Read Book I Part IV: Love Opens the Valley of Emptiness Page 1

  All rights reserved: no part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission from the author of the poetry contained within this book, except for review purposes.

  Any questions: email Daniel Lynn Ferguson, Springfield MO., [email protected]

  Cover page designs and drawing by: Daniel Lynn Ferguson

  The poetry contained in this book is a part of my life journey, sharing love and friendship with family; plus friends and lovers I have met along the way. I dedicate this book to them. The ones who have inspired me to transform my feelings into poetry.

  Peace and love to all

  Daniel Lynn Ferguson

  Part IV of IV


  * * *

  IN OUR LIGHT/// changed to: under the stars

  Beam me down to your planet,

  hold me close to your dreams.

  Tap me on my good side.

  Zap me with your love.

  Kiss me on the wild side,

  and cruise me with your radar.

  Time to see what we're made of.

  Zapping each other with our lazar guns,

  we piece together the broken parts

  of each other’s lives.

  Minding our wounds with each other’s concerns;

  we make love under the stars of this enchanted night.


  As I walk across the sky I live.

  As I love,

  love becomes a high,

  but for now I sigh.

  As I watch the rainbow’s eye looking back at me,

  good-bye I say,

  and with this reply I deny that love will ever die.

  But for now I fly as I walk across the blue sky.


  When the wind becomes a beastly fiend,

  and the sky becomes a storm,

  and the rain begins to pour,

  I’ll be here for you.

  Like the blue mist of a morning sun

  that gives life to the approaching day,

  I'll be here to hold you.

  And long after the storm has passed,

  I’ll always remember to give you…

  your space…

  With friendship and love…

  may we continue to touch

  each other’s souls from within.

  Face to face…

  I patiently wait for our embrace.

  Silk road

  We’ve spun a web of delightfulness.

  We’ve opened an ancient jar of honey.

  We’ve walked across each other’s paths,

  shared each other’s thoughts,

  touched each other’s hearts,

  and probed into each other’s dreams.

  I find myself connected to you by a silk road

  of ancient memories smothered in honey,

  from a time long passed.

  We sit at a table and drink coffee,

  with milk in yours,

  and honey in mine.

  We look into each other’s souls

  with a laugh and a smile.

  With peace and friendship

  we purpose a toast to life.

  Our cups gently touch.

  We peer into each other’s eyes;

  feeling one another’s souls connecting the past lives

  we’ve been together.

  As we continue to stare at one another…

  our hands unite in the center of the table,

  like two long lost lovers,

  we embrace each other with friendship,

  and rejoice in our celebration.


  Only the raindrops can whisper the wonders

  of the passing birds that nest nearby.

  Only the clouds can hide the sun.

  Only the breeze can move the echoes

  of children playing to the past.

  And if only this moment with you

  would forever last…


  Me and my sky horse we always flew around,

  having fun playing chase with the other guys

  in my folks’ backyard.

  We flew so fast…

  using our imaginations as our guide.

  We flew so high in our mighty dream machines.

  So far from home…

  space was the place to be.

  We were so freely involved.

  For the leaves on the trees to us were the stars.

  The hills were mountains,

  and the real stars were spaceships

  watching over the galaxy.

  The faster we ran…

  the more our sky horses felt like real star fighters.

  My sky horse sits upon a dusty old shelf

  now in the attic at my folks’.

  As I rub my fingers over her

  the color yellow jumps out at me…

  its just a plastic horses head attached to a stick,

  but nonetheless a teardrop runs down my face.

  We were a team…

  way back then.

  And as I stand here before the attack window,

  I wipe the dust off the windowsill,

  and peer down at the backyard.

  The years have passed.

  The backyard has changed,

  but deep within my mind…

  it all looks the same.

  My sky horse is but a memory now…

  that changes with the color of my day.

  But every so often I touch it…

  just to remind myself that I’m still that same child within…

  and that dreams can live forever.

  Your dream may live behind a door caked with dust,

  but indeed it does dwell within.

  And whenever you’re ready…

  you’ll find your sky horse waiting there for you…?

  star Counters

  A flashlight and a trail…

  we walk shoulder to shoulder.

  We look at each other with an enthusiasm of teenage love.

  With our blanket and a backpack we pause.

  You whisper within the space between us.

  ‘We have all night.’

  Our blanket falls to the ground over grass

  and a few twigs.

  Trees all around us,

  I drop my backpack and then we fall to our knees and kiss.

  We lay side-by-side and look at each other…

  staring deep within.

  You touch my face.

  And as if time didn’t exist

  we lay back and count the stars,

  telling each other stories about the night,

  and secrets we claim to have never told anyone else.

  And while the moon smiles

  at the stars whispering rumors about this and that…

  we kiss and hold the moment close,

  and then snuggle into the wee hours of the night.


  If God can be seen as the Ocean,

  and our souls as drops of water

  from this Ocean called God,

  and we come and go from it,

  life after life after life;

  then indeed… one could possibly even say:

  “We’ve lived a thousand dreams,

  and we shall live a thousand more.

  But the truth is…

  the only dream that counts

  is the one we’re living now.”


  On this journey we call life.

  I embrace the mome

  For every encounter there’s something to be learned.

  I open my soul to You…

  the Universe,

  so that I can be touched by the four elements…

  fire, air, water, and earth.

  I raise my ceramic mug filled with water,

  and make a toast to you.

  May I give to life the peace I find in me.

  May I smile with truth.

  May I live in comfort.

  And may I always be my own best friend,

  so that I may be of good cheer

  to others I encounter.


  Chase the dream and capture its magic.

  Whatever that magic may be for you…

  let it be your dream come true….


  Love can be seen as the thread that holds the Universe together.

  And we… the people can be seen as pieces of a quilt created by God.

  But God leaves it up to us to complete the quilt.

  And where there are holes,

  let’s help each other patch them with unconditional love for one another.

  And where there are pieces missing,

  let us have compassion on those who are prejudice,

  and strongly dislike us because we’re not like them.

  For what they don’t realize is that hate is a weakness,

  an illusion,

  a mirror of their own reflection

  based on what they don’t understand,

  or what they dislike about themselves.

  So let’s hope that some day soon…

  they discover the True Christ Light of compassion for all.

  And find their way…

  to their place…

  on Gods quilt…

  of many colors.

  * * *

  In good spirit… love and peace to all. And to all… may we learn to love each other without any conditions. And if we can’t get along, let’s at least respect each other with kindness.

  “If you don’t have anything nice to say, then maybe you shouldn’t say anything at all.” My Mother.

  * * *


  Dan has been writing poetry ever since he was 13; while in history class, he was inspired to write a poem. The teacher was giving a lecture on pollution. She asked him a question about what she had been lecturing on. He didn’t know the answer. She then asked him, “What are you writing then, if not notes on my lecture?” Dan told her modestly. “I’m writing a poem about your lecture.” She was curious to say the least. She picked it up from his desk, quickly read it, and then asked him if she could read it to the class. He shrugged and said, “I guess so.” The teacher and his classmate liked it. He’s been writing ever since.

  Dan’s father was in the Navy. They moved around until he was 16, when his folks’ retired from the military they moved to Kahoka Mo., where he resided until he was 19. He traveled for a while throughout the states, always working odd jobs. When he was 28 he attended QU in Quincy Il., earned his BFA, then on to U of I, Champaign IL., and earned his MFA, in the visual arts and art education. “I have always had a passion for writing stories, poetry, painting, and drawing.”

  Dan has resided in Springfield Mo., for over 11 years. He also has an adventure mystery book on the market. THE DAGGER-KEY and the Lost Treasures of Kebadon, which can be purchased online or at most places books are sold. It’s a SyFy fantasy mystery adventure, in days of old, for anyone of any age to enjoy.

  Dan’s series, LOVE OPENS the VALLEY of EMPTYNESS is in six books. If you’ve enjoyed all four pars of book one, then look for the other five books soon to follow; listed under: LOVE OPENS the VALLEY of EMPTYNESS followed by a subtitle.