Read Boy Scouts: Tenderfoot Squad; or, Camping at Raccoon Lodge Page 16



  IT was a moment of considerable suspense to the boys when Mr. Snodgrass,bustling forward, looked down at the injured man. Jem with clinchedteeth glared up at him, but said nothing, waiting for the other tospeak.

  "I'm sorry to see you hurt in this way, Jem," said the magnate. "Just assoon as I received your letter I went to the city, and had a littleheart-to-heart talk with Messrs. Bolten and Hall, my former partners inthat real-estate deal of some years ago. I threatened them withimmediate prosecution if they did not own up to deceiving both of us;and Jem, here they are ready to eat humble pie, and make good thatproperty they defrauded you out of some years ago. Fool that I was neverto have suspected the truth; but thank Heaven, it isn't too late yet.We'll soon fix this thing; and after they've made good, Jem Shock, I'mgoing to offer you my check for fifty thousand dollars for that land ofyours; because it's doubled in value since you let it pass from yourhands."

  Rufus fairly beamed with happiness.

  "What did I tell you, Jem Shock?" he burst out with. "I knew my fatherwouldn't stand for a crooked real estate deal. He's proud of the recordhe's made, and lots of people think he's the only honest land speculatorthere is. And now perhaps you will shake hands with him, Jem; yes, andwith me, too. The Snodgrasses aren't so _very_ bad a tribe, once you getto know them."

  Jem had some difficulty in grasping the wonderful change that had comeabout in his financial condition, when later on the two real estate menadmitted that they had played a sharp trick upon him, for which theywere genuinely sorry--Lil Artha winked several times very hard when heheard them say this, and thought of "alligator's tears."

  Jem even offered his hand to the man he had for years been condemning asan unworthy friend, and a treacherous dealer in land.

  Conrad was the happiest little fellow imaginable. He would run from hisfather to Elmer and pat their hands; then back again to kiss his mother,and possibly shake hands with Lil Artha, Alec and Rufus.

  "It's all happened because of the scouts coming up here to camp," hesaid in the midst of his great joy. "Oh! what don't we owe to you,Elmer?"

  "He fixed my broken leg as fine as any army surgeon could have done, forone thing," admitted Jem Shock, now looking as though a great load hadbeen taken off his shoulders; "and for that alone I could alwaysremember the boy. Yes, it's been a great day for all of us. I'm glad nowthat tree caught me, and all the time I lie around waiting for the boneto knit, I'll be saying that I got just what I deserved for thinkingevil of any man."

  "None of that, Jem," said Mr. Snodgrass, with more or less asperity."You were justified in holding hard feelings toward me, and thinking mea scoundrel. For once in my life I allowed a pair of precious knaves todupe me, and never suspected how matters stood until I had your letter.But I forced them to make restitution. I stood ready to land them bothbehind the bars if they refused."

  Messrs. Bolten and Hall had departed before this was said, pleading animportant engagement, and promising to do anything else Mr. Snodgrassdemanded, so long as he kept his word not to make the affair public, asit would ruin their legitimate business to have it known that they hadbeen concerned in one big shady deal. Doubtless their ears must haveburned as they retraced their way in the direction of the car that hadbrought them from the distant station; but then, since all was now well,even Jem Shock could forgive them.

  While Mr. Snodgrass spent two days in camp with the boys, he had plentyof chances of hearing Conrad play, for the boy kept his promise to comeover with his wonderful Stradivarius violin, and charm them with hismagical music. The gentleman agreed with Elmer that the child was veryprecocious, and had the "touch" that had made his grandfatherillustrious.

  "It would be a great crime," he said, "if such wonderful genius failedto find expression. If his father was unable to send him to the rightmaster I'd certainly insist on it myself. And between us, boys, I'mdetermined on forcing Jem Shock to allow me to advance all the fundsneeded to put Conrad where he belongs. It's the only way I can make upin part for my unconscious share in his troubles."

  Later on this same thing was arranged, and Conrad, it is needless tosay, is at present studying hard under the best violin teacher in NewYork. Those who watch his career are loud in their praise, and say thatwhen his time comes to appear in public, all such stars as Elman,Kreisler and Maud Powell will have to take a "back seat."

  Of course since George had not been present when all these wonderfulevents came about, the others were forced to give him every possibleopportunity to learn the exciting details. He asked a thousandquestions, and heard the whole story told over and over again, from thetime the expedition left camp up to the unexpected meeting between Jemand Mr. Snodgrass, and the humbling of the pair of precious real estatesharks.

  Indeed, it usually did take several tellings to convince so skeptical afellow as Doubting George, especially when there was something quite outof the common going on.

  The balance of the scouts' stay in camp up at Raccoon Bluff was filledwith all sorts of good times. Lil Artha went fishing over at the twinlakes, and came back with as heavy a load of fish as he could staggerunder. He announced that never before in all his varied experience hadhe known such gallant fighters as those bronzed-backed warriors ofMirror Lake. His arms fairly ached from reeling them in; and he wouldnever forget what a glorious morning he had had there. Of course thiscaused Elmer also to long to wet a line; and as Alec expressed a desireto see how the thing was done over in America--he had actually caught abig salmon once upon a time in a Scotch loch--he insisted on goingalong.

  This was only a part of the glorious times they enjoyed. Rufus even gotbusy again with his surveyor's outfit, and did a little more work, justto "keep his hand in," he said; but as Alec had other things on theprogramme that he fancied much better than "running a line," or"slashing" through a thicket with an ax and bush hook, he absolutelybalked on giving up much more time to that sort of thing.

  They took pictures, and Elmer made sure to get one of the tree that infalling had arched the streamlet in such a remarkable way. Elmer alsotried a few night exposures, catching some of the prowling 'coons in theact of stealing bait from a trap set so that when the trigger was sprungthere would be a flashlight exposure, and the startled little animalwould really take its own picture, being "caught in the act."

  Besides they paid many visits to Jem's cabin, always carrying over heapsof good things to eat, despite the protests of Conrad's mother. Elmerexplained that greedy George had deceived Rufus, who provided theprovender for the week's campaign; and that consequently they hadbrought enough along to last a whole month; which they hated to "tote"back again, and so wished her to accept a few trifles, because Jem wouldnot be able to be moved for some weeks, and hence no supplies could belaid in.

  Conrad, of course, always played for them, and even George, whose earfor music was not of the best, for he rather preferred ragtime to"classical stuff," admitted that the little fellow did wield a magicalbow, and could fairly make that "fiddle talk" when he got down toserious business.

  They saw no more ferocious wildcats, though for several nights after thestorm, Rufus complained that he was kept awake by some sort of plaintivemewing, though he was unable to exactly locate the sounds. Elmer fearedthat this might be caused by a kitten left behind by the cat Lil Arthahad been compelled to slay in order to save Alec from rough clawing. Heeven hunted around during the daytime, hoping to find the small beast,but was unable to do so. Finally, the mewing was heard no more; fromwhich they concluded that the kitten had either succumbed to hunger, orelse, being fairly able to provide for itself, had departed for otherfields.

  The 'coons, however, afforded the campers no end of amusement by theircurious antics. George gave it as his opinion that whoever named thatparticular section of country Raccoon Bluff knew his business, for neverhad he seen one half so many of the "bushy-tails" as during their staythere.

  They proved to be great pests in the bargain, ste
aling whatever cookedfood was left over; and becoming so tame, that it was a commonoccurrence to have several prowling around at any time of the day; whileat night one of the campers found it necessary to rush out of the tentseveral times during the period of darkness in order to "shoo" theimpudent rascals away.

  Mr. Snodgrass had enjoyed himself heartily during the parts of two dayshe stayed with the boys. He expressed deep regret that pressing demandsof business caused him to start back to town, Rufus seeing him safelyto the nearest station, some six miles distant, as the crow flies.

  And from what they all saw of Mr. Snodgrass during his stay, the otherswere inclined to believe Rufus knew what he was talking about when he soboldly told Jem Shock that his father was as "honest as the day waslong," and "the best man that ever lived." Elmer concluded that anyfather who had so lived that his boy believes this of him has a right tobe proud, and feel that "example is much better than precept." Too manyfathers, Elmer realized, act upon the theory that a boy can maintain hisrespect for his parent who advises him to "do as I say, not as I do."

  When finally the time came for breaking camp, the two tenderfeet feltsure they had made giant strides along the road that led to theirgoal--the distinction of becoming a first-class scout. They had learnedinnumerable things since leaving home; indeed, life looked altogetherdifferent nowadays, because they saw ten interesting things where beforethere had appeared but one. And the thirst for knowledge had grippedthem so that never again would either Rufus or Alec be content to plodalong as before, "seeing things as through a glass darkly," and not morethan half comprehending what wonders surround boys of today on everyside, if only they have the vision to notice and comprehend.

  There is really no need for us to accompany Elmer, George, Lil Arthaand the tenderfoot squad home again. But the story of their achievementswhile up there in camp at Raccoon Bluff will always make a bright pagein the annals of the Hickory Ridge Boy Scouts. Of course we expect tomeet these good friends again at no far distant day, in the pages ofanother volume, wherein may be detailed further of their interesting andoften thrilling adventures. Until that time comes we must lower thecurtain, and write the last words,