Read Boundless Page 15

  Chapter Fifteen

  Pentagon, Washington DC

  'Jesus Danny!' exclaimed a startled Uncle Henry when he saw me standing inside the conference room filled with men and women most dressed in military fatigue. Inside the darkened room was a giant projector screen beaming images of outer space 'How in the deuces did you get here?' He asked staring at me in wonderment.

  'Professor Bradford,' Eel interjected, 'you and the assembled team need to listen to me carefully.'

  'And who might you be Mister?' Uncle Henry asked turning to Eel who stood a foot away from me.

  'I am Douglas Snow,' Eel replied, aka Eel. I am better known as Subject 403 by our military friends here. I also happen to be Danny's grandfather which makes you my relative. We've actually met, but that's a subject for another day.'

  'Put your hands up! Step away from the professor!' A Marine yelled, his gun pointing at us.

  'I wouldn’t use that if I were you.' Eel said turning to face the marine.

  'Danny what's going on?' A perplexed Uncle Henry asked. The rest of the room's occupants scampered for cover under the conference table and seats amidst loud screams and shouts.

  The marine let off a flurry of loud pops.

  He however did not see Eel until it was too late. Eel took him out with a single blow to the neck.

  'So,' Eel said straightening his dark brown leather jacket, 'where were we?' as he skipped over the unconscious man on the floor and walking towards the projector screen. I could hear murmurings and muted exclamations coming from the stunned bunch.

  'Fellas, look,' Eel spoke with a raised voice. 'We are not your enemies rather we are the best hope you’ve got right now.'

  'Danny what are you doing with this maniac?' Uncle Henry asked.

  'Uncle for once listen!' I yelled at him.

  'I know who each one of you is, by name, job description, even what you are thinking right now.' Eel said staring at each individual. 'And I also know the president is about to call you Admiral Sanders about the Alien who just escaped from Area 51. He intends to declare a state of emergency, a matter of national security. He is concerned subject 403 might just end up in the wrong hands, the Chinese or the Iranians. But that's the least he or any of you should be worried about right now. What you should be worried about, is this.' Eel said point at the images on the screen.

  'What you think of as first contact from another civilization is nothing of the sort. This, my friends, is an invasion.' He looked around at the stunned faces of all inside the room.

  'My race the Roti, are on their way here to annex your white dwarf star. Turning to face the tall blond woman who crouched in the corner, 'Maggie,' Eel continued, 'I mean you no harm.' He spoke gently,' Stand up straight. In fact, you are most qualified than all of us here in this room in these matters and that’s why the president chose you to head this team ahead of Professor Bradford.' I could see anger flush across Uncle Henry's face. Eel's words seemed to soothe the woman. She straightened her neat grey mini-dress and stood up straight facing Eel.

  'These bright dots you see over here,' Eel said pointing to the screen, 'the ones where the message originated from, are not stars or star dust as professor Henry seemed to suggest before we rudely interrupted his lecture, rather, these are war crafts, in their millions heading here faster than the speed of light and are led by a vicious leader known as Xuryae.'

  'Assuming what you are saying has any element of truth.' Admiral Sanders, an African American man with deep ridges in his face Interjected. He appeared to be in his late sixties or early seventies. 'What do they want from us?' He asked.

  'They, my friend,' replied Eel, 'want your sun.'

  'What for?' asked Uncle Henry.

  'Profit professor.' answered Eel.

  'What kind of profit? Who buys a sun?' Another man dressed in a grayish blazer with a box face asked. He also wore a puzzled face. A scientist's face I should say.

  'Doctor Evans,' replied Eel, the Universe you and I share is a violent place, but it's also is a place where business takes place on a galactic scale. Some stars, in other dimensions are dying, losing their energy, expending it. So, the races which I must add are more developed than yours depend on these stars for light and life and are willing do almost anything to survive. That's where Xuryae comes in. He is a broker, a middle man or a lobbyist as your politicians like to call such people. When I crashed here on earth back in Forty two, and was captured by your government, I was on one such mission to scavenge for a suitable star to trade. Your star has yet to be traded because none of our buyers had met the right asking price, until now.'

  What do you mean ' until now'?'

  'Xuryae has found the right buyer,' answered Eel, 'one willing to pay the right price and is coming to retrieve it.'

  'Who if I may ask,' Interjected Maggie, 'is this buyer of our Sun?'

  'The Aurorae.' replied Eel, 'a sophisticated race in the fourth dimension called Edessa Verustiva, nine hundred million light years away from here.'

  Eel turned to the projector screen and two bright lights beamed out of his eyes shooting blue rays onto the screen.

  I could see jaws drop and beads of sweat appear on faces as Eel showed them the regions in the Edessa Verustiva and other Exo-planetary systems millions of light years away.

  'I had these images stored away in my memory.' He said turning to face the stunned gathering.

  'What will happen to us if our sun is taken?' Someone asked.

  'But how can one take the sun? Another spoke loudly.

  'It's impossible.'

  'Get me the president.'

  'Can't we fight?'

  'My children...'

  Voices had risen filling the air conditioned room. I walked towards Uncle Henry. He rushed towards me hugging me tightly.

  'Danny my boy,' He said, 'I was wrong about you. Please forgive me.'

  'It's alright Uncle.'

  'Danny, I can't lose you, you're all I have in this world.'

  'Gentlemen, Ladies,' Eel raised his voice above the panicked bunch. 'All is not lost.'

  'I say we defend our sun,' Admiral Sanders shot in.

  'How?' Maggie quizzed.

  'We use all our nuclear arsenal,' he answered in reply, 'we get the Chinese, Russians, and get everybody to fight for humanity against this Xurxiz whatever his name is.'

  'It’s a waste of time.' I said. Every one turned to stare at me.

  'Oh! Young man, you have a better suggestion?' The old military man asked glaring at me.

  'I have seen Xuryrae.' I said. 'He is nothing like any of us in this room could possibly imagine. He is a warrior, a monster, a god. No earthly weapon can match his strength. He will obliterate any kind of resistance in a matter of seconds.'

  'He is right unfortunately.' Eel shot in.

  'We negotiate then.' Maggie said.

  'I have seen that too.' I added. If we negotiate, humanity will be exiled in the Constellation Eridanus. Believe me, it's not a place you would want to be.'

  'Danny, how do you know of Eridanus?' A puzzled Uncle Henry asked.

  'I have been there Uncle, so have you and Doctor Lynn too.'

  'Impossible!' He shot back even more perplexed.

  'It’s a long story professor.' Eel interrupted.

  At that point the marine regained consciousness.

  'Where am I?' He asked looking dazed.

  'Take a sit son.' Replied Admiral Sanders,

  'You!' The marine said pointing at Eel, 'you hit me.'

  'He's with us!' shot back Admiral Sanders. 'Leave us will you.'

  'Yes sir.' The man said picking up his gun and staggering out of the room.

  'I do have some friends,' Eel said, 'on the other side of the universe called the Xayans, a golden race. They can help you fight Xuryae but we have to pay them.'

  'Pay them with what?' Admiral Sanders asked.

  'Gold.' replied Eel, ‘their lives depend entirely on gold, and are running out of it, fast.'

if they aren’t willing to help?'

  'Then am afraid,' replied Eel, 'you will then have to fight on your own.'

  'You sir, speak as though you are two people.' Maggie interjected.

  'Miss Maggie, it's because I am two people.' Eel answered.

  'How long do we have before Xuryae and his forces reach the sun?' Uncle Henry asked.

  'Twenty four hours. He already has reached Alpha Centuri and is moving fast, very fast. So, twenty four hours is all we've got before he gets here.' Eel replied.

  'Let me get the president on line.' Admiral Sanders said.