Read Bound by a Dragon Page 8

  Chapter 8

  The mist was thick on the ground when Keira crept out of the house at dawn one week later. She glanced back to ensure that Anna wasn’t following her, then took off down the path in the direction of the woods. She had fulfilled her agreement with Anna regarding her chores, but wouldn’t put it past her sister to sneak after her and check out what she was doing – especially if she could use it against her.

  Keira told herself that she was just going for a quick swim, but if she was honest, she was really hoping against all hope that Aaron would be there again. Keira shuddered at her newfound wantonness, dreading to think how her mother would react if she learned that Keira had seen – and kissed – Aaron when he was wearing nothing but his hose. There had been a few meetings at the market since then, but no opportunity for more than a few words of greeting. Still, his smile and the look in his eye made tingles run down her spine.

  Keira glanced at the sky as she walked. The early morning sun was burning off the lingering mist, promising another hot, sunny day. She searched the horizon for the dragon, but saw no sign of the huge creature. Lately, it flew over the village on an almost daily basis, and still, no maidens had been reported missing! Keira always stopped to watch it as it circled around in the sky, and sometimes she knew the dragon was watching her, too.

  She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t hear the sound of voices ahead until she was nearly in the clearing. She stopped, tensing when she heard Edmund’s voice. He was not alone, and a moment later Keira recognized the voice of Edmund’s friend Alan. Keira’s heart hammered in her chest, and she took in a deep, slow breath, holding it a moment before gradually exhaling through her lips in an effort to still the pounding. When it was clear that they hadn’t heard her, Keira cautiously backed up, holding her breath as she did so, and tentatively placed one foot behind the other. She had only gone a few paces when a twig snapped beneath her foot. The sound echoed through the air, and she froze in fright. She held her breath as the conversation in the clearing stopped midsentence.

  “Hey, who’s there?” rang Alan’s voice through the trees.

  “Go check it out, Alan,” Edmund said.

  At the sound of Edmund’s words, Keira spun around and started to run, paying no heed to the noise she was making. She could hear Alan giving chase, and she pushed herself to run faster, but to no avail. In a few moments he caught up with her and grabbed her arm painfully, causing her to trip and fall onto the forest floor.

  “Well, look who we have here,” Alan said. “I’m sure Edmund will want to know why his future wife is sneaking through the woods.”

  “Let me go!” Keira tugged at her arm, trying to pull it out of his grasp, but Alan was broad and beefy, and his grip on her was unyielding. He hauled Keira to her feet, and maintaining his grip on her arm, dragged her back towards the lake. Alan threw Keira into the clearing and she landed in a sprawl near Edmund’s feet. His eyes widened momentarily before a grin slowly spread across his face.

  “Well, well!” he said. “I’m flattered that you went to so much effort to see me. And Keira, since we’re all alone, we can have a little fun together!”

  Keira pushed herself up to her knees as a cold sprawl of dread mushroomed in the pit of her stomach. She quickly glanced around, trying to discover a means of escape, but Alan anticipated her attempt and placed his foot on her back, forcing her back onto the ground. She spat out a mouthful of dirt and dried leaves as Edmund laughed. He reached down and grabbed a fistful of her hair, painfully pulling her face up to meet his.

  “You need a few lessons about pleasing the man who’ll soon be your master. And there’s no time like the present to start.”

  Keira looked at him in horror as she pushed herself onto her knees. She knew exactly what Edmund planned to do, and her ire bubbled to the surface. “Never! You’ll never be my master, Edmund. Now let me go!”

  Edmund’s eyes narrowed as he looked at her. Grabbing her arm, he pushed her over in the dirt and turned her onto her back. Before she had a chance to scramble away, he was straddling her.

  He wore only a long thin shirt over his damp chest, with nothing beneath it. He grabbed Keira’s wrists with one hand and pulled them above her head, pinning them to the ground while he pulled up her skirts with the other.

  “No, please Edmund, don’t do this,” Keira begged, struggling against him.

  He yanked her skirts to her waist, then pinched the soft skin of her thigh, twisting his fingers as his nails dug painfully into the tender flesh. She tried to jerk away, but his legs around her waist held her secure. He was hard against her as he started to move, rubbing himself against her pelvis. The feel of his tongue suddenly being forced into her mouth made her wrench her head to the side, and she heard Edmund growl before he landed a sharp slap against her cheek, his nails tearing her skin.

  She cried out in pain, but the sound was swallowed by a load roar that rolled through the air like a crash of thunder. Fire sparked around them as embers fell to the ground, and with a rush of wind, Edmund was suddenly off her as huge talons, sharp as razors, encircled his chest and waist. His arms and legs flailed uselessly as he struggled against the dragon’s iron grip, while his shirt was ripped to shreds by the claws that dug into his flesh. The relief Keira felt at being released from her tormenter turned to terror as she watched the enormous creature above her. Sparks shot from its mouth, while its huge wings churned dust into the air and made the trees overhead creak and groan against the sudden onslaught of wind and flame.

  The dragon made a sharp turn in the air and released Edmund from its grasp. He dropped to the ground below, and his yell of surprise turned to a cry of pain as his body struck the hard surface, knocking over Alan who had been making a valiant effort to flee. Swooping down low, the dragon grasped Keira in its claws, and she shrieked in fright. She lashed out with her arms, trying to free herself from its grasp, but to no avail. Instead, the dragon clasped its claws more firmly around her, ignoring her cries. The creature turned and swooped low over Edmund and Alan, breathing a long stream of fire as it flew past, and they scrambled back in panic as the flames shot to the ground around them. Sparks flew into their hair and onto their clothes, and as a final gesture, the dragon smacked them with its tail as it sailed past them, sending them soaring through the air.

  With Keira clasped in its claws, the dragon rose into the morning sky. Unlike the merciless grip with which the dragon had imprisoned Edmund, the talons curled around Keira were gentle even as they held her in an unrelenting grasp. She struggled in vain to free herself from the restraints, twisting and turning in the hope of slipping from the dragon’’s hold, but a chance glance down at the ground, now rushing far below them, put an effective stop to her struggles. She grabbed the thick leg of her captor, and wrapped her arms around it, suddenly afraid of falling. Although its scales did not extend down its leg, the dragon’s skin was rough and incredibly hard, and Keira could feel her hands and arms being scraped raw as she clung to the powerful limb.

  The creature pushed itself higher as it soared towards the mountains, leaving the clearing and village far behind. Although the beast cradled her gently in its claws, waves of anger pulsed through the air, and flames spewed from the creature’s mouth, warming the air around her.

  Dread gripped Keira’s heart as she wondered where the beast was taking her, and what it planned to do with her once it got there. The fear grew as she remembered the stories she’d heard as a child. The dragon sniffed the air, then let out a deep sigh before looking down at her, its golden eyes blazing.

  “Don’t be afraid, Keira,” it said. “Unlike those craven curs, I’m not going to harm you, or eat you for breakfast. I would have liked to make a meal of those boys, though,” it added darkly, its jaw clenching with fury as it said the words.

  Keira gasped. “You speak!” she gasped. “But, you’re a dragon! A beast!” The dragon was silent. “Where are you taking me?” she whispered. “Please, just
let me go.” The dragon’s words did nothing to relieve her fear, and her voice trembled. The dragon might have saved her from Edmund, but it could have an even worse fate in store for her. Suddenly, something else penetrated her mind.

  “How do you know my name?” she demanded.

  The dragon gave a hard laugh. A few moments passed before it responded.

  “There’s much we need to discuss, Keira,” it finally said. “But this is not quite how I envisaged having this conversation. Let me find a good place to land, and then we can talk.”

  Keira wondered what the dragon considered a good place to land. Some smelly cave, maybe? The idea wasn’t very reassuring, but it did make her think of Aaron – hadn’t he said that he would rescue her if she was captured by the dragon? Storbrook Castle was built atop a tall mountain, so perhaps he would see her in the dragon’s grasp and set out to rescue her from the creature’s lair. The thought make Keira smile, despite her dire circumstance. Her mind turned back to her captor’s words: something about the dragon’s voice tugged at Keira’s memory, but it scattered in her mind before she was able to grab hold of it. Despite her fear, she could not help but marvel at the splendid creature that was carrying her through the air. From her vantage point she could see the body of the dragon, massive above her. Its huge wings spread out above its body, both graceful and powerful, while the strong tail streamed out behind. Flames continued to rush from its mouth, the heat curling around Keira before dissipating in the cool morning air.

  The land below them changed from fields to mountains. The dragon began to descend as a large alpine meadow spread out below them. It released Keira a few feet above the ground, and she watched as the mighty creature came to a graceful stop a few feet away. It folded its wings onto its back, and curled its tail as it lay down on the ground facing her. Keira trembled slightly as she gazed at the enormous creature. Even lying down, its head towered above her, power rippling through its massive form. Golden horns stretched backwards from the top of its skull and blended with the sharp spikes that ran down the length of its long neck. The thick tail was as long as the dragon’s body and was fiercely armed with more spikes. Even at its tip, Keira would not have been able to wrap her hands around it. The upper part of its body was covered in golden scales, as hard and strong as iron, while the skin beneath looked tough and leathery. Two pairs of legs, thick as small tree trunks, stretched from its underbody; they ended in sharp claws that could rip out the heart of any enemy with ease. It was an awesome and terrifying creature, and Keira’s heart drummed out a fearful tattoo as she gazed at the mighty beast, who stared back at her with golden eyes that blazed with flame.

  The dragon stared at Keira in silence for a few moments, then bent its neck into a graceful arch and brought its face close to hers. Keira quelled the desire to step back, instead keeping her feet firmly planted as she continued to gaze at the dragon.

  “Why did you take me?” she finally asked, shuddering at the thought of what might have been. She lifted her hand to her face, feeling the sting of scratches scored down her cheek. A flash of sharp teeth made her draw in her breath as the dragon replied with a growl.

  “I’m sorry Keira,” it said. “I should have been there sooner. When I think of what that boy was about to do …” The dragon stopped and pulled in a breath. “I shouldn’t have left him alive.”

  Keira trembled at the thought. “But why?” she said. “What does it matter to you?”

  The dragon stared at her for a long moment, until finally it breathed out a sigh, sending sparks flaring from its nostrils. “Come closer, Keira,” it said.

  Keira hesitated, wondering what the dragon intended to do with her.

  “I won’t hurt you,” it said.

  Keira looked at the mighty beast before her and suppressed a shudder. Its claws rested on the ground, razor-sharp and menacing. She could see its pointed teeth and knew that it could rip her to shreds in an instant, or burn her to a crisp with one hot breath. One swipe of its massive tail could send her flying through the air, or leave her broken on the ground. Keira knew that the dragon could wield mighty power with barely any effort, striking fear into the hearts of many brave men. But as she looked at the dragon, gazing into eyes that blazed like the fire it breathed, she knew she was in no danger.

  “I know,” she replied softly. ““I believe you, even though you terrify me.”

  “Why?” asked the dragon in surprise. “You know that I could kill you as easily as you would swat at a mosquito. Maybe I only saved you so that I could have you for breakfast! Maidens taste especially sweet first thing in the morning.”

  Keira grimaced before slowly replying. “You said you wouldn’t hurt me, and I trust you. I’ve heard plenty of stories about dragons, but you make me feel …” She searched for the right word. “Safe.”

  The bony ridge above the dragon’s eyes lifted in astonishment. “Come,” it said. Keira hesitated another moment before slowly walking towards the beast.

  “Touch me,” the dragon said softly. “Feel my scales and know that my strength protects you.” Keira stretched out a trembling hand and gently placed it against the dragon’s neck, her hand small against the giant. The dragon watched her with its golden eyes as she gently ran her fingers over its might armor. The scales were smooth, like plates of gold melded together. Moving slowly, she walked along the dragon’s length and down to its tail. The dragon lifted it slightly in response to her touch, then smacked it back on the ground.

  “You’re beautiful,” whispered Keira. “A beautiful drake.” The dragon pulled back slightly, its bony eyebrows raised. “Show me your wings,” Keira said softly. The dragon unfurled them, dropping the tips until they rested on the ground. Keira’s eyes widened at the size of them, stretching out twelve feet on either side of its body. She reached up to touch the massive appendages, slowly running her hands against the smooth surface. She expected them to feel hard and leathery, but they were soft, as though woven from many strands of silk. The dragon shuddered slightly at her gentle touch before bending its head closer, golden eyes gleaming.

  “Sweet Keira,” it said softly, “you asked me why I saved you. And how I know your name.” The dragon paused, watching her carefully. “You already know the answers, my sweet, because you already know me, as I know you. There is no reason for you to fear me, because I would never hurt you. You see me now as I truly am – a dragon capable of terrifying acts. But Keira, you also know me as something else. As someone else.”

  Keira stared at the dragon, her mind struggling to accept his words.

  “You already know who I am, Keira.” He leaned closer, his voice a murmur. “Say my name.” She stared at him in silence. “Say it,” he said. “Your heart already knows the answer.”

  “Aaron,” she said softly. “Your name is Aaron Drake.” The dragon gazed at her for a long moment, his eyes burning into hers as she stared back.

  “Ah, Keira,” he murmured. “Do I scare you?”

  “No,” she whispered. Tentatively, the dragon lifted a claw and gently brushed the back of it down her cheek. His warm breath washed over her, smelling of fire and musk. Reaching up her hand, Keira placed it between his eyes, running it down the bony length of his snout. Sparks flew from his nostrils as he stared at her.

  “Stand back, Keira,” he said, “and look away.”

  Keira took a few steps back, her heart racing as she continued to gaze at the dragon.

  “Further back, over by that rock,” he said. “And turn your face away – your human eyes cannot tolerate the light of my change.”

  Keira walked backwards to the rock he had pointed out, then stared at him for a long moment before turning around. A bright flash of light lit up the area around her before slowly fading away.

  “Keep looking away,” she heard Aaron call. “I need to clothe myself.” She waited a moment, her face turned away, until she heard his footsteps approaching. She turned back to him slowly, shy and uncertain, but when
he pulled her into his arms and softly kissed her, she felt her trepidation melting away. He wore a pair of loose workman’s trousers, but his chest was bare, his skin golden, and she could feel the heat of him through the thin fabric of her kirtle as he held her close. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw the tips of wings behind his shoulders, tightly folded against his back. He pulled away slightly to look down at her.

  “Are you all right, my sweet?” he asked. She gazed up into his eyes, shining gold, and nodded slowly. Aaron ran his thumb against her lower lip before cupping her cheek. Her mouth opened slightly in response to his touch, and in a moment his lips were on hers again. She gasped at the unfamiliar touch of his tongue against her lips before opening her mouth further in response. The air from his mouth was hot, spilling over her like a flame. Her hands rose to his neck as she wrapped her fingers into his hair and pulled him closer. She heard a faint rustling sound, and saw that he had unfurled his wings, wrapping them around them both like a cocoon, protecting them from the world. She slid her hands to his back and gently stroked the joint of his wings, and he moaned and pulled her tighter, deepening the kiss.