Read Boucher's World: Emergent Page 55


  Oh, this one was going to be no trouble at all! Look how fast she’d fallen asleep; she hadn’t even tried to avoid eating the food when she must have guessed it had something in it. Or maybe she was just that naïve. Not that it would have done her any good to resist the food. Yes, she was going to be effortless.

  As soon as he healed from what that…that…horrid little pest had done to him, he’d be able to come in and do all the …pleasurable things she’d grow to love. He probably wouldn’t have to keep her bound for long.

  It helped that she was young. They were so much easier to control, to train, when they were young. Like Charles, who’d been with him since he was fifteen. Of course, he’d been real easy to control since he was very susceptible to his pain/pleasure esa. Especially the pleasure.

  She wasn’t, but still, she was young, he’d get her tamed and when she became more…amenable, he would allow her to fly for him. She would fly just for him, never for anyone else. And he would have her dance in the air for him. He would build her an aviary and outfit it nicely, just for her.

  He thought of how careful he had been. He hadn’t had time to arrange to get one of his men there to help him, so he’d had to do it all himself. Thankfully, her capture had been relatively easy.

  He had seen her leaving, heading for the Dome door with a group of Elvwist and several Humans. People went back to the Dome all the time and they usually doubled up on rides, so he didn’t pay any attention to the others in the large vehicle.

  He’d made up an excuse to Wu and Taylor for temporarily leaving the camp but by the time he’d gotten to the Dome, he’d lost sight of her.

  It was late when he got to Twelve so he’d gotten a room at one of the hotels. He’d known he’d find her. It was fated. He had brought the tranq gun with him as no one ever asked why a pest company employee had one of those. He had stuck it in his inside pocket - just as a precaution - and left the hotel the next morning, and the first thing he had seen was her getting out of a van with that boy who was always hanging around her, and with the ruling council woman.

  He stopped for a moment to wonder what she was doing with the council woman. Then he shrugged. Didn’t matter, though he’d better check on that as soon as he got the chance. Could be a problem there if she knew the council woman.

  He had been patient. They had gone into the clinic across from the hotel, where he’d had to hang around for hours. Then he’d had to wait for them to eat, but after the two boys left, he knew his chance would come soon.

  He hadn’t been able to resist confronting them in the market and giving them that lie about getting a gift for his vow-mate. He’d never had a vow-mate, never wanted one, or needed one. He preferred temporary liaisons, or the women he kept in his special collection for a while, special women, beautiful women. Like Jade.

  And they all eventually came to respect him too, if not at first, then after a while. Like the precog. And Charles, and the young men in his army.

  He had followed her and that little purple-eyed friend of hers, and waited for them to come out of the cottage. That brainless girl - what was her name? He couldn’t remember.

  Didn’t matter. She hadn’t seen his face, he’d tranqed her too fast. Then he’d tranqed her again for burning him. Her fire wouldn’t have gotten him either if he’d dodged just a little bit faster; after all, she had just been lashing out in all directions.

  She apparently was a firestarter but didn’t have good control yet. Good thing for him, too. Oh well, he was lucky like that, and maybe that second tranq had taken her out permanently. Maybe she was already taken care of. And Jade had been easy.

  Once that underling, Taylor, had told him how she got side effects from being scanned, he knew he had her. His pain/pleasure esa may not work on her but he was a powerful psyscanner, and he was good at getting through shields and hers were weak.

  After that, all he’d had to do was fast scan her. He’d thought she’d be so busy with the headache he’d be able to knock her out with the sedatives his Healer kept him supplied with. But she had made even that easy. She had passed out on her own.

  Of course, she’d mind-screamed pretty noisily before she passed out, and it had given him a headache but once he got her into his hover-craft - which hadn’t been easy what with having to deal with the flames - he gave her the shot to make sure she wouldn’t awaken for a while and the rest had been simple.

  Of course, he hadn’t known she’d knock out for two days but at least that gave him more time to heal from the burns. His Healer had taken good care of him and he was healing nicely.

  S’tella hadn’t warned him about the firestarter and if he hadn’t needed her to care for the flyer until she awakened, he would have punished her severely. She was always missing things! She was always babbling something about things not being set in stone and not being able to see everything…blah, blah, blah. He was weary of her - and her brats.

  She’d told him his plans were going to work so he didn’t really need her any more. After tomorrow, he’d see to getting rid of them altogether. No wiping, just get rid of them. He thought about who he’d get to do it, then realized he could do this one himself if he wanted.

  The thought excited him. He’d not done one himself in a long time. He’d started getting someone else to do it for him. But soon he’d be in charge of everything and once he was, there would be no consequences. He would get Charles to get rid of the bodies.

  He watched Jade sleeping peacefully, and reached over and stroked her arm. She was his. Soon, he’d be able to stroke her all over. But not yet.

  He was becoming aroused and with it came a sting of pain. He frowned. He’d have to think of a proper punishment for the one who’d burned him, once he had time…assuming she was still around. He decided he should leave the room now. Looking at her was becoming more painful.