Read Boucher's World: Emergent Page 19

  Chapter Seven

  THE FRONT OF THE LITTLE COTTAGE FACED the east, so Jade, who was sitting on the steps watching Alex and Ro unload gear from the hover-van, had a great view of the sunrise. It grew steadily brighter and suddenly, red streaks mixed with orange and yellow, lanced up across the morning sky, setting the clouds afire and washing out the last of the stars and the night. She could see, faintly, riding rapidly ahead of the rising sun, the nearly full middle moon, Lunatoo, as it followed it’s prescribed path toward the west. The other two moons, Rim and Silver, had raced ahead hours ago and had already put themselves to bed for the day.

  She glanced back at Alex and Ro smiling to herself. Those two had really hit it off. Their voices murmured softly in the early morning air. Well, mostly it was Ro’s voice. She was doing most of the talking while sucking on a huge cup of coffee she held in one hand - she was not good with mornings, always had to have her coffee to get going - while Alex did a lot of grinning and most of the unloading.

  They had swung by the work camp to pick up Dots. Both Maggie and Alex gaped at her when they saw her for the first time, and their driver, Lin, declared that she would never fit into the van. They managed, after the three back rows of seats were retracted and some of the gear was rearranged.

  Heh, good thing there was storage on top, thought Jade.

  Now, Dots, pink coat and yellow spots shining in the early light, was coming toward the porch, dwarfing Tally walking beside her.

  Dots stopped at the steps happily regarding Jade with her black, button-like eyes. The hair on her head had been brushed into bangs that fell just to either side of her eyes and she’d had Ro tie them up with a bright red ribbon above each brow to keep them in place.

  Jade thought she looked really pretty and said so.

  “Thanky, Jade,” she replied amicably, “I likes yer shirt, it’s gorgeous.” She had a surprisingly beautiful contralto voice and, unlike Tally, she was very much at ease using it. Sometimes, she even sang. And was good at it.

  Jade had dashed out the day before, determined to get some kind of shopping done before the trek. There was no point in getting that cute outfit - a tunic with an asymmetrical hem line and matching leggings - she had been eyeing for a while. That wouldn’t work well on this trip and she could get it later, when she got back. Instead, she had found a real sweet, short sleeved, deep blue shirt with a peacock design in silver that wrapped around to the back, and a sky-blue pair of stretch denims that went great with her black walking boots and her black leather jacket.

  Today she was wearing her hair in her modified mohawk, where she left the section down the middle loose and corn-rowed the sides up. She’d worn it like that several times since she first saw an image of one salvaged from records from before the Turmoils. The style reminded her of the Elvwists crests, which she had always admired. She was considering shaving the sides as in the image and maybe changing the hair color again, to something different, maybe a multi-color. She still hadn’t made a decision on that, yet.

  “I guess I’d better go help them with the rest of the gear…” she started, trailing off when she saw two vehicles pull up behind the van.

  The doors opened on the first, and Rachel jumped out of one side, Morgan out the other. They smiled and waved at everyone and reached back in to start removing their gear.

  The other was one of the vehicles built to accommodate the height of the Elvwist, so she knew it must be Sparrow. It got out stretching it’s long legs as it stood up and looked around at them, homing in on Dots. It considered her with its large, expressive eyes. It turned and nodded at Jade.

  it sent, with a smile.

  Jade grinned, and sent back a cheerful,

  She had known Sparrow all her life. Along with Morgan, it had been one of her father’s best friends. It really liked children and young people, and would sometimes play with her and Alex when her father took them to the enclave with him or when it came to visit them. She still remembered climbing up on its lap and reaching up to touch its soft crest feathers, or clinging to one of its extra-long legs for a ride, Sparrow pretending not to notice her there as it carefully shortened its stride and walked a little slower.

  Had it been Human, no doubt she would have called it uncle - or aunt. She had never thought about that aspect - it was always just “Sparrow”, an adult that cared for her. Especially after her father was lost. It had stepped in and helped them all get through the awful time after they lost contact with him, his expedition never making it back home. Because her godfather, Morgan, had still been slowly recovering from the near fatal accident that had killed his vow-mate, Bell, and also prevented him from going on her father’s expedition, he hadn’t been able to do much more than mourn with them.

  So Jade had clung to Sparrow a lot during that time and had grown to love and trust the tall being. She hadn’t seen it as much since she left home but the feelings were still there.

  Like all of its kind, it was humanoid but no one would ever mistake it for a Human. It was tall - nine and a half feet - making it look slimmer that it actually was. Currently, it’s smooth, silky skin was a silvery gray. It had almond-shaped, cobalt blue eyes fringed in long, thick, silvery blue lashes, a long face with a small chin and a mouth with surprisingly soft, full lips. Occasionally, the tip of a very dark, almost black tongue could be seen when it laughed, and it had rather Human looking teeth. Its nose was flat and wide with two nostrils that looked almost too small to breathe through but could open up much wider when necessary, such as when it ran.

  It had a striking, foot high, feathered, frond-like crest in brilliant shades of blue and silver, running from almost between its eyes, up over its head and down it’s long neck, laying down and disappearing beneath its long sleeved, loose white tunic. The crest tapered off and ended at the base of its spine.

  It tilted it’s long, narrow head at Dots, no doubt using mind-speak. Dots nodded once and ambled down the path, her huge shaggy body seeming to float as she padded toward it.

  Tally shot a quick thought at Jade: and swung around to follow her.

  Jade wondered what that was all about. Tally had spent a lot of time with his friend, Journey, this past week, and they’d all been pretty busy for the last two weeks so she hadn’t had a chance to talk to him much. Then the door on the other side of Sparrow’s vehicle opened and she forgot about Sparrow, Dots, Tally, or anything else. She almost forgot to breath.

  The most gorgeous Human male she’d ever seen in all of her eighteen years emerged. He was tall for a Human - taller than Alex, even - with platinum hair that fell to his broad shoulders in thick ropy coils. The hair contrasted with his mahogany skin. The dark green shirt he wore hugged his muscular chest and biceps. He had on loose fitting gray pants cinched in at his narrow waist with a broad black belt that matched his boots. He stood looking up at the brightening sky for a moment, then suddenly swung his head in her direction as if he felt her staring, piercing her with deep green eyes.

  Her knees felt wobbly as she finally remembered to take a breath. She fervently hoped that he wasn’t just the driver. She hoped he was - what was the other expedition members’ name?

  Shards. She realized she hadn’t heard what his name was. Well, she was sure going to find out. She started down the path, praying she looked normal - and wasn’t stumbling or drooling, or anything else equally as brainless.

  “Jade,” called Maggie, who had gone into the cottage carrying gear and was now standing in the doorway. “Help Alex and Ro finish bringing the equipment in, please.”

  “Okay, Mom,” Jade answered as Maggie’s voice penetrated her benumbed brain. She continued her forward motion but changed directions. To her surprise - and relief - her voice sounded perfectly normal. Her throat had gone so dry she was sure any words would come out in a horrible croak. Her face felt hot in the cool morning breeze as she continued on down the path to their hover-van.

  She reached the va
n just as Alex, dressed in his usual all-over black, slung the straps of a large leather bag over his shoulder and picked up two smaller packs. Ro, hair in a ponytail and still auburn-hued, was dressed today in brown denims tucked into her black walking boots and a bright red tunic top. She picked up two bags and they both turned to start toward the cottage.

  Jade grabbed two bags sitting beside some crates, composed herself, and grinned at them. “Sure is taking you two a long time to unload the van,” she said. “Mom’s getting impatient so I guess we need to step it up.”

  Alex smiled at her. “You’re right, we have kind of been dragging our feet. We stayed up late last night talking when we should have been sleeping, remember?”

  Last night had been the first time the three of them had been able to sit down and relax since learning that, thanks to Sparrow, they were all going on the expedition.

  They had all been sent to Healer Chen to get a check-up. Jade, Tally, and Ro had made arrangements to be away from their jobs for an indefinite period, Alex had to go back to the enclave for a final assessment in two of his classes. Ro had gone to visit her parents before the trip. Jade and Alex’s twin brothers, Sebastian and Malcolm, and their sister, Genevieve and her husband, Thomas, had come to say goodbye.

  Then there were esa tests. Jade hadn’t been tested for psychic abilities or potential since she left End School, where the testers had never found her to have any esa at all, or any potential, either. She’d groused about being uselessly tested again. Sparrow had insisted, though. This time, she was tested by an Elvwist.

  Jade didn’t know how the rest of them had made out on their tests, but to her surprise, she was told that she would probably soon start to exhibit any talent she had. The tester seemed to think she had a lot of potential, though it couldn’t determine what abilities might be involved. She had considered this, then dismissed it. It did make her remember Healer Chen’s odd look, though, and his asking her about her esa when he’d checked her after that scan at her mother’s.

  “Yes,” agreed Jade, smiling back, “and do you remember that I said we needed to get to bed so we would be rested and fresh this morning? Oh, yeah, now I remember: you had to walk Ro - slowly - back to her Aunt and Uncle’s.” She chuckled at the indignant look Ro shot her.

  She had drifted off to sleep after they left but awakened momentarily when she heard Alex come back in. She glanced blurrily at the clock imbedded in her bedroom door, and noted he had been gone over two hours - to walk approximately a mile. She’d chuckled softly to herself, pleased that her brother and her friend liked - well, more than liked - each other. She didn’t think Alex would be seeing his sleep buddy at school anymore, and was sure Ro had given up hers back at the work camp. She’d turned over and gone back to sleep.

  Ro started to retort but then her eyes flicked past Jade at someone coming up behind her. Alex’s eyes followed to where Ro was looking and he broke out in a broad grin, his face lighting up.

  “Kendis!” he exclaimed. “I was hoping you were the other person going on this little trip. Come and meet my sister, Jadewyn, and her friend, Rolanda.”

  Jade’s heart started thumping so hard she was sure everybody would hear it. She managed to keep a straight face as she turned to greet the newcomer.

  Ro tilted her head back, craning to look up at him. Her brow furrowed. “Don’ I know you from somewhere’s?”

  Kendis chuckled. “Three years ago, the northern fields near Village Seven. Nuisance Apprehender Ken at your service. Hello, Ro,” he said in a deep baritone. He clicked his heels together and gave a mock salute.

  Wow! Nice smile, and …sexy voice! thought Jade. Cute butt, too. She clamped her mental shields down as tightly as she could. She definitely didn’t want to be leaking any stray thoughts right now.

  Ro broke out in a grin of recognition. “Ken Rost! Gods! But ya grew, no wonder I din’t recognize you! You grew yer hair out, too!”

  “And you haven’t grown,” laughed Kendis as he studied her. “At least, not taller,” he amended as he looked her over. He took her hand and gave it a gentle shake.

  “A shake? Tha’s all I git?” cried Ro, throwing her arms out. “Bend yo’ lanky self down so’s I kin git a hug!”

  Jade and Alex watched smiling as they hugged, each feeling just a teensy tug of envy, wondering just how well those two had known each other.

  Ro turned to Alex, still holding Kendis’ hands, and said, “You won’t believe this, but this guy warn’t any taller than Jade th’ last time I saw him. And look at ’im now!”

  She turned him loose, and put her hands on her hips looking up at him, incredulously. “What th’ heck have they been feedin’ you at that enclave you went to? You musta grew at least a foot!” Then it dawned on her, “Hey! Tha’s how you and Alex know each other, huh? Ya’ll’re both Sparrows’ students. Fantastic,” she went on, “that’s great! I’ve been thinkin’ ‘bout goin’ there when we git back. Maybe --”

  Jade saw her friend was about to get off into one of her serious chatters here, so she stuck out her hand and said with a smile, “Hello, Kendis, I’m Jade.”

  Kendis reached out to shake her hand, and as their fingers touched, a miniature, jagged bolt of blue shot between them. Startled, she tried to jerk back but he caught her hand before she could. He stood still, a perplexed look spreading over his face as he looked intently at her hand clasped in his. She stared too, just as puzzled.

  “What was that?” wondered Ro.

  “Static electricity?” asked Alex, dubiously.

  “Um, I guess so,” said Jade, as she - slowly - extricated her hand from Kendis’. “Probably - what else could it be?”

  Kendis shrugged. “Nice zapping, though,” he grinned, flashing some exceptionally white teeth, “really good display.” He inclined his head. “Hello, Jade, I’m Kendis. I’ve heard a lot about you from your brother.”

  Jade felt as if she were falling into his eyes but she forced herself to focus, and shooting a look at Alex, said, “Well, you can’t believe everything Alex says, you know. Unless it was all good,” she added, with a grin.

  Alex looked at her innocently. “Let’s get this stuff inside before Mom comes looking for us,” was all he said.

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