Read Body and Soul (The Chronicles of Light and Darkness Book 1) Page 49

Beautiful white wings were attached to his back. They looked just like the wings in the photograph that hung over Rico’s bed. They were large, about six feet long each, and looked soft and plush. They quivered slightly, almost as if Donovan was restless.

  Kate’s jaw dropped. “Donovan?” she said. “What happened?”

  His musical voice spoke again; it seemed to echo around the room. “When I allowed your father to say goodbye to you and your mother, I gave up my right to his body and soul. When I died, Light was there, waiting for me in his Kingdom. He took me in his open arms and said that I was his true son.” Donovan’s voice was mixed with wonder and love. His smile was full and real, and spoke of his happiness.

  “You’re dead?” Adriana asked shakily.

  “No, my love. I am an angel. Light turned me into an immortal being with a soul. He saved my life and embraced me.” Donovan stepped forward and held his arms out toward the woman he loved most. He lowered them a moment later when she didn’t move. He continued his speech seamlessly, showing no sadness at Adriana’s behavior. “Light asked if I wanted my body to be turned into a soul so that I may one day be born on this earth, to live as a mortal human. I told him that my dream was no longer to have a soul. I told him that Kate made me realize that all I wanted in life was to truly fall in love with you. Light gave me this immortal body and soul out of kindness.”

  Everyone in the room continued to stare at Donovan, wide-eyed.

  Donovan didn’t stop talking. “Adriana, when you told me that you loved me, I realized that I already had it, that Kate was right all along. We always did love each other, Adriana. I can see that now; I shouldn’t have needed a soul to prove that to me,” Donovan confessed.

  When Adriana didn’t move, he spoke again. “I don’t feel that differently towards you. We were capable of feeling love, Adriana. We always were. We just didn’t believe in it.”

  Finally, Adriana blinked and came to life. She stepped closer to Donovan but did not reach out for him yet. “Will you be able to stay here on Earth? With me?” she asked, her radiant voice a whisper.

  Donovan smiled. “I am now a creature of the light, and can only stand on Earth when the sun shines. When the moon rises, I must return to stand by Light’s side.”

  Adriana nodded, understanding. She looked at the ground, her lip quivering. Kate knew that this new situation was better than nothing, but it would never be the same as having him with her all the time. She would have to be willing to adjust to his sacrifice, to embrace it like Kate and Blaire embraced Aaron’s death.

  Donovan walked over to Adriana then. He picked her up and held her in his strong arms. Donovan kissed her mouth, her cheeks, her nose, her neck. Adriana shivered with delight, her cold exterior melting under his warm, human-like touch.

  Everyone was enchanted by the scene before them. They watched the couple together, all the while staring at Donovan’s new wings. There was only one person in the room that wasn’t mesmerized by the scene.


  Erik moved quickly, pushing Rico aside as he stood up. His strength had returned to him, and he was even angrier that his previous laughter had been pointless. He watched the couple together and pure hatred pierced his dark heart. He would make sure that word of this did not get out. He could not have demons giving up human possessions in order to obtain a soul of their own.

  Erik rushed forward quickly, seizing Adriana in a fit of strength and anger. He began to run with her, a plan forming in his mind, a plan to take Adriana far from here so that Donovan had no reason to return to Earth.

  Erik didn’t get very far, though; Donovan stopped him. His hands moved quickly, pushing Adriana aside, while simultaneously grabbing Erik around the throat. He began to squeeze hard, and Erik’s face began to turn a dull blue.

  “I know that I cannot kill you,” Donovan said in his musical voice. “I will tell you this, however. If you dare to harm Adriana or Kate again, I will do exactly what you don’t want. I will call all demons to my side. I will tell them that there is another way to get what they want, what they crave most. I will convince them to aim for the sky.”

  Erik interrupted. “How dare you threaten me, angel.”

  Donovan tossed out a handsome smile. “I do not threaten you, Erik. I promise you. You will not harm either girl again. I will keep my identity a secret until the day that you go back on your word.”

  “What if I do not give my word?” Erik asked. His voice was strained because of the lack of oxygen.

  “Then you and I will fight for control of the demons, and I assure you that I will win. The demons did not follow you before and they will not follow you now. I would win; I would prevail. I am not weak like you.”

  Erik’s eyes bulged angrily but he did not speak. Instead, he quit his struggle, allowing himself to relax in Donovan’s grip. Donovan loosened his hold on Erik minutes later, a look of shock and confusion in his eyes.

  Suddenly, Erik bolted. He ran as quickly, and as far away as he could, stopping only to gather more of his strength. Rico and Donovan let him go, knowing that without the dark magic they could never truly destroy Erik.

  After a few minutes, Rico spoke. “So where is the dark magic now?” he asked after Erik’s presence could be felt no longer.

  “It has gone back into Darkness’ possession,” Donovan said simply.

  “Don’t you think he’ll just hand it back over to Erik?” Rico asked seriously.

  “Probably, but it’s nothing I can change. My purpose is to protect Light. I protected the light in Adriana, and now I must protect Light himself.” Donovan turned toward Adriana, holding his arms out for her once more. She reached up and kissed Donovan lightly, and he held her in his arms while she nuzzled into his chest. Kate watched the couple, still fascinated by the fact that Donovan was an angel. But his words were true; his purpose had always been to protect the light within Adriana.

  Kate turned away from Adriana and Donovan. Her eyes landed on Rico and she smiled shyly. Rico’s raven hair was in his face, his cobalt eyes burning a brighter blue than ever before. He was so handsome, even now, with dirt and sweat covering him. His smile made her heart flutter, and when he held his arms out for her, she nearly melted.

  Kate rushed toward him. The feeling of his strong, cool arms around her was heavenly, and Kate sank into his body, hers pressing against his. Rico lightly kissed the top of Kate’s head and whispered into her ear. “Go to your mom, Kate. She’s hurting right now,” he prompted.

  Kate turned to her mother, who was sitting next to Aaron’s lifeless body. Her fingers traced his face; her silent tears fell into his shirt.

  “Mom?” Kate asked.

  Blaire looked at Kate and held her hand out. Kate took it immediately, but did not allow her mother to pull her down on the floor. Instead, Kate pulled Blaire up until she was standing in front of her. “You have to remain strong, Mom. Dad asked us to. We can’t forget his last wish.” Kate pushed her mom’s curls away from her face. “I miss him too. He protected me and helped me through almost all of my problems, but I’m going to be strong for him. I have to be strong for him because that’s all I have left.”

  Blaire pulled Kate into her. “I’m so sorry that I wasn’t there for you, baby. I was wrong all those years. Now that it’s just you and I, I promise that things will be different. I know how much your father meant to you, Kate. I know that he was there for you when I wasn’t. I will try to be strong for you. I promise that I will try with all of my strength.”

  “That’s all I want, Mom.” Kate said as she pulled her mother into a warm hug. She looked down at her father’s lifeless body and whispered her final goodbye to the man that had always been there for her, the man that sacrificed everything to let her live.

  Sometime later, the five of them sat around the dining room table after cleaning up; it was the one part of the house that wasn’t partially destroyed. Blaire had grabbed mugs and made coffee for everyone, and Rico mixed the perfect amount of cream and sugar for
Kate’s coffee. He knew her best in that way. Kate smiled as she sipped on the warm, reviving liquid.

  “What will we do now?” Adriana asked as she set her coffee on the table.

  “Well, we know that Kern will still come for Kate,” Rico said. “We also know that Erik will want revenge, although I doubt that he will come alone; they will probably come together.”

  “I agree,” Donovan said.

  “Me too,” agreed Adriana.

  Kate shook her head. “I’m not completely sure,” she chimed.

  Adriana, Donovan, and Rico looked at Kate, perplexed.

  Kate filled her friends in on what Erik revealed during their earlier conversation; Erik had been interested in Kate all along, following Kate around her whole life because of Kern’s wishes, but developing his own interest after finding out who she was and what she was to his boss. His words made it sound as if his agenda was different than whatever Kern was plotting, and Kate made sure to tell her friends the whole truth this time. It was better than lying to protect herself, especially when the lies tumbled out in the end, especially when not lying at all could lead to an advantage on their side. And if Erik brought Darkness’ magic with him when he came back, they would definitely need any and all advantages.

  “Well, we’ll have to be ready for anything then,” Donovan muttered.

  They all nodded, even Blaire,