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  Sally shouldn’t have taken that last pill. She knew that three would be enough but, she thought she would get that extra kick with just one more. Now she was streaming. The red pill was strong enough by itself to give her the high she was looking for. The two yellow pills were just like a little boost to maintain that high. The purple and black pill she knew was only to be taken by itself and only if nothing else worked. But, she figured, why not get it all at once. It couldn’t be that bad. Maybe a little freaky for a few minutes and then a gradual spiral into a nice even high to last the rest of the night. She was not prepared for this. Her skin felt like it was two inches higher than her body. Almost like she was filled with air. The roots of her hair were pulling out of her scalp. Almost like ten thousand little midgets had ten thousand little tweezers and they were all yanking at once. It was her feet that bothered her the most. It seemed to her like she had strapped on two pontoons and she was trying to walk on marshmallows. That last pill was definitely a zoomer.

  She would be down by morning and everything would be back to normal. She sure wouldn’t try the extra pill again. One weird trip was enough. But wait, something else was happening to her. Her head was beginning to twist around like it wasn’t attached. It started spinning faster and faster and the whole world around her was spinning like she was in a tornado. She saw the couch and the chairs and even the television passing by her over and over and over again. This was some bad stuff. Now, not only was everything spinning but, she was starting to turn upside down and back again. Just like the earth spinning on its axis. This was really, really, really a bad trip. Sally looked down and she had grown three extra arms and four extra legs. What was so bad was she knew all this was happening. God, why did she take that extra pill? Why did she take any pills? She could have just burnt one and had a nice little buzz to get her through the night. But no, she had to go for the big time. The big thrill.

  Sally’s friend Michelle had turned her on to the pills.

  “Come on Sal. One little pill won’t hurt you. It’s better than smoking some weed. You don’t have to worry about coughing or gagging or anyone smelling the smoke. It’s a nice clean high and besides, the side effects are a lot more fun. Come on Sally. Give it a shot.”

  Sally figured what the heck. It wasn’t like sticking a needle in her arm. What could a little pill do? But now, her world was a mess. Strange things were happening to her. She looked down and now she had eight legs. She looked like an octopus. Oh my god, she thought, it can’t get any worse than this. Then she made the sad mistake of looking in the hall mirror. She had three heads. She couldn’t believe it. This is too weird she thought. I need to get some help and I need to get some help now.

  At least I can still think logically, she thought. I will go next door to Nelson’s apartment and he can help me come down from this horrible high. I really need a friend at a time like this, she thought. Nelson had been her neighbor for going on two years now and they had become really good friends. They had tried the dating scene when they first met, both physically attracted to each other but, the chemistry wasn’t really there. Their relationship had bonded into a really tight friendship in which they could tell each other anything. Many a night either he or she would knock on the other’s door and either brag about what a good time they had on a date or what a bummer their date turned out to be.

  Now was the time she really need a friend and she felt no hesitation about going to visit Nelson and accept whatever help he could render. The only thing that surprised her was that she was still able to think logically enough to seek Nelson’s help. After the pill hallucinations she was having she thought it was a miracle she could still think of going next door to get some help. She lit a cigarette, not really caring which of her four arms held the match and which of her three mouths accepted the filtered end of the cigarette. This is really weirdsville she thought. I really need Nelson to help me down from this high.

  Sally walked out of her apartment and went across the hall and firmly knocked on the door to Nelson’s apartment, not really caring what appendage did it and settled back on six of her legs waiting for Nelson to open the door. She had to knock twice more before she got a sleepy muffled reply. The door slowly opened and a dazed, sleepy face gazed out at her.

  “Jesus Christ. What the heck are you?” Came a frightened cry from the partially opened door. “What have you done to Sally? You look like three of her. What are you? Some sort of space clone?”

  Sally was dumbfounded. Only she was hallucinating. Nelson hadn’t swallowed any pills that she knew of. He should see her like she normally was. Not some freak with three heads, four arms, and eight legs. What is going on she thought and that’s when the hunger pains began. She looked at Nelson in a different light now. He wasn’t only her good friend and her across the hall neighbor, as she slowly closed the door behind her and started crab walking in his direction. He was her next meal.