Read Both Sides the Border: A Tale of Hotspur and Glendower Page 17

  Chapter 17: Knighted.

  Rain was coming down in torrents, when Oswald and Roger started thenext morning. On leaving the town they turned to the left, with theintention of making a considerable detour; keeping well away from theroad, as it was near this that the Welsh would be most likely watching.They chose this side because, to the right of the road, the country wasmore broken, rising swell after swell towards Plinlimmon; and it waslikely that the largest portion of the Welsh would be on that side, sothat they could, at any time, retire to their fastnesses.

  They were soon in the woods. The streams they met with were turbid, andfull to the brim.

  "We shall have trouble with this water, Roger," Oswald said, as theywaded across one, waist deep. "This is but a little stream, but ifthere are larger ones, as is like enough, we shall have to swim beforewe are done. There is one advantage; in such weather as this, even theWelsh will scarce be active."

  "They have not got much clothing to wet," Roger said. "Their dress isbetter suited than ours for such weather."

  The way was a rough one. Hills, although of no great height, had to becrossed, and many streams to be waded. Fortunately, they met with fewlarger than that they had first crossed; for the water from that sideof the hills made its way, for the most part, direct into the Severn;while that which came down from the slopes of Plinlimmon, towards theroad, fell into a stream; dry in fine weather, but now a ragingtorrent, which ran past Llandulas and into the Severn, at Llanidloes.

  "Do you think that we are going right, Roger?" Oswald said, after theyhad been walking for six or seven hours; "for, what with these ups anddowns, and turnings and windings, there is no saying which is east andwhich is west. If the sun were shining we should be sure of ourdirection, but with these dull leaden clouds there is no saying."

  "I have no idea, master. If we were out on a moor we should be able tojudge, and to make a fairly straight course, keeping the wind and rainon one side of us; but in this thick forest, though most of the leaveshave fallen, those that remain on the branches break up the rain, andit seems to come straight down upon us."

  Presently they came to another watercourse.

  "Why, Roger, the water is going in the other direction!"

  "So it is, master. How can that be?"

  "It is just possible that we have crossed some dividing point, and thewater is making its way towards the south, and will fall into someother river; but I am very much afraid that the real explanation is,that we have entirely lost our way, and are going in the oppositedirection to that in which we started. The question is, shall we crossit or shall we follow it down?"

  "Just as you like," Roger said. "For myself, I think that the best waywould be to find some place where we could shelter. Tomorrow the sunmay be out again, and that will tell us which way to go. If we start atdaybreak, and keep it to our back, we can't go far wrong."

  "Except that we may pass the army altogether, Roger. They told us thatthe rearmost division was not more than ten miles ahead."

  "We must have walked double that already, I should say, master."

  "Not so much as that. We have been a long time over it, but it is slowtravelling over this broken ground, and thick wood. I am sure I hopethat we have not gone twenty miles, or anything like it; for in thatcase, if we have been keeping fairly in the right direction, we musthave passed the army. If we have been going in the wrong direction,there is no saying where we may be.

  "Still, I think that your suggestion is a good one. It is of no use ourgoing on, when we may be getting farther away at every step. It islucky that we bought these thick cloaks, at Welshpool; for without themwe should have been soaked to the skin, hours ago."

  "Well, as we have been wetted to the waist a score of times, in thestreams, I don't see that it would have mattered much, if the rest ofus had been wet through."

  "Well, now let us look for a shelter."

  After searching for half an hour, they found a spot where a wall ofshaly rock barred their way. At one spot some of this had fallen in,forming a sort of shallow cave, some three feet deep.

  "This is not a bad beginning, Roger, but we must try and make it agreat deal more snug."

  They first cut down some young fir poles, and placed them so as to forma sort of penthouse against the wall. On these they piled a number ofbranches, of the same trees, until it was over a foot in thickness.

  "So far, so good," Oswald said. "Now, Roger, look about for a fallentree. We have passed scores on our way. You must get a thoroughlyrotten one, and cut away a portion of the under side; it will be dryenough, there."

  "You might get a little of that to start with," Roger said; "but theground is covered everywhere with fir cones, and there is no betterstuff for fires."

  Taking off his cloak he laid it down, and they both piled the fir coneson this, until a great heap was collected. This they carried into theirshelter, through an opening they had left in the penthouse.

  "We must have something dry to start it with. These cones are a greatdeal too wet to burn, without a good heat to start them. There isnothing better than the fir needles, master, if we can find some dryones."

  After some searching, a considerable number of these needles werecollected; some lying under fallen trees, and others swept by the windinto rocky corners, where the rain had not reached them.

  "Now I think that we shall do, Roger."

  As soon as they were inside, Roger produced a large lump of dry fungushe had found, on the other side of the Severn; and, by the aid of hisflint and steel, soon succeeded in striking sparks upon it. As soon asthese began to spread, he put a little pile of fir needles on it; and,blowing gently, bright flames soon darted up. A few more handfuls offuel were added, and fir cones placed at the top; and in a quarter ofan hour, a clear, bright fire was burning.

  The dripping cloaks were hung up to the fir poles, to dry; and thejerkins, which were also damp, although the water had not penetratedthrough them, were spread near the fire.

  "It was well that I bought this little skin of wine, last night," Rogersaid. "You thought it was better to be without such a burden, but theweight of a gallon of wine doesn't count for much, and it makes all thedifference in our comfort, here."

  The rain had soaked through their provision bags, but the bread andmeat in the centre were dry; and of these they made a hearty meal and,laying the wetted food round the fire to dry, they wound up the repastwith a long draught of wine.

  "Now, as soon as our breeches are dry, Master Oswald, we shall bethoroughly comfortable."

  "Yes, one can wish for nothing better. But we must not forget that someWelshmen may come along, and if so, will be sure to want to know whatis inside."

  "Then, unless there happen to be more than a dozen of them, theircuriosity may cost them dear," Roger said grimly. "I don't think thereis much fear of it. We have neither seen nor heard of any, since westarted; and it would be evil fortune, indeed, if a party happened tocome along just at this spot."

  "The fact that we have heard no one is a bad sign, Roger; for it wouldseem to show that we must have gone a long way out of our course."

  The rain continued to fall heavily, all that afternoon and throughoutthe night, and no change of the weather was discernible the nextmorning.

  "We had best stop here for another day, Roger, unless the sky clears;we are not likely to find so good a place for shelter, and it is of nouse to wander about, when every step may be taking us farther away.However, we can climb up to the top of this hill, at whose foot we are,and endeavour to get a view over the country."

  Roger shook his head.

  "In this heavy mist we should not see a quarter of a mile away. We havegot all our clothes dry, now, and it would be a pity to get them wetagain, without need or profit. Anyhow, we will find some more of thosefir cones. Our supply is nearly gone."

  In half an hour they had got sufficient to last them all day. There wasnothing for them then to do but sleep, one or other keeping watch, soas to prevent the chance of their be
ing surprised.

  Before lying down for the night, Roger looked out.

  "Methinks that the rain has stopped, though it would be difficult tosay, for the drops keep pattering down from the trees. Well, I mightilyhope that it will be a fine morning."

  Oswald was first upon his feet and, on going out, uttered anexclamation of satisfaction. The morning was breaking and, though lightclouds were moving across the sky, glimpses of the blue were visible,here and there. Already the light showed where the sun would presentlyrise.

  Food was hastily eaten, and they then started on their way again. Therecould be no mistake, now, as to the general direction; and, keeping thesun on their right hand, they made their way north. From the top of ahill, somewhat higher than the others, they caught a view ofPlinlimmon.

  "If we make straight for it," Oswald said, "we ought to come down onthe road near the camp. We can go on fearlessly for some time, for theWelsh were hardly likely to be moving about, yesterday or the daybefore; and I have no doubt they sheltered themselves, as best theycould, in arbours like ours."

  After walking for another two hours, they heard the distant sound of atrumpet.

  "That cannot be more than two or three miles away, Roger. Now, we shallhave to be careful."

  They had walked a mile when, as they descended into a glen, they camesuddenly on a party of twenty Welshmen, sitting round a fire. These hadbeen concealed from them by the thick undergrowth, and were not twentyyards away, when they first saw them. The Welsh had evidently heardthem coming, by the rustle of leaves and the breaking of twigs; and twoor three were standing up, looking in their direction, when they caughtsight of them. These gave a loud yell, which brought the rest to theirfeet.

  "Run, Roger, run. It is a question of legs, now;" and, turning, theydarted up the hill they had just descended.

  Looking back for a moment as, after running for about a mile, theyreached the crest of a swell; Oswald saw that five of their pursuershad distanced their comrades, but were no nearer than when theystarted.

  "I think we can hold them, Roger. Take it a little more easily now. Weare all right as far as speed goes. It is simply a question of bottom."

  Their pursuers, however, still stuck to them and, after running foranother half-mile, the five men were still but some thirty yardsbehind; while their comrades' shouts could be heard through the forestsand, from time to time, the men close behind them joined in a loudquavering cry.

  "We must stand and rid ourselves of these fellows, Roger; or we shallhave half the Welsh nation down on us."

  "So I have been thinking, for some time."

  "Don't stop suddenly. We will slacken our pace, and they will thinkthat our strength is failing, and will redouble their efforts. Then,when they are close to us, we will turn suddenly."

  They heard a yell of exultation, as their pursuers found that they weregaining upon them.

  "Choose a clear space, Roger, with room to swing our weapons."

  The Welsh were running in a close body, but ten yards behind them, whenthey arrived at a spot clear of trees.

  "Now, Roger!"

  As he spoke, Oswald drew his sword and swung round, facing hispursuers, while Roger did the same. The Welsh, taken by surprise,endeavoured to check themselves; but before they could do so, Roger'sstaff fell upon the head of one of them, while Oswald cleft another tothe chin. With the quickness of an adroit player with the quarterstaff,Roger followed up his blow by almost instantaneously driving the otherend of the staff, with all his force, against the chest of another, whowas at the point of leaping upon him; and the man fell, as if struckwith a thunderbolt. So swift had been the movements that the remainingtwo men were paralysed, by the sudden fall of their companions; butbefore they could turn to fly, the weapons descended again, with asfatal result as before.

  "To the right!" Oswald exclaimed, and he dashed off into the forestagain, at a right angle to the line that they had before taken. Aminute later they heard an outburst of yells of fury, from the spotthey had quitted.

  "I don't think they will be quite so ready to follow, now," Roger said."They are like to be some time, before they take up our track again."

  "We will break into a walk, in a few minutes, Roger; and then go alongquietly, and keep our ears open. Their yells will be bringing othersdown, from all directions, and we might run right into the middle ofanother party, if we kept on at this rate."

  In another five minutes they dashed down a steep descent, at whose foota streamlet, swelled now into a rushing stream, five or six feet wide,was running.

  "We will follow this down," Oswald said, as he stepped into it.

  It was a little over two feet deep, and they waded along it for acouple of hundred yards, and then stepped out, where some rock croppedout by the side of the stream. It had not yet dried after the rain, andtheir feet therefore left no marks on it.

  "That was a sharp run, Roger," Oswald said as, with rapid but stealthysteps, they strode along.

  "Ay, it was. My breath was coming short, when you gave the word tostop. Another half mile would have finished me. Those Welshmen runwell."

  "I have no doubt we should have beaten them, easily enough, on the openground, Roger; but they are more accustomed to this forest work than weare.

  "Mind where you tread, and don't put your foot on fallen sticks. Theremust be scores of them in the forest behind, yet, though I don't thinkthat they have struck our track. The nearest must be a quarter of amile away. I am not afraid of their overtaking us. It is the risk offalling in with other parties that I am afraid of."

  They now bore away to the right again. More than once they heardparties moving near them, and stood quiet until their voices died away;which they quickly did, as all were hurrying towards the spot whencethe shouting still continued.

  For an hour they kept straight onward, and then the trees thinned; andas they stepped out from the edge of the forest they saw, to theirdelight, a few tents in front of them, and a large number of soldiersscattered about. As they were seen, some of the soldiers caught uptheir arms; but when they saw that but two men were approaching, theylaid them down again, and proceeded with the work on which most of themwere engaged; in polishing up their arms and armour, whose brightnesshad been grievously dimmed by the rain. A sub-officer with four mencame up to them, as they reached the line.

  "Who are you, sirs?" he asked.

  "I am an esquire of Sir Henry Percy, and have brought hither a letterfor the king."

  The man looked doubtfully at him, and Oswald continued, "I know notwhether the Earl of Talbot is in the camp, but if so he will, I think,recognize me."

  "The earl arrived, with five hundred of his men, yesterday," theofficer said, with a tone of more respect than he had before used. "Iwill take you to his tent;" and he led the way to a tent, pitched ashort distance away from that before which the royal standard waved.

  Oswald took off his cloak, which was rolled up over his shoulder, andhanded it to Roger, and then opened his jerkin. As they came up to thetent the front opened, and the earl himself came out.

  "Whom have we here?" he asked the officer.

  "They have just come out of the forest, my lord, and this gentlemanasked to be taken to you, saying that you would recognize him."

  The earl looked scrutinizingly at Oswald.

  "I seem to know your face, sir," he said, "but I cannot recall where Ihave seen it."

  "My name is Oswald Forster, an esquire of Sir Henry Percy. I joined youat Chester, my Lord Talbot, with a band of his men; and some of SirEdmund Mortimer's, led by one of his knights."

  "I remember now," the earl said. "Yes, I see you wear the Percy badge;but how have you got here, and why have you come?"

  "I come as a simple messenger, my lord. A royal courier arrived atLudlow, with a letter from London for the king. His majesty had laidhis commands on Sir Edmund Mortimer, that he was not to weaken hisforce by a single lance; and as, for aught Sir Edmund knew, the lettermight be of great importance, I volunteered to endeav
our to carry itthrough; taking with me only this man-at-arms, on whom I could whollyrely, whatever might happen, he having accompanied me on more than onedangerous expedition.

  "Sir Edmund consented. We rode first to Shrewsbury, to obtaininformation as to the course the king had taken. At Welshpool we leftour horses behind us, thinking it easier to make our way through thewoods on foot, seeing that the roads were said to be beset by theWelsh. So we reached Llanidloes; and then, hearing where the king wasthen posted, from a convoy of wounded that had been brought in thatday, and who had been attacked and very hardly treated as they camealong, we thought to make a detour through the woods, so as to getbehind any Welshmen who might be watching the road.

  "Unfortunately, in the storm of rain, having no guide, we lost our way;and were so detained, near two days, in the forest. This morning, theweather having changed and the sun come out, we learned the directionthat we must take. On the way we fell in with a party of some twentyWelshmen, who pursued us hotly. We outran all but five. As their shoutswould have brought large numbers upon us, we stopped and slew them; andthough search was hot for us, we succeeded in making our way through,without adventure, until we came out from the forest, close by."

  "Truly it was an adventure of great peril," the earl said, "for theWelsh are swarming round us; though we see nought of them, when we areonce in the saddle. Assuredly you would never have got through, even asfar as Llanidloes, if you had followed the road on horseback; for thelast party that came along brought word that the Welsh had felled treesacross it, in many places, and had broken down the bridges.

  "It was a gallant exploit, sir. I will, myself, take you in to theking."

  Oswald took off his jerkin.

  "I am but in poor plight to show myself before his majesty," he said,as he handed it to Roger.

  "Ah! I remember this good fellow," the earl said. "He is not one easilyforgotten, for 'tis seldom one sees so stout a man-at-arms.

  "As to your dress, 'tis nought; and indeed, it is in better order thanmost in camp, for the soldiers have no tents, and have, for the lastforty-eight hours, been over their ankles in mud and water.

  "Have you been with Mortimer ever since we harried Glendower's valley?"

  "No, my lord. I returned after that to the north, and was at Alnwickfor nine months. Then Sir Henry sent me back again to Ludlow, in orderthat I might keep him well informed of the extent of this rebellion,concerning which but few tidings came to him."

  They had, by this time, arrived at the entrance of the king's tent. Thetwo sentries on duty there stood back and saluted, as the earl entered,followed by Oswald.

  "This, sire, is a messenger, one Master Oswald Forster, an esquire ofSir Henry Percy's. He had been sent by his lord to Ludlow, to keep himacquainted with the extent of this rebellion. Some few days since, aroyal messenger reached the town, with a letter for you; as doubtless,in London, they cannot have known which way you were marching, anddirected it there, so that it might be forwarded to you thence. SirEdmund, having your royal order not to send any force away, would havebeen at a loss how to forward it; deeming that it would need a strongbody of men-at-arms to penetrate to you, as he knew, from what hadhappened on the two last expeditions, that the Welsh, being unable tooppose your advance, would swarm behind you, so as to preventreinforcements or convoys of provisions from reaching you. He was,therefore, doubtful as to what course to adopt, when this gentlemanvolunteered to carry it to you; and this he has accomplished, attendedby but a single follower. Knowing that he could only hope to reach youon foot, he and his man-at-arms left their horses at Welshpool; andhave made their way through the woods on foot, not without adventure,having lost their way in the storm, and having slept in the wood fortwo days, and killed five Welshmen, scarcely escaping a crowd of othersas they came in."

  "A very gallant deed, sir," the king said to Oswald, as the latter bentupon one knee and handed the letter to him. "By Our Lady, it was noslight thing to venture through the woods, swarming with these wildWelshmen. How long have you been an esquire to Percy?"

  "Over three years, sire."

  "I met Master Forster at Chester," the earl said. "He commanded a scoreof Percy's men, and rode with us when we captured Glendower's house.The knights with him told me that he and his little band had doneexcellent service, in the fight when the Welsh made their firstirruption; and that Sir Henry Percy had written in the warmest terms toMortimer, saying that the gentleman stood high in his regard, and thathe had the most perfect confidence in him, and had selected him for theservice since he was able to write well, and could, therefore,communicate freely with him as to the troubles on the Welsh border."

  "And have you been at Mortimer's ever since that time?" the king asked.

  Oswald noticed that each time Mortimer's name was mentioned, the king'sbrow was somewhat clouded.

  "Not so, your majesty. I returned to the north, with Percy's men, a fewdays after the capture of Glendower's house. I came back to Ludlow inthe spring."

  "Why did Sir Henry Percy despatch you there again?" the king asked,sharply.

  "From what he said, sire, it was because he was anxious to know whetherthe rebellion was growing, fearing that there might be somecorrespondence between Glendower and the Scots; and that, if it shouldcome to a point when you might have to lead the whole force of thesouth to put the Welsh down, the Scots might make a great irruptioninto the northern counties, and it would be needful for him to keep alarger body of men than usual under arms; as the earl, his father, andthe Earl of Westmoreland, would have to stand the whole brunt of thematter, for a time, without aid from the south."

  The king's brow cleared.

  "It was a thoughtful act of Sir Henry," he said; "and 'tis like enoughthat the Scots will, as you say, take advantage of our troubles here;and it is well, therefore, that the Lords of the Northern Marchesshould hold themselves in readiness.

  "What think you, Talbot? It seems to me that the bold service thisesquire has performed merits reward."

  "I think so, indeed," the earl said. "It was a singular act ofcourage."

  The king drew his sword from his scabbard.

  "Kneel, sir," he said.

  And, as Oswald knelt, the king laid the sword across his shoulder, andsaid, "Rise, Sir Oswald Forster."

  Oswald rose.

  "I thank you, my Lord King," he said, "and trust that I may live formany years to do worthy knightly service to my liege, who has so highlyhonoured me."

  "My lord," the king said to Talbot, "I leave it to you to see that thisyoung knight is provided with horse and armour. Unfortunately there ismore than one suit without an owner, at present. You will do well towait with me while I open this letter; which, maybe, contains matter ofmoment."

  Feeling that his audience was over, Oswald bowed deeply, and left thetent to rejoin Roger.

  "What said the king, master?"

  "He spoke much more highly of what we had done, Roger, than itdeserved; and as a reward for the service, he has just knighted me."

  "I think that he has done well, master!" Roger exclaimed, joyously. "Ihad hoped that Hotspur would have done it, after that adventure withthe Bairds; of which, as Alwyn told me, he spoke to him in tones ofwondrous praise."

  "That was a private business, Roger, and he would know that I wouldmuch rather that, when knighthood came, I should receive it for servicein the field. The king regards our coming here as a service to himself,and therefore rewarded me; but I would rather that it should have beenfor service in the field, against the enemy, than for tramping throughthe forest."

  "Yes, but a forest full of Welshmen," Roger said, "who are more to befeared, in that way, than when met in open fight."

  "Earl Talbot spoke very kindly of me, and said that he had heard that,with Percy's men, I had done good service in that fight with the Welsh,near Knighton."

  "That was certainly pretty hot work, master--I shall get to say SirOswald, in time; but at present my tongue is not used to it. What arewe to do now?"

"The king asked Lord Talbot to provide me with armour, and a horse; sowe must wait until he comes this way."

  It was half an hour before the earl came out.

  "The letter was of importance," he said, "and it is well that it wasbrought on.

  "Now, Sir Oswald, let us see to your matter. Two days ago Sir WilliamBaxter was killed, by a sudden attack of the Welsh, while he wasburning a village. His men rallied, beat off the Welsh, and brought hisbody in; and methinks his armour will fit you, though he was shorter,by two or three inches, than yourself."

  He accompanied Oswald to one of a small group of tents, standing aquarter of a mile farther down the road.

  "Is Sir William Baxter's squire here?"

  A young man at once came up.

  "I was his esquire, my lord."

  "I have the king's orders," the earl said, "that his arms, armour, andhorses are to be handed over, forthwith, to Sir Oswald Forster here,who will take command of his troop. He will take over all the otherbelongings of the knight."

  The young squire bowed.

  "I will hand them over to you, sir."

  "You will, of course, take possession of the tent also, Sir Oswald. SirWilliam was one of my knights. He was unwedded, and has no male kin;therefore, you need have no hesitation in taking his belongings; whichindeed we should, in any case, have little chance of taking back withus, for our waggons are but few, and will daily become fewer: for onsuch roads as these, both waggons and horses break down, and it will beas much as we can do to carry even necessities with us.

  "Come to my tent at noon, it lacks but an hour of it, and I willpresent you at dinner to some of my knights; among whom, for thepresent, I shall rank you."

  So saying, he turned away. The young squire held open the entrance ofthe tent, for Oswald to enter, and followed him in.

  "It seems a strange thing to be thus possessed of another man's goods,"he said.

  "It is often so," the squire said, "and sometimes even his estates gowith them, also. As the earl said, Sir William Baxter had none to whomthese things could have been given; seeing that he had, so far as Iknow, only one sister, to whom armour and horses could be of no use.She is one of the Countess of Talbot's ladies."

  "And what are you going to do, yourself?"

  "For the present, I know not," the squire said. "I had been with SirWilliam Baxter but three years. The knight I served with, before, wasthrown from his horse and killed; and Sir William, who had been justknighted, took me into his service."

  "How long have you been a squire?"

  "Six years, and I hoped that, in this campaign, I might have donesomething to win my spurs."

  "I am but a poor knight, Master--" and he paused.

  "Henry Pemberton," the squire said.

  "And being but knighted today, and having no lands to keep up myknighthood, it may be that the earl will appoint you to another of hisknights; but should he not do so, I shall be glad if, for the rest ofthis campaign, you will ride with me; and trust that you, too, may havean opportunity of gaining knighthood, before it is over. But whether orno, as soon as we cross the border again, I doubt not that you will beable to find some lord under whom you may gain advancement."

  "I will gladly do so, Sir Oswald. 'Tis strange that I should not haveseen your face before; for, since we left Worcester, I have come toknow the greater part of the esquires here."

  "I arrived but an hour ago," Oswald replied, "having made my waythrough the Welsh, on foot, with that tall fellow you saw without."

  "That was a dangerous deed, truly," Pemberton said, in tones ofsurprise. "May I ask why you essayed so perilous a feat?"

  "I was the bearer of a despatch for the king. I was an esquire to SirHenry Percy, but have for some time been staying with hisbrother-in-law, Sir Edmund Mortimer.

  "Had Sir William a man-at-arms, who served as his servant? For I shallmake my man-at-arms, who has gone through many adventures with me, hasfought by my side, and saved my life, my second squire."

  "Yes, a very good and trusty fellow."

  "Then of course I shall keep him on. Now, will you tell my man to comein?

  "Roger," he said, "You doubtless heard the earl's words, and I am nowmaster of this tent, together with the armour, horses, and clothes ofSir William Baxter. Master Henry Pemberton will act as my squire,during the campaign. You will be my second squire."

  "Well, master, I never looked so high as to become an esquire; andwould rather remain a simple man-at-arms, were it not that it will keepme near you."

  "You will find Roger a good comrade, Master Pemberton. He has been aman-at-arms at his own choice; for, as he can read and write as well asany clerk, he might have done better for himself."

  Pemberton looked, with some surprise, at Roger. He himself had notthese accomplishments, and he was surprised at finding a man-at-arms sowell endowed.

  "As you may tell by his speech," Oswald went on, "he is, like myself, aNorthumbrian; and has done good service in the wars with the Scots."

  "That I can well imagine," the squire said, with a smile. "I wouldcertainly wish for no stouter comrade."

  "We must see about arms and armour for you, Roger," Oswald said.

  "There will be no difficulty about that. None whatever, Sir Oswald. Wehave lost fully three hundred men, since we crossed the border, and ahundred and fifty since we came here, four days since. There is a pileof harness and arms, lying by the roadside; and there, methinks, it islikely it will lie. You have but to go with him, when you have attiredyourself and buckled on spurs, and you can pick and choose among it.Assuredly, no one will gainsay you."

  Oswald now changed his attire. The clothes were handsome, and fittedhim well. Then he buckled on the golden spurs, put on the knightlyarmour--for he had observed that the earl, and the knights that he hadseen in the camp, all kept on full armour, being ever in expectation ofsudden attack.

  "Truly you make a handsome figure, Sir Oswald," said Roger, who hadbeen assisting him. "Little did I think, when I used to rail at you atyour books, that you would grow into so stalwart a man; and that Ishould follow you in the field, as your squire. Your armour fits you asif made for you, save that these cuishes scarce meet your body armour.In truth, though bad for him, it was lucky for you that the master ofthis tent came to his death when he did."

  "I like a steel cap better than this helmet, though I say not that itlooks so well."

  "Not by a long way," Roger said. "Nought could become you better. Whatcognizance do you mean to take?"

  "I have not thought about it, yet. There will be time enough for that,after the war is over."

  "Well, at any rate, master, I will today set about getting Sir WilliamBaxter's off the shield. Methinks that, with some sand from the riverbed, I shall be able to manage it with an hour's rubbing."

  "Now, come along, Roger. There is no time to be lost, for I dine atmidday with the Earl of Talbot. Master Pemberton will show us where thearmour is lying."

  There was, indeed, a large pile.

  Oswald then said, "As you are known, Master Pemberton, you had betterstop here; for it will take some picking before Roger is suited. As itis but two minutes to twelve, I must hurry back to Lord Talbot's tent."

  Some seven or eight knights were already there. Lord Talbot introducedhim to them and, as they dined, Oswald related, at their request, moreparticularly how he had got through the Welsh--a task that seemed tothem well-nigh impossible, since the soldiers dared not venture even tothe edge of the forest, so thickly were the Welsh posted there.

  "That man-at-arms must be a stalwart fellow, indeed," said one, "tokill three Welshmen with nought but a quarterstaff."

  "If you had seen the man, and the staff, Sir Victor, you would not besurprised," Lord Talbot said. "He stands some six feet four, and hasshoulders that might rival Samson's. As to his quarterstaff, I markedit. It was of oak, and full two inches across; and a blow with it, fromsuch arms, would crack an iron casque, to say nothing of a Welshskull."