Read Brain Worms Page 13

  Chapter 14

  The guard by the door responded to the knocking by stepping back as he opened the door. A man dressed in some sort of military uniform armed with both a pistol and an automatic rifle spoke in Arabic. After a not too short conversation between the guards the man in uniform said in English, "You have time to freshen up. This way please."

  Harry and Angie followed him through the door. The other guards followed close behind with their weapons at the ready. The scalpel Harry had hidden in his sock was rubbing against his ankle, not enough to cause pain but enough to remind him of its potential. They were shown to a small dressing room without windows. Hanging on a rack were several dresses and a suit of a dark blue material that looked like it might even fit Harry. The guard said, "We hope the clothes fit satisfactorily. You have 45 minutes before dinner."

  The guard closed the door and there was a definite click of a lock being engaged. Harry and Angie walked over to where the clothes were hanging. The dresses all had a Middle Eastern flair to them. Angie picked up a blue and orange pattern dress and held it up against herself asking, "What do you think?"

  Harry looked at the dress and his wife and said, "I think our captor is going to a lot of trouble and I'd like to know why." Harry was a little slow recognizing the look of frustration on his wife's face, but finally realized she'd asked a different question. He added, "I like you with bright colors on and it looks like the dress would fit. Why don't you try it on?"

  Angie asked, "Do you think they have one of those cameras here?"

  Harry quickly inspected the small room and spotted a camera in the base of the light fixture - possibly a second one in the bracket holding the mirror. He pointed to the camera and Angie said, "I can't change with them watching me."

  Harry thought to himself how her room had most certainly been monitored but knew enough not to say anything. He repositioned the clothes rack and held the suit up against the light fixture to block the view of the camera. He said, "This should give us some privacy. You can go ahead and change."

  Harry watched his wife undress and could not help admiring her good physical condition and intrinsic beauty. She pulled the brightly colored silk dress on and it draped over her curves quite nicely. She was a good-looking woman.

  As Angie began fussing with her hair, Harry removed his operational clothes, which were now quite ripe. He maybe not so accidentally gave the camera a full "Mooning" as he stripped off the wetsuit. He sniffed his own underarms and said, "I sure could use a shower."

  Angie said, "Looks like you'll have to settle for a spit bath."

  "Better than nothing. Have you seen a razor?"

  Angie looked through the drawers in the vanity but found no razor. She finished fussing with her hair and stepped away from the sink telling Harry, "It's all yours. More towels in the second drawer on the left."

  Harry stepped up to the sink which he filled with water and began taking his spit bath. He was not yet finished when a knock on the door startled them. The door opened partway and a razor was pushed through the opening. Then the door again closed with a click. Harry looked at the razor and said, "Ask and you shall receive."

  Harry finished cleaning up and began dressing in the suit provided. It was expertly made but not quite finished. The material seemed to be a silk and wool blend. The pants were a little short and a little big around. The shirt was tight around the collar but otherwise fit well. The suit coat fit surprisingly well. Harry looked at the tie and put it back down. Angie asked, "Aren't you going to wear the tie?"

  "Shirt is a bit tight. I would be more comfortable without it."

  Angie replied, "I'm not sure what type of dinner this will be or the rules of dress, but I'm guessing you should wear the tie."

  Harry grumbled, "Whoever heard of a prisoner having to wear a tie. None of this makes any sense." Harry put on the tie. For shoes he had to settle for his soft operational footwear, which wasn't all that bad since his feet were still bleeding some.

  There was a knock on the door and a voice in good English asked, "Are you ready?"

  Harry nonchalantly moved against the wall just in case someone would be foolish enough to enter the room. He nodded to Angie and she said, "Yes, we're ready."

  They were giving him no opportunity to attack. The door was unlocked and only partially opened. The voice said, "This way."

  Harry shrugged his shoulders and opened the door for Angie. Two young men dressed in formal attire and armed with automatic weapons met them in the hall. They were directed down the hallway toward a foyer. The artwork was stunning albeit slightly out of place in the rustic lodge setting with log walls. Across the foyer, a young man dressed in formal attire held open a large, beautifully carved wooden door. A bulge under his coat suggested he too was armed. They entered the room, which was paneled in rustic pine, and had a crystal chandelier hanging over a long table that appeared to be made from sections of logs. Dr. Ahmad was sitting at the end of the table and rose when they entered. He moved to the side and held a chair for Angie and motioned for Harry to sit across from her.

  Smiling at Angie Dr. Ahmad said, "I hope the clothing was satisfactory. I must say the colors suit you well."

  Angie wasn't sure how to respond, so Harry answered, "Our compliments to your tailor. A difficult task creating clothes without an opportunity to measure and fit first."

  Dr. Ahmad replied, "My tailor has been with me now for several years and is quite satisfactory. The dresses were from my wife's collection. We did have to guess at your size which to say the least is unusual. I'm glad you find the clothes satisfactory."

  While Dr. Ahmad was speaking a waiter discreetly placed a small wine glass in front of each of them and poured red wine from a decanter. Dr. Ahmad raised his glass and said, "A salute to you, Dr. Harry Williams, and your surgical skills. God has given you great gifts to heal."

  Harry responded by lifting his glass towards Dr. Ahmad and taking a sip of the wine with Angie following his lead. It was an exceptionally good Cabernet and Harry savored the fullness of the flavors. Dr. Ahmad asked, "You approve of my wine selection?"

  "An excellent choice. What is the vintage?"

  Dr. Ahmad sipped on his wine before replying, "A Northern California selection from 1997; an exceptional year for California reds."

  Harry took another sip before asking, "I thought the Teacher prohibited the use of alcohol?"

  Dr. Ahmad responded, "As a general statement this is true. I suffer from high cholesterol and was advised to drink one or two glasses every day. I do choose to make my medicine as flavorful as possible. It is my God's will."

  The conversation remained superficial as the many courses were served. It may have been the food or the presence of the rectal probe but Harry began to develop colonic spasms. Angie noticed his pale color and asked if he was OK. Dr. Ahmad could not but help notice the concern in her voice. Harry said, "I need to be excused for a minute."

  Dr. Ahmad nodded to one of the attendants and the two guards who had escorted them to the room appeared; both well armed. Harry slid his chair back and moved toward the open door. He was escorted to a bathroom down the hall. They really did not need the guards because Harry's present call of nature took precedence over everything else. He had broken out in a sweat by the time he closed the bathroom door. He made no attempt to try and recover the probe figuring it had done its job. It was several minutes before Harry was again stable enough to return to the dinner.

  Harry returned to the dining room to find a not so young man equipped with electronic detection gear surveying the dining room. Dr. Ahmad asked, "Dr. Williams, are you feeling better?"

  Harry replied, "I apologize for the disruption but some things just can't wait."

  Dr. Ahmad watched Harry as the electronic detection gear was used to scan him. Harry tolerated the scan but asked, "What's going on?"

  Dr. Ahmad said, "My people have detected some electronic nois
e which they felt was coming from this room. I apologize for the inconvenience."

  They finished their scan and Harry sat down. His appetite had only partially returned, so he did his best to enjoy the food. Dr. Ahmad asked, "Dr. Williams, I would hear some of your military experience."

  Harry shrugged his shoulders and said, "I was trained to do a job which I did. Not everything went perfect but I did my best."

  Dr. Ahmad asked, "And this job you did is what convinced you to go into medicine?"

  "I was exposed to a side of life which was not very pleasant. Medicine seemed a way to help wash the ugliness off."

  "Has medicine given you the peace you sought?"

  "Mostly it has. At times the demands are high and it has interfered with those other things in life I cherish."

  Both Dr. Ahmad and Harry instinctively looked at Angie who could not help but blush with the sudden attention. She kept quiet. Dr. Ahmad then asked, "Did you feel this conversion to medicine was a gift of your God?"

  Harry did not respond at first and had a faraway look on his face. He finally said, "When things were not going well, I questioned the meaning of life and the existence of a God. It was a short time but quite intense. I never came to peace with the issue. I guess I tend towards the beliefs of the Gnostics; an unknowable God and people who are capable of being evil on their own without the need for a devil."

  Dr. Ahmad had a surprised tone to his voice when he asked, "You believe in the Gnostic’s myths of a creation?"

  Harry laughed and replied, "No, I'm quite happy with evolutionary theory. I suppose a universe as large and old as ours may allow for some interference by outside forces - although I wouldn't know what they were."

  Their conversation was interrupted by waiters serving the main course: an exquisitely prepared leg of lamb. Not Angie's favorite normally. But when asked, she had to admit, "It is quite delightful."

  Harry complemented the chef, "This is the finest lamb I have ever eaten." He continued, "My previous experience as a prisoner did not include such fare."

  Harry's comment made Dr. Ahmad wince ever so slightly before he replied, "Dr. Williams, I would much prefer to think of us as colleagues who have not yet realized our mutual interest and goals. Our interest in science and the betterment of mankind link us together even though our immediate objectives may differ."

  Harry seemed much too interested in devouring what remained of the lamb to reply. Angie asked, "I thought you were going to make a statement about the evils of gambling?"

  Dr. Ahmad smiled gently at Angie before saying, "It is true that my God has given me the task of reforming our great country. A heavy burden and one that has forced me to delay my other work. This other work has great potential to relieve mankind of much suffering. It is this work which your Harry is so well suited to continue."

  Harry seemed to ignore the conversation and concentrated on cleaning the bone of any remaining morsels of meat. Angie asked, "It seems whatever you are planning has a great risk which caused you to separate yourself from your own children. Would it not be better to keep your family intact and concentrate on your other work? I would think your children need you more than ever since the death of your wife."

  "Sage advice and I only wish it could be so. God's will, not my will."

  Harry finally put the bone down and said, "That was awfully good. I am supposing that you think your brain worms could be further modified to produce other neurotransmitters. If the proper neurotransmitter could be secreted in a controlled fashion, control of Parkinson's and other neurologic diseases would be possible."

  Dr. Ahmad’s face beamed with excitement as he added, "Strategically placed units would secrete the appropriate neurotransmitter for a couple of years and then just harmlessly disappear. Just think of the potential. Even depression and other psychiatric diseases might respond. Rather than forcing people to take medicine with harmful side effects, we could produce the right chemical in the right place and have good control of the secretion. It will be the greatest advance in medicine in a longtime."

  Harry looked thoughtful as he replied, "Controlling the secretion from the cyst would seem to be the key."

  Dr. Ahmad’s eyes lit up as he explained, "Nanoparticles incorporated into the cyst wall can regulate the secretion. These particles can, in turn, be controlled by either a radiofrequency or chemical agents. These miniature biological factories can be made to vary their secretion rate from essentially nothing to a biological maximum with a fairly fine degree of accuracy."

  "What keeps the host from reacting with the cyst?"

  "It is either the design of God or your evolutionary development which causes the host to ignore this cyst until it dies. When it is no longer active it does produce some inflammation and is reabsorbed by the body. A most wonderful system."

  Harry asked, "Could these nanoparticles in the cyst wall be made to respond to glucose levels?"

  Dr. Ahmad looked thoughtful before replying, "I have not worked with glucose specifically and it is a much smaller molecule than those I have worked with. It may be easier to genetically alter the worms to make them more responsive to glucose. Making them secrete insulin would be fairly easy. They incorporate human genes fairly well. You're thinking of a treatment for diabetes?"

  "A computer-controlled method of secreting insulin has been the Holy Grail in medicine for the past 20 years with success always a few years away. Maybe we should be looking at a biological method. Since these parasites evolved to be part of us maybe using them medically would make sense."

  Angie had been listening to the medical discussion trying to understand what they were talking about. She finally interrupted and asked, "Are you talking about injecting worms into people to control their diabetes?"

  Dr. Ahmad was taken back slightly by the angst in her voice. He responded, "They're not really like the parasitic worms you are imagining, but more like genetically engineered miniature factories."

  Angie shuddered and said, "I'm not sure I could let someone inject worms into me even if it was for my own good."

  Harry laughed heartily and said, "I hadn't thought of it from the patient's viewpoint. It does sound sort of gross. Research teams are already using intestinal worms to modify our immune systems, especially for colitis. I would expect someone with Parkinson's disease who could control their disease by having one of these brain worms injected into their brains might disagree with you."

  Angie shook her head saying, "The thought of one of these worms crawling around in my brain and eating me from the inside is too much."

  Dr. Ahmad objected, "These are the larva form and produce Cysticercus which are immobile cysts. They don't eat anything but just absorb nutrients through the cyst wall."

  A beautiful dessert of berries and yogurt was served which allowed Angie to change the subject. She asked, "When will you get to see your daughters again?"

  Dr. Ahmad's face first seemed sad. Then a bright spark appeared as he replied, "If God wills, I will see their beautiful faces in two more days."

  "They must miss you terribly. To lose their mother must have been hard and now to be separated from their father isn't good. The sooner you rejoin them the better."

  "It is a hard path God has given me to follow. But once I received the gift of knowing him, doing his will I must. My separation from my daughters has been hard and the thought of separating from my country is also hard."

  Harry had been listening to the conversation trying to make sense of what was going on. He asked, "This separation from your country would seem to mean that whatever your current work is, it will not be as well received as the potential work of treating Parkinson's disease or diabetes. Is this why you would like me to be your colleague?"

  Dr. Ahmad responded," Dr. Williams, your insight is correct. My present work will probably prevent my return to this great country. I would like to see the potential of my work carried out and you would be an ideal person to
do so."

  There was a heavy silence before Harry responded, "Your work has great potential especially for treating neurological diseases. Before I could commit to carry on your work I need to know more about it."

  It was now Dr. Ahmad's turn to reflect quietly before responding, "Dr. Williams, you have stated that you choose not to believe in the devil as an entity. I know differently. It was not until God opened my eyes that I became aware of this existence and the danger it represents. This evil is intent on destroying all that is good in this country of ours. It is my most sacred obligation to make a statement that will open the eyes of my countrymen to this great evil."

  Harry was silent, not knowing what to make of this intense proclamation. Angie, sensing his confusion, suggested, "Because Harry doesn't understand your concept of the devil, maybe you should elaborate on his works."

  "The devil has chosen to destroy our families and our society by promoting gambling. We have been deceived into believing gambling is a harmless pastime. Not only do we allow our people to gamble away the money needed by their families but we also have chosen to use the ill-gotten gains of this sin to fund the education of our children. The use of lottery funds for school funding is the epitome of our degradation and induced by the devil."

  Harry asked, "You see the devil as an active entity of evil which is influencing us here on earth?"

  "He is the Lord of this world trying to deter us from service to God. The Christian concept of the devil is not so dissimilar."

  "I had read that Dante's Divine Comedy, which is the basis of most Christians understanding of the devil, is taken directly from our religious writings. I am not sure there is much biblical support for the concept of the devil as an evil entity. Seems to me most of the references are subject to significant interpretation. The name Lucifer, for instance, was a Latin word for Venus and probably referred to the Babylonian king. Certainly the Old Testament concept of Satan as the tempter is dramatically different."

  Dr. Ahmad smiled before saying, "Dr. Williams, your knowledge and insight of theology is a pleasant surprise. I would not have assumed such an interest in someone of your background. You are of course correct in your understanding and most of the theology of the devil is oral tradition. But this oral tradition is based on an ancient text which is important both to your early Church fathers and the Teacher. Have you read the Book of Enoch?"

  "I know only a little about it. It was an ancient text that was rediscovered in the late 18th century. Haven't read it."

  Dr. Ahmad nodded before continuing, "Several sources are now available for this sacred document. Much Christian, as well as my religious thought, is actually based on this work. The true author is unknown, but it appears to predate Jesus by a few hundred years. It is often quoted by early Christian fathers but was never accepted into the Orthodox cannon of Christianity or Judaism.”

  Harry asked, "Sort of the holy grail of the devil, so to speak?"

  "It is the most complete description of the devil and the rewards of heaven from the ancient writings. Other apocalyptic writings do exist such as your own book of Revelations. We have our own versions in our holy book. These writings seem to represent a theological argument to explain how evil can exist in a world with an all-powerful God."

  "Seems like a big stretch of the teachings from the Hebrew Bible and even from the Gospels to create this cosmic battle. I think my friend may have had it right. His opinion was that shit happens."

  Dr. Ahmad asked, "Could you explain further please?"

  "I was working in a ghetto hospital and we had a young child dying of leukemia. He was a neat kid and tolerated all of our treatments with a pretty good sense of humor. My friend had a child of the same age. As we watched this young boy die a terrible death, my friend asked why this child suffered while his child was spared. This philosophical discussion carried over to a stop at the tavern on our way home. As we pulled into the parking lot, we both noticed a bumper sticker on the back of a rusted out junker of a car that read simply, "Shit Happens." We both laughed at the simplistic message. But after a couple of beers and a lot of talking we decided maybe the message was right."

  Dr. Ahmad was thoughtful for a bit before responding, "Your bumper sticker theology would have made more sense to me before I discovered or was gifted with the discovery of the greatness of God. It is my hope that you too will someday be given the gift of faith and with it the understanding of the one true God."

  Angie again changed the subject by asking, "If Harry agrees to continue your research will you let us go?"

  Angie's simple question produced a heavy silence in the room. Dr. Ahmad's face displayed something akin to both anger and shame. He responded, "Mrs. Williams, I have never meant you or your husband any harm. I am truly sorry for having inconvenienced you both, but it has been God's will that our lives interact. Very shortly God's mission will be accomplished and you will be allowed to resume your lives."

  Angie pushed harder asking, "It sounds like your mission is going to harm people. Why do you insist on hurting people when your research could be used to help people?"

  Dr. Ahmad seemed more comfortable with this question and responded, "Both are for the good of mankind. Just as your husband must cause pain to heal someone with his surgery, my statement will cause some pain. But it will also allow this country of ours a chance to heal the cancer that is destroying it. Without our fighting the evil works of the devil, his strength will just increase and the suffering will be far greater."

  Harry asked, "You have created your warriors by inoculating them with these brain worms, which are capable of producing a rage, to fight the works of the devil?"

  Dr. Ahmad did not answer directly but just nodded. Harry continued, "How do you control the onset of the rage and the targeting of your now enraged warriors?"

  "Targeting as you call it is a matter of proper training. Activation is dependent upon a messenger chemical stimulating the nanoparticles in the wall of the cysticercus. I have found pheromones to be most efficacious as messenger chemicals. Once the nanoparticles are activated secretion is quite rapid. A normal person is thereby transformed into the most deadly of warriors."

  Harry said, “Pheromones would make sense. The vomer-nasal organ in the nose would transmit them directly to the frontal lobes where rage seems to originate. Very clever.”

  Angie was somewhat confused by the explanation and asked, "You are turning normal people into some sort of ninja warriors with these brain worms?"

  Dr. Ahmad tried to explain, "Your Harry may be able to explain it better; however, I will try. You are familiar with the stories of some women using apparent superhuman strength to lift a car off a child or husband in order to save their lives. We all have this ability. But only in the most exceptional conditions can it be harnessed. I have created a system that enables the control of this ability."

  Harry was quiet for a while before saying, "The capabilities you speak of have been apparently demonstrated by your agent in Arizona. It would appear that you have not yet gained perfect control."

  Dr. Ahmad looked both surprised and embarrassed by Harry's comment. He responded, "You have knowledge of that unfortunate event. Our complication rate is within our expected outcomes. Ideally it would be reduced to near zero. Life is not yet perfect and we do our best." He changed the subject by asking, "Dr. Williams, are you willing to continue my work on the medical benefits of this discovery?"

  Harry fidgeted for what seemed a long time before replying, "I think your work has great potential for helping mankind by treating some of the most difficult diseases. I would be willing to participate and carry forward this research, but only if you give up this current mission. You have created a weapon which will kill many innocent people and I cannot be a part of it."

  Dr. Ahmad stiffened only slightly on hearing Harry's words. He turned to Angie and said, "God's will, not mine. Your Harry has decided. I cannot give up what I mu
st do. Now you must decide. I give you the choice of coming with me and serving God or staying with your Harry. You are a princess who needs to be appreciated."

  Hearing these words Harry rose to his feet. Simultaneously four guards appeared. Three of them had their weapons pointed at Harry, the fourth at Angie. Harry stared at the weapons and then slowly sat back down. Dr. Ahmad continued, "As you have implied, my daughters need a mother and I would choose you."

  Angie stammered, "You want me to come with you?"

  "You would be treated as a princess and never want for anything. You would have the respect of the people and could continue your music."

  "But I want to stay with Harry."

  Dr. Ahmad's appearance hardened noticeably and his voice was cold as he said, "You also have chosen. One cannot be forced to do the will of God, but I have tried to give you both the opportunity. I have met my obligation."

  Dr. Ahmad nodded his head and the main door was opened. He arose but before departing said, "You will be released in 48 hours. Dr. Williams, you will be inoculated with a preparation which will ensure you do not continue to try and attempt disruption of my work. The larva will be injected intravenously. They have been engineered to produce a dopamine antagonist and the nanoparticles to respond to a very select radiofrequency. If something happens to me my followers have the radio transmitter to activate the nanoparticles."

  Angie spoke up, "I thought you said you meant us no harm?"

  Dr. Ahmad shrugged his shoulders and said, "Other than some mild muscle pain there is no harm as long as your Harry does not continue his war against me."

  "But you're going to inject him with brain worms!"

  Dr. Ahmad raised his voice slightly, "They are not brain worms. They are genetically modified larva which will produce harmless cysticercus. Harm will be done only if harm is done to me."

  Angie protested, "But what if something happens to you and it's not Harry's fault?"

  Dr. Ahmad was walking through the door and turned to respond, "The world is not perfect. Maybe you should pray to your God that I stay healthy."