Read Bookworms and... Booya! (book 1) Page 6


  I shrugged. The scores on my Fire Cavern exam qualifiers were the last thing I wanted him to know. How embarrassing.

  "You're awful gloomy," Zell said suddenly. "Reminds me of Squall. Before."

  I grimaced and flushed. "Sorry." I sent him a sidelong glance. "I'm afraid I've got bad news."

  "Yeah? Like what?" He grinned, and it lit up his face. "As long as there isn't a hot dog shortage, I'm fine."

  I paled and stopped, blinking up at him.

  Zell's grin vanished as he halted and faced me. He covered his mouth with both hands and a slap. Then he slowly lowered his hands and leaned slightly forward. "What'd I say?" And he sounded concerned.

  "N-Nothing," I said quickly, vigorously shaking my head. I changed my focus to my hands on the strap. "I don't know if there will be hot dogs."

  Zell straightened sharply. "Is that all?" He laughed and cuffed me on the arm. "Geez. I was joking. I'm used to not getting those. Don't worry about it. But if we don't hurry, it'll be our own fault."

  When we got to the cafeteria, the dinner rush had come and gone, obviously, so I was really reluctant to go up to the counter and ask. I straightened suddenly, balling a hand into a fist as I raised my chin. Come on, Sally. Geez! I pulled my bag from my shoulder, thwumped it onto the table, and then strode up to the counter. I thought I heard Zell follow.

  "Well hello, girlie," Francine greeted with a slight glance behind. "I'm glad you stopped by. I've got a letter for you to send off to Mark. I'm taking your advice and planning a trip."

  I smiled, the fear forgotten, and leaned against the counter. "Really? That's wonderful! When are you leaving?"

  Francine laughed. "Well now, young 'un, don't be thinking you'll get rid of me as fast as that. Mark and I still have to discuss the details."

  I giggled. "I know. I just thought you might have a goal date in mind."

  "Spring, probably."

  I took the offered letter. "What a great time of year to travel."

  "And I'll be sure to get you a souvenir and a bunch of pictures."

  "Thanks, Francine. That's great."

  She gestured to me and Zell. "You young 'uns hungry?"

  I smiled very slightly. "Me? Not so much." I spared a glance to Zell, who was doing his best to look nonchalant with his hands in his pockets and a tune on his lips as he looked around the cafeteria. He only succeeded in looking adorable. "Him? Tests all day today. He's very hungry."

  Francine laughed. "I'll see what I can wrestle up, girlie. Go take a load off."

  I nodded. Then I surprised myself by giving Zell's arm a gentle tug. Warm. "Come on."

  Zell ceased the tune and sauntered to the table after me. "See? What're you worried about?"

  I sat, placed the letter to Mark into my bag, and then set it on the floor as he straddled the chair across the table from me. "I think it's in my genes."

  "Tch! Nah." He folded his arms over the back of the chair. "You ready for exams? Need any help?"

  Help? I could hardly believe the opportunity had just fallen into my lap. "Actually, I, erm…." No. I can't do it. I shook my head. "Thanks. I'll be fine."

  "You sure? Last chance to get help from an Instructor," Zell said with his usual grin.

  Oh come on. It's not cheating. Besides, he offered. I traced a pattern in the table design. "I never do very good with the Fire Cavern."

  "Tch! I remember that one. You know what? I think Squall got the record time on that. You should ask."

  I looked up with wide eyes. "I can't just walk up to Commander Squall and ask about the Fire Cavern!"

  "How come? That's what we're here for!"

  I flushed and lowered my eyes. "Good point."

  "So what's the problem? I know Garden's not doing the GF stuff except for on major missions, but they still let the candidates take Shiva there, what with Ifrit being a pain in the ass."

  I morosely nodded.

  "And Selphie helps, right?"

  I nodded again, lowering my head toward the table as I scrutinized the pattern I traced with my finger. He waved a hand in front of my face. I looked up.

  "You gonna make me guess?"

  I flushed darker still, lowering my eyes back to my finger and the table. "Sure. Why not?" I asked quietly.

  Zell laughed. "It'll take forever!"

  I giggled, giving him a sidelong glance just as Francine came with two dinner trays: hot dogs--five for Zell and one for me--cookies--same number--and some milk. For me she had another little plate with celery and steamed asparagus, my favorite.

  "Wow! Fran, you rock!" Zell exclaimed as he took his tray.

  I smiled. You're so cute! Then I whispered "thank you" to Francine.

  "You're welcome, girlie. Have a good evening."

  Believe me. I will.

  "Why don't you walk me through what you do at the Cavern?" Zell asked with his mouth full of hot dog. He shuffled it over to the side of his mouth and pointed at me with the uneaten portion. "My time wasn't as good as Squall's," he swallowed, "but I still passed."

  I nibbled on an asparagus spear as I replayed the last attempt at the Cavern in my mind. It was all so embarrassing. "I, uh...."

  "Yes?" he prodded, working on a cookie.

  I glanced up but immediately looked away. "Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is?"

  "Not 'til you tell me," he laughed. "It can't be that bad!"

  "Don't laugh," I complained with a reluctant smile. "It's different for you. You're all buff and strong--" I flushed deep red and lowered my eyes.

  Zell didn't notice my discomfort or the compliment. "Aw come on. Quis and Selph had to go through it, too." He swallowed some milk as he gauged me closely. "What are ya? 5' 1"? 105?"

  I slapped a hand to my forehead. "Oh geez."


  I lowered my hand and shook my head. "Nothing." You're just never supposed to guess a girl's weight. And he'd been right, too.

  "What weapon you do?"


  "Really? Hm. That's weird." He absently munched a cookie as he tapped his knuckle on the table. "I've got written exams tomorrow, but we could meet at the Training Center with Selph the day after that. Maybe between the two of us we can figure it out?"

  I couldn't believe he offered. "B-But I have to work."

  "So? What time?"

  "Ten to seven."

  "Okay. We'll meet in the morning. How ‘bout eight?"

  "I... I have class until 9:30."

  "No prob. I usually work out at six in the a.m.. How 'bout then? Is that okay?"

  Is that okay?! "S-Sure. What about--"

  "I'll grab Selph tomorrow on my way to class. Don't sweat it."

  I had no idea what to say. I couldn't believe he was going to all the trouble. For me. Of course, why not me? I need help. I deserve help. "Zell?" I asked in a soft voice, and it seemed like my heart was suddenly in my throat.

  Zell looked up, catching my gaze with a somewhat wide-eyed one of curiosity as he munched his hot dog. "Yeah?"

  "I really appreciate this."

  He swallowed his mouthful and grinned. "Hey. No prob."

  3: Day Three

  Tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap– Sally! Stop it!

  I set the pen down and closed my textbook, pushing it away as the clock ticked its incessant tock. I stood and wandered around the library. I didn't think I could be any more bored.

  I wandered back over to the computer and sat down, turning my swivel chair toward the counter that faced the exit. Placing my arm and elbow on the counter-top, I rested my chin in my hand as I stared at the exit. Then I sighed and picked up my pen to doodle on the brown paper of my textbook, adjusting my chin in my hand to see better. Hearts and flowers. Stars and clouds and rainbows. Smiling faces. Spitting faces. Laughing faces. Bunnies' backsides and elephant behinds-–

  My computer chirped with an incoming instant message.

  I straightened and dropped my pen on the counter, blinking at the exit. Do I dare hope? I slo
wly turned my head toward the computer-– "Zell," I said in a hushed exclamation. My stomach and heart lurched. I wheeled closer to the computer and typed in a reply greeting.

  BOOYABOY: i h8 ritn tsts. so brng.

  My lower lip protruded in a slight pout. Poor, Zell.

  BALAMB_LIBRARIAN: I'm sorry. I'm bored, too. Everyone's in your class.

  I smiled, resting my arms on the counter in front of the keyboard as I waited for his reply.

  BOOYABOY: tel u wat. il snd thm 2 u n go pla outsid.

  I giggled. BALAMB_LIBRARIAN: Oh no you don't. I want to play, too. You'd have to smuggle me out of the crowd in your duffel bag. And why can't I talk to him this easily in person?

  BOOYABOY: i bet i cud. wanna try?

  I laughed. BALAMB_LIBRARIAN: Wouldn't you get in trouble?

  BOOYABOY: prbly. who crs?

  My smile faded somewhat. BALAMB_LIBRARIAN: *I* do. Just stick it out. I'm sure it won't take too long for them to finish. You're a good teacher.

  Wow. Did I just type that? After a few moments of tapping a finger on the keyboard while waiting for a response, I began to gnaw my lower lip. Oh no. I didn't want to read too much into the silence but, had I creeped him out? Did he suspect I liked him? I checked to see if he was still logged in. He was. Oh no. Oh no.

  BOOYABOY: y dnt u chng yur log in 2 megafenx insted of blmb libren?

  I slumped back into my chair, my heart reluctantly treading its way back to my chest. BALAMB_LIBRARIAN: I only use the network when I'm working.

  BOOYABOY: u nvr chat outsid wrk or skol?

  I flushed and scolded myself furiously for doing so. BALAMB_LIBRARIAN: No.

  BOOYABOY: wel y dnt u set up yur log in acnt now? thn buz me bck.

  My mouth gaped. BALAMB_LIBRARIAN: Are you serious?

  BOOYABOY: did I typ it? of cors! yur log in is borng.

  I giggled. BALAMB_LIBRARIAN: Okay, okay. Give me a minute.

  So I set up my preferences for