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  Nicky Charles



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  Copyright © 2012 by Nicky Charles

  Thank you for downloading this free eBook. You are welcome to share it with your friends, but please do not post or archive on other sites without informing me. A link to my official distributors would be preferred. Please keep this book in its complete original form with the exception of quotes used in reviews. No alteration of content is allowed.

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  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.


  This book contains mature content (language, violence, sexual situations) and is intended for mature readers.


  Please note that I use Canadian spelling throughout. You will see doubled letters (e.g. focussed), ou’s (e.g. colour) and ‘re’ (centre) as well as a few other differences from American spelling.




  Many thanks to Jan Gordon who volunteers countless hours as an editor, writing coach and friend. Without her support, this book would not have been possible. Also thanks to jennifer Moody and Cheryl for doing a final read through.




  This book is dedicated to all my fans on Facebook and Fictionpress. Their interest in the characters I’ve created truly warmed my heart and spurred me onward into writing another Law of the Lycans story.





  Historical Note:

  In ancient times, the purity of Lycan blood was not only a source of pride and prestige, it was a matter of survival. Having been hunted almost to extinction, the preservation of the species became paramount. The unique genetic code, that made Lycans what they were, had to be protected from contamination or dilution caused by cross-breeding. If allowed, mating outside the species could, conceivably, jeopardize their existence. To that effect a set of bonding laws were put in place.

  Matings and blood bonds had to be approved by the pack Alpha. Having relations with humans was forbidden and severely punished; while bearing young with a human was deemed treasonous, a betrayal of the species, and an act of purposeful defiance against the Alpha.

  Despite the bonding laws, love, or lust, prevailed and some Lycans still had relations with humans. Their offspring were derogatorily called ‘halves,’ a term which persists to this day, but without any of the associated negativity. However, in those less enlightened times, halves were considered second-class citizens and a source of shame for the pack. Discrimination, intolerance, even persecution of halves and their parents was prevalent.

  As Lycans came back from the brink of extinction and their numbers increased, the importance of bonding laws lessened. Alphas still approved matings and blood bonds, only now it was more of a formality than a matter of ensuring the lineage. Lycan-human relations still were not encouraged, but when they occurred a more tolerant attitude prevailed. Also, the off-spring of such unions were no longer scorned or hidden away in shame. Lycan society evolved, the lot of the halves improved, and for the most part the days of discrimination and intolerance have faded into the annals of history.

  But, for a small pocket of Lycan society acceptance of halves was not considered an option. They clung to the old ways, to the literal interpretation of the Book of the Law. Blood purity became an obsession and to further their cause they formed a society called the Purists.

  When the Purists first emerged, their agenda had seemed noble enough. Returning to the old ways, and adhering more closely to the Book of the Law, had a certain nostalgic ring that appealed to some in a world full of constant change and disintegrating morals. Purist numbers swelled and many of the gains made by the halves over the centuries seemed in danger of disappearing.

  Eventually the voice of reason prevailed and the Purists began to lose favour. Strict adherence to the letter of the law wasn’t as appealing in practise as it had at first seemed. Many of the new followers had friends, neighbours, or even family members who were half-blooded; turning on them did not sit easy with a tender conscience.

  Complaints against the Purists began to trickle in and Lycan Link, the international organization that functioned under the radar and assisted Lycans in co-existing with humans, started an investigation. Their conclusion was that there was a faction among the Purists that was an extremist group with an ethnic-cleansing agenda.

  Once this was brought to light, the group seemed to disappear and was deemed an unfortunate blip that had righted itself. People went about their lives and pushed the group from their minds. Lycan Link revised its Rights and Freedoms Act to ensure all Lycans, regardless of purity, were treated fairly; and while some grumbled, it quickly became a non-issue. The Lycans relaxed and all seemed well in the shifter world.

  Unbeknownst to many, however, the Purist group wasn’t gone. Small pockets persisted in the more remote areas and once again were slowly gaining followers. Insidiously, they were spreading their ideology, taking over packs, and turning neighbour against neighbour.

  When reports of Purist activity appeared again, Lycan Link was determined to stop them from gaining momentum and formed the Anti-Cleansing Squad or ACS. It was charged with finding conclaves of Purists and ensuring that the rights of halves within those packs were not being violated. While basic freedoms, such as thought and speech, were the right of every Lycan—even the Purists—there were certain boundaries that couldn’t be crossed.

  Chapter 1

  “Oomph!” The sound echoed through the cavernous room, bouncing off the cement brick walls and disappearing into the high, raftered ceiling.

  Brandi absorbed the hit to her shoulder; the jarring sensation echoing through her shoulder blades, neck, and spine, yet there was no time to think about pain right now. Using the energy from the blow, she allowed it to propel her into a spin and pivoted on the ball of her foot while striking out with her other leg. She aimed the kick at her attacker’s knee while raising an arm to block his next move.

  Every sense was heightened, super-tuned to the actions of her opponent. Sounds and smells bombarded her: the pounding of her heart, his heavy breathing, the scent of sweat. Even the brush of air over her skin was amplified alerting her to his slightest movement and… Damn!

  As she spun around she knew the move would fail. The bastard seemed to have anticipated her actions and sidestepped just in time so her foot barely skimmed his thigh. She caught a brief glimpse of his face; amused, even smug! It made her blood boil to think he was playing with her like a cat with a mouse.

  Anger fuelled her next move and she ducked low, launching herself forward and ramming her shoulder into his stomach, letting him know her inner fury. Unfortunately, the move wasn’t as effective as she’d hoped and the result was akin to running into a brick wall. He grunted and took a step back, her slight weight barely knocking him off balance. In shocking contrast, she staggered sideways, her whole body reverberating from the impact. Her lungs struggled to replenish the air that had been forced out of them by the collision and her brain was momentarily addled.

  Brandi gave her head a quick shake, trying to clear her scrambled thinking and in that brief moment her opponent took advantage, grabbing her by the waist and flipping her onto the ground.

  The room spun wildly before her eyes, until…

  “Ahh!” Her back protested its abru
pt contact with a hard surface and the air that had just made its way into her lungs was, once again, roughly expelled. She spread her fingers against the cool tiled floor, its solidity anchoring her as she struggled to bring the world back into focus, to rise above the pain that throbbed through every inch of her beaten body.

  Beside her, she could sense the man dropping down to his knees, looming over her, breathing heavily. Time seemed distorted in her suddenly topsy-turvy world and dread built inside her when he didn’t follow through with another move. Was he planning further abuse against her? Her whole body cringed at the idea and for a moment she considered just staying there and admitting defeat. But even as the thought passed through her mind, she dismissed it. Her sense of self-preservation spurred her into action and she tried to scramble away even while her brain struggled to process what was going on.

  The attempted escape was a pointless exercise. She’d barely moved when he grabbed her leg with rough hands and drew her back. Immediately she began kicking and flailing, a sense of satisfaction rising within her when she made contact with flesh and heard his grunt of pain.

  In the end, however, it was as futile as all her other efforts had been. In seconds, he had her pinned to the ground, his weight effectively keeping her in place, the heat of his body burning right into hers. Her heart began to race as panic swelled within. Yet at the same time, age-old instincts were coming to life, filling her with a strange melting sensation and urging her to submit to the male who had finally conquered her.

  No, she mentally screamed, forcing herself to ignore the feeling. She submitted to no one, not even the ancient ways of her people.

  Bucking and writhing, her anger and frustration grew. Nothing she tried was working, yet still she fought against him. He was considerably bigger than her, over six feet tall and solid muscle, but giving up wasn’t an option. Her wolf was rising to the surface now as well, pawing at the restraints she kept it under. It was young and feisty, eager to enter the battle, to prove itself to the world.

  No, not now, she admonished it, while struggling to breathe under the weight of the body pressing down on her. This is a human-only fight. The creature whimpered but subsided like the well-trained beast it was. At a more opportune time, she would have rewarded its obedience, however for now…

  A chuckle drew her attention. Her opponent apparently found the situation amusing and his laughter was like a red flag waving before her. A growl erupted from her throat. Playing nice was no longer an option and she jerked her knee up towards his groin. He blocked the move but as he shifted to the side, she managed to free one arm and swung it towards his face. His nose, his chin, she wasn’t fussy about a target now.

  She managed to land a blow to his cheek, her nails scoring his skin. Bright red trails sprang up on his face, blood spreading across the bronzed surface and he hissed in pain. The appearance of blood on his face shocked her into a moment of stillness; she’d never done that before.

  Her brief hesitation proved to be her undoing. In a blur of movement, he captured her hands, twisting her arms up and anchoring them over her head. Transferring both wrists to one hand, he pressed his forearm to her throat and slowly bore down. Drops of blood mixed with the sweat that trickled down his cheek. His brows were lowered, his lips pulled back. Her gaze fixed on his white teeth and sharp canines.

  Brandi froze. All he had to do was press down a bit harder and her windpipe would be crushed. She swallowed hard and a shiver skittered over her body. Never had she been this close to such a dangerous male. The lethal power he possessed was palpable and she instinctively knew a near feral wolf lurked beneath his human veneer, dominant and demanding.

  The fight was over. Her attacker had won.

  With his broad shouldered body looming above her and blocking everything from her view, she felt herself being transported back in time to the days when such a fight would have meant she was now his to do with as he pleased. If he wanted to, he could kill her and throw her broken body to the side or, more likely, she could find herself being ravished, mated, and marked as his own despite her protests.

  Their gazes locked and at such close range she could see the flecks of grey and green in his blue eyes. Fringed with brown lashes, they seemed to search hers, looking for her secrets. She stared back seeing the hardness and determination, the wildness that hinted he’d never be truly civilized. His wolf lurked near the surface and her own beast perked up its ears in interest, almost ignoring her inner command to stay away from the untamed creature.

  Unwillingly, she was being pulled to this man, drawn in by the force of his personality, by her instinctive awareness of his physical presence. The fight had left them both breathless and she could feel little puffs of air on her face each time he exhaled. Her own heavy breathing caused her chest to rise and fall, her breasts rhythmically brushing against his body. Only the thin material of their sweat-soaked clothing separated them and it did little to block the tingle of awareness she felt from having such close contact with him.

  Heat from his body mingled with hers. The scent of sweat and male surrounded her and, against her will, the warm feeling rose inside her once again, ancient instincts now refusing to be denied. Her muscles relaxed, her body softened, readying itself to welcome him. She was at his mercy and strangely enough, despite her attempts to deny it, that thought sent a thrill through her. It began to coil low in her belly, making her ache for his possession.

  Perhaps he felt it too, because at that moment something flared in his eyes and he leaned in closer, his nose skimming over her cheekbone, his tousled brown hair brushing against her forehead. Her chin began to lift, exposing her throat, inviting his bite. Did his hand tighten on her wrists and his hips bear down on hers? His cheek was pressed to her face. Something warm and wet licked her neck, and wasn’t that his arousal pressing against her thigh?

  Her breath caught in her throat at the frisson of sexual awareness between them. His slightest move seemed amplified as he brushed against her sensitized damp skin and she found herself straining within his grasp, trying to get closer, wanting to touch, to explore. The scent of his arousal surrounded her, causing her own to grow exponentially. To her horror, a whimper of need escaped her. Did his chest vibrate with a suppressed rumble in response? Before she could decide if it was real or a product of her overactive imagination, he pulled back.

  With an agility not expected in such a large man, he leapt to his feet and reached a hand down to her, his face suddenly implacable.

  Brandi was stunned by the quick progression of change from aggression to intimacy to cool indifference, and blinked up at him owlishly before focussing on the hand he extended to her. After a moment’s hesitation she took it, allowing him to pull her into a standing position. Her body ached, not only from the beating it had just endured, but also from the desire that had been burgeoning within her just seconds before.

  Dropping his hand, she forced herself to look away and came to a stunning discovery. They weren’t alone! How could she have forgotten that? She swallowed hard and schooled her face into a bland mask; showing weakness in a room of dominant, alpha-type males was never a good idea, especially when you were one of the few females present.

  She tried to control her breathing; the exertion had left her short of breath and panting. Licking her dry lips, she grimaced at the salty metallic taste which tingled on the tip of her tongue.

  “And that, class, is how not to defend yourself when in human form.” The instructor—her assailant, Reno Smith—addressed the students gathered in the gymnasium before giving her a nod and a distracted smile. “Thank you kindly for your assistance, Ms Jones.”

  “It’s Johansson.” She murmured brushing her hair from her face and wondering how he’d been able to turn off his feelings so quickly. She was still feeling decidedly off balance. Searching his face for some sign that he really had been affected by the encounter—that it wasn’t just her imagination—she found none. Already he was turning away, her presence se
emingly forgotten. He began to talk to the class and she knew she’d just been dismissed.

  For a moment she stared at his back, her gaze tracing his strong muscular shoulders that tapered to a trim waist and lean hips. Her palms itched to touch him and she clenched her fists, digging her nails into her own flesh in an attempt to eradicate the insane desire to cup his firm buttocks and squeeze. It was utterly ridiculous. She couldn’t go around groping a man who was basically a complete stranger, no matter how hot his body was! Besides, he’d just brushed her off. He deserved her scorn not her lust!

  Whipping herself up into a temper over her ill-treatment at his hands helped quell some of the desire within her. Resisting the urge to stick her tongue out at him—it really was too juvenile an action for someone who would be graduating in a little over a week—she satisfied herself with rolling her eyes instead. Walking over to the bench at the side of the room, Brandi forced herself not to limp. She grabbed her things and made her way to the door near the back of the gym, refusing to look to see if anyone was watching her progress. Damn, this had been an asinine idea.

  When her roommate, Tabitha, had heard Reno complaining in the hall outside the gymnasium that his volunteer for the self-defence seminar hadn’t shown up, she’d presented Brandi as a candidate.

  “Mr. Smith, my friend here would love to help you.” Tabi had pushed her at the man. “She’s taken the basic self-defence course and would be perfect.”

  Brandi had been shocked. They’d been on their way to class when Tabitha had overheard his grumblings. And before she could formulate a protest, the man had looked her up and down and declared that ‘she’d do.’

  “Name?” Without checking to see if she was following, he barked the question at her.