Read Boy Pilot of the Lakes; Or, Nat Morton's Perils Page 13



  Such a startling announcement as the pilot made could not fail tosurprise those in the cabin. Nat wondered whether his friend meant it,and as for Captain Marshall, he believed the pilot was not aware ofwhat had taken place at the investigation.

  "Do you mean that you will leave the ship without a pilot?" asked thecommander.

  "No; at least, not until we get to the next port, where you can hireone. In fact, after we get over this part of the trip you'll not needone, for the lake is well charted, and you can steer as well as I can.But I repeat, if Nat goes, I go too."

  "But he broke one of the most stringent rules of the ship," retortedthe captain, who did not at all like the idea of losing his pilot.

  "I can't agree with you. I know something of this case, and I believeNat is innocent of the charge."

  "Do you mean to say that my nephew is guilty?" asked the mate.

  "I don't know that I care to express an opinion," was Mr. Weatherby'sanswer. "From what I know of him I should say I think your nephewmight be guilty. I know he smokes cigarettes."

  "I used to," interrupted Sam, "but I've stopped."

  "Your hands don't bear out that assertion," said the pilot quietly, ashe pointed to the tell-tale yellow stains on Sam's fingers. "I aminclined to think you smoke pretty steadily yet."

  The red-haired youth had no answer to make to this.

  "Do you dare to accuse my nephew?" demanded Mr. Bumstead.

  "I said I didn't care to accuse any one," replied Mr. Weatherby. "Ionly said I believe Nat innocent, and if he is discharged I leavealso."

  "I think you are taking an unfair advantage of me," said CaptainMarshall. "You know I need your services for some time yet."

  "Well, you know how to retain them."


  "By not unjustly discharging Nat."

  "I don't think I was acting unjustly."

  "I do."

  The captain was plainly disturbed. He knew he could not well get alongwithout the pilot, yet he did not like to have to give in to Nat'sclaim of innocence. To do Captain Marshall justice, though he wasquick-tempered, he really believed Nat at fault, chiefly on account ofMr. Dunn's failure to give the proper testimony at the investigation.So with no very good humor he had to change his orders.

  "Very well," he said rather sourly. "I'll not discharge Nat, though Ibelieve him guilty."

  "That will not do," insisted Mr. Weatherby. "If you believe him guiltyyou must discharge him."

  "But if I do, you'll go, and I will be without a pilot."

  "That is true, but there is another alternative."

  "What is it?"

  "You can say that at least there is a chance Nat is not guilty. Heshould, I think, be given the benefit of the doubt."

  "Very well. I'll admit that," replied the captain stiffly, for he didnot like to be dictated to.

  "I believe that is all, then," went on Mr. Weatherby. "I suppose Natmay go back to the purser's office?"

  The captain nodded. He was in an exceedingly bad humor. He felt thathis position as captain of the ship was at stake. He had incurred theenmity of the mate, who was a part owner, and he felt that Mr.Weatherby, who was a member of the company owning the vessel, had novery friendly feelings toward him. Still, there was nothing else thecommander could do.

  "I'll get square with you yet," muttered Sam as Nat passed him on hisway out of the captain's cabin. "I'll have your place, too, before agreat while."

  "Maybe you will--when I'm through with it," replied Nat, quite pleasedwith the way things had turned out, yet wishing he could completelyvindicate himself. "But I tell you one thing, Sam Shaw, if you try anymore of your tricks on me I'll give you the worst licking you everhad."

  The boys were outside of the cabin now, and on the deck.

  "You will, eh?"

  "Yes, I will, and don't you forget it! You put those cigarettes in mypocket, and you know it."

  "Oh, I did, eh? Then why didn't you prove it?" sneered Sam.

  "I will, some day, and when I do--well, look out--that's all," and Natturned away and went back to his work.

  Though the incident seemed closed, there was not the best of feelingbetween Captain Marshall and the pilot. As for the mate, he was soangry at Mr. Weatherby that he would not speak to him.

  The _Jessie Drew_ continued on her voyage. Stops were made at severalports in Saginaw Bay, where cargo was either discharged or taken on.Sam kept himself out of Nat's way, but this was not difficult, forNat found plenty to do, as, since he grasped matters rapidly, thepurser turned more and more work over to him.

  Nat was glad of this, since he wanted to learn all he could, and hewas rapidly advancing. Mr. Dunn complimented him on his aptitude forthe work, and said it would not be long before he could qualify forthe position of assistant purser.

  "Then I suppose you'll be after my place," he said.

  "No, indeed," answered Nat with a smile. "You've been too kind to me."

  "I wish I could have done more for you at that investigation. It's toobad my memory is so faulty. I have to make a note of everything theminute it happens, or I'd forget it. I get so used to relying on booksand memoranda in this position that I'm lost without them."

  "Don't worry about it," said Nat. "It's all right. Some time I'llprove what a mean trick Sam played on me, and then I'll be satisfied."

  Mr. Weatherby did not forget his promise to teach Nat all he couldabout piloting, and many a day the lad spent in learning the differentpoints and studying the lake, its various headlands, lighthouses,buoys and other marks on which navigators have to depend.

  "You're coming on well, Nat," said the old pilot one day. "It won'tbe long before you can qualify for an assistant pilot, and then itwill be only a matter of a few years when you will be a full-fledgedone."

  "I'll be glad when that time comes. I want to earn some money to payback Mr. and Mrs. Miller for what they did for me."

  "Yes, they were very kind to you, and they felt it more than a familywould that had more money. Never forget your friends, Nat. By the way,have you seen or heard anything more about that pocketbook which themate had?"

  "No; I've watched him closely, but I haven't had a sight of it.Probably I was mistaken."

  "I think not, yet he may have come by it honestly, even if it was yourfather's. Sailors often make each other gifts, or your father may havesold it to Mr. Bumstead."

  "I don't believe he'd do that. He thought too much of it. But if themate came by it honestly, I don't see why he acted so queerly. I can'thelp thinking there is some mystery about it. In fact, father's deathwas so sudden that little was known concerning it."

  "I have a plan in mind, which I am going to put into operation as soonas possible," said the pilot. "It may result in some information."

  "What is it?"

  "I know a man who was on the lumber barge on which your father was. Iam going to write to him, and have him tell me all the circumstancesconnected with your parent's death."

  "I wish you would. It would relieve my mind to know all the facts."

  "That is what I thought. I will write in a few days, but now I haveanother matter I want to speak to you about."

  The pilot's manner was serious, and Nat wondered what his friend wasabout to say. Mr. Weatherby went to the door of the pilot-house andlooked out.

  "I just wanted to see that Sam Shaw, or his uncle, were not about," hesaid in explanation. "They've been hanging around here of late, andI'm suspicious of them."

  He closed the door, and coming over to where Nat stood at the wheelsaid:

  "How would you like to come with me on a big passenger steamer?"

  "Are you going?" asked Nat in surprise.

  "Well, I have the chance. I got a letter the other day from a bigfirm, that wants another pilot. They made me a very good offer, andI'm inclined to take it. I thought I would ask you if you'd like togo."

  "Would I have a chance to learn to be a pilot?"

sp; "Yes, a better chance than you have here."

  "Then I'd like to go first-rate. I'm ever so much obliged to you. Doyou think you will accept the offer?"

  "I believe I will. I'll tell Captain Marshall that we are going toleave him at Detroit. He can easily get another pilot there, and we'llchange to a ship where conditions are more pleasant. I'm glad you wantto come with me."

  "I don't know what I'd do if it wasn't for you."

  "Well, I still feel that I'm in your debt," replied Mr. Weatherby. "Ithink----"

  He stopped suddenly and went to the door. He listened a moment, thenquickly opened it. Sam Shaw was hurrying away down the deck.

  "I believe he was listening, the young rascal!" exclaimed the pilot.

  "Do you think he heard anything?"

  "He must have. The windows were open."

  "What will you do?"

  "Well, it doesn't matter much. I'll inform Captain Marshall at once ofmy intentions, and so spoil any trick which the mate's nephew thinkshe can play on us."