Read Bound: A YA Urban Fantasy Novel (Volume 1 of the Dark Reflections Books) Page 29

  Chapter 27

  Alec Graves

  The Express Rail Line

  Southern Utah

  It had turned out that Brandon had in fact missed the big arteries in my arm, and the small ones had mostly healed when I'd shifted back to human form. It had been too dark to see what happened to Brandon after the girder scraped him off of the top of the train, but I had a feeling that he'd survived somehow.

  One thing that the fight had convinced me of was that Brandon had been hiding the full extent of his ability for years. It was terrifying to think of a hybrid durable enough to survive colliding head-on with something at more than seventy miles per hour like that, but I was pretty sure I hadn't seen the last of him.

  As the train continued on into the night I slowly made my way up to where Rachel was huddled between two of the cars. We then found a cargo car and I used my hybrid claws to punch through the lock and let us in.

  Reception for my cell phone had been much spottier than I'd counted on, but I still managed to get a series of texts through. The first one was to Mother asking her to go get Donovan if nobody else had found him yet and then I sent a couple to Jasmin with instructions on how we were going to meet back up. Once that was done I turned my phone back off and swapped sim cards again.

  Rachel and I passed a quiet hour or so huddled on a couple of cardboard boxes before it was time for me to go back outside again. The best use of the lull would have been to start working through the accounts from Kaleb's safe and get as much money transferred away as possible, but I just couldn't bring myself to pull the tablet out after having come so close to dying.

  The air was colder when I finally opened the door to the cargo car and worked my way to the top of the car Rachel was in. It took only a few minutes before Jasmin and the others were visible. They were strung out in a line almost a hundred yards apart from each other just as I'd instructed.

  There was a bit of a grade on this section of the track, but nothing like the one that Rachel and I had used to get on the train. By my best estimate we were still doing in excess of forty miles an hour, but that was okay, James and the girls had their instructions and everything should work.

  I climbed back down so that my feet were on the bottom rung of the ladder and then wrapped my right arm around another rung. Even after such a short time my arm was mostly healed, but I decided not to risk opening the wound back up. I'd already lost a lot of blood today.

  I swung around so that I was looking down the track towards Jasmin and then waved until she saw me and waved back. She started a slow jog as soon as she saw me, and then sped up to an all-out sprint as I reached her.

  "Jump on three!"

  The count went smoothly and Jasmin jumped right on schedule. I grabbed her arms, plucking her out of the air and then pulling her over to the ladder so that she could get her feet under her.

  "Rachel is in this car. Go ahead and go in so that there is room for the others."

  Jasmin shook her head and anchored herself similarly to what I'd done.

  "You're going to need help with James. Vincent beat the crap out of him. He's standing there, but you're not going to get any kind of speed or life out of him, it's pretty much going to be lifting dead weight."

  I grunted in response and then it was time to pick Jess up. Things went even more smoothly then they had with Jasmin and as soon as I got ahold of her wrist Jasmin helped me lift her up onto the ladder.

  Jessica climbed over the top of me so that I was sandwiched between the two of them. I took a deep, preparatory breath and had a second to revel in Jasmin and Jessica's scent. It was like being home again, but not the home I actually remembered from my childhood—a home where people I loved would take incredible risks to protect me and my sister.

  An instant later we'd caught up with James and it was every bit as bad as I was afraid it would be. James tried to jump, I saw him go white from the effort, but he barely got his feet off of the ground.

  I grabbed his outstretched hand and both of my arms nearly ripped out of their sockets. I think James screamed, but it was hard to tell over my own cry of pain, and then the girls had ahold of his arm and they were helping me pull him up to the ladder.

  A few minutes later we were all inside of the cargo car with Rachel. Rachel hugged everyone and then gave them all a big, tearful thank you. We made James as comfortable as possible on a makeshift bed of boxes and then once he was asleep and Jessica was talking to Rachel, Jasmin turned to me.

  "So what next, oh criminal mastermind?"

  I fished the tablet and the ledger out of the backpack and then tossed the rest to her. She let out a low whistle as I hit the power button on the tablet and found that it did indeed still work.

  "That's a lot of cash."

  "A fifth of it belongs to you; don't go spending it all in one place."

  She shook her head. "This wasn't about the money for any of us."

  "I know it wasn't, but I need to know that you guys are all taken care of in case something happens to me."

  I fired up the wireless connection and started looking for the login information for the first bank before I realized that I hadn't answered her question.

  "We'll ride the train for another few hours and then we'll get off somewhere around Salt Lake City. I haven't had a chance to scout a spot yet, but if we jump off the same way that we got out of that helicopter we can afford to exit at a higher rate of speed than we got on at. Some of it will depend on how James is feeling by then."

  Jasmin nodded, but she didn't seem satisfied with my answer.

  "What about after that?"

  "Well, we're going to spend some time consolidating all of the Graves resources that I can get my hands on, and then we're going to start a war. I'm going to do whatever it takes to bring down Kaleb and the Coun'hij."

  —The Story Continues in Hunted—

  Publisher's Note:

  If you've enjoyed this book, please consider signing up for the author's mailing list. By signing up you'll receive $10.00 worth of free books. We'll be offering a special discount to existing fans for the first week each new book is live, so signing up for his mailing list will mean that you'll always know about new releases with plenty of time to take advantage of the new release discount.

  Author's Note:

  This is one of those books that I probably shouldn't have written. I have a bad habit of doing that, unfortunately. From an income perspective, I should just write Alec and Adri books for as long as I can, but that's not the way I think.

  As much as I love Alec and Adri, the Reflections series is more than that. There is a much larger story that needs to be told, and Dark Reflections is part of telling that. Bound is a great story in and of itself, but it also has let me start paving the road for even greater things to come. I couldn't do justice to Alec and Adri's story without writing the Dark Reflections books.

  I hope you enjoyed Bound; Hunted will be out March 27th, 2014 and will show us what was happening with Adri during this same block of time. If you haven't read the Reflections books yet please go pick up Broken, Torn and The Greater Darkness. There are some great stories in those books; and if you liked Bound, then you're almost certain to enjoy them.

  Don't forget to sign up for my mailing list (I only use it to announce new releases) at It's a great way to make sure you always know when a new book comes out.


  As always, there have been a lot of people who have helped make this book a reality. My editors, RJ Locksley and Amy Jirsa-Smith did stellar work just like they always do. My advance readers continue to provide much-needed feedback. Larry, Loa, Mark, Mimi, Matthew, Shalese and Kim have been joined by Chris—thank you one and all!

  There isn't any getting around the fact that Katie is the glue that holds all of this together. Not only is she my first reader, she also puts in countless hours working on covers. All while keeping our daughters from starting the house on fire. Thanks, Katie, you're the best!

  For Bound, the cover was actually done by Elle Casey, another indie writer who is a much bigger deal than I am, who was kind enough to give Katie and me a hand simply because she's an incredible person. You may want to check out her writing at Thank you, Elle, for being so awesome.

  Lastly, I want to say thanks to the many great fans out there who do so much to help spread the word about my books. Without all of you I'd be back working a day job by now and many of these stories probably wouldn't ever be written.

  About the Author:

  Dean Murray is a prolific author with more than thirty titles across multiple pen names and more than half a million copies of his work currently in circulation.

  Dean started reading seriously in the second grade due to a competition and has spent most of the subsequent three decades lost in other people's worlds.

  Things worsened, or improved depending on your point of view, when he first started experimenting with writing while finishing up his accounting degree. These days Dean has a wonderful wife and two lovely daughters to keep him rather more grounded, but the idea of bringing others along with him as he meets interesting new people in universes nobody else has ever seen tends to drag him back to his computer on a fairly regular basis.

  Keep up to speed on Dean's latest projects at

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  Other Books by Dean Murray

  The Greater Darkness

  (Writing as Eldon Murphy)

  Something powerful is stirring in the darkness. Something so ancient that even creatures who've been alive for hundreds of years have long since discounted this new threat as nothing more than myth.

  Normal humans will be caught in the crossfire, but then that's always the way of things. Geoffrey has no memory of his past life or any idea how to survive in the violent, dangerous world in which he's trapped. Despite his best efforts, he's about to find himself in the middle of a conflict that threatens to sweep away everything, and everyone he's been fighting so hard to protect.


  Shape shifter Alec Graves has spent nearly a decade trying to keep his family from being drawn into open warfare with a larger pack. The new girl at school shouldn't matter, but the more he gets to know her, the more mysterious she becomes. Worse, she seems to know things she shouldn't about his shadowy world.

  Is she an unfortunate victim or bait designed to draw him into a fatal misstep? If she's a victim, then he's running out of time to save her. If she's bait, then his attraction to her will pull him into a fight that'll cost him everything.

  Frozen Prospects

  The invitation to join the secretive Guadel should have been the fulfillment of dreams Va'del didn't even realize he had. When his sponsors are killed in an ambush a short time later, he instead finds his probationary status revoked, and becomes a pawn between various factions inside the Guadel ruling body.

  Jain's never known any life but that of a Guadel in training. She'd thought herself reconciled to the idea of a loveless marriage for the good of her people, but meeting Va'del changes everything. Their growing attraction flies against hundreds of years of precedent, but as wide-spread attacks threaten their world, the Guadel have no choice but to use even Jain and Va'del in their fight for survival.


  Whispers From the Past

  By Larry Murray

  Meet Charles Tucker, he has spent nearly 30 years living in denial, trying desperately to hide from his past and the events that shattered his heart beyond any possibility of healing. He can't let anyone close, for doing so would open him up to being hurt again, and there's no way he could survive another wounding.

  Meet the Saunders family, new to the neighborhood and teetering on the verge of bankruptcy. Mark, the father, talks a good story but is that all he is? His plan could hold the key to reversing his family's financial misfortunes, or it could wipe out everyone involved.

  Meet Chet, a battered old '64 Chevy pickup that was there on the night Charles' life imploded. For nearly three decades, he has been locked away in an old barn, safely out of sight if not completely out of mind. For 29 years Charles has blamed the old pickup for the destruction of his life, now he's about to find that the vehicle that destroyed his life might be the key to his healing and a journey of unexpected miracles.

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