Read Bobby of the Labrador Page 31

  The Wilderness Castaways




  One of the "meatiest" stories for boys that has seen the light for manyyears. The tale of how two lads, one a self-reliant Newfoundlander, andthe other an over-pampered New Yorker, went adrift in a fog on HudsonBay and were forced to make their own living out of the wild in asub-Arctic winter. It is full of adventure from first to last.--_BostonGlobe_.

  Full of hunting, of peril, and privation, and shows how a grim outdoorscan transform the life of a self-centered youth. It is the work of a manwho knows the heart of a boy, as well as the heart of thewilderness.--_Epworth Herald._

  One of the best boys' stories published is this record of a spoiled NewYork lad and a sailor boy who became separated from a hunting party.Their adventures, and the change wrought in the selfish city lad aretold with a vividness and sense of humor which will appeal at once tothe boy reader or any other.--_American Tourist_.

  The story is brimful of exciting incidents, and will be numbered amongthe boy readers' favorites.--_San Francisco Bulletin_.

  Mr. Wallace has made a gripping story, and held up manliness and couragein an attractive light--_Boston Journal._

  In this book two boys make good, and that is a mighty good thing topresent in any book for boys.--_Baltimore Sun._

  12mo. $1.25



  The Fur Trail Adventurers




  The story is told with a realism that is a result of Mr. Wallace's longexperience in the northland. It is one of the best books that could begiven to a boy of twelve or fourteen, and one of the mostacceptable.--_Chicago Daily News._

  Like all his others, it is intensely interesting, the style vivid, theideas high and elevating, and the whole story clean and wholesome. Allboys like his books and read them with eagerness.--_Christian Observer._

  There is in it much of the woodcraft and outdoor life that boys arelearning more and more to love, thanks to the scout movement. DillonWallace knows by experience what his boy readers like, and this is oneof the best books he has written. It is well illustrated.--_IndianapolisNews._

  The author has written a thrilling tale in which is incorporated muchreal information about woodcraft and the outdoor life.--_Boston Globe._

  To those who wish a library for boys, with some books of cleanadventure in the woods and waters of the far north, this volume isindispensable.--_Sioux City Tribune._

  A book of adventures written to satisfy the thirst of every young boyfor the romance of the wilds.--_Chicago Examiner._

  12mo. $1.25



  The Long Labrador Trail




  "It's always the way, Wallace! When a fellow starts on the long trail,he's never willing to quit. It'll be the same with you if you go with meto Labrador. When you come home, you'll hear the voice of the wildernesscalling you to return, and it will lure you back again."

  It was Leonidas Hubbard, the heroic explorer, who spoke these words toDillon Wallace when they were lying by a camp fire in the snow-coveredShawangunk mountains where they planned the trip that cost themindescribable suffering, and Hubbard his life.

  "The work must be done, Wallace, and if one of us falls before it iscompleted the other must finish it."

  Wallace returned to keep the compact, and "The Long Labrador Trail" isthe story of marvelous adventure, discovery, and brilliant descriptionof the exploration of the land that lured, the hitherto unknown country,where the Eskimo builds his _igloo_ and hunts the walrus and the seal.

  The story is one of brave and successful exploration, of interestinganecdote, of human feeling, with scientific accuracy characterizing thefund of information, and many photographs illuminating the text.

  Crown 8vo. $1.50



  Beyond the Mexican Sierras



  With the intense interest in Mexico which now obtains everywhere, thisfascinating volume attains to new values.

  "There is no area of equal extent that can approach Mexico in wealth ofnatural resources, variety of climate, grandeur of scenery, prehistoricruins, and romantic history," writes the author in his Introduction.

  "Here you witness the incomparable scenery of an old, new land with itssnow-clad peaks, its magnificent mountain heights, its awe-inspiringcanyons, its vast plains, its picturesque villages, its ancient ruins,its historic towns, and quaint corners.

  "Within the borders of our neighbor republic there is a territoryone-quarter as large as the United States, with a coast line of sixthousand miles. In Mexico practically every product of the soil of thetropical and temperate zones can be grown to perfection. Here are vastprimordial forests, and incalculable wealth of minerals."

  This story of travel and exploration, with its fine descriptions of thelife of the people, history, and resources, possesses unfailing valueand interest. A large folding map accompanies the many photographs.

  Crown 8vo. $2.00



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