Read Bomb, Book & Compass: Joseph Needham & the Great Secrets of China Page 32

  Belden, Jack 61

  Bell, Vanessa 238n.51

  Beltz, Ed 107, 129

  Beria, Lavrenty 220–22

  Bernal, J. D. 34

  Bessemer, Henry 192

  Bevan, Nye 33

  Biochemical Institute, Cambridge University 21, 22, 38, 39

  Biochemistry and Morphogenisis (J. Needham) 52–3

  biological agents

  accusations of US use of, in Korean War 206–23

  early Chinese use of 206

  Japanese use of 209

  Joseph Needham’s role in investigating 210–19

  US research into, and ultimate decision to ban 209–10, 209n.43

  voles as disease vector 207–9

  Birds of South China, The (Caldwell) 154

  Bish, Stanley 259, 261–2

  Black Crow Sand Pass 131

  Bland-Sutton, John 16–17

  Blincoe, Alfred 17–18

  bombs, biological agents in, Chinese 206

  Book of Changes 198

  Book of the Mystery-Penetrating Master, The 199

  books and manuscripts

  earliest Chinese book (Diamond Sutra) 105–6, 136, 143–4

  Joseph Needham’s collection of Chinese 157, 181–3, 201–2, 252, 258

  Boston, Richard 232

  botany, Chinese 64, 68–9, 161–2

  Bray, Francesca 241–2

  work on Science and Civilisation in China 250, 254

  bridges, Chinese 12, 125–6, 192–3

  BritainChina Friendship Association 234–5

  British Academy, Joseph Needham elected to 247

  British Council 56

  British Foreign Office 56, 216

  British Museum, Aurel Stein’s collecting expedition for 140–45

  British Peace Society 235

  Brook, Charles 19

  Brooke, Christopher 187

  Bryan, Derek, marriage to Liao Hongying, and their advocacy for China 147–8, 235

  Buck, Pearl 40

  Buddhism and Buddhists in China 134–7

  Burbridge, Peter 203

  Burma Road 82

  Caius College, Cambridge University 19, 34, 180, 233

  College Council 238

  Joseph Needham elected president of fellows (1959) 238–40

  Joseph Needham’s oil portrait at 249, 251

  Joseph Needham’s rooms at 41, 174–6

  Joseph Needham’s status at 129, 174–80, 228–32, 237–41

  tradition of ancient gates used by individuals from 251–2

  Caldwell, John 154

  callipers, Chinese 194

  Cambridge Review 225

  Cambridge University see also Caius College, Cambridge University

  ‘Blue’ award at 76n.15

  Joseph Needham enters, as student 4, 18

  Joseph Needham’s return to, after diplomatic mission to China 173

  Joseph Needham’s status at 129, 174–80, 228–32, 237–41

  students at, in 1968 era of social movements 240

  Cambridge University Press, publisher of Science and Civilisation

  in China decision to continue publishing 252

  expansion of Science and Civilisation in China volumes 199–200

  initial proposal for 176–7, 177, 178, 179

  monographs emerging from Science and Civilisation in China 199n.40

  camels 131–2

  Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament 235

  Campbell, Malcolm 23

  Carnegie Institute 220

  Celestial Lancets: A History of Acupuncture 199n.40

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), United States 172, 219

  ceramics, Chinese 124

  chain drives, Chinese 124

  Chambers, Frank 18

  Chang’an, China 132, 136, 167 104n.19 see also Xi’an China

  Chang Jiang River see Yangzi River

  Chatley, Herbert 203

  Chemical Embryology (J. Needham) 29–30, 186

  Chengdu, Sichuan Province, Needham’s visit to 84–6

  Chen Lun 72

  chess (game), Chinese xiangqi 194–5

  Chiang Kai-shek (Nationalist Chinese leader) 43, 50, 76, 81–2, 98, 106, 119, 133, 146, 147, 205

  Chi Chhoa-Ting 203

  Chidzey, Blanche 27

  Childers, Erskine 20

  Children of Huang Shi, The (film) 122n.24

  see also Nationalist government, China; People’s Republic of China

  British mission to academics in 54–7

  changes in, since Joseph Needham’s first visit 263–7

  economy in World War II era 98–9

  industry in World War II era 116–18

  Japanese invasion and occupation of 8, 48–51, 53–4, 67, 79, 80–83, 116, 148–52, 155, 157–60

  Joseph Needham expedition to northwestern 103–48

  Joseph Needham expedition to southeastern 149–57

  maps of 66–7, 105

  Needham Question regarding science and technology in 40, 60, 163, 197, 230–31, 269–73

  revolution in, 1911 8

  scientific and technological achievements 9–10 see also inventions, Chinese

  scientific and technological future of 273–5

  states, kingdoms and dynasties see Appendix II

  unchanging aspects of 267–73

  western perceptions of, and prejudices about 7–10, 231–2

  China advocates

  Derek Bryan and Liao Hongying as 108, 129

  Joseph Needham as 50–52, 53, 98–100, 233–6, 243–7

  China Inland Mission 114

  China Monthly Review 222–3

  China National Aviation Corporation 1, 147

  China Travel Service 110–11, 153

  Chin Chuan So Chi (Li Xinheng) 126

  Chinese Academy of Sciences 210

  Chinese Industrial Cooperative (CIC) 117–18

  Chinese language

  calligraphy 47–8, 275

  Joseph Needham’s study of 41–8

  Joseph Needham’s typewriter and transliteration of 185n.37

  modern 268

  names and 42–3

  origin of phrase gung ho 117

  pinyin for Beijing 233n.47

  transliteration of 44n.8

  Chinese people

  attitudes of 269–70

  bureaucracy and attitudes of towards government 91

  ingenuity of 89

  modern 268

  opinions of, about Japanese 80

  scientists 97–8, 210, 214, 222 ‘traits’ of 138

  water and hydraulics, in history of 109–13

  Chinese Turkestan (Xinjiang), Joseph Needham’s expedition to 103–48

  Chinghua University Radio Research Institute 102

  Chongqing, China 50

  as World War II-era capital of China 78–80

  contemporary 263–7

  Japanese attacks on World War II era 4–5, 80

  Joseph Needham’s arrival in World War II era 1–6, 10–11, 74–9

  Joseph Needham’s description of 83–4

  rats in 84n.17

  Christians and Christianity in China 114

  Chungking 2 see also Chongqing, China

  Chun Qiu Fan Lu (Dong Zhongshu) 174

  Churchill, Winston 57, 74, 101

  Cicero affair 51n.10

  Cinnabar Mountains 131

  Clark-Kerr, Archibald 116

  Cold War International History project, Carnegie Institution 220

  Columbia University 219

  Communist Party, British 35

  Communist Party and government, Chinese 98, 103, 205, 231, 182n.35 see also Mao Zedong (Chinese Communist leader); People’s Republic of China; Zhou Enlai (Chinese Communist leader)

  Companionship of Honour awarded to Joseph Needham 259–60

  compass, Chinese magnetic 101, 190 193

  Complete Book of the Four Imperial Repositories, The (Siku Quanshu) 183n.36

  Complete Collection of Illustrations and
Writings of Ancient and Modern Times, The (Chinese Imperial encyclopedia) 182–3

  Confucius and Confucianism 133 162, 198

  Cook, Stanley 229

  Cornford, John 35

  Cornford-McLaurin Fund 35, 36

  Corps of Messengers, British 74

  Cort, J. H. 236

  Crescent Moon Lake 134

  Crick, Francis 250

  Crook, David 61

  Crowther, J. G. 56, 57, 60, 170

  Cullen, Christopher 261

  Cultural Revolution (1966–7) 240, 243, 244

  names given to children during 42n.7

  Czechoslovakia, ‘Prague Spring’ in (1968) 240

  Dadu River 89, 192

  Daily Worker (Britain) 60–61

  Daoism 198, 199

  Daquan River 133

  Darwinism 14, 15

  Deng Xiaoping (Chinese Communist leader) 247

  Diamond Sutra 105–6, 136, 143–4

  Dictionary of National Biography (DNB) 238n.51

  Diebold, John 258

  dinosaur fossil Lufengosaurus 162

  DNA (deoxribonucleic acid), double helix model of 250

  Dong Zhongshu 174

  Driberg, Tom 242

  Dujiangyan irrigation project 112 113

  Dunhuang oasis and caves 105, 106, 109, 1337, 13942

  East Asian History of Science trust 253

  Eden, Anthony 59

  Eggleston, Frederick 90–91

  elements, five Chinese 174

  Elers, Peter 242

  Ellis, Havelock 33

  Emblica officinalis 161

  encyclopedia, imperial Chinese 182–3

  English Gymnosophist Society 23

  Epidemic Prevention Bureau, Lanzhou, China 126

  erotic texts, Chinese Daoist 199

  explorations, Chinese seagoing 193 201

  extraterritoriality as legal concept 76n.14

  Far Eastern Survey 237

  Far East War Council 57

  Fessel, Klaus 203

  Fire-Drake Manuel, The 206

  Fisher, Ronald 185–6

  fishing reel, Chinese 193

  Fitch, James 203

  Foot, Dingle 33

  foot-binding practice in China 123–4

  Forster, E. M. 33

  Fort Detrick, Maryland. Chemical warfare research centre at 209

  Foster, Dorothy 22

  Foster (Snow), Helen 116, 118

  Fox, Munro 229

  Franklin, Rosalind 250

  Franklin, Sidney 40

  Freedom of Information Act, US 219

  French Indochina 82, 162

  fuel used on Joseph Needham’s Chinese expeditions 107n.20

  Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China

  danger of approaching Japanese troops 149–52, 155, 157–60

  incident at Xiang River Bridge, Hengyang 157–60

  Joseph Needham’s expedition to 149–57

  map 150

  Gang of Four 244

  Gao, Kimmie 84

  Gaselee, Stephen 61

  Gate of Sorrows 132

  Gauss, Clarence 103

  Ge Hong 1

  George IV, British king 204

  gimbals, Chinese 193

  Glukhov, KGB agent 220

  Gobi Desert 126–7, 130, 132, 274

  Goes, Bento de 274

  Gollancz, Victor 33, 52

  Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge University 19, 174, 237 250–51

  Good Earth, The (Buck) 40

  Grand Canal 191

  Great Astronomical Clocks of Medieval China, The 199n.40

  Great Britain

  Battle of the Tennis Court against Japanese 161n.31

  embassy in World War II-era Chongqing 74–81

  response of, to founding of People’s Republic of China 234n.49 Great Canon of the Yongle Emperor’s Era, The (Yongle dadien) 183n.36

  Great Leap Forward economic plan, People’s Republic of China 243

  Great Wall 13031, 132

  Guangdong Province, China 148, 164

  Guang Wei (Joseph Needham’s driver) 106

  Guangzhou, China 54

  Guanyin (Buddhist goddess) 162

  Guan Zi 46–7

  guerrilla industries, Chinese 116–18

  Guild of Saint Luke 20

  Gujin tusbu jicheng 182

  gung ho, origin of phrase 117

  Gung Ho cooperatives 118–19 218

  gunpowder, Chinese 95

  Guo Moruo (scientist), role in accusing United States of biological warfare 210–12

  Gutenberg, Johannes 226

  Gwynne-Vaughan, Helen 154

  gymnosophy, Joseph Needham’s interest in 23–4

  Haldane, J. B. S. 22n.1

  Haloun, Gustav 46–7

  Han Dynasty 195

  Hanzhong, China 114

  Hardy, G. H. 71–2

  Hardy, William Bate 20, 29, 175, 229

  harness, Chinese breast-strap 191

  Harrisson, Tom 34

  Hay, John 8

  Hedin, Sven 77

  Herbert, A. P. 33

  Hexi corridor 130

  Hill, A. V., criticism of Joseph Needham due to his biological warfare report 217

  Hills of Singing Sands 134

  Hinshelwood, Cyril 232

  HMS Amethyst incident 148n.29

  Hogg, George 76n.15

  on Rewi Alley 121

  trek with displaced Chinese children 122n.24, 132n.27

  Holorenshaw, Henry (Joseph Needham pseudonym) 53, 52n.11

  Holst, Gustav 31

  homosexual civil rights, Joseph Needham’s support for 236, 242

  Hong Kong 148, 155

  hookah, Joseph Needham’s 241n.52

  Hoover, Herbert 176

  Hopkins, Barbara 22

  Hopkins, Frederick Gowland (‘Hoppy’) 21–2, 22–3, 36–7, 38, 39

  horticulture, Chinese 68–9

  Hua, Dr 71

  Huainanzi encyclopedia 192

  Huang, Lettice 84

  Huang Hsing-tsung ‘H. T.’ 86–91

  excerpts from writings by 87–8, 88

  on northwestern China expedition with Joseph Needham 107, 114, 130, 146, 147

  on Sichuan River trip 89–96

  on southeastern China expedition with Joseph Needham 149, 150, 153, 156, 157–60

  Huangpu River 49

  Hummel, Arthur 232

  Huxley, Julian 33, 61, 185

  formation of UNESCO and role of 168, 170, 172

  hydraulics, Chinese 109–13

  Ignatiev, Semen 220

  Important Matters of the Jade Chamber 199

  Indusco 117–18

  industry in World War II era, China 116–18

  Inn of the Sixth Happiness, The (Aylward) 122n.24

  Institute of History, Lizhuang, China 94

  Intelligence Research Department, British Foreign Office 216–17

  International Folk Dance Congress (1934) 32

  International Physiological Conference (1954) 225

  International Red Cross 210

  International Science Commission 210, 218, 229

  inventions, Chinese see also Appendix I

  abacus 71–2

  botany and horticultural 64, 68–9, 161–2

  bridges 12, 125–6, 192–3

  callipers 194

  ceramics 124

  chain drive 192

  chess (game), Chinese xiangqi 194–5

  compass, Chinese magnetic 101, 190, 193

  fishing reel, Chinese 193

  gimbals 193

  gunpowder, Chinese 95

  harness, breast-strap 191

  iron, cast and wrought 191–2

  kite 193

  mathematics 71–2

  plough and mould-board 190

  printed books 105–6, 136, 143–4, 183

  puddling technique, iron 191–2

  pump, square-pallet chain 192

  rain gauge 188

  rate of 195

  rudder, sternpost 193

  spinning wheel 193

  star charts 143, 273–4

  stirrup 195

  surveyors’ marks 195–6

  toilet paper, perfumed 194

  type, movable 183

  umbrella 193

  wheelbarrow 193

  iron, Chinese cast and wrought 191–2

  irrigation projects 110–13

  Isherwood, Christopher 116

  Islam in China 123

  Japan 50, 56–7

  attacks on Chongqing by 4–5, 80

  Battle of the Tennis Court against Britain 161n.31

  biological experiments conducted on Chinese prisoners by 209, 222

  invasion and occupation of China by 8, 48–51, 53–4, 67, 80–83, 116, 148–52, 161

  Joseph Needham’s expedition to Fuzhou and danger of approaching of troops 149–52, 155, 157–60

  Jialing House 164

  Jialing River 79

  Jiang Jie 93

  Jianxi, China 164

  Jiao Yu (scholar) 206

  Jiayuguan, China 131, 132

  Jinghua University Radio Research

  Institute 102

  Jiuquan space centre, China 274–5

  Johnson, Lyndon 240

  Johnson, Reginald, tutor of last Chinese emperor, Pu Yi 259

  Jordan-Lloyd, Dorothy 22

  Kaczynski, Ted (‘Unabomber’) hears Joseph Needham lecture (1978) 247–8

  Kelly, William 192

  Kennedy, Robert ‘Bobby’ 223, 240

  Khrushchev, Nikita 220, 221–2

  Kim Il Sung 221

  King, Gordon 86

  King, Martin Luther, Jr 240

  kite, Chinese 193

  Knatchbull-Hugessen, Hughe Montgomery 51

  Koo, Wellington 61

  Korean War

  accusation against US of biological warfare during 206–19

  final report (1952) on 214–16

  Joseph Needham joins team to investigate 210–16

  Joseph Needham’s hostile reception from press and US authorities 215–19

  Joseph Needham’s reputation damaged for investigating 222–3, 228

  role of Soviets in 211, 219–22

  Khnert, Franz, on Chinese astrology 273

  Kunming, Yunnan Province, J. Needham’s visit to 64–74

  Labour Party, British 33

  Lam, Mary 254

  Lansbury, George 33

  Lanzhou, Gansu Province, China 125 126–9, 146, 164

  Lascelles, Alan 204

  Laski, Harold 33

  Last Emperor, The (film) 259n.54

  Lattimore, Owen 145

  Lawrence of Arabia ( T. E. Lawrence) 118

  Ledo Road 82

  Left Book Club 51–2

  Lendrum-Vesey, W. T. 19

  Leonardo da Vinci 226

  Levellers political movement 52n.11

  Liao Hongying 108, 129

  marriage to Derek Bryan, and advocacy work for China 147–8, 235

  Liberation Movement, Chongqing 264

  Li Bing 110, 111–12, 113

  Lieber, Alfred 203

  Li Jun (engineer) 193

  Lin Sen 110

  Lin Yutang 48