Read Book II The Tapestry of Love Page 1


  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission from the author of the poetry contained within this book, except for review purposes. Any questions, email Daniel Lynn Ferguson, Springfield MO. [email protected]

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  Cover page designs are paintings by Daniel Lynn Ferguson

  The poetry contained in this book is a part of my life journey sharing love and friendship with family, friends, and lovers. I dedicate this book to them. The ones who have inspired me to transform my feelings into poetry.

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  “Live your life with the passion of the sun’s light; the tapestry of life on this planet. As Mother Earth provides us with our earthly needs, we provide each other with love; the golden thread that holds the Universe together. And as we weave our lives between the chooses we make… our lives unfolds into the beds be weave for one another.”

  Copy right 2011

  A journey of love, friendship, adventure, spiritual embracing, and laughter for the soul.


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  We make it form day to day,

  and we take it out of what we are.

  We work it the best we can,

  and do the things we understand.

  Life is what we make it.

  Seeing places we wish to see,

  and being the one we dare to be.

  If doing something unusual makes us different…

  then that’s the way it was meant to be.

  Life is what we make it…

  so reach out and take it.

  If we wish deep enough…

  and try hard enough…

  then chances are we’ll go far.

  But we’ll never know until we try.

  We’ll never see it unless we look.

  We’ll never get there if we jut sit here.

  To life… may we learn from each and every breath,

  and enjoy each and every day....


  When I think of love I think of you.

  The kindness of your touch.

  The wholeness of your hand touching mine.

  The oneness of your presences when we’re together.

  When I dream about love…

  I dream about you.


  It's the journey that really counts.

  The pressing of the endeavor,

  and the experiencing of the challenge.

  To challenge ones own body-minded soul.

  To become one with the task at hand.

  To work as one…

  rather it’s with others or with the self.

  We should realize the importance of each step we take.

  The starting point,

  and all that happens in-between.

  The emotions contrasting with each other,

  one compromising with the other.

  Like fusing a sphere out of metal rods,

  bringing it together as one solid form.

  Rather it be a first time attempt,

  or an everyday chore.

  It's the journey measured by the experience,

  and the experience measured by each step of the way

  that hands to us the completed whole.

  It's our attitude behind the pain staking calculations

  of our persistence that hold it together.

  Whomever it is we care for,

  and whatever it is we do in this life,

  remember this... It's the journey that takes us there.

  At the point of arrival if we can look back and say

  we pushed ourselves to the point of excellence.

  We'll feel a high,

  a tingle of joy,

  something we'd be pleased to sign our name to.

  A whisper of laughter overwhelms our expression.

  Rather it be a small bit of nothing,

  or a large bit of something well to be remembered.

  It's ones own attitude that gives us the quality

  completion of the whole.

  Not necessarily the amount of time spent.

  The journey…


  No matter what we say,

  no matter what we do…

  time is forever.

  But you and I are not forever.

  So let’s feel the moments we share,

  take them in and touch each other with the most

  that life has to offer us.

  Rather it be a walk along a riverbed,

  a day filled with wild flowers at our feet,

  or a move, a song, a dance, a limousine, or a horseback ride.

  As long as we’re feeling the moment wherever we are.

  I want to be in this moment with you.

  Frame you on my wall, and hold you in my heart.

  You are one soul embodied in the human that you are.

  And I am another soul embodied in the human that I am.

  Together we are who we are.

  Anywhere with you…

  just because you are......


  My fear is the darkness in my light.

  That black hole in the yin and yang of life.

  My fears are the brick walls in my dreams;

  That side of me that holds my doubt about who I am.

  That thing that holds me back.

  But then fear is just a word.

  But its meaning can close me in a room without doors.

  No windows…

  no way out it seems.

  But it’s all an illusion...

  the brick walls in my dreams.

  I become one with the walls,

  and realize they were me after all.

  I am the fear in my light,

  just as I am the darkness in my dreams.

  It’s all an illusion I scream…

  just an illusion… that’s all…

  I turn the walls into light,

  or anything I wish them to be...

  realizing I’m in everyone and everything,

  and everyone and everything is in me.

  Just as darkness can be compared to light.

  Fear can be compared to an awesome insight;

  an awakening that I can do whatever I put my mind to.

  As long as I understand that I can turn fear into my friend…

  by realizing that fear is but a feeling of doubt,

  and not a wall at all.

  But a thought that can change into anything I want it to be.

  For I now see the you in me,

  and the I in you.

  We’re all basically the same.

  I can let my fears hold me back simply out of the fear of change.

  Or I can choose to let it go,

  and be the person I wish to be.

  I shatter my walls of doubt and break through the

  darkness into the light of my soul.

  I move forward realizing that fear is only a part of me,

  just as it is a part of you.

  Like a friend questioning who I am,

  not brick walls that keep me closed in.

  But a choice I make to be who I strive to be.

  I turn to another page in my life,

  I’m in a place now…

  where I’ve turned fear into a friend that lets me know where I am.


  I wish time would slow down the pace of humankind.

  I wish the best for everyone.<
br />
  I wish for tomorrow to be a bluer sky.

  I wish for much… like a farmer needs the rain,

  and a fish needs the water.

  Converting wishes into reality makes life worth

  the challenge it was meant to be.

  Reach out and take a chance…

  you just might discover a new romance.


  I’ve never touched anyone like I’ve touched you.

  I’ve never held anyone like I’ve held you.

  I’ve never made love to anyone like I’ve made love to you.

  I’ve never been as close to anyone as I am with you.


  I recall us together,

  the times we had to share our last smoke.

  Our pockets were empty,

  and our thoughts were dry.

  All of the work we endeavored together.

  The days we played those hard and dangerous games.

  I can recall your smile,

  one of a kind.

  To see you now would be alright.

  Should we meet some other place in time,

  may our friendship remain as a lock without a key.


  Love’s full of many hues.

  A harvest of labor,

  echoes of joy,

  and in between the ups and downs

  we’re faced with odious challenges

  that seem to try and pull us apart.

  On the edge of a rainbow,

  we did it our way.

  Nothing lasts forever,

  not even a lazy summer day.

  Through the transformation of the colors,

  we watch the metaphoric changes

  of our soul’s wings spread into

  the moods of the sky.

  Like a tapestry full of mystery…

  we live between the colors we wear.

  And just as love can enrich the things we sew,

  We embrace our friendship,

  and override our differences.

  Like threads of a tapestry our colors intertwine.

  When the rainbow reins,

  the teardrops fade into the shade of a cloudy day.

  The color of laughter,

  our differences blend,

  our compromises compose.

  Love’s more complex than beds of roses,

  more flexible than bands of rubber,

  and more meaningful than the pot of gold

  at the end of the rainbow.

  And when I’m with you…

  love is no more… no less…

  then the kind embrace we share for each other.


  Like a wild vine…

  I want to touch you like no

  one else has ever touched you.

  I want to whisper words to you

  only you can hear.

  I want to walk,



  then make love with you.

  And like a wild vine,

  become one with you...

  entangled in your love.


  I’m a passionate