Read Bookworms and... Booya! (book 1) Page 17

he turned to grab the keys from the wall on the opposite side of the office. "I didn't know she was with you, Zell. Cut me some slack. Here you go."

  Zell took the keys. Then he sent the guy a salute. "Thanks, Henry. Later."

  We piled into the pale blue economy car and buckled up. I snuggled my hands deeper into my pockets as I stared out the window at the dark night with the bright stars and glistening water.


  I nodded with a sigh before sending Zell a little smile. "Yes, but it's a good tired. I've had a lot of fun today. Thanks for asking me to come along."

  The smile he returned made him even better looking. "Sure."

  My gaze moved back outside. I actually felt comfortable. I wasn't stressing or worrying or wondering or anything like that. I just sat there enjoying the view and the company and the memories I had. It was nice. I'm not saying I was cured of my shyness. No. That's something a person wrestles with their entire life, but I felt comfortable. And that felt nice.

  "You up to working out tomorrow morning? Same as last time?"

  My eyes met his sidelong glances. "Of course. Are we going to try some of those moves we saw in the magazine?"

  "Maybe one, but I don't want to overdo it. We've got to keep testing you for the field exam coming up. If I overload you with new moves and stuff, you'll freak out and flunk. Well, maybe not flunk, but you'd freak."

  "Okay. Just one then. That's okay."

  "Then, after class, I'll meet you at the library."

  My eyes widened. "Really? Why?"

  "We've got to come up with some possible names for the moves, remember? And we've got to start figuring out what we should submit to Combat King. I'm thinking we should start work on a leg move and save the combos for later."

  Oh my gosh. "OK." It couldn't get better.

  Garden's brightness loomed in front of us then, and my stomach settled clear to my spine. I didn't want the day to end. Zell pulled the car into the parking lot and got out, coming around to my side as I struggled with my seat belt.

  "I think I'm stuck," I said absently once he'd opened the door.


  "I can't get the belt undone."

  "Here. Let me see." Zell leaned over me, examining the seat belt as I sat back further into the seat and closed my eyes.

  Oh boy. He smelled better than great.

  "What the hell?" Zell muttered.

  I opened my eyes and looked over, but his head was in the way. "What's the matter?"

  "The button won't go in all the way, but there's nothing blocking it. Hm. Geez. Come on, you stupid little."

  I stifled a giggle behind a strategically placed hand and looked away. "Sorry about this," I said when I trusted my voice.

  "Nah. Not your fault--there. OK. Free to go." He straightened and promptly bumped his head on the door frame. "Ouch!" He glared at it as he rubbed his head.

  "Are you OK?" I asked as I carefully got out of the car.

  "Yeah. Geez. I knew there was a reason I didn't like this car."

  I giggled aloud that time, tugging his arm and gesturing toward the entrance to Garden. "You want to stop by the infirmary and get some ice?" I asked once he started walking.

  "Nah. I've had tougher bumps than this and lived to tell about it."

  Thank goodness for that. We entered Garden's main corridor and turned right toward the dormitory. "Thanks again for today, Zell."

  "No sweat. Thanks for inviting me to lunch with your ma. It was fun. Too bad your dad couldn't come, though. That would've been a riot playing ball with you and him."

  "I've still got to go swimming in the rain with you in Balamb. So we'll just have to make a day to play ball together when I know my dad's going to be in Timber." Way to go, Sally!

  "Sounds like fun."

  But something didn't sound right. I sent him a sidelong glance. Zell had started lightly rubbing his tattoo, something he did when he was really thinking about something. Uh-oh. "You OK?"

  "Yeah." Zell seemed to shrug something off moments before sending me a grin and a nudge. "See you bright and early tomorrow morning, Sally. OK?"

  I nodded, not knowing if I should push or let it go. "OK."

  "See ya."

  Then he headed away at a jog. I stopped at the corridor that led to the dormitory and watched him until he'd moved out of sight. Then I released a slow breath and turned, heading toward my room and the sweet promise of tomorrow.

  9: Day Seven

  I smacked off the alarm and rolled onto my back to stare at the ceiling. Today was the day. You're going to do it, Sally. No stress. No worry. Just three simple words: ‘I like you'. It wouldn't be easy, I knew that, but it'd be worth it just the same. I needed to be honest with him. He deserved it. I deserved it.

  "Up, up, up, Sally," I mumbled.

  I sat up, rubbing my face and eyes before kicking my legs out from under the blankets and dangling them over the side of the bed. I gripped the fitted sheet and then I took in a deep breath, released it in a quick puff, and pushed myself up from the bed. It's time.

  I showered--body gel and loofa and everything--and dressed, towel-drying my hair before putting it back into braids. Then I headed out of the dormitory to make my way to the Training Center. Every once and a while I looked around for Zell, but he must have already been inside. There wasn't going to be any ‘Yo, Meg' that morning. Well, at least not until I got to the Training Center.

  I released a deep breath. OK, Sally. Are you going to tell him before or after you start the lesson? I wanted to say it after, which meant that I should definitely do it before. I gave another nod. I can do this. I'll be more embarrassed than ever before, but I can do it. I stepped into the main entry of the Training Center to find Zell sitting on my stone with an intense look on his face. Could you look any more adorable?


  "Good morning, Zell," I greeted softly.

  Zell looked up sharply, and then his intense expression melted into a smile. "Morning." He stood. "You ready to get to work?"

  I nodded as I came to stand across from him. "Yes." I gestured around us. "Are we going to do it here first? Until I get the hang of it?"

  "You got it." Zell cleared his throat and rubbed at his tattoo.

  My stomach lurched and twisted. "Zell?"

  Zell looked up, and his hand lowered. He tipped his head. “Yeah?”

  "Are--It's just, erm. Are you OK?"

  "Me?" he asked, surprised. "Yeah sure. Why?"

  "I-I don't know. You seem, I don't know. You look...." I shrugged.

  Zell made a face and then instantly grinned. "Don't sweat it. Come on. Let's get busy."

  He moved away from the stone and started talking about the move we were going to work on, what it was called, how it was done, and what was important to pay attention to. All I felt and focused on, though, was my stomach tightening up and my face going hot. I knew the time had come.

  "Can we talk for a second first?" I knew I interrupted, but I had to get it over with.

  "Sure." Zell took a step closer and crossed his arms. "'Sup?"

  "Um." I bit my lower lip, rubbing my palms on the sides of my sweatpants. What's the best way to lead in to something like this? "Give me a second," I said softly. "This is hard for me." Hey. That was good. Let him know you're really trying.

  "Sure, Sally. Take all the time you need."

  I sent him a brief glance and immediately regretted it. Zell's expression was serious, concerned, and intensely watching. I swallowed hard, lowering my eyes to the shoes on my feet as I clenched and unclenched my hands. I cleared my throat. "Zell, I." Come on, Sally. "Zell, I really...." Oh brother. I could feel tears of frustration threaten. "Zell."

  Zell gave my arm a gentle squeeze. "Well, you got my name down," he said, laughing. He crossed his arms. "I ain't gonna bite you."

  I gave a slight nod. Then I forced myself to meet his eyes. I tightly clenched my hands, so hard it hurt, and then said "Zell, I really, really--"

  "You're dead
, Dincht."

  I inwardly groaned as I turned, Zell's expression lost to me as I saw Instructor Trepe head toward us with an expression of rage. Uh-oh. The prank! I looked back over at Zell. His expression wavered between laughter and uncertainty. "What did you do?" I whispered.

  "And look, it's the little conspirator herself right next to him," Quistis continued.

  I gave a blink of shock and looked over at her again. "What?"

  Quistis' cheeks were flushed in anger as her eyes sparked. "Don't play innocent. I don't buy it."

  "Quis, lay off," Zell said in a firm voice. "Sally had nothing to do with it."

  "You think I was born yesterday? The library terminal was the one used to send the e-mail. I checked."

  E-mail? I looked over at Zell again, but his frown distracted me.

  "I can't believe you hacked the system just to do this to me!"

  "Do what?" Zell asked as he lowered his arms to his sides. "Geez, Quis! What the hell's wrong with what I did? It got you over there, didn't it? It got you two talking, didn't it?"

  "No, it didn't. You know why?" Quistis asked, fists on hips. "I didn't go. I knew something was fishy the minute I saw the grammar. Squall was never that bad in English class. That's when I checked the sending info on the assignment email, and that was when I saw it was sent from the library terminal."


  "Save it," Quistis snapped with a harsh motion of her hand, "and butt out of my life. Just worry about your own problems," and she finished the statement with a couple finger jabs to his chest.

  "I can't help it if I'm worried about a couple of my friends," Zell retorted, still glaring.

  I blinked. I'd never seen him glare before.

  Quistis scoffed. "Worried? Ha! You're just in it for the laughs. And