Read Both Sides the Border: A Tale of Hotspur and Glendower Page 8

  Chapter 8: Ludlow Castle.

  Oswald Forster had not been present when, in June, 1400, the kingarrived at Alnwick. A few days after the coming of the Earl of March,Hotspur received a letter from Sir Edmund Mortimer, the brother of hiswife; asking him to send a body of men-at-arms, under an experiencedcaptain who could aid him to drill newly-raised levies; for that oneOwen Glendower had taken up arms against the Lord Grey de Ruthyn, andthat turbulent men were flocking to his standard, and it was fearedthat serious trouble might ensue. Percy was in a position to send butfew men, for with war with the Scotch imminent, he could not weakenhimself by sending off a large force. However, he sent for AlwynForster.

  "I need twenty picked men, for the service of Sir Edmund Mortimer,Alwyn. I would send more, were it not for the position of affairs here.What say you to taking the command of them?"

  "I would gladly do so, my lord, if it be that there is a chance ofsomething more lively than drilling hinds, and turning them intomen-at-arms, which has been my business for years now, without a chanceof striking a blow in earnest."

  "I think that there will be a certainty of fighting, Alwyn. TheWelshmen are growing troublesome again, and Sir Edmund thinks thatthere may be tough work, on the Welsh marches, and has written to mefor aid.

  "With the king coming hither, there is a chance that the Earl of March,and myself, will open the war by harrying the Douglas's lands. I canspare no great force, but even twenty tried men-at-arms would, nodoubt, be welcome. As the king is going to march into Scotland, thereis no fear that there will be any serious invasion by the Scots, andtherefore you can be spared for a while. I think not that any of myknights would care to go in command of so small an array, but I thoughtthat you might like to take it."

  "I shall be right glad to do so, my lord."

  "I shall send your nephew with you. He is a shrewd and gallant youngfellow, and I know he would far rather be taking part in activeservice, against the Welsh, than spending his time in idleness, here.He has been too long used to a life on horseback to rest contented tobe cooped up in a castle. Besides, there will be a good opportunity ofdistinguishing himself, and of learning something of a warfare evenwilder, and more savage, than that in these northern marches."

  "I should like much to have him with me, my lord. Methinks that he hasthe making of a right good knight; and, young as he is, I am sure thathis head is better than mine, and I should not be too proud to takecounsel of him, if needs be."

  "That is settled then, Alwyn. Choose your men, and set off tomorrowmorning. Ralph Peyton, your lieutenant, shall take the command of thegarrison until you return."

  Oswald was delighted when his uncle told him of the mission with whichhe was charged, and that he himself was to accompany him.

  "You are to have the choice of the men-at-arms, Uncle?"

  "Yes, Oswald. I know what you are going to say. You would like to havethat mad monk of yours, as one of them."

  "That should I, Uncle. You have no stouter man-at-arms in all yourband, and he has proved that he can be discreet when he chooses, anddid me good service in my last expedition."

  "Very well, lad, we will take him. I will send one of the men over, atonce, for him to join us on the road tomorrow. I shall choose young andactive fellows, of whom we have plenty. I have never fought against theWelsh; but they are light footed, and agile, and their country is fullof hills and swamps. The older men would do as good service here, werethe castle besieged in our absence; of which, however, there is butslight chance; but for work against the Welsh, they would be of littleuse."

  Hotspur himself spoke to Oswald, that evening.

  "Here is a missive to give to Sir Edmund Mortimer. I have commended youto him, telling him that, though young, there is not one of my squiresin whom I could more implicitly trust; and that you had carried out adelicate mission for me, with rare discretion and courage. Your uncle,as an old retainer, and a good fighter, and the captain of my garrison,goes in command of the men-at-arms, and in regular fighting one couldneed no better officer; but in such warfare as that against the Welshis like to be, yours will be the better head to plan, and as my squireyou will represent me. I have specially commended you to him, as onealways to be depended upon."

  "I am greatly beholden to your lordship," Oswald said, "and will try tojustify the commendations that you have given me."

  At daybreak on the following morning, the little party rode out fromthe castle. Oswald with his uncle rode in front; the former in thehighest spirits, while the sturdy old soldier was himself scarce lesspleased, at this change from the monotony of life in garrison.

  "Years seem to have fallen off my shoulders, lad," he said, "and I feelas young as I did when I fought at Otterburn."

  "That was a bad business, Uncle; and I trust that no such misfortune asthat will befall us, this time."

  "I hope not, indeed, Oswald. It was a sore fight, and we are scarcelikely to have a pitched battle with these Welsh carls. They fight notmuch in our fashion, as I have heard; but dash down from their hills,and carry fire and sword through a district, and are off again before aforce can be gathered to strike a blow. Then there are marches to andfro among their hills, but it is like chasing a will-o'-the-wisp; andlike enough, just when you think you have got them cooped up, andprepare to strike a heavy blow, they are a hundred miles away,plundering and ravaging on our side of the frontier. They are half-wildmen, short in stature, and no match for us when it comes tohand-to-hand fighting; but broad in the shoulder, tireless, and activeas our shaggy ponies, and well-nigh as untamable. 'Tis fighting inwhich there is little glory, and many hard knocks to be obtained; butit is a good school for war. It teaches a man to be ever watchful andon his guard, prepared to meet sudden attacks, patient underdifficulties; and, what is harder, to be able to go without eating ordrinking for a long time, for they say that you might as well expect tofind corn and ale on the crest of the Grampians, as you would on theWelsh hills."

  "The prospect doesn't look very pleasant, Uncle," Oswald laughed."However, their hills can scarcely be more barren than ours, nor canthey be quicker on the stroke than the border raiders; and for suchwork, we of the northern marches have proved far more useful than thebeefy men of the south."

  "No doubt, no doubt; and maybe that, for that reason, Sir Edmund prayedHotspur to send a detachment to his aid; for he would know that we areaccustomed to a country as rough, and to a foe as active as he has nowto meet.

  "I wonder what has stirred up the Welsh now, knowing as they do that,although they may gain successes at first, it always ends in theharrying of their lands, and the burning of their castles and villages.They have been quiet for some years. But they are always like a swarmof bees. They will work, quietly enough, till they take offence atsomething; then they will pour out in a fury, attacking all they comeacross, and caring nothing about death, so that they can but prick anenemy with their stings. Maybe it is the report that the king isengaging in another Scotch war, and they think that it is a good timeto gather spoil from their neighbours. They used to be mightily givento warring among themselves, but of late I have heard but little ofthis.

  "It is a hundred years, now, since they were really troublesome, androse under Morgan ap Madoc; and Edward the Second had himself to reducethem to submission, and build strong castles at Conway, Beaumaris, andother places. There have been one or two partial risings, since then,but nothing of much consequence. It may well be that the presentgeneration, who have not themselves felt the power of English arms, mayhave decided to make another stroke for independence; and if so, itwill need more than Mortimer's force, or that of the other borderbarons, to bring them to reason; and as for our little detachment, itwill be but a drop in the ocean. However, it may be that this is a merequarrel, between Mortimer and some of his neighbours.

  "I have heard somewhat of the Welshman Owen Glendower, who lives inthose parts. He has a grievance against Lord Grey of Ruthyn; who, as hesays, unjustly seized a small estate of his. I know that he petitionedParliam
ent for redress, but that his petition was lately refused."

  "'Tis strange that such a man should have known enough of English lawto have made a petition to our parliament."

  "Yes; but he is no common man. He went to England and studied at ouruniversities, and even lived in the inns of court, and learned the lawsof this country. Then, strangely enough, he became an esquire in thehousehold of King Richard, and did good service to him; and when thecourt was broken up, on Richard being dethroned, he went away to hisestate in Wales. Since then I have not heard of him, save as to thisdispute with Lord Grey and his petition to Parliament thereon; but menwho were at Richard's court have told me that he was a courteousgentleman, of excellent parts and, it was said, of much learning."

  "Such a man might be a formidable enemy," Oswald said; "and if he hasbeen robbed by Lord Grey, he might well head an insurrection, torecover his estates from that noble."

  In the course of their ride they were joined by Roger, who warmlythanked Alwyn for having selected him as one of his band. The othersoldiers received him heartily, for the fighting monk had been afamiliar personage at Alnwick, and his mighty strength and jovialdisposition rendered him very popular among the soldiers of thegarrison. There had been general satisfaction among them, when it wasknown that he had laid aside his monk's gown, and had become one of thePercys' men-at-arms; and there had been many expressions of regret thathe had been sent off, instead of forming one of the garrison ofAlnwick. Two or three of them addressed him, as usual, as monk, but hesaid:

  "Look here, comrades, I have been a monk, and a bad one, and the lesssaid about it the better. I am no longer a monk, but a man-at-arms; andas I am not proud of my doings as a monk, I have given up the title, asI have given up the garb. Therefore I give fair notice that whosoever,in future, shall address me as monk, will feel the weight of my arm. Myname is Roger, and as Roger let me be called, henceforth."

  So saying, he fell into his place in the line, when the cavalcadecontinued their way.

  The journey was a long one. Oswald had been well supplied with funds,and seldom found difficulty in obtaining lodgings for the party. Thesight of an esquire, with a small troop of men-at-arms wearing thePercy cognizance, excited no curiosity as they rode south; but whenthey turned westward it was otherwise, and at their halting placesOswald and his uncle, who dined apart from the others, were alwaysquestioned as to their destination.

  But when it was known that they were travelling to the castle ofMortimer, whose sister was the wife of their lord, none were surprised;for rumours were already current of troubles on the Welsh border; andwhen they entered Shropshire they heard that Owen Glendower, with aconsiderable force, had fallen suddenly upon the retainers of Lord Greyde Ruthyn, had killed many, and had reoccupied the estates of which hehad been deprived by that nobleman.

  On the fifteenth day after leaving Alnwick they arrived at LudlowCastle, of which Mortimer was the lord. Oswald was at once conducted tothe hall where the knight was sitting.

  "I am bearer of a message from Sir Henry Percy," he said; "he has senthither a party of twenty men-at-arms, under the command of the captainof his garrison, at Alnwick."

  "I had hoped for more," the knight said, taking the missive and openingit; "but I can understand that, now the king is marching againstScotland, Percy cannot spare troops to despatch so long a distance. Itrust that he and my sister, his wife, and the earl are in goodhealth?"

  "I left them so, sir."

  The knight read Hotspur's letter.

  "He speaks in terms of high commendation of you, young sir," he said,as he laid the letter down on the table. "Such commendation is rarelybestowed on one so young. I marvelled somewhat, when you entered, thatSir Henry Percy should have sent so young a squire; but from what hesays, I doubt not that his choice is a good one; and indeed, it isplain that your muscles have had rare exercise, and that you can standfatigue and hardship better than many older men. It is like that youwill have your share, for the whole border seems to be unsettled. Youhave heard that this Glendower has boldly attacked, and driven out,Lord Grey's retainers from the estates he had taken.

  "As to the rights of that matter, I have nought to say. Lord Greymanages the affairs with the Welsh in his own county of Denbighshire,and along the north; and I keep their eastern border, and I meddle notwith his affairs, nor he with mine. I know that this Glendower is asupporter of King Richard, of whom there are many tales current; somesaying that he escaped from Pomfret, and is still alive, though I doubtnot that the report that he died there is true. We know that there is,in Scotland, a man whom it pleases Albany to put forward as Richard;but this, methinks, is but a device to trouble our king. Whether thisGlendower believes in this man, or not, I know not; but certain it isthat he would embrace any opportunity to prove his hostility to Henry,whom he professes to regard as a usurper. Whether it is on account ofhis holding such opinions, and foolishly giving expression to them,that Lord Grey thought fit to seize his estates I know not; nor,indeed, do I care. Now, however, that the man has taken up arms, and byforce has dispossessed Lord Grey, the matter touches all of us who areresponsible for the keeping of peace in the Welsh marches.

  "Were it only a quarrel between Lord Grey and this man, it would matterbut little; but, from all I hear, he exercises a strange influence overhis countrymen, who deem that he has mysterious powers, and can call upspirits to aid him. For myself, I have never known an instance wherenecromancy or spirits have availed, in any way, against stout arms andgood armour; but such is not, assuredly, the opinion of the unlearned,either in this country or in Wales. But these mountaineers arealtogether without learning, and are full of superstitions. Even withus, a man more learned than the commonalty is deemed, by them, todabble in the black art; and it may well be that this reputationGlendower has obtained is altogether due to the fact that he has muchknowledge, whereas the people have none. However that may be, there isno doubt that the Welsh people are mostly ignorant; and that, at thecall of this Glendower, men from all parts are hastening to join hisbanner. Even on this side of the border there are complaints that theWelsh servants are leaving, not openly and after a due termination ofservice, but making off at night, and without a word of warning.

  "All this would seem to show that there is trouble on hand, and itbehoves us to be watchful, and to hold ourselves in readiness; lest atany time they should, as in the days of old, cross the border, andcarry fire and sword through Shropshire and Hereford. The royal castlesin Wales could, doubtless, hold out against all attacks; but thegarrisons would have to remain pent up within their walls, untilsuccour reached them. Fortunately, most of them are situated near thesea, and could be relieved without the troops having to march throughplaces where a heavily armed man can scarce make his way, and wherethese active and half-clad Welshmen can harass them, night and day,without ever giving them a chance of coming to close quarters.

  "A messenger from Lord Grey arrived here, yesterday. Indeed, since theattack on his retainers, we have been in constant communication. Atfirst he made light of the matter, and said that he should like to havethe Welshman hanging from the battlements of his castle; but, duringthe last week, his messages have been less hopeful. Glendower haddisappeared from the neighbourhood altogether, leaving a sort ofproclamation to Lord Grey affixed to the door of his house; sayingthat, next time he heard of him, no mercy would be shown, and every manwould be slain. He now says that rumours reach him of large gatherings,and that there are bonfires, nightly, on the hilltops. He doubts notthat the troubles will soon be suppressed, but admits that much bloodmay have to be spilt, ere it is done.

  "I can bear testimony to the bonfires, for from the top of the keep adozen can be seen, any night, blazing among the hills."

  "Of course, sir, your messenger, asking Lord Percy to send a body ofmen-at-arms here, was despatched before Glendower's attack on LordGrey?"

  "Certainly; but it is three months, now, since Parliament refusedGlendower's appeal for justice against Lord Grey; and rumours have bee
nbusy, ever since. Some said that he was travelling through the valleys,accompanied by some of the harpers, who have always taken a leadingpart in stirring up the Welsh to insurrection. Some avow that he hasretired to a fortress, and was there weaving designs for the overthrowof Lord Grey, and even of the whole of the English castles. Some saythat he claims to be a descendant of Llewellyn, and the rightful kingof Wales.

  "There is some foundation for this, for I have talked to some of thebetter class of Welsh; who have, like Glendower, studied in ouruniversities. The Welsh are, above all things, fond of long pedigrees,and can trace, or pretend to trace, the lineage of all their principalfamilies up to Noah; and some of them admit that there is some groundfor the claim Glendower is said to have made.

  "Still, all these rumours make me feel uneasy. As we have had manyyears of quiet here, it has not been necessary to keep up more than asufficient number of men-at-arms for the defence of this castle. Imight have increased the force, for the people of these parts bear adeep animosity against the Welsh, and dread them greatly; as they maywell do, from the many wrongs and outrages they have suffered at theirhands. One reason why I have not taken on many men, since the talk ofcoming troubles began, is that, close to the border as we are, manyhave connections with the Welsh by business or marriage; and these, ifenrolled in the garrison, might serve as spies, and give warning of anymovement we might undertake. I had hoped that Percy could have sparedme a hundred good men-at-arms. I would rather have had his men thanothers, because they have been trained in border warfare, by theconstant troubles in Scotland; and would, moreover, come to me with abetter heart than others, since Sir Henry's wife is my sister, and itis, therefore, almost a family quarrel upon which they have entered.

  "Had I known, when I wrote, that the king was on his way north, Ishould have taken steps to raise my strength elsewhere, as of coursePercy would have occasion to use every lance he could muster. Lord Greyhas sent off a messenger to the king, begging him to denounce thisfellow as an outlaw; and should he be troublesome, he himself may,after he has done with the Scots, send hither a force; for although wemay hope, with the aid of the levies of the border counties, to driveback the Welsh in whatever force they may come, 'tis another thing tomarch into the mountains. The matter has been tried, again and again,and has always taxed the power of England to the utmost.

  "'Tis of no use lamenting over spilt milk but, for my part, I regretthat Parliament did not give a fair hearing to Glendower's complaintagainst Lord Grey. The refusal to do so was a high-handed one. It hasdriven this man to desperation, and has enlisted the sympathies of allWelshmen who have English neighbours; for they cannot but say, amongthemselves, 'If he is to be plundered and despoiled, and his complaintsrefused a hearing, what is to prevent our being similarly despoiled?'Tis surely better to take up the sword, at once, and begin again thefight for our independence.'

  "As it is, it may cost thousands of lives, immense efforts, and vasttrouble before things are placed on their former footing.

  "Doubtless, the captain of the men-at-arms you have brought is a goodsoldier, since Percy says that he is captain of his garrison atAlnwick!"

  "He bears a high reputation in Northumberland, Sir Edmund. I may saythat he is my uncle, and 'tis from his recommendation that Lord Percy,in the first place, took me into his household."

  "I will go down and speak with him," the knight said. "I gave orders,as soon as I heard who had arrived, that proper entertainment should begiven to all; yet it is but right that I should, myself, go down tothank them for having come so far; and to welcome their captain, whoseexperience will be of no small use to my own men, who have never beenengaged in border war. Some have fought in France, but under conditionsso different that their experience will aid them but little; save,indeed, if the Welsh grow so strong and so bold that they venture toattack this castle."

  Percy's men, when the knight descended, had indeed sat down to supperwith the retainers of the castle, while Alwyn was being entertained bythe captain of his men-at-arms. All rose to their feet when Sir Edmundentered, but he waved his hand to them, to be seated.

  "Finish your meal," he said, "and afterwards, if you will muster in thecourtyard, I will inspect you, and see what stout Northumberland menLord Percy has sent me."

  He then went up to the top of the keep with Oswald, pointed out thedistant hills, and told him what valleys and villages lay among them,and the direction in which such roads as there were ran. By the timethey had descended, Percy's men were drawn up in the courtyard.

  "This is my uncle, Captain Alwyn Forster," Oswald said, "of whom LordPercy has written to you."

  "I am glad to see so stout a soldier here," the knight said, holdingout his hand to Alwyn; "and I am grateful to Lord Percy for sending, inanswer to my request, one in whom he has such perfect confidence; and Ispecially thank you for having willingly relinquished so important apost, to head so small a following."

  "I was glad to come, Sir Edmund, for I had rested so long, at Alnwick,that I longed for some brisk action, and fell gladly into my lord'sview, when he requested me to come hither. I can answer for my men, forthey are all picked, by myself, from among the stoutest of Sir Henry'sfollowing."

  "That I can well believe," the knight said, as he looked at the twentytroopers. "Tall, strong men all; and as brave as they are strong, Idoubt not. I shall be glad to have so stout a band to ride behind me,if these Welshmen break out.

  "You are all accustomed to border warfare, but this differs a good dealfrom that in Northumberland. While the northern forays are mostly madeby horsemen, it is rare that your Welshman adventures himself onhorseback. But they are as active as your wild ponies, and as swift;and, if the trouble increases, they will give you plenty to do.

  "I learn from your lord's letter that you will be, as usual, under payfrom him while you are with me. I shall pay you as much more. 'Tis meetthat, if you render me service, I should see that you are comfortable,and well contented."

  There was a murmur of satisfaction among the men and, afterrecommending them to the care of the captain of the garrison, andbidding Alwyn speak in the name of his men, fearlessly, for anythingthat should be lacking, Sir Edmund left the courtyard.

  The seneschal of the castle, Sir John Wyncliffe, requested Oswald tofollow him. He first showed him the chamber, in one of the turrets,that he was to occupy; and then took him down to the hall, where twoother knights, four esquires, and two or three pages were assembled, inreadiness for the supper.

  Mortimer, with his wife and two daughters, presently came down and tookhis place at the head of the table; at which the others sat down, inorder of their rank. As a guest, Oswald was placed among the knights.Before sitting down, Sir Edmund presented him to his wife anddaughters.

  "This is one of Sir Henry Percy's esquires," he said, "and can give youmore news of Sir Percy's wife; of whom, beyond saying that she sendsher greetings to you all, Hotspur tells us nothing."

  "Have you been long a member of Sir Henry Percy's household?"

  "But a year, my lady."

  "Hotspur speaks of him in very high terms, and says that he hasrendered him great services, and that he has the highest confidence inhim."

  "To what family do you belong, sir?" the dame asked. "From my husband'ssister, who was staying here some months since, I learned much of yournorthern families."

  "I am the son of John Forster of Yardhope, who has the reputation ofbeing as hard a fighter as any on the border. He is not a knight,though of fair estates; for, although Earl Percy offered himknighthood, for his services at the battle of Otterburn, he said thathe preferred remaining plain John Forster, as his fathers had beenbefore him. My mother was a daughter of Sir Walter Gillespie, and myuncle is captain of the garrison of Alnwick; and it was for hisgoodwill towards him, and my father, that Sir Henry appointed me one ofhis esquires, thinking, moreover, that I might be more useful thansome, because I know every foot of the border, having relations on theScottish side of it."

  They now sat dow
n to supper. After it was over, Sir Edmund took Oswaldwith him to his wife's bower.

  "There," he said, "you can talk at your ease, and tell us how mysister, your mistress, is, and the children."

  "Did you not say, Sir Edmund," his wife asked, "that it was the captainof his men-at-arms that Sir Hotspur sent hither, in command of theband?"

  "That is so, dame."

  "Then, surely, he should have been at our table."

  "I asked him," Sir Edmund replied, "but he said that he would rather,with my permission, lodge with John Baldry; who is, like himself, astout soldier, but who likes better his own society than that of thehigh table. He said that, except upon rare and special occasions, healways has been accustomed to take his meals alone, or with somecomrades whom he could take to his room. As this is also John Baldry'shabit, he prayed me to allow him to accept his invitation to share hisroom."

  "What he says about his habits is true, my lady. I can well understandmy uncle cares not for company where it would not be seemly for him toraise his voice, or to enter into a hot argument, on some point ofarms."

  "What were the services of which Sir Henry speaks?"

  "It was a mission with which he charged me, and which involved somedanger."

  "By the way," Dame Mortimer said, "my sister-in-law wrote to me, sometime since, telling us of a strange conflict that was held between oneof the squires, and another who had been newly appointed; and who, onone of the mountain ponies, worsted his opponent, although the latterwas much older, and moreover clad in full armour, and riding a heavywarhorse. Was it you who were the victor on that occasion?"

  "I can scarce be said to have been the victor, my lady. It was, indeed,hardly a combat. But I maintained that one accustomed to the exercisesin use among our border men, and mounted on one of our ponies,accustomed to move with great rapidity, and to turn and twist at theslightest movement of the rider's knee, would be a match for aheavy-armed knight in single combat; although a number would have nochance, against the charge of a handful of mailed knights; and SirHenry put it to the proof, at once."