Read Braddle and the Giant Page 26

  Chapter 26

  The council chamber was in uproar. After sprinting a few steps Braddle and Grenta were forced to a halt by a man falling over a chair and landing at their feet. People were running around in all directions. Small fights were breaking out in different places. At the far end, they could see General Stoo on the platform. He, along with the two men standing with him, was held securely by Drostfur’s men. Each had a knife to his throat. Ipitch himself stood at the edge of the platform watching calmly the combat in front of him. The main entrance door was being barricaded. In front of the men working on this, stood his uncle, Belay and Tableface. Four soldiers charged at them. Uncle Malik sent one flying backwards with a punch then grabbed another quickly and shoved him towards the centre of the chamber. Belay took a punch to the jaw then countered with a quick combination that sent his attacker crashing into a colourful petal arrangement standing nearby. Tableface gathered the fourth one up in his arms and threw him after his comrade who was lying groaning on the floor.

  “Grenta, this way quick” said Braddle.

  He led her round the edge of the room towards Drostfur’s office. Ipitch’s voice then boomed out: THAT IS ENOUGH! STAND DOWN! YOU ARE SURROUNDED! The fighting was not ready to stop, however.

  “Drostfur’s office is just around this corner” said Braddle.

  As he turned, he felt something hard hit his cheek. It knocked him backwards onto the floor. For a moment, it felt as if the inside of his head had dimmed. It was difficult to focus. This sensation disappeared but left in its wake a searing pain in his cheek. He heard Grenta scream.

  “Leave him alone! Stop it” she shouted.

  “I’ll deal with you next” a voice said.

  The voice was familiar. Braddle looked up and saw Naster standing there.

  He jumped to his feet and faced him.

  “Well Brittle” said Naster “How dare the likes of you spoil our celebration. When I’ve finished with you, they’ll be sweeping you up like the rubbish you are.”

  Braddle felt anger surge within him. He took a deep breath but remained outwardly calm.

  “Well Nitter, when I’ve finished with you they’ll need a mop” replied Braddle.

  A look of fury spread across Naster’s face and he charged forward. He swung his fist towards Braddle’s left eye but Braddle deftly spun round and evaded it. As he turned back, he slammed his elbow into Naster’s nose. There was a crunching sound. Naster yelped and dropped to his knees, hands over his face. Between his fingers blood seeped.


  The running around, the shouting and the fighting all stopped and everyone looked towards the platform. General Stoo, terrified and visibly shaking, looked back with his eyes closed. Ipitch, after signalling to Sergeant Telter, began to issue orders.


  People began to move. Slowly at first then with more haste. Some limped whilst others had to be carried. One of those that had to be carried, Braddle noticed, was the man who had been thrown by Tableface.

  “You best be moving” said Braddle to Naster. “I’ll ask my Uncle to have a look at your nose.”

  Naster stood up. There were tears in his eyes. Silently, he walked to the centre of the chamber.

  “We’ve done it” said Grenta, excitedly.

  “Looks like it” said Braddle. “Let’s find Uncle Malik.”

  Uncle Malik, Belay and Tableface were standing on guard duty by the main door.

  “This one will live” said Belay, as they approached.

  He helped the man, who he had sent crashing into the display of colour, to his feet and dusted him down.

  “Sorry about that young man but you gave me no choice. Hopefully, when this is all over we can sit down and have a drink together.”

  The man gave Belay a puzzled look and then staggered over to the prisoners in the centre of the room.

  “Well, what do we have here?” he asked. “Has Braddle been cracking heads after all? Are you alright?”

  Braddle nodded. Grenta said that Braddle was very brave and that he deserved a medal.

  “I don’t doubt it” said Belay.

  Uncle Malik came over and put his arms around both of them. He held them close.

  “What happened to your face Braddle?” he asked when he released them.

  “It was that horrible boy over there” said Grenta, pointing to Naster sitting on the floor with his face in his hands. “He attacked Braddle.”

  “Did he now?” his Uncle replied.

  “It was Naster” said Braddle.

  “Looks like Naster needs a plaster” said Belay.

  “Not funny Belay” said Uncle Malik. “Go and make sure that the young lad is not bleeding to death.”

  Belay went over to him.

  “Can I have your attention” said Ipitch. “Leading Councillor Drostfur would like to say a few words.”

  Drostfur climbed on to the platform with Sergeant Telter. He ordered Ipitch to release the three men and put them somewhere secure. Ipitch pointed to a corner of the room where there was a table and chairs but no door or window nearby.

  “The plot to overturn the rightful government of Carporoo has been thwarted” began Drostfur. “Tomorrow morning the ruling council will return, along with the other unfortunates that were handed over to a giant called Nicholls by Stoo and his fellow traitors. Those in this room who were part of this plot, of this putrid plan, to turn Carporoo and her citizens into their personal property will be found out and duly punished. Those who had no part in it will be released. I ask, therefore, that you remain, for your own safety, calm and patient till the Council has returned in the morning. Your party, I am glad to say, is over.”

  Drostfur turned to Ipitch and Sergeant Telter.

  “Sergeant I need you to go outside and tell whoever is in charge out there what has happened in here. You need to stress that any attempt to storm the building would be futile and could result in the loss of innocent lives. Tell them I will address the crowd in the morning.”

  Sergeant Telter saluted and headed for the back entrance.

  “Ipitch, I assume that the Captain of the Guard is somewhere in the room. I need to talk privately with him. Please bring him to me. I will sit over there.”

  “What do we do now?” asked Braddle.

  “There’s nothing much we can do except wait and hope that your Alfie has secured the release of your mother and the others” said Uncle Malik. “If they are not here by morning then we don’t have much of an alternative plan.”

  Belay returned after attending to Naster.

  “The lad will be fine” he said “I don’t think his nose is broken. The bleeding has stopped. Though he should have two nice black eyes by morning.”

  “Braddle, you and Grenta need to get some rest. We will have to stand guard 'til morning.”

  “I suggest a bite to eat first” said Belay. “On the back wall, there is a table with every delicacy imaginable. It would be a crime to let it go to waste.”

  “You go with Tableface” said Uncle Malik. “I’ll stay here.”

  In the far corner of the room, under heavy guard, General Stoo sat unmoving, his face buried in his hands.