Read Boys of The Fort; Or, A Young Captain's Pluck Page 24



  As Captain Moore fell upon one of the Indians, Peck the private stoleafter the guard who had walked toward the bushes. The other soldiersjumped to where the remaining Indians were sleeping, to gain possessionof the firearms.

  The Indian the captain had tackled was a young but powerful brave, andhe put up a hard fight to release himself. But he had been takenunawares, and after he was on the ground the captain saw to it that hedid not get up.

  In the meantime the Indian near the bushes turned just in time to seePeck raise the hunting-knife. Crack! went the red man's rifle, and thebullet clipped the soldier's ear. The shot was so close that to the dayof his death Peck carried in his face some traces of the burnt powder.

  The shot was the last the Indian ever fired, for in the midst of thesmoke Peck hurled himself at the warrior, and a second later down camethe hunting-knife, piercing the red man's back and entering his rightlung. The stroke was a fatal one, and before the fighting in the gladecame to an end the Indian had breathed his last.

  When the sleeping Indians awoke they could not for the moment realizewhat was going on. In his bewilderment one leaped up and rushed at asoldier, who promptly laid him low by a heavy blow from a rifle stock,which almost cracked the warrior's skull. Seeing this, the other bravebecame frightened and ran for the bushes.

  "Don't let him escape!" cried Captain Moore, who was still holding hisman down.

  At once two of the soldiers ran after the fleeing Indian, and presentlytwo rifle shots rang out, followed by a scream from the red man.

  "He's done for," said one of the soldiers, after the smoke had clearedaway. "He has gone to his happy hunting-ground."

  After this turn of affairs it did not take the soldiers long to makeprisoners of the two Indians who remained alive. These fellows were intruth much frightened, but tried their best to suppress their feelings.

  From one of the Indians, Captain Moore learned that more Indians wereexpected early the next morning.

  "That's all right," said he. "They will come in time to release you andsave you from starvation."

  "Going to tie 'em up, captain?" asked Peck.

  "Yes. There is nothing else to do."

  "Better shoot 'em."

  "I can't shoot them in cold blood, Peck. That would not be human."

  "The wretches don't deserve to live, captain. The Indians and thosedesperadoes are plotting to wipe out everybody left at the fort."

  "I know that. Still, I cannot bring myself to take their lives--and wecan't stop to take them along as prisoners. The sooner we get back tothe fort the better."

  "If we can get back," put in another soldier.

  "I don't believe the fort is surrounded just yet," returned the youngofficer.

  "But if it is?"

  "Then, perhaps, it will be better for us to be out than in."

  "You wouldn't desert the crowd at the fort, would you?"

  "You know me better than that, Gorman. We might be able to ride to thenext fort and obtain re-enforcements."

  "That's so, captain! I didn't think of that."

  Leaving the dead Indians in the bushes and the others tied to the trees,the captain and his companions now lost no time in striking out for thefort.

  Fortunately, Peck was well acquainted with every foot of the territoryto be covered, and he led the way by a route which was fairly easy andas direct as could be expected, considering the wild region to becovered.

  As he hurried along, the young captain's thoughts were busy. Where wereJoe, Darry, and Benson, and how were things going at the fort?

  "The Indians are not so much to be blamed as the desperadoes," he said."They have some wrongs, although they are more fancied than real. Butthe desperadoes ought all to be either shot down or placed underarrest."

  "Right you are," returned Gorman. "This district will never prosperuntil the desperadoes are cleaned out."

  It was not long before the party began to grow hungry, and they had tohalt for an hour, to prepare some birds which one of the number hadbrought down with a gun.

  All the time they were eating, one of the soldiers remained on guard,for they were fearful a band of Indians might come up unawares tosurprise them. But not a red man or desperado showed himself.

  Nightfall found them still sixteen miles from the fort, and unable towalk further.

  "We will camp out where we are," said Captain Moore. "It is useless tothink of covering the distance in the dark. Besides, we might fall intosome trap."

  A storm had been threatening, but now the clouds passed and the nightproved clear and pleasant. It was decided that two men should remain onguard at a time, each taking a turn of three hours.

  The young captain slept from nine o'clock until three in the morning.Then he awoke with the feeling that further sleep was out of thequestion. Getting up, he walked to a nearby brook, intending to wash upand obtain a needed drink.

  While Captain Moore was in the vicinity of the brook something stirringin the bushes attracted his attention.

  "Carwell, did you see that?" he asked, of the guard who was nearest tohim.

  "See what, captain?"

  "That thing in yonder bushes."

  "I see nothing, sir."

  "Something is moving there. Come here and look."

  The private did as commanded, and both gazed steadily into the bushes.

  "By Jove!" exclaimed the young officer at length, "Do you see what it isnow, Carwell?"

  "I do not, captain."

  "It's a panther, unless I am greatly mistaken."


  "Lying on the fallen tree, behind that tall bush," and Captain Moorepointed with his hand.

  As he did this the panther arose suddenly, then crouched down as if tomake a leap at them.

  "Shoot!" ordered the captain, and as quickly as the private could raisehis rifle he fired. But his aim was poor, and the bullet flew a footover the panther's head.

  "Missed, hang the luck!" muttered Carwell.

  Scarcely had the words left his lips, when the panther made a fierceleap and landed directly at the feet of the astonished pair. The beastwas evidently very hungry, or it would not have attacked human beings inthis semi-light of the early dawn.

  Full of fear, Carwell staggered back, with his smoking rifle still inhis hand.

  The panther growled and switched its tail from side to side. The rifleshot had filled it with wonder, and it did not know what to do next.

  "Be careful--he is going to take another leap!" cried the young captain.

  He was right; the panther was now preparing for another spring. BeforeCarwell could get out of the way, the beast came on, pinning theprivate to the earth.

  As Carwell went down the whole camp roused up, and the second guard cameup on the double quick.

  "What's up, captain?" he sang out.

  "Shoot the panther!" answered the young officer. "Quick, or you'll betoo late. Don't hit Carwell."

  Crack! the rifle spoke up, and the beast was hit fairly and squarely inthe side. At this it let out a blood-curdling scream of pain. It hadcaught Carwell by the arm, but now it released its hold.

  "A panther!" roared one of the old soldiers. "And a big one. Git yourguns, boys! He aint no beast to fool with, I can tell you that!"

  Those who had guns ran for them. But in the meantime the panther turnedaround, as if to retreat.

  Then, of a sudden, it seemed to catch sight of Captain Moore, and with asnarl of rage it threw itself upon the young officer, and both went overwith a loud splash into the brook.