Read Bound by Blood Page 7

  She could only shake her head. “You bargained with the devil, you opened a doorway because—”

  “Because I wanted a war. Because the vampires needed to learn…it’s kill or be killed. We weren’t meant to hide. We’re meant to dominate.”

  Bastard. “And so you sent the demons after your own kind? How is that us dominating?”

  “I sent the demons after the weak. Those vampires who can’t survive don’t belong in this world.” His lips still twisted in that sick grin as he said, “And it’s not like I can’t make more of our kind.”

  More like him? No way. “You won’t be changing anyone. You won’t be killing anyone else.” Where was Jace? “This ends tonight.”

  He laughed. “Funny. That’s exactly what your wolf said…”

  A fist squeezed her heart.

  “Right before I kicked his ass into hell.”

  The screams behind her seemed louder. Like more demons were fighting to get out.

  “Sounds like they’re enjoying their new meal.” His fangs flashed in the dark. “That’s how it works, you see. For them to come out, I offer a trade. A life.”

  That’s why there were so many bones. A skeleton for each demon he’d brought forth.

  “They devour the flesh, then toss out the parts that are too hard.”

  Not Jace. He wasn’t in that pit. “We’re closing that hole.”

  Devon took a step toward her. “You don’t have that kind of power. You think you’re so fucking special.” Another step. “Just because you were born pureblood. You always thought you were better than me.”

  “No, I didn’t.” But I do now. I’m not a psychotic asshole, so yes, that makes me better.

  “Do you know why I wanted you to marry the wolf?”

  Well, saving the vamp nest obviously wasn’t the reason. Morgan held her ground. Hell waited behind her, and this bastard caged her in front.

  “I needed you to get close to him,” Devon said. “I needed you to take his blood…because I wanted to give the demons a special tribute.” He inclined his head. “You see, now that they’ve been killing, they’re developed a taste for wolf blood.”

  “They’re not taking his blood!”

  “But in order to close the deal with them, I had to prove how much I’d be willing to sacrifice.” His eyes narrowed. “With demons, it’s all about the sacrifice. You have to offer them something, or the lazy assholes won’t do a thing.”

  “You’ve offered them humans—”

  “Because I’m fucking tired of hiding in the shadows. The vampires wouldn’t take control, they were too scared of humans finding out the truth. But my demons— they’re not afraid of anything.”

  The screams from the pit almost drowned out his words. “What are you sacrificing?”

  Because, shit, this was a trap. For the wolves. For Jace. For—


  Then he lunged at her.

  But Morgan was ready. She grabbed his arms, twisted, and tossed the traitor right over her shoulder. He hit the ground just feet away from the pit, and smoke billowed out in a heavy burst.

  He flew back to his feet. Smiled. “This will be fun.” He licked his lips, tasting the blood that stained his mouth. “You’re the only pureblood around here. You’re the best sacrifice I can give them. I bet you’ll be worth ten demons…”

  He’d lost it. “And I bet it will hurt when you fall into hell.”

  That wiped the smile off his face. “Your wolf sure screamed when the demons took him.”

  Dammit, that was the second time he’d said—her gaze darted to the pit. “Jace!”

  Devon slammed into her, and they hit the earth. “Bitch, I’ve got wolf blood in me. More than you. I drained that mutt.”

  And he’d left Mike’s broken body behind. Another casualty.

  Morgan kicked up, slamming her knee into his balls. He jerked back. “You’ve got wolf blood,” she said, “but now you also have balls in your throat.”

  She jumped to her feet. “Jace!” Her scream broke through the night. He couldn’t be in that pit, he couldn’t…

  Devon’s arms wrapped around her from behind. He squeezed so tight she lost her breath and her ribs burned…burned.


  Pain beat through her as her ribs broke.

  “So tired of you…” Devon lifted her and carried her toward the pit. “Fucking a wolf…

  blending with humans…crying when you lost the light…”

  She slammed her head back and heard the sweet crunch of bones when she broke his nose. Morgan clawed at his arms, slicing open his flesh as she fought him. His blood littered the ground as he took her to the pit.

  “Let her go!”

  Jace. His roar. Relief had her feeling light-headed. Or maybe that dizziness was from the pain.

  Jace leapt forward. He was naked and blood poured from a gash on his cheeks. His eyes glowed as he raised his claws and ran toward them.

  Devon had her nearly over the pit. This was what she’d planned. To enter hell. To close the door from the inside out.

  Only…well, in the original plan, Jace had been the one to go through the doorway. She was supposed to stay back and then pull him out.

  I won’t sacrifice him.

  The rules had indeed changed. Jace didn’t realize it. She did. If demons were all about sacrifice, then she’d give them a sacrifice all right.

  But she wouldn’t give them Jace.

  “Watch her burn, wolf!” Devon shouted. “Watch. Her. Burn!”

  Morgan stopped fighting. Instead of slicing her nails against Devon, she twisted her hands and locked tight to him. Her gaze met Jace’s. He yelled her name.

  “Bring me back,” she whispered. Then Morgan heaved toward the pit, and she yanked Devon with her.

  He tried to wrench back his arms, but she wouldn’t let go. His yells filled her ears as he fought and twisted, but Morgan wouldn’t let go.

  No more dead humans. No more tortured wolves. This was it.

  They fell into the pit, and the screams from the demons drowned out her voice as she told them, “I’ve got a sacrifice for you, assholes…”

  The fire burned, blasting at her skin and she refused to cry out. Even when the demons reached for her.


  Jace’s heart stopped when Morgan jumped into that fiery pit. “No!”

  Not her. She wasn’t supposed to go in. Not. Her. He flew forward, and his body slammed into the ground even as his arms snaked into that hole in a desperate bid to grab her.

  He’d moved fast, faster than he’d ever moved in his life, and when he shoved his hands into that hot furnace, he touched…


  The fire lanced his skin, but he didn’t let go. He could feel a body in the middle of that wild heat. He could smell the acrid scent of burning flesh.


  He didn’t let go. He pulled even as he felt another force tugging his prize back down.

  “No! You can’t have her!” He yelled as the fire licked him.

  His upper body fell into the pit as he struggled.

  “Fuck, Jace!” Louis’s yell from behind him. Then suddenly Jace felt other hands on his body, trying to haul him back.

  But he wasn’t going back without Morgan“Keep him!” He roared the words in the fire.

  “Choke on him—but give her to me!”

  A breath of flames blew against him and blisters immediately covered his flesh.

  “Give her to me!” He bellowed.

  “Pull him up!” Louis snarled at the same instant. “Get him out of there, now!”

  They yanked him back, but he didn’t let go of the fiery prize he held. Be Morgan. Be…

  He broke from the pit and fire raced along his body. Louis shoved at him and Jace fell to the ground. He rolled, battling the flames on him and— on her. Sweet fuck, he’d pulled her out.

  The others immediately joined him and battled the flames that covered her flesh. Red, swollen, every inch of
her body had felt the kiss of the fire. Should have been me.

  Her eyes weren’t open. “Morgan?” Now, he was afraid to touch her. He didn’t want to hurt her, and he knew his touch would. She was injured so badly, even a breath on her skin would hurt.

  His touch would pain her, but his blood wouldn’t. Jace lifted his hand to his mouth and bit his wrist. He tore with his teeth and put his hand over her mouth. “Princess, please…”

  The blood trickled into her mouth. Her lips moved the faintest bit against his skin.

  “Take more.” She could take everything if she needed it.

  “Alpha.” Louis’s quiet voice had his head lifting. His friend stared at him with a tense face. “You’re weak, too. Let me help you.”

  Jace shook his head. “No, she’s—”

  “I know she’s yours, but she’s also pack.” Louis offered his bleeding wrist. “If the blood of one wolf makes her strong, how fast do you think she’ll heal when she drinks from six?”

  And the others who’d survived the battle crowded behind him. All had their wrists open. All were ready to sacrifice for the vampire who’d seen hell.

  As she fed from him, her lips like a whisper on his skin, Jace’s gaze tracked back to the pit. Only the entrance wasn’t there any longer. Dirt had filled in, totally blocking the gaping hole. The ground was blackened, cracked, but no smoke drifted into the air. The doorway was closed.

  He leaned close to her. “You did it,” he whispered. Her vampires were safe. The battle was over.

  Now, his princess just had to survive.

  Chapter Eight

  The vampiress walked into the werewolf bar as if she owned the place. Since she was mated to the alpha, Jace figured that, well, she pretty much did. Her skin was pale and perfect, not even a blister left from the fire that had nearly stolen her from him. Her lips were red, full, and he’d soon feel them beneath his mouth. She was wearing a new pair of fuck-me boots that showed off the long length of her legs. And her eyes—they were on him.

  When the others became aware of her, they stopped talking. Heads swiveled toward her. Toward him. The bar waited.

  He didn’t move. Jace wanted to jump up, run to her, grab her, but he was also enjoying the sexy picture she made as she crossed the bar.

  Morgan smiled at him, flashing fangs. “The Miami Vampire Council would like to officially extend its appreciation to you,” she said, her voice clear and her eyes bright. “And if there is anything that the Council can do for the pack…” She stopped just a foot away from him. “You have only to ask,” Morgan finished, her voice softer.

  She’d spent two days healing. Even with all the wolf blood, she’d had to battle to stay alive. He’d been by her side, determined to keep death away.

  He’d succeeded.

  When she’d woken, the vampires had made her the head of their Council. He knew she’d weeded out the vamps who’d been secretly working with Devon. The bastard hadn’t been implementing his plan alone.

  She’d cut the head off the snake when she sent Devon to hell, and now Jace knew that she’d cut up the body, too.

  Still, he didn’t touch her, not yet. “Glad the Council approves,” he said, his own voice mild.Understanding flared in her eyes. She lifted her hand and put her palm against his chest.

  “And you have my personal gratitude…” Her lips curved. “For pulling my ass out of hell.”

  He caught her hand. Pressed it harder against his chest. “Leaving you there wasn’t exactly an option for me.”

  Jace saw the delicate movement of her throat as she swallowed.

  “What was it like?” Louis called out. “What did you see, cher?”

  She glanced back at him. “It was damn hot.”

  Some of the wolves laughed.

  “As for what I saw…” Morgan shook her head. “Some things are better not said.”

  When she turned back to him, memories were in her eyes. While her body might have healed, Jace knew she’d carry the scars inside. Some memories couldn’t be forgotten.

  “Is the gateway closed for good?” Because he didn’t want any more demons coming after her.

  “Yes.” He still held her hand. She didn’t pull away. She inched closer as she said, “It closed when the demons killed Devon. He was the sacrifice I gave to them. He opened the pit, so it only seemed fitting that he close it.”

  Jace waited. He knew there was more.

  “I made a deal while I burned.” Her lashes lowered as she stared at their hands. His dark, hers so light. After a moment, she glanced back up at him. “I told those demon assholes that if they accepted Devon and shut the door, I wouldn’t send my wolf down to tear hell apart.”

  And he would have. If they’d kept her…

  “When you yanked me out of their hands, they realized I was serious. You were ready for hell. But hell wasn’t ready for you.” Her hand fisted beneath his. “Besides, I don’t think the guy in charge down there really liked for his demons to escape.”

  No, Jace bet he hadn’t been eager to lose those bastards. “So it’s over,” he said.

  “No.” Now her body brushed against his. “The demons are gone, but things are far from over.” Her head tilted back. Her lips were inches from his. “In fact, I think you promised me that things would just be getting started…”

  They would be.

  “You locked me in a cage,” she told him, a faint frown pulling between her eyes. He brought his hands up to curl around her shoulders. “But I also pulled you out of hell. Makes us even, doesn’t it?”

  Her soft laughter put an ache in his chest.

  “I don’t know,” she told him, “I think that might put you ahead.”

  His lips took hers because his control broke. The kiss was too rough, too wild, but that was his way.

  And she kissed him back just as wildly and with just as much desperate need. He lifted his mouth from hers long enough to growl, “There’s no score between mates. You don’t owe me anything.” He wanted her out of the bar and naked beneath him.

  “I owe you forever,” she told him as she rose onto her toes and kissed him again. “And that’s what I’m giving you.”

  Forever with his vampiress…it was the only thing he wanted.

  “You’re mine, wolf,” she told him. “And I’m not letting you go.”

  Enough. He grabbed her and hoisted her high into his arms. The pack shouted and laughed as he passed them, but he didn’t slow down. He wanted her alone. Wanted in her.

  Jace took her upstairs. Since his house had burned, he’d taken over Howling Moon. The apartment above the bar had a bed, and that was all he needed. He kicked the door shut behind them and lowered her in front of him. Morgan smiled at him. “When are you going to say that you love me?”

  He blinked. “But…you already know.” She had to know.

  “A woman still likes to hear the words.”

  He yanked off his shirt and kicked off his boots. Then he reached for her. If she needed the words, he’d damn well give them to her. He’d give her anything. “I love you.”

  Her fangs glinted. “And I love you, wolf.”

  Enemies no more. Lovers.



  They’d told the devil to screw off, and now they had eternity waiting. Sometimes, it was good to be an alpha wolf…

  Very fucking good.


  Enjoy paranormal romance? Then turn the page to check out Cynthia Eden’s sexy werewolf romance novel, NEVER CRY WOLF, available from Kensington Brava in July of 2011.

  Excerpt from NEVER CRY WOLF by Cynthia Eden (Kensington Brava, July 2011):

  Lucas Simone definitely wouldn’t classify as handsome, but Sarah really wasn’t the type to be swayed by a pretty face.

  She was much more the I-need-a-freaking-badass-to-save-my-ass right then type.

  “I should explain…” She began, clearing her throat.

  “Yeah, you should.” An order.

  Her eyes nar
rowed. “Uh, I think it’s important to note that I saved your hide back there.” Very, very important to note. In fact, she was wagering on the old wolf pack code to help her out. The I-Scratch-Your-Back, You-Protect-Mine code. He grunted. “I didn’t need saving, babe.”

  “Yes, you did.” The wolf would still be caged if it hadn’t been for her—and the folks she’d bribed. Using the last of my cash.

  She needed shelter. Her growling stomach reminded her that she also needed food. And she desperately needed some serious muscle.

  Her gaze dropped down to his chest.

  Muscle, check.

  “We haven’t had sex, lover.” He drew the last out, more like a growl instead of a word. Sarah couldn’t help it, she flushed. She felt her face heat and knew she had to be beat red. The curse of her fair skin. She always blushed too fast. “You were in jail. They were penning a murder rap on you.” Facts that really shouldn’t have to be pointed out to the ungrateful wolf. Come on. Where was her thank you?

  “I remember every woman I’ve had sex with,” he continued as if she hadn’t spoken. His eyes, hooded, swept over her, making her cheeks burn all the more. She’d dressed, deliberately provocative, before going down to the station. Her red blouse plunged to reveal the swell of her breasts. The short, black skirt revealed a long expanse of leg. Her sandals were small, curved and designed more to be sexy than serviceable. He whistled slowly. “I don’t remember you.”

  Right, and she didn’t buy for a minute that the guy remembered every woman he’d—

  “Some women like to take things slow. They like to kiss, they like to stroke. Others like to strip, to fuck, as fast as possible.” A pause as his eyes rose back to hers. “They like it rough because they like the rush of being with a monster.”

  She swallowed and took a quick step back, unable to help herself because Lucas looked very, very threatening.

  “Are you one of those women?” He moved forward, closing that distance. His hand lifted and traced her cheek. “Do you like the thrill of walking on the wild side?”

  Her heart was racing. Her knees were knocking again—well, okay, they’d never stopped. She licked her lips and managed, “No.”

  His nostrils flared and the grin that curved his lips was grim. “Liar.”