Read Bold Conquest Page 12

  She looked at his serious face and thought, A while back I would have been in heaven if I had had to take a husband such as he—young, handsome, always laughing, instead of the beast that was forced upon me, but now he seems like a boy, and I need a man.

  Her silence encouraged him. He rushed on, "We could build a fine hall here at Sevenoaks. I don't think you fancy Oxstead overmuch, and I know you hate being thought a loose woman. That is why I am offering to wed with you, Lillyth. I would have to get permission from William first, but apart from that you know I'm mad in love with you."

  The landlord brought them wine and bowls of hot stew and freshly baked bread.

  "Nicholas, I don't want to hurt you, but I am in love with your brother." She blushed as she put her feelings into words for the first time.

  He sighed. "Ah, I was afraid so. But you must understand it makes no difference to me, and I am still offering you marriage, something that Guy will never do!" he said passionately

  "Why not?" she asked simply.

  "Because he is already ... ," he hesitated and could not betray Guy, "because he is too old for such games, too set in his ways. He often says how much he hates women. Oh, I know he wants you for himself, and has warned us to keep hands off, but he will soon tire of you, and believe me I do know what I am saying when I tell you that he won't offer you marriage."

  "I'm very honored by your proposal, Nicholas, but he has spoiled me for all other men," she said softly.

  He puzzled over this statement that could be taken in two different ways. "Eat now, I won't press you further. Perhaps if I give you time, you will change your mind." He smiled into her eyes and held his hands over hers for a moment.

  They wrapped their cloaks about them tightly and started the ride back to Godstone. The bitter wind had dropped, but the day had closed in and it seemed much later than it actually was. The snow was falling thickly and the visibility was poor. All at once a group of riders came out of the trees at them. There were too many for Nicholas to contend with, and when Lillyth realized they were only after the horses she begged Nicholas to let them go and put up his sword before he was slain. The outlaws joined their leader, who was waiting in the woods, and Nicholas and Lillyth were left with no choice but to carry on, on foot, to Godstone.

  "Lillyth, forgive me. I have covered myself in shame. I gave you my word you would be safe with me!"

  "Nick, I am safe. We should never have started out alone." She knew the men to be Saxons, but recognized none of them. They had only gone part of a mile when Guy and Rolf came upon them at full gallop.

  "Bones of Christ, boy, what are you about?" Guy shouted angrily.

  "We were set upon and the horses stolen," Nicholas explained lamely.

  "We will overtake the bastards, fear not. Wait here, both of you," he commanded, and sent Lillyth such a baleful glare she shivered involuntarily, and not just from the cold.

  Within half an hour they were back, but they only led one extra horse, Zephyr.

  "Here, you mount Lillyth's horse and Lillyth, come up with me, although you deserve to walk." He bent and lifted her before him.

  "What happened?" she asked Guy.

  "We killed some of them, but their horses bolted and the leader got away with Nicholas's mount. But I shan't forget him! He was a burly bastard with a bright red beard."

  Lillyth started violently at his words and he looked at her intently "You know someone like that?" he demanded.

  "Nay, no one in this world, my lord," she said thankfully.

  He pulled her against him and wrapped his mantle about them both. The warmth seeped from his body and thawed her a little. She couldn't stop shivering, so he opened his knees wider and pressed her body with his own, almost completely protecting her from the elements. The cavalcade soon reached Godstone, and before he dismounted he whispered into her ear, "I want you to get into bed immediately. I'll be up for an explanation shortly."

  Guy saw to the horses personally and totally ignored Nicholas as he tried to explain his actions. Guy strode from the stables without a backward glance and ascended the stairs without a pause.

  Lillyth was in bed with the furs pulled up to her chin. He strode to the fire and put a couple of logs on it, then came to the bed.

  "Are you warm now?" he inquired kindly. She nodded and waited.

  Patiently, as if dealing with a five-year-old, he asked, "Now, what were you doing with Nicholas?"

  "He wanted me to ride with him to Sevenoaks. I refused at first, but I then agreed to go with him," she faltered.

  "You did not wish to go, but he changed your mind for you? Did he threaten you?"

  "Nay," she replied softly.

  "Did he force you in any way?"

  "No, not really," she evaded.

  "What does that mean?" he asked evenly. "Answer me, Lillyth!" he shouted.

  "When I was taking my bath— he ..."

  "Splendor of God!" roared Guy.

  "Please, he acted honorably and asked me to wed with him."

  Guy left the chamber and sought out Nicholas. "Get you to Oxstead and stay there!" he thundered. "In a few days we ride to London; perhaps into battle. Until that time, stay out of my sight and take that blasted Saxon, Aedward, with you. I'm up to my eyes in lovesick boys!"

  Lady Adela had just finished tidying her small chamber off the solarium when she heard a polite tap on the door. Hugh Montrose stood upon her threshold, holding his hand tightly bound with a cloth.

  "You've injured yourself!" she said, alarmed.

  "I gashed my hand while cleaning a weapon. I know it will not stop bleeding until it is stitched. I was wondering if you would be kind enough, Adela?"

  "Of course. Come in and sit down, I'll just get needle and thread."

  He looked downcast. "I thought perhaps you wouldn't want to see me again, after last night."

  "Hugh, you must not be so sensitive. That can happen to anyone," she said gently.

  "It's never happened to me before!" he swore.

  "Then perhaps it was my fault. I'm not desirable enough," she confessed.

  "The desire was there, Adela, I swear to you. I just couldn't perform. I shamed my manhood!"

  "Hush now, while I see to your hand." First she unbound it, then bathed it. It was a nasty gash, but he didn't wince when she touched it with foxglove juice to keep out the infection. She carefully held the edges together and sewed steadily, first through one side of the flesh, then the other. Her needle made small neat stitches, He never flinched.

  "What was that nonsense about shaming your manhood? You are a most brave knight in my eyes."

  He reached for her and drew her onto his knees. He kissed her until she struggled to get up.

  "Hugh, it is the middle of the day," she protested.

  "Let me prove myself," he urged.

  She needed much persuading; all the while his desire raged ever keener. At last she gave in and took him into her bed. The moment he reached for her, his member became limp and once again he was shamed before the lady.

  "Hugh, it doesn't matter to me. I have never much enjoyed that sort of thing. I swear to you, my lord, it means naught to me!"

  "It means all to me!" he said bitterly. "Swear to me you will reveal this to none," he demanded.

  "Hugh, how could you even think such a thought?" she asked, hurt.

  "I'm sorry, Adela. Thank you for tending my wound."

  With as much dignity as he could summon, he dressed and left the room. Adela decided she had no option but to visit Morag.

  She was surprised to see the inside of the old woman's hut. The clutter was gone and everything was considerably cleaner. A few herbs hung drying from the thatched roof, and Greediguts sat up there cackling to himself. If it hadn't been for the magpie, Adela would have thought she was in the wrong hut.

  "I need a spell, Morag."

  "I am forbidden to cast spells. You must know what the Norman has decreed, it is no secret for those who dwell in the hall."

Oh, Morag, I brought you a lovely ripe cheese. Perhaps a spell is not necessary. Perhaps you can recommend some herb that will work just as well?"

  "Are you still seeking something that will subdue lust in a man."

  "No!" Adela said quickly. "I need something that will provoke lust."

  The old woman rocked back and forth on her stool, laughing.

  "Morag, it is not amusing," wailed Adela, embarrassed beyond measure.

  "lt is, it is! Do you remember the cord you tied the knots in, and hid in the bedchamber? Find the cord, untie the ligatures and your troubles will be over."

  "You have stripped the church and the hall!" Lillyth said accusingly.

  "William needs money. You can't be a king with empty coffers," Guy answered shortly.

  "Here, take my girdle," she said angrily, stripping it off, "'tis gold, and I've nothing else left to offer."

  He came to her and gently replaced the girdle about her hips. "You have much left to offer," he said softly. "I've tried everything, even rape. Lillyth, why will you not yield to me?"

  Her lashes brushed her cheeks and she whispered, "You spoke ... no words ... of love ..."

  A great surge of excitement raced through him and he swept her up into his arms and sat cradling her before the fire.

  "Oh, my lovely one, I adore you." His green eyes laughed into hers. He picked up a tress of hair and curled it around his fingers possessively.

  "You have the most wondrous hair I have ever seen, and all men who lay eyes upon it must ache to caress it and play with it like this. Oh love, you enthrall me. Your image is before me day and night. Your loveliness haunts me, how am I ever to leave you?" He kissed her eyelids. "I have an unquenchable thirst for you. When I see you across the room, I have to come close to you, and then when close to you, I have an uncontrollable desire to touch you. I want to touch you all over. Here, and here." He cupped his hand around her breast, caressed and stroked it gently. "When I hear your voice and your laughter, it arouses me immediately, no matter who is there to see, and when I am close to you, your fragrance fills my senses until I can taste you almost."

  His mouth found hers and held her captive in a long, slow kiss. His warm, insistent lips moved over her throat and up behind her ear. "Always, until you, a voice whispered to me 'This is not she.' "

  The rapture of his closeness enveloped her and she felt loved and cherished.

  "How I've ached to hold you in my arms all night!"

  She vibrated to the desire in his voice. Lillyth turned her face against his shoulder and drew closer to him. His arms tightened as he felt her response and a flame ran along his veins. She felt that her whole body was melting into his.

  He had seen her naked only briefly when he had forced her; now his blood beat thickly with the knowledge that she would allow his hands to uncIothe her and caress her naked beauty at his leisure. His hands lifted off her gown and, he quoted from the Song of Solomon, "And the smell of thy garments is like the smell of Lebanon."

  Frozen rain splattered the window shutters and the wind blew through the chinks, but they were oblivious to everything except each other. His powerful hands stripped off her undergarments and his breath caught in his throat as she stood before him, her glorious red-gold hair her only adornment. He lifted handfuls of it to his face to feel, smell and taste, then draped it back from her shoulders to fall down her back, leaving her breasts exposed to his smoldering green gaze.

  "Do not move," he commanded huskily as his fingers unfastened his own garments and impatiently removed them. She reached out a tentative finger to touch the dark fur pelt on his chest, then she ran her hands along the hard muscles of his arms and shoulders, and her fingers burned to explore him further. His hands reached out to encircle her exquisitely small waist and he lifted her high against his heart, allowing his throbbing erection to brush down across her belly and slide between her thighs.

  "You are the most beautiful, breathstopping creature I have ever seen." Her arms slid up about his neck and he held her velvety breasts against his chest. Her excitement made her gasp for breath, her breasts rising and falling against him, her thick-lashed eyes closing with heavy desire. He wanted her to cling to him like this every night for the rest of his life.

  His mouth covered hers softly, warmly; seeking, rousing her blood to catch fire, to flame and blaze. "Come to bed, love. I want to show you how much I love you, not just tell you." He carried her to the bed and lowered her, still clinging to his body, until she lay upon the furs, then he backed off the bed to stand at the foot with her full beauty open to him. She trustingly allowed him to place her knees on either side of his thighs with her feet dangling.

  His fingers could no longer resist the lure of the red-gold triangle of curls. He touched the luxuriant tendrils then dropped worshipfully to his knees, the better to enjoy the pink bud between the tiny folds which would blossom for him once she was fully aroused. His fingers traced the folds, then gently opened her to tenderly probe and tease. When he heard her moan, his mouth wanted to follow where his fingers played, but he knew she was not quite ready. He would build her desire until she was longing for his tongue, then with his tongue he would build her desire until she was ready for his shaft. The tension at the base of his groin became almost unbearable at the thought.

  He began his kisses at her feet and moved slowly, lingeringly up her legs. His lips moved from her white thighs, across her belly, up to her breasts. As he towered over her, she thought him magnificent. His wide shoulders and hair-covered chest tapered to a flat belly. The powerful symmetry of his hard muscles hinted at dangerous strength. Her eyes widened, drinking him in as he was her.

  Her hair spilled across the silver fur in shimmering splendor. He dipped his head and took her erect nipples between his lips and toyed with them until she cried out in ecstasy. All the while his hands moved upon her, caressing her, seeking love's secret places. She touched his hair, loving its thick softness. He lifted her hand from his face. Each finger received his kiss. His tongue moved across her palm, up her wrist and. along her arm to her shoulder. Then his mouth was against her throat, exploring its fragile hollows with his lips. He lifted her hair and ran his lips across the fragrant curve of her neck, and finally he found her mouth and kissed her with such a demanding passion that she responded with her whole body, arching up from the bed.

  She moaned and moved against him in such an inviting manner that he cautioned her, "Not yet, sweetheart. You think you are ready, but I don't want to hurt you." He placed his hand on her mound of Venus. His hard, erect organ brushed her thigh and she quivered with anticipation. "Little wanton," he teased, "do I excite you? Tell me what you feel," he whispered.

  "You know you do! I feel I shall die if you don't come into me quickly," she breathed.

  "How long have you loved me?" he demanded, softly.

  "Since first I set eyes upon you."

  "Say my name, I've longed to hear it upon your lips."

  "Oh Guy, please, love?" she begged. "Guy Guy ..."

  He moved lower and allowed the tip of his tongue to trace the tiny folds between her legs, then opened her to seek the pink bud which was ready to burst into bloom. She screamed with excitement as he thrust his tongue deeply, then she sprawled involuntarily, spread-eagled upon the furs, surrendering completely to his wicked mouth.

  When he felt her shudders begin, desire pulsed up the long length of his shaft with a sweet, tortuous ache. Quickly he moved up until his body covered hers and she gasped as he penetrated deeply. She was so tight and hot that she burned and scorched his flesh as he moved inside her. In a short time their ecstasy built to an unbearable peak and they dissolved into each other with simultaneous shouts.

  She cried softly in her fulfillment. Without withdrawing, he held her in his arms until they both slept. Hours later when she awoke, his body enveloped her in a warm cocoon. In his strong arms her body curved into his; she had never felt so safe in her life. It was as if their bodies had been made for eac
h other. So attuned were they that they had awakened together. His arms closed about her fiercely as he turned her to face him.

  His mouth sought hers with its full underlip as beautiful as sin, and again the head of his shaft sought the satin-slippery sheath which tightened upon him as he thrust deeply like some mythic beast. Their mouths crushed together hungrily, fiercely, savagely until they climaxed together in a flooding warmth.

  Lillyth awoke at the first light of dawn and felt the weight of his arm curved possessively around her. She was so warm against him, she lay very still so she wouldn't disturb his slumber. His mouth, which was always so hard and firm, was softened in sleep, and his hair curled darkly on his neck. She was glad that she had awakened before him. She felt very vulnerable and was half-afraid of what he might do or say when he awoke. He could destroy her with a word after their intimacy of last night. She held her breath as he stirred. Guy opened his eyes sleepily and looked at her for a long time.

  "Will you always love me, Lillyth?" he asked hungrily.

  "Forever," she promised.

  "I cannot bear to leave you for a while yet," he said, reaching for her. "Try to go back to sleep, love!'

  "Your men will be awaiting you," she said.

  "Let them wait," he said comfortably, and stroked her back until she relaxed against him.

  Chapter 12

  After only one night, the Lady Emma knew herself to be in love. She had never before had an experience in life like Esmé. The tall blond knight thrilled her with every glance. The smooth French phrases that rolled from his tongue enchanted her. She could listen to him all night. Esmé knew that words brought a woman to her final rapture more quickly than the most passionate physical exertions. When he arose to dress before dawn, she felt desolated. She wanted to beg him to return to her at nightfall, then thanked all the saint's in heaven that she had not blurted out her need when he murmured, "Je suis desolé that I must leave you now, ma petite. As soon as the light fades from the day, I shall return to your arms."