Read Bossed Three Times Page 2

  Camelot Holdings.

  I rolled my eyes, imagining the old dork who thought that up.

  A soft metallic clunk of a door made me glance back to the boss’s office besides the receptionist’s desk. A pretty, young woman about my age left the office looking flustered, breathless, and pink in the face.

  She looked scared.

  I swallowed.

  “Ms. Holloway?”

  I stared, blinking at the scared girl as she got into the elevator.

  “Ms. Holloway?”

  I blinked again and turned back.


  The older receptionist glared at me from her desk.

  “They’ll see you now.”

  A shiver ran up my back.


  She gave me an exasperated look.

  “The bosses.”

  I frowned.

  Bosses? As in plural?


  She all but rolled her eyes at me.

  “Yes, dear. Mr. Black, Mr. Caldwell, and Mr. Harlow.” She frowned at me. “The men you’re interviewing with in order to personally assist, Ms. Holloway.”

  I felt that shivering chill creep down my back again.

  Jesus there were three of them? Three old assholes I was going to have to report to? God, no wonder the position paid so well!

  “Can’t keep them waiting, dear,” she said thinly, gesturing at the door.

  “Through there.”

  I swallowed heavily as I rose and smoothed down my skirt and blouse before slowly stepping to the thick wooden door.

  The long hallway past the door from the reception area was lowly lit and endless. My heels clicked loudly on the marble floor as I slowly made my way closer and closer to the office.

  Their office — the office of Mr. Black, Mr. Caldwell, and Mr. Harlow, apparently.

  I suddenly wished I’d done my homework a little better before coming to the interview.


  The deep voice resonated through the door as I knocked. I took one final breath before I placed my hand on the silvered knob, turned it, stepped into the room…

  …And promptly almost tripped over my jaw.

  I’d been picturing three stuffy, crotchety old men — three bent-over, grey-haired senior citizens with bifocals and walking canes.

  I couldn’t have been more wrong.

  The three men waiting for me in the room were simply gorgeous. Young, ruggedly handsome, built men. One stood by the window, the other leaned against a thick wooden desk facing the door, and the third sat to one side on a sofa with his feet up on a small coffee table. But all three of them stared right at me with intense, burning, hungry stares.

  I swallowed again, feeling the heat pulse to my cheeks under their gaze.

  “Close the door, Ms. Holloway,” the man leaning against the front of the desk murmured, his voice smooth like leather and dark wood.

  I did as I was told, shivering as I shut myself into the room with these three intense men.

  “Sit,” the man on the sofa said sharply, gesturing at a chair in the middle of the room between me and them. I nodded quickly and made my way to it, smoothing my skirt down nervously as I took a seat.

  “You seem surprised,” the man by the window growled out, his sharp blue eyes flashing and only accentuated by the dark, slightly curled hair on his head.

  The man leaning against the desk — blonde and also blue-eyed with a chiseled jawline — chuckled darkly, crossing his arms across his chest.

  I took a shaky breath, and started to open my mouth when the dark-haired man on the sofa shook his head, holding a hand up.

  “You aren’t the first woman we’ve met with today who was expecting to meet with perhaps somewhat older interviewers.” He smirked, his dark eyes flashing at me.

  “We keep ourselves and our company out of the media light, Ms. Holloway. We prefer to keep things personal.” He purred the last word in a way that only warmed the flush in my cheeks more.

  God, they’re so attractive.

  I mentally admonished myself for the thought that crept into my head — well, that and the other highly unprofessional ones that followed involving the men in front of me. And yet, it couldn’t be helped. The men were stunningly good looking, in that unfair, biological way. They were attractive in that magnetic way that pulls at you on an evolutionary level, and they were certainly pulling at something deep inside of me.

  Something hot, something dark, and something forbidden.

  I quickly took a sharp breath and centered myself inside, trying to will the heat from between my legs. I forced myself to smile politely and professionally instead of letting the sudden dirty thoughts inside my head get ahold of me.

  “My name is Hunter Black, Ms. Holloway,” the man by the window said in his smooth, yet gruff voice.

  “And these are my partners in Camelot Holdings, Damien Caldwell and Sean Harlow.”

  I nodded, and I was just opening my mouth to respond, when Mr. Caldwell — the man leaning against the desk, spoke sharply.

  “You’re aware of the duties involved with the position?”

  I nodded quickly, feeling the raw power in that voice of his take ahold of me.

  “Yes, Mr. Caldwell.”


  My eyes drew back to his. “Pardon?”

  A shadow crossed his face.

  “I said sir; as in, you will refer to us as ‘sir’ or ‘sirs’.”

  I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded. “Of course, sir.”

  His eyes sparked, and I could see a slight grin pull at the corners of his mouth at my use of the word.

  “It’s just that you’re…” Sean, sitting on the sofa, steepled his hands in front of him.

  “How to put this delicately — you’re overqualified, Ms. Holloway. In fact, you’re educated enough to basically be in charge of a division here, rather than running coffee errands and scanning documents for the three of us.”

  I tried to smile, but it quickly fell from my face. On the one side, it was nice of them of them to acknowledge my qualifications — or over qualifications as the case may have been. But on the other hand, I really did need a job, however overqualified I may be for it. And if I was going to not get it because of my higher education level than the other applicants, well, that would suck.

  Damien seemed to see the look on my face, as he quickly shook his head.

  “Nothing like that, Ms. Holloway, we’re just surprised to see a resume like yours in the pile.” His eyes narrowed at me.

  “That said, the job does have duties that need being done, however overqualified you may be.”

  He arched a brow at me meaningfully, and I nodded quickly.

  “Oh, absolutely,” I said quickly, smiling.

  “I’m perfectly aware of the position, sir, and I’m willing to start wherever I can.”

  He smiled darkly, his eyes flashing at me again, and I could have sworn I saw his eyes momentarily slip down over my bare, crossed, knees beneath the hem of my skirt before darting back to my face.

  “Are you married, Arianna?”

  I jerked my head toward Hunter, still standing by the window, quickly blinking at his question.

  “I’m aware that you’re a ‘Miss’, but I know many women don’t take a last name these days.”

  I shook my head. “No, sir.”


  His quick follow-up threw me even more off center. Wasn’t this an oddly personal question for a professional interview like this?

  But still, I shook my head again.

  “No, sir.”

  “Good,” he said, smiling darkly at me as his eyes flicked over me.

  The fact that he didn’t follow it up with any sort of explanation left me hanging on the reason.

  “Would you stand for a moment, Arianna?” Sean’s smooth voice from the sofa had my eyes darting to him, and then finding themselves being held by that steely gaze.

nbsp; “Stand, Ms. Holloway.”

  His voice was darker this time, and slightly edged with irritation, as if I hadn’t followed through quick enough.

  This is some sort of mind game they’re doing with all the interviewees, I thought to myself. It was strange, but I knew it had to be some sort of test to see how potential applicants reacted to demands and pressure.

  Well, that I could do without a problem.

  I stood readily, smoothing my skirt down.

  Sean smiled.

  “Good girl.”

  The flush came roaring into my cheeks at the words, a shiver tingling down my back at the velvety way he’d said it almost under his breath.

  He nodded, smiling at me as his eyes very obviously dipped over my body. And yet, it wasn’t creepy, and I didn’t feel like he was being inappropriate, despite how very inappropriate this was for an interview. His eyes moved over me again, and all I could think of were those words.

  Good girl.

  Yeah, I wasn’t creeped out at all. In fact, I found myself excited by his lingering looks; almost proud that he seemed to approve of what he saw.

  His eyes moved back to mine, locking my gaze for another minute, sending a shiver through me before a cough brought my attention back to Damien.

  “Turn around for us, Ms. Holloway.”

  I felt the pulse of something wicked throb inside of me at his words.

  Turn around for them?

  I knew I should have been incensed, or that I should have walked out.

  But I didn’t.

  Looking back, I’m still not even sure why I didn’t. There I was, alone in a room with three gorgeous, dark, domineering men, asking me to turn for them, and yet I stayed right where I was.

  Maybe it was the same reason Sasha had stayed in her office back then when she first met Jordan and Luke.

  My face went red at the implications of what that meant for me here and now with these three men. But then, I did as I was told.

  I turned for them; slowly.

  I shivered as I did so, feeling their eyes on me, and feeling this thrill from it being so wrong coursing through me. Wrong, perhaps, but at the same time, I felt a strange urge to please them. Not just because I wanted a job, but because I wanted to do well for them.

  It was a strange feeling.

  When I’d made a full circle on my heels, I brought my gaze back up.

  They were all grinning at me.


  “Very good, Arianna,” Hunter murmured, no longer at the window but standing beside the desk his partner leaned against.

  “Very good indeed.”

  “Do you skype, Arianna?”

  I turned back to Sean, my eyes following his hand as he pushed it through his thick hair.

  “Video chat? Yes sir, of course.”

  “We’re all three away on business for a few days, but we’d like to hold follow-up interviews via video so that we can have the position filled for our return. Are you available tomorrow evening?”

  I felt my heart jump up into my throat. A follow-up interview? I’d made it?

  I quickly nodded as I remembered to speak.

  “Absolutely, sir!”

  “Excellent,” Damien said darkly, nodding. “We appreciate you coming in, Arianna.”

  “Of course, thank you for having—”

  “Just so we’re clear,” Hunter cut in.

  “You are clear on the duties of the position?”

  My brow furrowed for a minute. I mean, it was a secretary position. Yeah, I think I could handle photocopies and Starbucks orders.

  “Absolutely,” I said quickly, smiling at them and clasping my hands in front of me.


  Damien held my eyes another second.

  “We’ll be in touch then.” He raised a single brow at me.

  “You can leave now.”

  I nodded again, smiling as calmly as I could at the three of them as I collected my bag and walked out of the room.

  And I swear I could feel all three of them looking at me as I did.

  Chapter 4

  “They did what?”

  Sasha gave me one of her arched-brow looks.

  “Yeah.” I chewed on my lip and looked down at my glass of wine.

  “Stand and turn?”

  I slowly nodded my head and she grinned.

  “Well well well…”

  “No it wasn’t like that.”

  “How could it not be?”

  “Because they’re gorgeous?”

  I covered my mouth immediately as her eyes went wide.

  “Oh really?”

  I avoided answering with a big gulp of wine.

  “So, let me get this straight.” She leveled a look at me.

  “You’ve got three bosses.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t have the job yet.”

  “Whatever. There’s three of them. They’re young, hot, rich, and they wanted you to stand and turn around at an interview?”

  I nodded.

  “Sounds hot.”


  “Well look who you’re talking to, girl!”

  I blushed even darker, as I always did when I thought of my friend and the two wildly attractive, completely dedicated men who I’m sure worshipped her like a queen in the bedroom. I couldn’t even imagine what having two sets of strong hands, two sets of perfect lips and two huge….

  Well….all I’m saying, I knew there was a very good reason Sasha basically had a permanent smile and glow about her.

  “What, I’m just saying?”

  “Sasha, I’m not going to have an affair with one of my bosses.”

  “What about with two or three of them?’

  My face turned bright red. “Sasha! Oh my God, please. I’m not like—”

  “Like me?” She gave me a sharp look.

  “That’s not what I mean and you know it. I mean I’m not like you as in I’m not brave enough for that.”

  “You might surprise yourself.”

  I blushed and quickly shook my head. “Oh my God, why are we even having this discussion?”

  She laughed as she put her arm around me and hugged me close. “I’m just teasing you, you know. And hey, congratulations on the second interview!”

  I made a face.


  “I might need some help with that.”

  “How so?”

  “Video conferencing. I sort of lied to them. I have no idea what I’m doing there.”


  “What? I’ve never done it.”

  Sasha laughed. “Oh my poor technological stunted friend. Don’t you worry, I can show you. When is it?”

  “Tomorrow night.”

  “I’ll help you set it up.”

  Tomorrow, I’d be seeing them again.


  I saw them again that night though, in my head. As I lay in bed, the interview from earlier replaying through my mind, but this time, it played out differently. Colored by wine, and thinking more about my friend and her two men than I probably should have started to lead my thoughts to different places.

  This time, the inappropriateness didn’t stop at having me stand and turn.

  It went way further.

  This time, in my fantasy, they had me turn, but then they were asking more. I panted as I closed my eyes and let my fingers play across my skin under the sheets of Sasha’s guest room. In my fantasy, they asked — no, demanded — that I take my clothes off.

  Piece by piece.

  In my dreams, their hands were on me, touching me, toying with me, driving me higher. My hands slipped under my panties, and I moaned into the pillow as I felt how wet I was.

  This was crazy. I’d never in my life had these sort of thoughts about someone like a boss. Heck, I’d never had thoughts like these involving more than one man!

  When Sasha had first told me about Jordan and Luke, I remember feeling something pull inside of me. It was so??
?naughty and so dirty when first hearing about it. But it was also so hot. The idea of two men manhandling my friend, and worshiping her with their hand and their mouths.

  With their cocks.

  I couldn’t even imagine being in the middle of that kind of pleasure.

  But oh my God, adding a third man? It was almost too much — something just shy of wrong. Or maybe just wrong enough that it got something going inside of me. Just wrong enough to get me dripping wet there in my bed.

  It was so dirty, and so wrong, and I felt so wicked even having it as a fantasy. But the more I thought about it, the hotter it got and the wetter my pussy got as I slowly rubbed my fingers over my clit.

  I reached for the bedside table, slowly opening the drawer and pulling out the slim, purple vibrator.

  I moaned as my fingers slipped inside of my pussy, sliding in and out. For a moment, I was about to bring the vibrator down to join, until another absolutely filthy thought came into my head. In my fantasy, I was back in that office, with my bosses surrounding me — taking me.

  In my head, I was across their desk, and the finger in my pussy was one of them, slowly fucking me with deep even strokes. I could feel my heart jump into my throat as I brought the phallic shaped vibrator to my lips instead, feeling my pussy tighten around my fingers as I slowly opened my mouth for it. I moaned as I wrapped my lips around it, sucking it and swirling my tongue around the head as if I were sucking a cock. I closed my eyes, pretending I was taking one off my bosses in my mouth while the other drove in and out between my legs.

  It was so fucking hot, and nothing I’d ever even fantasized about before, let alone experienced.

  But it wasn’t enough

  I needed more. I needed all three of them in that fantasy.

  I rolled onto my knees, pushing the toy in-between two pillows in front of my face and wrapping my lips back around it. This time though, I brought both hands back down between my legs. I moaned into the fake cock as two fingers sank deep inside my wet slit, my thumb brushing across my clit. But this time, I was too deep into the raunchy fantasy to stop there.

  This time, I needed to feel dirtier.

  I moaned again as my other hand slide down across my lower back, over my ass. I let a single fingers slide down the crevice of my ass, and then felt my whole body shiver in forbidden pleasure as I let it circle lightly across my asshole.