiences," said Mr.Anderson.

  "What do you say to a taste of portaging to-morrow?" asked Mr. Watermanof the boys.

  "That's fine," said Bob, answering for the others. "Where shall we go?"

  "We'll go up north to a little lake where the water always seems alittle warmer than it is here, probably because it's shallower. We'llcatch some fish, climb a mountain and have a good swim."

  "That 'listens' fine," said Pud.

  "We'll take a lunch along and make a day of it," said Mr. Anderson. "Forone, I'm going to turn in, as I have been up since four o'clock thismorning, and I'm dead for sleep."

  "That's a good idea," said Mr. Waterman.

  In a short time, the boys were sound asleep and only the glowing coalstold the starry sky that there human beings were to be found.