Read Boys of The Fort; Or, A Young Captain's Pluck Page 10



  The morning found the two boys still alone. The sun was well up over theeastern prairie before both were dressed, for they had taken turns atguarding, as agreed, and each had consequently lost half his regularsleeping time.

  "Well, what's to do now?" questioned Darry, while they were stirringaround getting breakfast.

  "I don't know of anything to do but to wait here until we hear fromBenson and Hank Leeson," answered his cousin.

  Breakfast was soon disposed of, and then they sat down to wait, stillkeeping their firearms close to hand, in case of unexpected attack. Themeeting with the desperadoes had opened the boys' eyes, and they did notintend to be caught "napping" no matter what else happened.

  Shortly before ten o'clock Joe espied three horsemen coming down thetrail which led to the fort. Both watched the approaching riders withinterest, and presently saw that they were soldiers. One wore theuniform of a lieutenant, and the others were privates.

  "You are from the fort?" cried Joe, running forward to meet them.

  "Yes," was the answer from the lieutenant. "Which of you is JosephMoore?"

  "I am."

  "I am glad to know you, Moore. Your brother, the captain, and I aregreat friends. I am Lieutenant Richard Carrol."

  "Oh, I've heard of you," answered Joe, smiling. "Will has oftenmentioned his chum, Dick Carrol, in his letters. This is my cousin,Darry Germain. Did old Benson reach the fort last night?"

  "He did," answered Lieutenant Carrol, as he shook hands with both boys."And your brother and a detachment of Company A have gone out to lookfor Matt Gilroy and his gang. Benson went with them, and I was asked tocome down here and escort you to the fort."

  "If my brother wants to round up Gilroy's gang he should have comehere," said Joe. "The rascals were here last night and stole our threehorses."

  "Is it possible! And where is Hank Leeson?"

  "He went after them on his horse, the only one they didn't get. We arelooking for his return at any moment. We promised to watch the cabinuntil he got back."

  "I see." The lieutenant turned to the privates. "Men, you may dismountand tie up the horses for the present. We won't be going back just yet."

  Lieutenant Carrol leaped to the ground, and one of the privates tookcharge of his steed. The young officer was a handsome fellow, with asmiling face, and both Joe and Darry took to him at once.

  "Yes, Captain Moore and I are great friends," he said. "You see, we wentthrough West Point together, and we have been more or less together eversince. He has often told me about you two fellows, so I feel as if I'veknown you for a long while." He looked at Joe. "You must have had quitean adventure with those desperadoes at the cave."

  "I did have," answered Joe. "I hope my brother and the others round themup. Do you know if they came anywhere near here?"

  "No, they struck off on another trail--the one the quartermaster isexpected to use. You see, he is to come in to-morrow with that money."

  "To-morrow! Then they'll have time to warn him."

  "That depends upon circumstances. The quartermaster is an odd sort of afellow, and sometimes changes his mind about routes. He may come in theway we expect, and he may take some entirely different trail."

  "We can't say when Leeson will be back," put in Darry. "But it seems tome it is our duty to stay here until he returns; don't you think so,Joe?"

  "I do, Darry. But he will probably be back before long."

  It was only a few minutes later when one of the privates came forwardwith the information that a man was coming through the underbrushskirting the timber. It was Hank Leeson, and he held his mare to a walk,for Nancy was all but exhausted.

  "Mornin', lieutenant!" he called out, as he drew closer and saluted."Come for them boys, I reckon."

  "I did, Leeson. They tell me you've been after the gang. What luck?"

  Hank Leeson shook his head dubiously. "Reckon I didn't have any luck,lieutenant. Got one shot, but if I hit it didn't count much. They hadthe best o' me in the timber, and they got away, not only with thehosses belonging to the boys an' Benson, but likewise with their own,which they had tethered in a hollow not far away."

  "Then our horses are gone!" cried Darry, his face falling.

  "Thet's it, lad. I'm sorry, but I did my best."

  "Oh, I don't blame you, Leeson. But--but if we haven't any horses, howare we to get to the fort?"

  "We'll take turns at carrying you," replied Lieutenant Carrol.

  Hank Leeson was as worn out as his mare, and while one of the soldierscared for Nancy the old trapper sank down on his doorstep and told hisstory. He had followed the desperadoes up hill and down for fifteenmiles, and gotten one shot at Fetter, which, he believed, had struck therascal in the arm. But the party had turned on the trail while passingthrough a wide patch of timberland, and on coming out at the other sidehe had been unable to locate them again. Then, as it was almost morning,he had thought best to return to his cabin, to ascertain how the boyswere faring.

  "Which road were they near when you saw them last?" asked LieutenantCarrol.

  "Over at Hunkwater's Rock," answered Leeson. "Moving toward the Knob."

  "Humph! Then I am afraid Captain Moore won't round them up veryquickly."

  "My brother didn't go near that trail?" questioned Joe.

  "No, he's on a trail three miles further north. Still, the desperadoesmay turn north."

  "That's so," said Leeson.

  As there was nothing to keep them at the cabin, the boys were nowanxious to move on to the fort, and a short while later LieutenantCarrol set off. One private carried Joe and the other Darry; and, as thehorses were powerful beasts, good progress was made.

  "Hurrah! The fort!" cried Joe, as he caught sight of a large flag wavingin the distance. He was right; and soon they could see the tall stockadequite plainly. It was three hundred feet long by two hundred feet wide,and surrounded by a ditch twelve feet deep. Inside of the stockade werethe fort proper and a dozen other buildings, including the officers'quarters, the men's quarters, the messroom, hospital, and the gymnasium,and also a good-sized stable.

  "Why, it's a regular town in itself!" murmured Darry, when they gotinside.

  "That's right, a town of exactly two hundred and seventy-five people,"answered the lieutenant. "And of that number two hundred and sixty aresoldiers belonging to three companies, three are officers' wives, twoare Indian scouts, and the rest are cooks and other helpers."

  Colonel Fairfield, a tall, dignified old officer, had been told oftheir approach, and now came from the officers' quarters to meet them.

  "I am glad to see you, boys," he said, as he shook hands warmly. "If thestory Benson told is true you have had quite a few adventures inreaching here. I am sorry your brother is not here to meet you, Joseph;but he was anxious to go after the Gilroy gang, and I let him have hisway."

  "You haven't heard about all of our adventures, colonel," said Darry,and told of the stolen horses.

  "Worse and worse!" returned the colonel, stroking his mustachethoughtfully. "That proves that the gang--or what is left of it--is asdesperate as ever. Those fellows will never give up until they areeither arrested or shot down."

  "I hope my brother doesn't get into trouble with them," said Joeanxiously.

  "Well, a soldier has to take some risks, my boy. But Captain Moore is asshrewd as he is brave, so you need not fear for his safety. Come rightin; Mrs. Fairfield will be glad to see you. She wants to hear from allthe folks at home."

  The boys followed the old officer into the quarters, and here receivedan equally warm greeting from Mrs. Fairfield, whom they had met inChicago. Dinner was soon served, and while the lads were satisfying theinner man they had to tell their whole story over again, and also tellall the news from home.

  "While you are here, boys, you must make yourselves perfectly at ease,"said the colonel. "I know your fathers will expect me to be a father toyou. As for Captain Moore, I will allow him to be with y
ou as much asmilitary discipline permits."